Alpha Temptation: Sanmere Shifters Romance Collection

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Alpha Temptation: Sanmere Shifters Romance Collection Page 89

by Lola Gabriel

  They had talked nonstop throughout their dinner. Callin had told her all about his career, including plenty of funny stories of his mishaps along the way. In turn, she had told him about her time as Valerie’s assistant, and as it turned out, she had plenty of funny stories of her own. They had spent the whole meal laughing and joking and sharing parts of themselves, and Brianne had found herself feeling closer and closer to Callin by the moment.

  The air in the room had been completely charged the whole time, and Brianne knew that when they had sex later on, it was going to be mind-blowing. Her clit was already tingling and teasing her. Brianne’s body was primed for this. She wanted Callin so badly, but she knew that they still had some things to talk about before they got that far.

  When they had first arrived at Callin’s apartment, he had asked her how she felt about him being a dragon, and she had answered honestly, telling him she hadn’t thought too much about it. He had accepted that and told her that they should talk about what it meant for them after dinner. She had agreed, happy to put it off and talk about normal things that normal people talked about on dates, but she knew that now they had to face the truth of his immortality and what that meant for their relationship.

  She thought about it as Callin sat down on the couch beside her. The thought of him being a dragon didn’t scare her, and that, she thought, was the main thing. At first, she had been put off the idea of dating him because he was a dragon, but that had been because she had prejudged him based on Valerie’s behavior. He was so different from Valerie.

  “So,” Callin said. “The dragon thing.”

  “The dragon thing,” Brianne repeated with a smile.

  “How much do you know about it?” he asked.

  “Enough, I think. I know that you can turn into a dragon at will. I know your senses are enhanced and that your instincts are always spot on. And I now know that not all dragons are assholes,” she finished with a smile.

  Callin gave her a questioning look.

  “I thought Valerie was the norm for dragons, that her being the way she is was somehow linked to her being a dragon,” Brianne explained.

  “Oh, right. Well, I guess that makes sense when she was the only dragon you knew. For the most part, shifters are like humans. Most of them are good, decent people, but there’s a few that give them a bad name.”

  “Shifters? Does that mean there are more than just dragons out there?” Brianne asked.

  “Sure,” Callin said. “Bears, wolves, witches—they’re all real.”

  “Wow,” Brianne breathed.

  “You’ve likely encountered a few shifters over the course of your life, but because most of them are just normal people on the surface, you never would have known it,” Callin said with a smile. His smile faded as he made his next point. “Brianne, I don’t want to scare you away from being with me, because I want you more than I think you know. But I also don’t want to lie to you.”

  Brianne felt herself starting to get a little bit nervous as Callin spoke, but she resisted the urge to interrupt and let him go on. The last thing she wanted was for him to start lying to her, and if they were going to be together, then she wanted to go into the relationship with her eyes wide open.

  “Like I said, most shifters are normal, nice people. A few are like Valerie—mostly harmless, but selfish, and they see themselves as above humans. Unfortunately, there is another kind of shifter. The kind who sees humans as a commodity. And while I promise you right now I will never let anyone hurt you and I will always be there to protect you, I must warn you that as a human dating a dragon, you might draw some attention of the unwanted kind from some of these undesirable types.”

  “What kind of attention?” Brianne asked with a frown.

  Callin explained to Brianne about his parents dying when he was young, and how he was meant to take over the pack.

  “So, even though I didn’t end up taking control of the pack, I’m pretty well known, and shifters know I’m powerful and influential in the supernatural world. Some of these undesirable types won’t be above using you to get to me,” Callin said.

  Even though Callin’s words carried quite a chilling message, Brianne felt herself relaxing a bit.

  “I appreciate your honesty,” she said. “But I don’t think I have a lot to worry about right now. I’m on set for the majority of my time and I’m at home in bed for the rest of it. It’s not like I’m going out all of the time where I could be grabbed or something,” she said.

  Callin nodded his head thoughtfully.

  “Yes, true. And while you’re on set, you’re safe because I’m never far away. And maybe once filming wraps up, we can revisit this conversation,” he said.

  Brianne nodded, but she felt like Callin was holding something back from her and she wanted the full story.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” she asked.

  He shook his head and she put her hand on his arm.

  “If you’re worried about scaring me away, don’t be. I’m in this, Callin. I know it’s crazy and we’ve only known each other for a few weeks, but I have never felt this way about anyone before,” she said.

  “Okay,” he said quietly. “It’s… well, dragons, and shifters in general, we’re immortal. There are ways we can be killed, but we stop aging and for all intents and purposes, we’re immortal. For example, I could get shot right now and I would be healed in moments unless the bullet was made from Ure, but Ure is so rare that it’s hardly even an issue. I really am twenty-seven, but when I hit twenty-nine, I will stop aging and I’ll be twenty-nine forever. Or at least I’ll look it.”

  “You make that sound like a bad thing,” Brianne said.

  “Immortality is an awful thing unless you have someone to share it with,” Callin said.

  “Oh,” Brianne replied as she saw what he was getting at. “And one day I’ll be too old to be attractive to you anymore and we’ll have to end things between us. Is that what you’re saying?”

  “No. God, how shallow do you think I am, Bri? What I’m saying is that as we are now, one day, you will die and I can’t handle the thought of that,” Callin said.

  “Hopefully it’ll be a long time in the future. Let’s just not think about my inevitable death for now, huh?” Brianne said.

  “But what if it’s not inevitable? There is a tiny percentage of humans who can transition into shifters safely. It’s a long shot, but maybe you’re one of them. I’m not asking you to make the decision right now, obviously, but I’m just putting it out there and asking you if you would ever consider immortality if it was possible for you,” Callin said.

  This was new to Brianne. She had no idea humans could become shifters. She sat quietly for a moment while she tried to digest what Callin had told her.

  Immortality. Eternal love. The chance to be with Callin forever. And, of course, the ability to shift into a dragon.

  She had to admit that sounded good, but it was so early into their relationship. If Callin had proposed, she likely would have said it was too soon, and that was only the question of a mortal life together. The thought of eternity together was almost too huge for her to process.

  “I do like you, Callin. A lot. But we hardly know each other. I’m not sure I can make a decision that would mean I was immortal so soon,” Brianne said.

  “I know,” he replied. “And like I said, there’s no pressure to decide right now. I just want to know if you’re open to the idea, so I know whether or not I need to prepare myself for the day I lose you.”

  “You’re really that sure we’re going to go the distance?” Brianne asked.

  Callin nodded.

  “Of course. It’s another shifter thing. When we see the woman who is meant to be our mate, we know it with a certainty stronger than anything. There’s no question of us not working out, Brianne. The only question is whether or not you want to do this.”

  “I do want to do this. Me and you, I mean. And I might not be a shifter and have your certainty built i
n, but my own instincts are telling me you’re the one. I just need some time to decide if I can become immortal or not.”

  “I understand,” Callin said. “I’m just happy you didn’t run screaming for the hills from the dragon side of me after your dealings with Valerie.”

  Brianne laughed softly.

  “Me too,” she said. “There is one thing I’m a little worried about, though. You said only a tiny percentage of humans can safely become shifters. If I do decide to do it, then what will happen to me if I’m not one of those people? Will it kill me?”

  “It would if we tried it without being sure, but don’t worry. There’s a test you can take to make certain you can turn. I know this sounds crazy, with the odds of you being able to become immortal being so small, but I really think you’ll pass the test. My dragon recognizes you as mine, and I don’t think that would be possible if you didn’t have the potential to become a dragon inside of you,” Callin said.

  “And if you’re wrong and I fail the test, then what happens?” Brianne asked.

  “Nothing,” Callin said. “I made that sound pretty ominous, didn’t I? But the test is a simple blood test. Humans who can safely become shifters carry a protein called Sanmere in their blood. If that protein is present, you can safely transition. And if it isn’t, then you can’t.”

  Brianne was surprised at herself, because all of this information should be freaking her out, and yet it wasn’t. The thought of becoming a dragon should terrify her but it didn’t. Perhaps the strangest thing about her reaction was that she realized the only thing that scared her about any of it was the idea of her not being able to become a dragon, because despite Callin’s reassurances, she couldn’t see any way they could make this work long term if she didn’t become immortal. She would become a burden on Callin and she hated the thought of that.

  “You’ve gone quiet. Are you okay?” Callin asked Brianne.

  She nodded her head slowly, thinking for a moment.

  “Yes,” she said after a brief pause. “I’m just thinking maybe I should have the test. It seems silly agonizing over a decision that I might not even be able to make.”

  “So, you’re willing to consider the possibility of turning somewhere down the line?” Callin asked.

  Brianne nodded, a quick nod this time. What was there really to think about? Yes, it was fast, but it wasn’t like she had to turn tomorrow. She wanted Callin badly enough that she was definitely open to at least considering turning into a dragon. Assuming, of course, that she could. Her earlier reluctance hadn’t been anything more than nerves.

  “I can arrange a blood test for the weekend if you’re sure,” Callin said.

  “Yes. Please do. I need to know one way or the other,” she said.

  “Consider it done,” Callin said. “But I need you to know something, Bri. Whatever the test shows, I’m not willing to give up on you. So, if you don’t have the protein, don’t think you can be all noble and walk away from me for my own good. Because it’s not going to happen. You’re mine now and you always will be.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to answer him. As he spoke, he reached out and took her wine glass away from her, standing it on the coffee table beside his, and then his mouth was on hers and she stopped thinking and just let herself feel. And it felt amazing to hear Callin say she was his.

  She melted into him as he came closer to her, pressing her tightly between the arm of the couch and his body. She could feel the muscles of his chest against her and she moved her hands up and down his arms, feeling the muscles there too. Her body tingled as she turned herself so she was facing Callin. She reached down and grabbed the hem of her short black dress—a dress she had insisted on changing into before coming over here, much to Callin’s amusement—hitching it up over her hips and then getting to her knees and straddling Callin.

  He ran his hands up her bare thighs, resting them on her hips as she kissed him desperately, her hands cupping his face. She moved her hands to his shirt, tugging the buttons open and running her hands over his chest. He shrugged himself out of the shirt and Brianne swept her hands over his chest, his stomach, his shoulders, and his arms, wanting to touch every part of him.

  She moved her hands lower again, unfastening Callin’s jeans and slipping his cock out through the slit in his boxers. She rubbed her hand over it and moved her mouth from his. She kissed down his face and neck and then she pushed herself off him, sliding to the ground on her knees before him. She reached up and put her fingers in the waistband of his jeans. He lifted his ass from the couch, letting her pull his jeans and boxers down his legs. She tugged them to his ankles as he kicked his shoes off. She pulled them the rest of the way over his feet and fumbled his socks off, and then she sat back on her knees and ran her eyes over his body.

  Her pussy was dripping wet, her clit wild and pulsing as she took in his perfect six-pack, his tight pecs, and of course, his huge, hard cock. Brianne smiled up at Callin and then she shuffled forward, getting herself between his knees. It felt good to have him totally naked and at her mercy while she was still clothed. Her smile widened as she took another second to appreciate the view, and then she lowered her head and took his cock in her mouth.

  Brianne sucked on Callin’s cock, moving her head up and down, enjoying the salty taste of him. She ran her tongue around the tip of his cock, the most sensitive part, teasing him and priming him for more, and then she took him all the way into her mouth, loving the tortured gasps he was making as she worked him. She looked up as she bobbed her head up and down, and she saw Callin’s hands in fists at his sides, his eyes closed and his head back as he moaned. She kept working him, moving her head faster until she knew he was on the verge of climaxing, and then she took her mouth away and pushed herself to her feet.

  Callin’s eyes flew open as she left him hanging, but his shock soon turned back to pleasure as Brianne pulled her dress over her head and threw it to the ground. Callin watched her as she unhooked her bra and dropped it down on her dress, and his eyes followed her hands as she rubbed them over her breasts and down her stomach before she finally pushed her panties down and stepped out of them.

  She moved closer to Callin and she straddled his lap again, but this time, when she reached out for his cock, she lifted her hips slightly and lined his cock up with her center. She lowered herself onto his cock and put her hands on Callin’s shoulders and began to move up and down, slowly, taking him fully in on each movement. He leaned forward and kissed her again, a kiss that made her lips tingle. She moaned into his mouth as his cock ran over her g-spot. She kept moving, teasing herself every bit as much as she was teasing Callin.

  He ran his hands over her body, sending goosebumps dancing over the surface of her skin. He concentrated on her breasts, teasing her nipples and sending shocks of pleasure through her body. The shocks collided with the pleasure coming up from her core, and her stomach became a roiling mess of ecstasy.

  Callin took his hands from Brianne’s breasts, moving them over her back and down her body. He ran his fingertips over her ass and thighs and then his hands came to rest on her hips, using his hands there to move her faster. She let him set the pace, moving faster now, enjoying the friction the movement created.

  She threw her head back as her orgasm drew closer, and when it hit her, she called out Callin’s name as her whole body came alive, her nerves pulsing in time with her racing heartbeat.

  Callin moaned as her pussy tightened around his length, her orgasm sending spasms through the muscles there. He was bouncing her up and down faster and faster and she knew he was close too. His mouth was hanging open, his eyes heavy with lust. He rested his head back against the couch and let out a low moan as he began to climax. Brianne clenched her center as he came, squeezing his cock and pulling out every last drop of his seed. She felt her rigid body begin to relax as Callin moaned her name again, his voice raw and husky.

  She let herself fall forward and she leaned against Callin’s chest as his cock slip
ped out of her. He wrapped his arms around her as they panted for breath. Callin stroked her back while she got her breath back. He ran his tongue up her neck and she felt her body responding to him. Almost immediately, she could feel her center tightening once more.

  He kissed below her ear and then sucked her earlobe into his mouth. When he released it, he kissed across her shoulder. She smiled to herself and started to push herself up off Callin. He held her tightly, not letting her move off him.

  “You didn’t think this was over, did you?” he whispered in her ear.

  Callin’s warm breath on her skin sent shivers of desire through Brianne as it tickled her neck and her ear. She pulled her head back slightly so she could look at Callin’s face. He smiled at her, and then, without warning, he tightened his hold on her and flipped her over. In one single movement, she was on her back, looking up at Callin, who knelt between her spread legs.

  He leaned forward and planted a kiss on her stomach, just above her belly button. He moved his mouth up her body and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. She felt her skin puckering as electricity flooded through her body again. She gasped as Callin’s fingers pushed between her lips and began to work her still-swollen clit. He moved it from side to side, sending fire racing up into her stomach.

  Callin released Brianne’s nipple from his mouth and moved across to her other breast, eagerly giving her second nipple the same treatment. Brianne could feel herself coming undone as pleasure coursed through her body. The sensation of his mouth on her nipple and his fingers on her clit merged into one delicious ball of ecstasy that flowed through her, waking up nerve endings she didn’t even know she had.

  Her whole body pulsed with pleasure, and when her orgasm hit her, it hit her hard. She felt her muscles seizing and her head was pushed back into the softness of the couch beneath her. She tried to breathe, but she found that she couldn’t suck in a breath. Pleasure exploded through her center and up into her stomach, sending another rush of ecstasy through her. She could see pulses of red and white light flashing before her eyes as her body experienced the most extreme orgasm she had ever had.


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