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Cecily Page 3

by Pepper North

  “It is a big change. Let’s start with something easy. Will you try to call me, Daddy?” Jon asked quietly.

  Cecily nodded her head several times. “I’d love to call you, Daddy.”

  “Sounds like we’ve already made big changes. Eat your meal, honey. We’ve got a lot to talk about and some plans to make.” Jon took a bite of the lasagna on his plate. “This is really good. Eat up, Cecily.”

  Cecily raised her fork to her mouth and had a bite of the delicious Italian food. “This is really good,” she agreed with Jon. For the rest of the meal, she and Jon discussed business and their future plans for their firm. “They had worked so well together for years,” Cecily thought to herself. “They had a solid base of years together to expand upon. If a relationship could exist, surely theirs would survive.”

  Chapter 10

  Soon dinner was over and again, Jon had Cecily remain in her seat while he did the dishes stating firmly that “Little girls do not wash the dishes. It is too easy for someone precious to injure herself. Dishes are Daddies’ job.”

  When he finished, Jon lifted Cecily from her chair and carried her to the bathroom they had always shared. There were other bathrooms but the two had gravitated to the same bathroom between their rooms. He set her on her feet and turned around to start the warm water cascading into the tub. He stripped off his dress shirt quickly and his undershirt. Turning to Cecily, he watched her eyes roam over his bare, muscled torso. “Come here, honey,” he said as he drew her to him and began to unbutton her white blouse. Cecily turned red and tried to stop his hands. “Cecily, Daddy is going to give you a bath. You can either cooperate with Daddy or you will take a bath with a very red bottom. The choice is up to you.” Jon removed her hands calmly and continued unbuttoning her blouse.

  Cecily stood stiffly as he removed her blouse before unzipping her skirt and sliding it down her hips. Dressed only in her bra, underwear and pantyhose, Cecily tried to cover herself with her hands.

  “No, Cecily. You don’t ever hide yourself from your Daddy,” Jon instructed as he moved her arms to the sides of her body. Jon rubbed her shoulders tenderly and kissed her neck before reaching behind her to unfasten her bra and slide it from her body. He briefly cupped her breasts and whispered softly, “My baby is so lovely. I have waited for a long time to care for you, Cecily. Thank you for choosing me to be your Daddy.” Jon kissed her lips quickly before kneeling in front of her to slide her pantyhose and her underwear leaving her nude in front of him.

  Jon knew this was tough on Cecily. She was standing naked in front of him for the first time in the bright lights of the bathroom while he remained partially clothed. “Do you need to use the potty, Cecily?”

  Suddenly, Cecily needed to urinate badly. She nodded her head and waited for him to leave so she could use the toilet. But he didn’t leave, Jon turned her toward the toilet and raised the lid. “Go on, Cecily. Use the potty before Daddy helps you into the tub.” He folded his arms and leaned against the wall to wait.

  “Aren’t you going to leave?” Cecily asked urgently as she crossed her legs.

  “No, honey. Remember Daddy gets to make the rules. Little girls usually don’t get to use the toilet unless they are expelling medicine from an enema. This will be the last time this weekend that you don’t use a diaper,” Jon explained calmly. He watched Cecily race to sit on the toilet. The minute she sat down urine burst from her bladder. When she finished, Jon folded several sheets of toilet paper and lifted her off the toilet seat bending her over to wipe her bottom. Jon ignored her, “No, No, wait! I can do that myself,” as he took care of her. When she was clean, he allowed her to stand up and Jon urged her into the bathtub that had filled with warm water.

  Jon had floated a few bath toys on the surface of the water for Cecily to play with as he bathed her. Jon had thought about adding bubble bath to the water but he had waited so long to see Cecily’s body that he wanted the water to remain clear. Jon picked a washcloth and the soap and began to lather the cloth. He washed Cecily’s beautiful face rinsing it of tear streaks and make-up. His Little girl looked so much better without all those cosmetics covering her skin. He washed down her back, neck, and arms before spreading thick suds across her breasts and tummy. He heard Cecily’s breath catch in her throat as he caressed her breasts. He leaned forward to kiss her thoroughly before whispering, “My Little girl is so beautiful. I am a very lucky Daddy.”

  She answered him by leaning forward for another kiss whispering, “I love you, Daddy.” Jon smiled broadly at his Little girl and said in his low voice, “Your Daddy loves you, honey.”

  Rinsing her breasts and tummy, Jon washed between her toes laughing as Cecily giggled at his tickling. Jon washed up each leg to the top of her thigh brushing her privates lightly. “Okay, honey. Daddy needs to clean your bottom. Up on your hands and knees. Spread your knees as wide as the tub.” Jon helped his Little girl turn over into position as he first separated her labia and brushed the washcloth through her pink folds. He listened for her quick breaths of arousal as he stroked her inner labia and clitoris. Jon spread her buttocks with one hand restraining her in her position with the other when she would have sprung up to stand on her knees. “It’s okay, Cecily. There are no secrets between you and me. I am going to look at all the nooks and crannies of your body to take care of you. Let me get you clean here and then, we can get you out of the tub before you get cold.” Holding her in place, Jon rubbed the washcloth repeatedly between her plump buttocks pressing the cloth slightly into her anus provoking a squeal from Cecily. He rinsed off the suds and lifted her from the tub.

  Jon wrapped her in a towel making sure that the opening was in the front before setting her up on the long vanity top. Cecily watched curiously as he withdrew a hair trimmer and a razor as well as shaving cream. “Do you want me to stay here while you shave Daddy?” she asked innocently.

  “Yes, Cecily. I need you to stay here because Daddy isn’t shaving himself. Daddy is going to remove those big girl curls. Little girls are soft and smooth,” he explained parting her towel and exposing her pubic area. Jon plugged in the trimmer and turned it on. He worked quickly before she could react and zipped off most of the hair. Shaking the shaving cream can, he pushed the button to dispense a small amount into his hand before pressing her back against the mirror and stepping between her thighs to prevent her from closing them. “Just relax, Cecily. Let Daddy take care of you.” He watched her eyes close in embarrassment and arousal as he drew the razor across her skin until she was clean shaven. Jon wiped the washcloth across her white skin to remove all the hair and shaving cream. “Look at yourself, Cecily. What a beautiful baby you are!” he said kissing her as he rubbed his hand over the sensitive area he had just shaved.

  Chapter 11

  Jon picked Cecily up and settled her so she was propped on his hip with her legs spread on either side of his body. Each step that Jon took, rubbed the weave of his dress pants against her clitoris. Cecily tried biting her lip but a low moan of arousal came from deep inside of her. Jon hugged her and kissed her deeply.

  “I know, honey. You need some attention, don’t you? Let’s go to Daddy’s room.” Jon walked slowly to his room as Cecily’s reaction grew with every step. He laid her down on his bed and rolled her over on her side. Cecily watched him as he opened the jar of lubricant and stuck the thermometer into the thick mixture before rubbing his hand along her bottom. “It’s time to make sure that you are feeling well, Cecily. Relax your bottom for me,” he requested gently as he scooped a glob of lubricant on his finger and raised her buttock. As Cecily held her breath, Jon pressed his finger against her anus pushing it inside with steady pressure.

  Cecily squealed and tried to turn over. “No, Jon! Don’t! You can’t put your finger in my bottom.”

  Jon held his finger deep within her and controlled her motion by his strong hand on her hip. “Daddies have to make sure that their Little girls are healthy. You’ll get used to my finger in your bottom. Many th
ings will go in this cute bottom. My finger will be one of the smaller items. Just relax and Daddy will make you feel good.” Jon began to move his finger slowly in and out of her rectum. The drag of his finger against her tender tissues was awful and wonderful at the same time.

  As soon as he felt her muscles relax, Jon withdrew his finger and slid the large thermometer into her tight anus. Pressing it deep within her, Jon held her in place as she wiggled to get away from the large cylinder. “The thermometer will stay inside you for ten minutes to get your accurate temperature.”

  “Jon, please. Take it out. I feel fine,” Cecily tried to convince him.

  “That’s good, Cecily. Daddy’s just making sure,” Jon replied easily. He began to kiss the side of her neck and down her shoulder. He watched Cecily turn her torso as much as his restraining hand against her hip allowed. Jon kissed across her throat and to her exposed breast. Pulling the small, pink nipple into his mouth, Jon groaned at the sweet taste of her skin. He distracted Cecily for the last few minutes of her temperature measurement by tasting more of her. When he stood up, Cecily reached for him to keep him close.

  “I need to check your temperature, Cecily. Daddy will kiss you more in a minute,” Jon explained as he pulled the thermometer out slowly. Rotating it to check her temperature, Jon frowned. “You’re running a slight fever, Cecily. We’ll hope it was your warm bath but I’ll check again tomorrow. If it’s still too high, I’ll have to give you a cooling treatment to bring your temperature down.”

  “What’s a cooling treatment?” Cecily asked.

  “We’ll talk about that tomorrow if I need to give you one. Right now, Daddy needs a little better taste of his Little girl.” Jon rolled Cecily over on her back and pulled her so that her hips were at the edge of the bed. He knelt between her legs holding them apart with his wide shoulders.

  “Daddy?” Cecily asked nervously.

  “Daddy’s going to see how sweet his Little girl is,” Jon explained as he lowered his lips to kiss and then suck slightly on her exposed clitoris. “Mmmmmm. You are sweet, Cecily,” he said as he licked his lips clean of her arousal. He watched Cecily turn bright red as she watched him lower his head once again between her thighs. Jon pulled her folds apart with his thumbs and ran his tongue up her vaginal opening to her clitoris repeatedly. In a very short time Cecily was raising her hips to meet his kisses.

  “Daddy!” moaned Cecily as the feelings swirled inside her. This was so very intimate and without her adult hair she could see so much of the caresses he was lavishing on her body. As she squeezed her bottom cheeks together, she could feel the slippery lubricant around her anus. “Ooohhh!” Cecily gasped as Jon slid a large finger into her vagina. The tissue in her vagina clamped on his finger and tried to trap it in place but it continued to move slowly in and out raising her sensations.

  Suddenly everything seized in Cecily’s body. Her hips arched off the surface of the bed and pleasure exploded through her like fireworks. As she regained her senses through the aftershocks, Cecily felt Jon lift her bottom to wrap her in something padded around her hips.

  Jon picked her up in his arms and pulled the covers down. He placed his exhausted Little girl in the cool sheets and covered her up. Kissing her on the forehead, he heard her mumble, “I love you, Daddy.” He responded, “I love you too, Cecily. Forever!” Jon tucked the covers in around her chin and walked to the doorway. He turned off the lights leaving the door open to illuminate the room slightly while he went to take a shower.

  Twenty minutes later, Jon returned to his bedroom. He slid into the covers and gathered Cecily to his clean, nude body. In her sleep, Cecily moved eagerly to rest against his chest stretching arm around his torso. She whispered “mmmmmm” and “love.”

  “I love you, too,” Jon replied to her. “Go back to sleep, Little one.”

  Chapter 12

  The sun was shining through the window the next morning when Cecily woke up. She was hugging a pillow with both arms. Immediately, she opened her eyes to look for Jon. The sheets were rumpled from his large body but she was alone. Cecily sat up slowly and looked around. She was in Jon’s room. The events of the evening ran through her head. When she remembered her orgasm, Cecily squeezed her thighs together in reaction. The crinkling diaper around her helped remind her that she had agreed to be Jon’s Little girl. She rubbed a tentative hand down the front of her diaper. Cecily wasn’t quite sure how she felt about it.

  Suddenly, she need to use the bathroom. She slid across the bed to the edge and on to her feet. Cecily walked down the hallway self-consciously dressed only in her diaper. Her breasts bounced with every step to remind her that she was exposed. Finally, she reached the bathroom door. It was closed. “Was someone in there?” she thought as she turned the door knob only to find it locked. Cecily knocked on the door. There was no answer. She hurried to the other bathrooms in the apartment only to find them locked as well.

  She could hear Jon in the kitchen. Cecily walked quickly there and opened the swinging door. “Jon, I need to go to the bathroom. They’re all locked. Can you help me?” she asked urgently.

  “Remember to call me, Daddy, now. I’ll be glad to help you, honey.” Jon picked her up and propped her on his hip. Jon was dressed only in a pair of soft lounging pants. He held her against his warm skin. Leaning toward her, Jon kissed her lips thoroughly and rubbed his free hand across her naked breasts.

  “Daddy, please. I have to go to the bathroom,” Cecily begged.

  “Honey, you are a Little girl now. You only need to use a toilet if you get an enema. Go ahead and relax your bladder. Your diaper will absorb everything and then I’ll get you all cleaned up for breakfast. It’s almost ready,” he promised as he squeezed her body close to him while he stirred the scrambled eggs.

  “Ooooh, no!” Cecily peed into the diaper. She hid her face against Jon’s shoulder as the liquid jetted from her body.

  “Good girl,” Jon celebrated. “I know it’s tough to use your diaper. Soon you won’t even think about it.”

  Cecily groaned as the last of the liquid left her body. The diaper absorbed it all. It felt warm and wet against her skin. “Daddy, please. Can you take it off?” Cecily begged.

  “Yes, honey. I’ll take it off in just a minute. I have a new one waiting for you on the dining room table. Just let me finish these eggs so they don’t ruin.” Jon held her to him and chatted about the weather and the news until he deemed the eggs to be almost ready. He opened the oven and slid the pan inside to stay warm before he carried Cecily over to the dining room table.

  Jon laid Cecily on a pad on the table. “We’ll have to get you a changing table, Cecily so Daddy can take care of you. In the meanwhile, we’ll just use this table.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Good morning, Cecily! I slept very well with you in my arms last night. How did you sleep?” he asked as he unfastened her diaper. Jon lifted her feet up raising her bottom off the surface of the table to remove the saturated diaper. He wiped her bottom clean from front to back until the urine had been removed from her skin before he rolled her over. Holding her in place, Jon picked up the thermometer and dipped it in the lubricant before holding the end at her anus. He moved the thermometer in and out shallowly until he felt her relax her muscles and then he pressed it in deep. Jon smiled as she moaned. His Little girl liked things in her bottom.

  A few minutes later, Cecily asked, “Can you take it out yet?”

  “No, honey. It has to stay in for ten minutes,” Jon answered.

  Two minutes later, “Is it time yet?” she asked.

  “Three more minutes,” Jon said swirling it in her bottom.

  “Finally,” Cecily thought as she felt the thermometer slide from her rectum.

  “It’s too high, Cecily. We’ll have to bring your temperature down after breakfast. Daddy has a big day planned for us. Are you hungry?” Jon asked as he wrapped a new diaper around Cecily’s bottom before lifting her off the table.

  “I’m hungry,” Cecily admit
ted before adding. “I need to put some clothes on, Daddy. I can’t eat breakfast in just pants. I’ll go put some shorts and a tee shirt on. I can be very fast.”

  “Daddy will dress you after breakfast, Cecily. You’ll sit here until I can get you a high chair,” Jon said as he set her down at her normal chair in the kitchen. He filled a plate with strawberries, toast and scrambled eggs and placed it in front of Cecily.

  “Can I have a fork?” Cecily asked as she watched Jon fill his own plate and come to sit down.

  “Daddy will feed you, Cecily,” Jon answered and he loaded a fork with a bite of scrambled eggs and held it to her mouth.

  Cecily picked up strawberries and the toast with her fingers. Jon alternated bites of egg between himself and Cecily. Finally, Cecily shook her head “no” when Jon offered her a bite. “I can’t eat any more,” she said rubbing her stomach. “I could drink a cup of coffee,” she said looking at his emptying cup.

  “Coffee isn’t healthy for Little girls, Cecily. Drink your milk. It’s good for you.” Jon finished his breakfast and quickly cleaned the kitchen putting all the dishes in the dishwasher.

  Jon helped her out of her chair and led her back to his bedroom. They both took a seat facing each other on the bed. “Your temperature is too high, Cecily. I’m going to give you some medicine to help cool you off.”

  “What kind of medicine?” Cecily asked curiously.

  “An enema,” Jon said simply.

  Cecily jumped up and covered her bottom over her diaper flushing red with embarrassment at the thought. “I don’t want an enema, Jon.”

  Jon stood up and pulled Cecily back to the bed. He sat down and trapped her between his legs as he unfastened her diaper. Jon turned her over his knee and began to spank her bare bottom with a firm hand as he lectured to her. “Cecily, I think you need to decide whether you wish to be a Little girl. You can’t choose to be a Little girl just when it’s fun and easy. You’ll have to be a Little girl all the time. That means following your Daddy’s instructions. You need an enema. Make your decision. Am I the Daddy? Are you my Little girl? Do you really want to live like Penny in your book? I’m here to be your Daddy. Are you going to let me be your Daddy?”


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