Bad Guys Finish First: The Sandman and The Librarian (BWWM) (The Sanctuary Series Book 1)

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Bad Guys Finish First: The Sandman and The Librarian (BWWM) (The Sanctuary Series Book 1) Page 1

by T. C. Clark

  T.C. Clark

  Bad Guys Finish First: The Sandman and The Librarian

  First published by The Invisible Writer's Press 2019

  Copyright © 2019 by T.C. Clark

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  T.C. Clark asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

  T.C. Clark has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

  Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

  First edition

  This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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  The Sanctuary is a refuge for the doomed.

  The Sanctuary Series

  Bad Guys Finish First (BWWM)-May 5, 2019

  Lily Denton: The Librarian

  Sandy Orlov: The Sandman

  The Last Man Standing (AMBW)-June 9, 2019

  Yuuto Tanaka The Surgeon

  Rhea Williams: The Mechanic

  Dark Times for the Wicked (BWWM)-July 14, 2019

  Willow Parker: The Hunter

  Fabian Benard: The Forecaster

  If you like these books: check out: Dmitri: The Russian’s Christmas Baby (The Wallflowers Series)




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  If you’re reading this… we failed. It’s okay, it happens. The Sanctuary was my dream and for a while it worked. As they say, all good things must come to an end. It pains me to bring this news to you, but the wolves are at my door, hunting for my kin.

  Our dark secret is out of the closet and prowling through the streets looking for blood. I would warn you to run, but you wouldn’t understand how. Warriors don’t flee, that action is reserved for the weak. So I’m telling you to keep your guns drawn, your knives sharp, and watch your six. Goodbye, my children.

  The Benefactor


  Thank you for taking this journey with me. I hope you enjoy the story….


  Chapter 1

  * * *

  Now, how in the hell could she play this off? Generally, when someone accused a person of being a killer, typically, the accused needed to explain why they weren’t guilty. But what was the protocol if the rumors were true? Lily pondered this question as she moved about the room.

  She was at a party celebrating life. It was being thrown by Nikos and Ada Stravanos, in honor of Mina and Luca Rossi. Mina, Luca’s wife, had survived a horrifying battle with cancer and everyone who knew their story wanted to celebrate.

  All the members of the Stravanos family were in attendance, along with Mina’s best friend Eden and her husband and Lily’s former co-killer Dmitri, and the doctors who’d saved Mina’s life, Anita and Aidan.

  That left Lily and Sandy; they’d been involved in one way or another with nearly every person here. People always called on them when the shit hit the fan. They were pretty much the local bogymen for this crowd.

  Lily looked around the room and shook her head. Everyone was staring at them as if they were monsters. Granted, they’d just seen a news report that made them out to be terrorists, but still… have a little faith.

  Out of all the people here the ones she knew best were her cousins: Tara and Bella. Tara was married to Alex Stravanos and Bella was married to Julian Stravanos. To be honest, Lily was only worried about their reactions.

  Lily had known this day would come. A past like hers couldn’t stay hidden for long. She only wished she had more time to prepare the people she cared about. They wouldn’t understand what she was or why she’d chosen this life. She searched her brain to find the right words to comfort them and found absolutely nothing.

  Lily’s codename was the Librarian and it had just been revealed via CNN. They’d also included a list of all of her extracurricular activities. She was an assassin known for her photographic memory and her ability to retrieve any target.

  When she caught sight of Sandy prowling the room she switched her attention from her family to him. As confused as her cousins were, the Dentons were known for their loyalty. She was sure they would be determined to protect her no matter what news report played. Maybe that’s why she’d continued to care for them long after she’d stopped caring about anything else.

  She took a deep calming breath and walked over to intercept Sandy. Sandy was her nickname for the Sandman, her sometimes lover. She hadn’t seen him coming. Their relationship had blossomed after they’d met up to help Dmitri out of a tough spot. She’d never noticed him before, and now she felt like they’d been together for years.

  She didn’t understand exactly what her feelings were for him, but she couldn’t deny his importance. She needed him with an intensity that she would have sworn she wasn’t capable of anymore. She’d given up trying to analyze her reaction to him and accepted the fact that he was a big part of her life now.

  Sandy was a large, brutal man who was prone to violence when provoked. Her eyes followed his movements. He was starting to get anxious and that was always a bad thing. She didn’t quite trust him in this mood. Sandy would do anything to protect them.

  Lily knew he would react badly to someone looking to turn them in. She couldn’t let him hurt anyone here. Thanks to her cousins, most of these people here were her family. She looked over at Dmitri; he’d just finished talking to his wife, Eden, who looked upset but determined. She was a beautiful woman with almond colored skin and legs for days. Together they looked liked the cover of an international fashion magazine.

  Lily heard Sandy curse as Nikos stepped forward. She’d come to know Nikos Stravanos well. He was a man that would be an excellent ally in the upcoming weeks. She didn’t know how their names were leaked, but it was time to focus on how they were going to move forward. They would need other people to do so. She was still unsure to what extent the Sanctuary had been compromised. They didn’t need to make an unnecessary enemy out of this man.

  Sandy didn’t give a shit about any of that. He was a relatively simple man. He would want to protect them both over everything else. He didn’t care about her ties to the people here. He only cared about her. She had to admit; it was a novel feeling. She’d always been the person who did the protecting.

  Dmitri must have sensed Sandy’s mood too, because he�
�d taken position on the other side of him. Sandy squared off against him. She’d always wondered about the relationship between the two brutal Russians. One thing she knew for sure was that either one of them would be a hard fight.

  She placed one hand across Sandy’s massive chest. His heavy beating heart was a testimony to his unease. Sandy had never been the type of person to wait for something to happen; he was a firm believer in striking first.

  “Calm down, don’t do something that you will regret,” Lily whispered in Russian. Anita, a doctor she’d grown close to during the last few months, was listening closely. Although Anita had hidden the skill well, Lily knew the doctor was well versed in many languages.

  Lily was happy Dmitri was here. Taking on the Sandman alone would be difficult and she didn’t kid herself; if he felt threatened, there would be a fight. His bright blue eyes honed in on her face. He frowned when he caught the tension there. He took a deep breath and stepped closer. He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

  He leaned down so she could see his eyes clearly. “I will never regret protecting you.” She shook her head. The intensity of his eyes always got to her. She knew he meant it. He’d always made it clear how much he cared for her.

  “Is everything okay?” Bella said from across the room. Her husband’s arm secured her to his side. Julian Stravanos stared directly at the Sandman, watching his every move. Lily started to go to her, but stopped when Nikos walked over to them with a frown on his face.

  Nikos pulled out his phone and Sandy stepped forward. “You don’t want to do that. We’ve helped all of you before. We are going to leave, and there won’t be any trouble.” His face said he didn’t want to hurt them, but his eyes said if they tried anything, he would.

  “Sandy…” Lily warned. She moved closer to him. She positioned herself between him and the other people at the party. His eyes narrowed when her hand went to the metal pen on her necklace. She hoped he took the hint and backed down. She wasn’t in the mood to fight fair tonight.

  * * *

  Sandy could feel his blood starting to boil. He hated being trapped. He knew Lily wouldn’t stand for him hurting anyone here, but how else could he protect them?

  “I can’t let him make that call. We need to leave here tonight. I know some people who will help us.”

  “What about Dmitri? You’re going to leave him here with his wife and child?” Lily asked. They both looked over at Dmitri, who was still talking to Eden in the corner. When they were finished, Eden nodded with tears in her eyes, picked up her bag, and went to get their baby. Ada looked at Nikos and then hurried after her.

  “I’m not calling the police. All of you are now family and I protect the family. I’m checking to make sure the building is on lock down and that no one else can get in or out. Now, tell me what you need,” Nikos said. Sandy was surprised when everyone else in the room agreed with his statement.

  When they’d been invited, Sandy had urged Lily to turn it down. He hated parties and although they’d helped many of them, he’d never considered them allies. Aidan, a fellow doctor and friend, walked over and placed a hand on Sandy’s back. “What do you want us to do?”

  For a second, the assassin nicknamed for his ability to kill silently was speechless. He’d never had family or friends, and until recently, he hadn’t known love existed. When Lily walked up and put her hand in his, the rage in his mind finally cleared.

  “I think I have a plan,” Lily said softly. “But first, Nikos, how attached are you to that helicopter on the roof? I mean, hypothetically speaking, how would you react if someone blew it up?”

  “That helicopter cost me five hundred thousand dollars,” Nikos said with a scowl.

  “I said hypothetically.”

  “No, there has to be another way.” Nikos shook his head firmly. Eden walked back in holding her little girl and handed Dmitri an unopened cell phone package. Of course he carried around burner phones.

  Lily turned her attention back to Nikos. What was it about boys and their toys? He definitely had to have insurance on it, so what was the big deal? Who cared if she blew it up? She was just about to ask him that when her cousin walked up behind her. Lily stiffened when she felt a hand on her back. She didn’t resist as Tara pulled her off to the side and away from the group. The men continued to talk as they moved away.

  “Is it true?” Tara asked, jumping straight to the point. Her cousin was a psychiatrist so asking questions was part of her nature. Also, she wasn’t like her soft hearted sister Bella. Tara wouldn’t dance around an issue in order to preserve her feelings.

  “Which part?” Now was definitely the time to play dumb.

  “Lillian Denton!” Tara said with her hands on her hips, her perfectly made face flushed with anger. If there had ever been a real-life African American Barbie doll, Tara Denton was it.

  “Uh, please don’t use my full Christian name!”

  “This isn’t funny. So, stop trying to make this a joke. If any of that report is true, then you’re the most wanted woman alive right now and we need to prepare ourselves. You’re my family and I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”

  Lily sighed; there was no way Tara was going to let her walk away without getting some information. She was as tenacious as a pit-bull when she wanted the truth.

  “It’s true, but not in the way that they told the story. I did a lot of those things when I was in the military with the full support of our government. They are twisting the it to get the most appeal. I wish I could tell you something else. But I am who I am. I’m going to do everything I can to keep the inevitable backlash from falling onto our family.”

  Alex, Tara’s husband, joined them. He was all lean muscle and grace in his navy Armani suit and black rimmed glasses. He was the perfect complement to Tara’s innate grace.

  “What can I do to help?” Alex asked quietly, adjusting his glasses. He looked over at Dmitri and Sandy who were now arguing loudly in Russian. “I have a feeling you’re the brains of this operation.”

  Lily didn’t really know what to tell him. What do you do when your darkest secret is revealed? It’s a question that is impossible to answer. Everyone she knew had secrets that haunted them and stalked their lives from the shadows. How did you reduce the damage to the people you loved when those ghosts were freed?

  They had no idea how fucked up her past was or how it had changed the way she looked at life. Her cousins had only seen glimpses of what her childhood had been like, and even those memories were wrong. She’d learned how to fake normal by the time she was five.

  Eden said something to Dmitri and Sandy, and they both went quiet. Dmitri’s wife was a sweet woman, but she had a spine of steel. Even Sandy could admit that. Lily was proud of how Eden was handling all of this. She shouldn’t be surprised Eden had adjusted to the reality of their lives with ease. She’d no doubt imagined this scenario a thousand times.

  They didn’t have time for arguing or even answering questions. Whatever was happening within the Sanctuary was serious. Her real name was listed on that news report. She’d destroyed all the evidence linking her back to that life. Yet here she was, exposed. Hell, they were all exposed. She needed to get ahead of this. She braced herself as Bella pulled her frowning husband behind her as she hurried to join them.

  The sisters were complete opposites when it came to style. Tara was the definition of elegance while Bella was bohemian chic. They were the closest to her when it came to her family, mostly because they refused to let her disappear from their lives. They’d always gone above and beyond to make sure she was included in all of the family events.

  Lily had never really felt shame when it came to her past. She’d done what she had to do and most of the worst things she’d done was in the name of her country. She’d learned long ago that shame was a wasteful emotion. She only wished she’d been the one to tell them about all of this.

  “Is it true?” Bella asked. Her eyes were wide; she’d a
lways been the most soft-spoken of the three of them. Lily could only imagine the thoughts running through her head.

  “Some of it is true. I’ve done a lot of things in the name of my country. Although, I don’t know how CNN found out about me. All of my information should have been redacted. I think this is definitely an orchestrated attack. My records are sealed and they wouldn’t be easy to access.”

  Bella nodded. She clearly had more to say on the subject but she didn’t want to push. Tara didn’t care either way.

  “We can go over all of that later. Right now, we need to figure out who knows you’re here.” Tara shook her head and pulled out her phone. “I haven’t said anything to our parents, but I’m sure they’ve seen the news. That reward for your capture is a lot of money. If anyone else knows you’re here, you could be in real trouble.” Tara scrolled through her phone and checked her messages.

  Lily saw two missed calls on Tara’s phone from her cousin’s parents. Geez, she did not want to talk to her aunt and uncle right now. What could she possibly say to them to make this right? When she was younger their parents had been the only adults she trusted. Lily looked away from Tara and Bella. Right now she needed to prioritize. She would deal with the family stuff after all of this was over.

  “No one else knows where we are. We’ve been trained better than that. There are protocols in place that ensure anything that can be tracked is replaced often. No one should be able to locate us here.” She hoped the easy words she’d given her cousins were true. She didn’t know who was after them, so everything she was saying could be a lie. If the people after them had a lot of money, anything was possible.


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