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Friday Night Frights

Page 7

by Zack Zombie

  “What?!!! You promised you would leave them alone, cough. . .cough,” Steve said.

  “Eh. . .what can I say. . .I’m not a man anymore, so I don’t have to keep my word. I AM A GOD! HAHAHAHAHAHA!”

  As Herobrine was busy admiring himself, I grabbed one of the last few potion bottles from my pocket.

  “Now, I will finally get my revenge!” Herobrine said as he was about to deliver the final blast that would totally annihilate Steve.



  Herobrine unleashed a huge fiery blast at Steve, and we all of us just stood there with our mouths open, powerless to do anything to help him.

  Suddenly, as the smoke cleared. . .


  Steve was still alive, untouched by the fire blast.

  The fire resistance potion worked! Though, honestly, I wasn’t sure which potion I threw at him.

  Then Rachel threw the potion of healing at Steve and he stood up.


  “Goes to show you, Stinky, I have a superpower you will never have. . .”

  “And what’s that?” Herobrine asked sneeringly.

  “My friends!”


  Then Steve pulled his arm back farther than I had ever seen him pull it ever. And then he thrust it forward with all his might.



  Herobrine just stood there, staring at Steve. . .not really sure what just happened.

  Then when the smoke cleared, all we could see was a pair of bony legs running all around the place.

  The rest of Herobrine’s Skeleton just shot off in different directions.

  Next thing we heard was. . .


  STEVE!!!! You did it!!!!!

  We all ran over to Steve and gave him a big high five.

  Then our body parts started flying in the air.

  “Oh, sorry about that. . .I’d better use the other hand,” Steve said.

  We all looked over at what was left of Herobrine.

  All that was left was a Herobrine skin suit lying on the ground.

  Steve and I just looked at each other and smiled because we both had the same idea.

  “Who needs a new Minecraft skin?” me and Steve asked everybody.

  Then we all just burst out laughing.


  Well, yesterday all of Minecraft was almost destroyed. . .again.

  Not to mention I almost lost the best friend I’ve ever had.

  But I knew Steve could do it.

  He just needed a little help from his pals.

  Herobrine got what he deserved, though.

  Now he can’t bully anybody else ever again.

  That’s because Steve took all his bones and donated them to the local village farm for bone meal.

  They used his bones to grow some really hot jalapeños. You know, for the spicy booger snacks.

  As for Herobrine, Old Man Jenkins patched him up so now he just floats around moaning and groaning about how unfair life is.

  But, he sure makes a great piñata at parties.

  Especially at night.

  The good news is that Rachel calmed down a little bit, too.

  I think it had something to do with breaking the curse that was on her dad.

  Yeah, after we turned the Witch into Witch juice, the curse was broken and her dad went back to only having one head now.

  But I have to admit, it must be pretty sweet having two less parents around.

  And Rachel even tried to, sorta, almost, maybe, apologize for traumatizing me these past few weeks. . .

  “Hey, Zack,” Rachel said.

  “What is it now, Rachel?”

  “I just wanted to say. . .um. . .stay outta trouble or the Ender-zombie is going to get you, OK?” she said.

  “Thanks. . .I think.”

  “Oh, and here,” she said, handing me a dusty book. “Don’t leave this thing lying around or somebody might read all your embarrassing secrets. You never know what people might do with that kind of information.”

  “Uh. . .thanks?”

  Then she walked away with a look on her face that either meant she was proud of me or that she planned to murder me in my sleep.

  Oh, and about Carrie.

  We kinda decided to just be friends.

  I mean, don’t get me wrong. Carrie is a cool girl.

  Not to mention that having a high school girlfriend would probably make me a god in middle school.

  You can’t even buy that kind of street cred.

  But, I kinda realized, I think have enough drama in my life right now without Carrie.

  I mean, I like her passion. She’s the kind of girl Dirk Craftly would totally go out with.

  But, man! High school girls are intense!

  Oh, and if you didn’t know, I’m now the biggest Noob in the entire Minecraft overworld.

  But you know, I really don’t mind being a Noob anymore.

  Because I finally realize that my real friends don’t care if I’m a Noob, or a Zombie, or a basket case, or a jock, or a geek.

  They just care that I’m me.

  And I can live with that.

  And since my Noob and Proud video went viral, Ellie asked me to do another one.

  Except this time, not only did I sing the Noob and Proud song, but I showed off some of my sweet moves too.

  Moves like this. . .

  Mmph! Mmph! Mmph! Mmph!



  Find out what happens next!

  Zombie is going through some major changes. So he’s up to his eye sockets in drama. But he isn’t the only one that’s changing. There’s a volcano that is threatening to blow Zombie’s village off the map.

  Will he be able to stop his metamorphosis in time to save his village?




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