Sudden Death (A Military Sci Fi Thriller) (The Biogenesis War Files)

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Sudden Death (A Military Sci Fi Thriller) (The Biogenesis War Files) Page 25

by L. L. Richman

  Colloid Nano – Colloids are extremely tiny insoluble particles that are so light, they remain suspended in air. When grafted onto nano, colloid nano clouds can be released.

  Thanks to brownian motion, the force of the particles in the air around them is greater than the force of gravity attempting to pull them down, therefore they float and are susceptible to the activity of air currents.

  Navy reconnaissance uses it in concert with a magnetic field to launch colloid audio chaff, a sound attenuating field that can encase a soldier.

  Crowbars and LockPiks – Both are lock-picking programs, although LockPiks are covert, where Crowbars are overt.

  A Crowbar is a brute-force version that borrows click-assembly techniques used in chemistry to rapidly alter the properties of existing nanolocks. Pre-loaded common codes, or ‘bricks’, give the Crowbar a jump-start, pushing a cascade failure into the lock that cracks it wide open. In the process, it renders the lock useless.

  In contrast, a LockPik is a slower and more subtle app that works to subvert a lock while maintaining its program integrity so that it can be reset back to original specs after the LockPik’s use

  DBCs – A digital-to-biological converter capable of printing complex, synthetic biological material from detailed molecular diagrams transmitted to it.

  DUET Wires (aka “the wire”) – DUET stands for Direct Uplink Evanescent Telecom. Much to the dismay of the corporation that invented the tech, that name never took hold. Commonly known simply as ‘the wire,’ a DUET implant is embedded within every human when they come of age, and is included as a part of the educational system of most sovereign star nations.

  Receiving a wire must wait until the brain has reached certain development criteria, as its integration evolves after the initial implant.

  Evanescent (E-V) Nanocircuitry – E-V nanocircuitry is the foundation upon which the DUET system was launched. The core communication unit embedded in the brain makes use of the optical phenomenon of evanescent modes with imaginary wave numbers and a poynting vector of zero to achieve the mathematical equivalent of quantum tunneling for the instantaneous transmission of information.

  Helios – Fast-action spacecraft, considered the workhorses of the Alliance Navy, and capable of carrying an entire squad of fully-kitted Marines. A small percentage of Helios are modified as a Direct-Action Penetrator stealth vessel.

  All DAP Helios vessels are assigned to the Geminate Alliance’s Special Reconnaissance Unit, often referred to as SRU or simply, The Unit.

  The teams that fly the DAPs are known as Shadow Recon. They deploy on classified missions, inserting elite special operations teams into destinations where conventional warfare is inadvisable.

  Scharnhorst Drive – The Scharnhorst is an interstellar drive that generates a Casimir bubble. This allows the drive to harness the Scharnhorst effect, a phenomenon in which light travels faster than c. The drive allows a ship inside its bubble to travel at triple the speed of light.

  SmartCarbyne Nanofloss – Carbyne, a chain of single carbon atoms, has twice the tensile strength of graphene. A lattice of ultrafine carbyne filaments, when implanted, will reinforce bone, muscle, and sinew.

  Some branches of the Geminate Navy receive a variant of carbyne nanofloss, which functions as an endoskeleton implant.

  SmartCarbyne is a unique variant, capable of altering its state. It was originally created to protect military pilots during high-g maneuvers. Its ability to turn ‘on’ and ‘off’ made it ideal for protecting the soft tissues of vital organs.

  A SmartCarbyne lattice is controlled by an implanted accelerometer. When disengaged, the atoms are in a disorganized, soft state. When experiencing acceleration greater than what the human body can withstand, the lattice automatically hardens, protecting the pilot.

  Spike – Special operations electronic breadcrumb trail, only useful at short range. Each spike has a unique geometric signature. That signature is contained in the Alliance military database. An app registers the negative space created by each spike on whatever surface it resides. Once a person or item has been spiked, the search app keeps track of the void that particular spike makes, pinpointing its location while it remains in range.

  TENGs and PENGs– Triboelectric nanogenerator batteries are power-harvesting batteries that capture the electric current generated through contact of two materials, converting movement to stored energy. PENGs are piezoelectric nanogenerators that charge using ambient sound in the atmosphere around them.

  Ziptie – The Ziptie is a nano breach application used as a restraint. Once placed onto exposed flesh, the app immediately unpacks itself, blocking an individual’s wire from transmitting a call for help, and rendering body augmentation inert. A military version can take control of a soldier’s SmartCarbyne endoskeleton, rendering the victim temporarily immobile.


  Banshees – Fighter-bomber drones, usually under the command of a flight crew’s co-pilot. Each Banshee mounts a five-centimeter laser and is capable of strafing runs. In addition, each carries a pair of missiles, their yields varying by Banshee model type.

  CUSP – Compact Ultra-Short Pulse pistol uses a pulsed, laser-induced plasma to either paralyze, flash-bang, flash-blind, or deliver searing pain, depending on the weapon’s setting.

  Dazzlers – Decoy ECM (electronic countermeasures) drones, usually under the command of a flight crew’s co-pilot. Each drone emits ECM and can jam signals, robbing enemy ships of their ability to coordinate their attack.

  Drakeskin armor – A carbyne-reinforced synthsilk skinsuit used by special operations forces when infiltrating hostile territory. The suit has a nanoweave embedded into the topmost layer of fabric that is tunable to the environment, providing visible-spectrum stealth. The fabric is made of metamaterials, which use transformation optics to shield the wearer from view by controlling electromagnetic radiation and guiding incident waves around the wearer.

  Houghlin Kingsolver Sniper Weapons System – the HK includes a sniper rifle, scope, and tripod, and is used mainly by Special Reconnaissance Unit operators. Its double barrel allows it to shoot projectiles as well as to spike a target with a tracker.

  P-SCAR – Pulsed Special Combat Assault Rifle.

  RAU-19 – Railgun mounted on DAP Helios attack craft.


  You can always find the most up to date listing of book titles on L.L. Richman’s Author Page.

  The Biogenesis War Series

  The Chiral Agent

  The Chiral Protocol

  Chiral Justice

  The Biogenesis War Files: The Early Years

  Operation Cobalt

  Ambush in the Sargon Straits

  The Chiral Conspiracy

  Sudden Death


  Chiral Agent/Chiral Conspiracy Publisher’s Pack

  Chiral Protocol/Ambush in the Sargon Straits Publisher’s Pack

  Chiral Justice/Operation Cobalt Publisher’s Pack


  L.L. Richman has a diverse career background, having spent more than a decade working in radiation physics, and twice that as a director of film and video. An avid pilot and photographer, Richman can often be found flying a Piper Cherokee or photographing Deep Sky Objects (DSOs) late at night.

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