The Shadow Patriots Box Set 1

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The Shadow Patriots Box Set 1 Page 50

by Warren Ray

  Elliott slowed the vehicle down, drove it onto an overgrown lawn, and backed in behind the house. Burns and Nate followed suit across the street.

  “This isn’t ideal,” said Winters.

  “That tail will just blow right by us,” said Elliott.

  Winters picked the radio up. “Scar, I need you to stop when you go by us. We need to slow them down.”

  “You got it. Just let me know where you’re at.”

  Winters, Elliott and Mr. Peterson got out and leaned up against the house. Winters looked across the street. Burns and Nate were both ready with their men. Winters held the radio in his hand and waited for his men to arrive.

  Moments later they came.

  “Scar, everyone is passing us now, so get ready.”

  The last vehicle came by him. Meeks stared right at Winters and give him a nod as they passed by. Another seventy-five yards, Scar slowed down and came to a dead stop.

  Winters crouched low behind some shrubbery as two black cars slowed down, and then stopped right in front of them. Winters looked across the street, Burns and Nate had their men rushing the cars. He reacted the same, got up with his M4 raised to his shoulders and began firing.

  Bullets ripped through both of the vehicles, cracking windows, and flattening the tires. Nate was the first to charge and he led with his shotgun. Burns and his men, keeping up the onslaught, followed him.

  Winters approached the car. He opened the door and a bloodied Jiji fell out of the car. Nate’s men kept firing into the second car. He then turned to Winters and nodded his head in satisfaction.

  “I think we’re done here, guys,” said Winters.

  They all hopped back in their vehicles and joined the rest of the men, who had pulled over up ahead. Winters looked forward to seeing the men and telling them everything he had learned from Mordulfah. He knew the reunion would be short lived though because they still had to get out of the city and he didn’t think it would be a Sunday walk in the park.

  Chapter 72

  Washington D.C.

  Green was late getting to his office after spending more time with his mother, discussing the people he needed to contact. He felt renewed after organizing what they should do. It never ceased to amaze him, just how strong and capable she was. He’d always known that about her, but never realized how deep it ran, since neither of them had ever been in the position they found themselves in now.

  As Green entered the parking lot to the Lafayette building he thought about his personal commitment to his friend, Sam, and the decision he had made on what needed to be done. It was a decision reinforced by the conversation he had with his mother and their plans to take down Perozzi and Reed. He thought about how careful he would have to be though, knowing there were few he would be able to trust, especially with Pruitt running around town gathering dirt to keep people in line. Green figured there were more people who had already been turned, than not, on the list he’d found. He wondered how much information Reed already possessed.

  The first thing he needed to do today was to check into the office and find out if Reed had been asking for him. He didn’t have much day-to-day contact with his boss and knew something was up if he had been looking for him. More importantly, he wanted to check for any messages from Bassett. He hadn’t received any word since the corporal had called from Canada, and was worried because he knew he’d be involved in trying to rescue Winters. He hadn’t heard any news from Detroit either and wondered if today was the day they would attempt the rescue.

  He greeted his secretary and collected messages from various people in the task force he was heading. He spent the next couple of hours returning calls and handling their requests. It was noon before he received word the Shadow Patriots had raided the police station during the night. Details were few, but he did learn they had killed Captain Cox. Green leaned back in his chair with a satisfied grin on his face. He had no doubt the Shadow Patriots were now on their way to Mordulfah’s to get Winters.

  He decided to call Reed to see what his reaction would be to this new development. He picked up the phone and dialed his number.

  “What can I do for you, Major?” asked Reed

  “Sir, have you heard about what happened in Detroit?”

  “Yes, I just heard.”

  “The details are a little sketchy, and they don’t mention Winters.”

  “He wasn’t there,” said Reed in a harsh tone.

  “Well, that’s good news then,” said Green pretending to be happy.

  “Maybe not, because I haven’t been able to get a hold of Mordulfah, which is unusual.”

  “Do you think the rebels were aware he was holding Winters at his place?”

  “I’m not sure, but most likely.”

  “Do you think the rebels will attempt a rescue?”

  “That would be my guess, and since I can’t reach Mordulfah, I would say it’s a damn good possibility it’s happening right now.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “There’s not a whole hell of a lot we can do but wait.”

  “I understand.”

  Reed hung up on Green.

  He couldn’t help but smile after talking to Reed. He could hear the anger in his voice. Green knew Winters represented everything Reed was fighting. Winters was all about the American people yearning to be free. Reed’s mind had to be spinning, knowing he wasn’t as invisible as he thought he was. Winters was nothing but a fly in the ointment, but he was certainly making quite an impact with only a small complement of men. If there were more Winters’ out there and they took the same steps, then it would be a such force it would be impossible to reckon with. Green had taken great pleasure in his conversation with Reed.

  Green decided to excuse himself for lunch, but his main objective was to find Pruitt. He hoped the man would be outside waiting to follow him, making his task that much easier.

  Chapter 73

  Detroit Michigan

  Everyone got out and crowded around Winters, shook his hand, and welcomed him back. He thanked each of one of them and exchanged words of gratitude for risking their lives to come for him and the girls. Winters basked in the moment as everyone stood around and talked about what they had just done. The triumph overshadowed the three men they lost. Although sad as it was, they were lucky to have lost only three and have no others wounded.

  “That Mordulfah guy sure liked to keep busy,” said Meeks gesturing over to the young girls.

  “I had no idea they were even there,” said Winters.

  “What now, Captain?” asked Scar, who was more than happy to shift the burden of command back to Winters.

  “If you were them, what would you be doing?”

  “I’d be boxing us in,” said Scar.

  “Here we go again,” said Nate.

  “Nate, ye of little faith,” laughed Meeks putting his arm around his shoulder. “We’ve been in much deeper doo-doo.”

  “Yeah, and I’m getting sick of it.”

  Winters gave Elliott a half smile. “Anyone got a Detroit map?”

  Hadley came forward. “Right here.”

  Winters looked at him and recognized him from South Bend. “What’s your name?”

  “I’m Don Hadley, I’m a cop, or was a cop.”

  Winters heard his accent. “You from the South?”

  “Waco, Texas, sir.”

  “Well, glad to have a Texan on our side,” he said, unfolding the map. “Now, where are we, Don?”

  Hadley pointed out their location.

  “Okay, so we’ve got Canada behind us and I-94 up ahead and downtown to our south.”

  “Be nice to jump into Canada,” said Meeks.

  “They have the border closed down,” said Hadley.

  Winters kept looking at the map. “We need to check out the interstate, see if it’s being patrolled.”

  Elliott, Burns and Taylor volunteered and took Hadley with them.

  Winters looked around the decrepit neighborhood. “We migh
t have to find an abandoned house we can hole up in.”

  “That won’t be too difficult,” chuckled Meeks, looking around.

  Winters watched Elliott drive away and then ordered the guys to hide the vehicles behind the empty houses. Afterward, they gathered in groups and talked amongst themselves.

  Winters walked over to Sadie and Reese, who were sitting on the back porch with the other girls. They were making small talk with the girls, trying to comfort them. They were scared and yet relieved to be away from Mordulfah.

  Sadie stood up and grabbed Winters’ hand when he approached the group. “This is Cole, and he’s going to get us all out of here.”

  Winters waved to them. “You girls are safe now, alright, and we’ll get you out of here in no time, okay?”

  Their expressions brightened some and they nodded their heads.

  “Will you take us home?” one of them asked.

  Winters didn’t want to disappoint them but felt it better to whitewash their true situation for now. “We will at some point, but for now we need to get out of here and then see what happens.”

  He sat down and put his arm around Sadie.

  “That’s some dress you’ve got on there.”

  “I can’t wait to get it off, and wash this stuff off my hands.”

  Reese reached for her hand. “It’s a dye so you won’t be able to wash it off right away.”

  “I won’t?”

  “No, but it’ll fade, and if we can find some salt and olive oil, we can get it off faster.”

  “How long will it take?” she asked rubbing her hands.

  “Maybe a week.”


  Winters laughed to himself. “I hope you guys weren’t too scared.”

  Sadie looked at Reese. “We knew they were coming.”

  “Yeah, but we didn’t know when,” said Reese.


  “Don told us,” said Sadie. “We wanted to tell you, but they took you upstairs before we found out and then…” she stopped.

  “Then, what?”

  “I saw that they beat you up and you didn’t look too good.”

  “It’s okay, it all worked out.” He looked at Reese, wanting to know if they’d hurt her, but wasn’t sure she’d tell him the truth.

  She seemed to know what he wanted to ask. “No one touched me. They threw me in a room, and I pretended to be sick, so they pretty much ignored me.”

  A sense of relief came over Winters. “So glad to hear it.”

  Scar and Meeks came over and joined them.

  Again, Sadie introduced them to the new arrivals.

  “This is Meeks and Scar and they’re both pretty funny.”

  “I’m the funny one,” said Meeks. “This one, not so much, he’s more of a goof ball, if you ask me.”

  Scar wrapped his arm around Meeks' head. “Don’t listen to a thing he says, he only wishes he was me.”

  “See, I told you,” laughed Sadie.

  Winters stood up. “So, what happened to you guys back in South Bend?”

  Scar told Winters everything that happened to them, and how they managed to get up to Canada to pick up Nate and the guys.

  “How’s the leg?” Winters asked Meeks.

  “Not too bad, got painkillers in me that don't make me loopy.”

  “Not any more than usual,” smiled Scar. “My boy here is definitely slowing down.”

  “I can still outrun you,” said Meeks. He turned to Sadie. “Oh, I’ve got something of yours.”

  She looked at him, full of curiosity.

  Meeks pulled out the Ruger .22 he had given her. “You dropped this, and thank goodness you did.”

  She took the gun. “Why was it a good thing?”

  “It’s how we knew you guys had been captured. I knew you wouldn’t lose it. As soon as I found it, we dashed over to where they were holding you. That’s how we found out where they were taking you.”

  Sadie broke into a prideful smile, knowing she had been of some help.

  Winters gave her a friendly bump and then looked back up at Scar. “So, Amber is taking care of the others back in South Bend. How bad are they?”

  “Not too bad, they’re just banged up a little.”

  Winters was impressed with everything they had done. He couldn’t have asked for better men than these and only wished he had more. He knew he would have to gather a lot more if they were to take down this enemy. From what he had learned from Mordulfah, he knew the man had unlimited resources. There were also enough radical Islamic men in the Detroit area he could call upon. All they needed was a leader and a cause. Ironically, it was all the American people needed as well. Winters believed once the truth was out, citizens would have the courage to come out of the shadows and stand tall.

  After Scar finished his story, Winters relayed all he had learned from Mordulfah. As he was telling them, the rest of the Shadow Patriots gathered around and listened to the shocking revelation. Not a single one of them was left without a stunned look on his face that soon turned to anger.

  “Makes you wonder what else the government has been up to,” said Scar.

  “It’s like they set up everything that’s gone down,” observed Meeks.

  “They probably even set the former President up, so they could get their man in there,” said Mr. Peterson. “It’s happened throughout history, so why not here.”

  Everyone nodded their heads.

  “Well, it sure as hell isn’t going to happen on my watch,” said an angry Nate. “I’m going to personally kill this Mordulfah son-of-a-bitch.”

  The guys all gave a hearty cheer.

  “Ain’t nobody gonna sell off my country,” he added.

  “Yeah, but what about the war out west?” asked Meeks.

  “Them damn Chinese will get what’s coming to them,” he finished.

  “Hopefully, if we can get our house in order, then we can drive them into the Pacific Ocean,” said Winters.

  More cheers among the men.

  “That’ll be way down the road, though. First things first, when we get out of here, we’ve got to gather a larger force and drive these terrorists out of Michigan,” said Winters.

  “Yeah, but then what?” asked Meeks.

  “Washington,” said Winters. “Somehow we need to expose Perozzi and Reed.”

  Bassett spoke up. “Major Green might be able to help.”

  Winters turned to him. “How’s that?”

  Everyone turned to Bassett. “He’s stationed in Washington now.”

  This was news to Winters. “Since when?”

  “Couple of weeks ago. Believe it not, he works for Reed. It’s why I was able to come and warn you. Major Green wanted to know about the cops you killed and sent me here to find out what was really going on. I happened to get here just before Cox found out where you were”

  “Wow, I was a little surprised to see you in South Bend. So, have you talked to the Major?”

  “Yes, and I told him all about Mordulfah. He said he’d look into it.”

  Winters was pleased, but his euphoria didn’t last long because he knew that even though they had escaped from the National Police before, they now had a more motivated enemy. This one would want his head on a platter and would stop at nothing to get Sadie and the other girls back.

  Chapter 74

  Washington D.C.

  Green had gone to a deli to grab some take out and then headed over to Lafayette Park to eat. He sat on a bench eating a ham and cheese sandwich, all the while keeping his eyes peeled for Pruitt. The day had warmed up since the early morning, which had been cloudy and brisk. The park was a favorite of the Washington crowd to walk around during their lunch hour. The cherry trees were past full bloom and had littered the ground with their pink and white blossoms. The air still carried their sweet aroma. Squirrels chased each other around the grounds shaking out their legs from the long winter. Any tourists that had come to D.C. had already gone home after the full bloom. There weren�
�t as many tourists because business had dried up once the war started. Most everyone enjoying the park these days worked in the surrounding offices.

  He stared at the White House, wondering if the President was up to speed on what was happening in Detroit. Green figured the man didn’t even know who the Shadow Patriots were. It would seem the President only did Perozzi’s bidding while enjoying the trappings of the office. Pretending to care about what was going on in the country while golfing, holding parties, and meeting with foreign dignitaries, making them promises he would never keep.

  Thirty minutes passed as Green sat on the bench in Lafayette Park and there had been no sight of Pruitt. He finished his sandwich and decided to head to Bethesda to see if Pruitt might be at home. He drove past the house but didn’t see the Porsche in the driveway or any lights on inside. He parked his car up the street and decided to wait.

  Alexandria Virginia

  Pruitt found Sarah Green’s address and headed for Alexandria. He had learned everything he needed to know regarding Sam White and his searches on Perozzi and Reed. He was elated when he learned Green was a troublemaker who needed to be taken out. It didn’t take a genius to figure out Green was involved with the rebels and plotting against Perozzi and Reed. He had just received the evidence from his man at the State Department. The information had cost him a pretty penny, but it was worth much more than the price he’d had to pay. Once he took care of Green, and his friend, Sam White, he’d report to Reed and collect his expenses, and then some.

  After seeing his house had been broken into yesterday, he figured it had to have been Green. Nothing of value had been taken and the only things disturbed were the photos he’d had been stupid enough to leave out in the open. Green, no doubt, had made copies from his printer. He’d get those photos back even if it meant roughing up the mother, which was no problem for him.

  He arrived at her home and noticed only one car in the driveway. He figured Mrs. Green was at home alone. He continued for another block and parked on the side of the street. He grabbed his gun, stuffed it in his waistband, got out of his car and looked up and down the quiet street. Not seeing anyone, he sauntered up the street, reached the door and rang the bell.


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