Thou Shall Not: A Dark Ten Commandments Anthology

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Thou Shall Not: A Dark Ten Commandments Anthology Page 32

by Michelle Brown

  “Stay still, and take your punishment, Lillian,” he barks, and I flinch.

  He reaches across me to the chest of drawers opposite the bed. The movement pushes me down farther onto his hard cock. I gasp and swallow against the nausea threatening to overcome me. While my father fumbles in the drawer, I keep struggling in an attempt to move away from him. But before I can escape, he tightens his hold on me once again.

  Suddenly fire licks my skin, and I shriek at the top of my lungs as pain explodes in my arse. Gasping for breath, I twist my head to see he’s now clutching his thick leather belt, and he’s raising the hand that it’s in, readying himself to lash it for a second time against my throbbing arse cheeks.

  “No!” I try to scream, but it comes out more like a squeak as my throat closes up in panic.

  He continues his relentless punishment on my throbbing backside until I’m a crying, sobbing mess lying weakly in his lap. When he finally stops, I just lie there, limp and boneless in his hold, and my face wet with tears.

  “Shhh, you’re such a good girl, Lillian. You did well,” he whispers, running a hand softly over the welts on my behind, causing a faint whimper from me to escape to the surface.

  My limbs are heavy. I’ve lost the ability and the will to move from this spot. My mind is floating, and my head is spinning. All I can feel is the pain, and my father’s solid erection throbbing against my stomach.

  Chapter Eleven


  I could’ve kicked myself for walking away, but if Kellen does what he threatened and calls the cops on me, I won’t be able to do anything to get Lil away from him. I ride around the neighbourhood for several hours only stopping to fill up with petrol and grab something to eat. I don’t know how to help her, but I’ve got to do something, and I can’t shake the ominous feeling currently prickling at the edges of my conscience.

  It’s dark by the time I come to a decision. I’m getting her out of there. Let Kellen call the fucking cops on me, but I can’t leave her at his mercy any longer. The expression on his face during the confrontation earlier swims to the forefront of my mind, and I can only hope I’ve not made a grave mistake leaving Lillian behind.

  I park up at the end of the street and walk quietly down the empty path towards our houses. I tried to tell my parents about what happened, but they told me I was mistaken and not to interfere. They are as blinded by his lies as are the rest of the people in this town. In their eyes, I’m the bad one in this scenario, and any other for that matter. I’m the one who needs to return to the flock and pray for fuck that’s going to happen.

  Slipping into the rear garden of Lil’s house through the side gate, I make my way to the backdoor which leads directly into their kitchen. Thankfully the bedrooms are at the front of the house, so in theory, they are less likely to hear me breaking the window to get in. I’m throwing all caution to the wind. By the end of the night Lil and I will be gone from here.

  The kitchen is in darkness, and I’m thankful for the thick leather of my bike jacket as I roughly jerk my elbow into the thin windowpane in the door. The shattering glass tumbling to the floor seems to make a deafening noise, but I know it sounds amplified to me because I’m nervous about getting caught.

  I carefully reach through and exert pressure on the lock to force it to release. The click as the lock disengages is a relief, and I let out a slow breath before withdrawing my arm and turning the handle. I slowly open the door and step over the threshold. Creeping through the house, I listen intently for any signs I was heard. The last thing I need is for Kellen to discover I’ve broken into his house with the intent of kidnapping his daughter. Lil will be safer with me, but I can’t ignore that what I’m doing to get to her is illegal; although Kellen’s not exactly adhering to the law either with his actions towards his daughter.

  Faint sounds trickle down the stairs and I frown, trying to make them out, but they’re muffled and unclear. With my heart in my throat, I creep up the stairs, making sure to avoid the two which creak. Silently I thank our parents for pushing Lil and I together all those years ago until Kellen deemed me unsuitable and spun lies to my parents about what he thought of me.

  Shaking off these disturbing memories, I continue to tread down the hallway to her bedroom. The noises are louder up here, a heavy grunting I don’t want to think about too hard reaches my ears. Suppressing the urge to go and confront Kellen, I focus on Lil’s bedroom door directly in front of me, instead. I take a deep breath and grip the handle, twisting it slowly, so I don’t make a noise. Stepping into the room, I squint through the darkness, trying to spot Lil.

  “Lil?” I whisper, straining my ears to hear her, but silence is the only response.

  I move farther in to the bedroom, and shutting the door behind me, I feel for the light switch. Flicking it on, I see her bed is empty and still perfectly made. A loud grunt shatters the heart jolts, and my blood runs cold. Letting out a heavy breath, I grit my teeth together and charge down the upstairs hallway to Kellen’s bedroom, dreading what I’ll see when I venture inside.

  Bracing myself for the worst, I throw the door open and try my hardest not to lose my shit.

  I fail completely and blurt out, “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Kellen’s head whips around to face me, and the sick glint in his eyes momentarily robs me of breath. All I can do is stare wordlessly as he continues to fuck Lil’s throat. He’s keeping her arms still by kneeling on her hands as he thrusts in and out of her mouth, and she whimpers and gags around his cock with tears streaming from her eyes.

  I finally find my voice and shout as I run over to pull him off. “Get the fuck away from her you twisted bastard!”

  I’ve barely laid a hand on him when his fist flies at my face. I attempt to duck, but the hard bones of his knuckles connect with my head and blackness swallows me up.

  Chapter Twelve


  I can’t breathe. I can’t move. I can’t do anything to stop the intrusion as my father repeatedly fills my mouth and throat with his filthy cock. I gag around the length and attempt to buck him off, but I’m helpless and unable to do anything but lie there and take it.

  “Sweet girl, you look so beautiful when you swallow my cock,” my father grunts, and I feel more tears leak free, sliding down the side of my face and settling into my damp hair.

  My heart is breaking, and my mind is screaming at Landon, begging him to wake up and put a stop to this.

  “Don’t cry, you’re doing so well,” my father murmurs, brushing his thumb over the trail of tears.

  “Feels so good, Lillian. I’m coming, baby...deep breath,” he groans, plunging deeper into my throat before I can do as he instructed.

  I gag and retch around his cock as I feel him spilling his release. Eventually, he slowly withdraws. I gasp down huge lungfuls of air, heaving and trying not to empty the contents of my stomach, knowing if I do, then I’ll choke myself on it all over again. I look up at him through blurry eyes, and his still hard dick is so close to my face I cringe. My hands are going numb from his weight pinning them to the mattress, and holding me in place.

  “Landon?” I rasp as I open my eyes and turn my head, trying to spot him.

  “Out cold, he can’t interrupt us now,” my father says, scowling at the floor behind him.

  “Dad, why? Why are you doing this?” I ask, my voice cracking.

  “I love you, Lillian. You’re beautiful, intelligent, and mine,” he growls, moving off me.

  I roll onto my front and scramble away from him to check on Landon, but my father grabs me by the ankles and hauls me back up the bed. I kick out, but he’s too quick and uses my legs to pull me closer to him.

  “Dad, what are you doing? Please stop. I don’t want this,” I beg, twisting and trying to pry his fingers from my ankles.

  A sharp spank on my throbbing arse wrenches a howl from my lips, and I cry out as fresh pain floods my system. I’m too shocked to fight when
he repositions me up onto my knees with my butt in the air. His fingers find my entrance, and I attempt to move away, but his other hand is holding me in place. I sob as he strums my clit and forces pleasure on me. Shame floods through me as my traitorous pussy responds to the stimulation.

  “Are you ready for me, sweet girl? I’m going to show you what a real cock feels like,” he leers, his voice dripping with predatory lust.

  I’m consumed by despair as he forces himself into my unwilling body and starts furiously fucking my pussy like a madman. I scream, beg, plead, and cry, but he doesn’t stop his onslaught until he’s grunting and jerking behind me, filling me with a fresh load of his cum.

  “Get up,” he barks, swatting my arse again, but I don’t move...I can’t.

  “Lillian, get your fucking arse up, or I’ll make you move,” he threatens, and even though I’m not sure what more he could possibly do to me at this point, I force my sluggish body to respond.

  I can see Landon on the floor; he’s unconscious and unmoving. A purple bruise is already starting to bloom on his temple, and I can’t help the guilt I feel at knowing this is all my fault.

  “Get to your room, Lillian, and stay there.”

  I slide off the bed and yank my leggings back up desperately trying to ignore the sensation of my father’s cum leaking out of me and soaking into the material. I proceed to leave the room as quickly as I can on shaky legs. My muscles and body are aching and screaming in protest as I force myself to retreat.

  I can hear a low grunt and then footsteps following behind me. I let out a small squeak when I see my father walking down the hallway with Landon over his broad shoulder. He unceremoniously drops him on the floor, and the thud tugs at my heart.

  “Don’t say a word, and do as you’re told, Lillian,” my father says, straightening his clothes and slicking his hair back into place as he looms over me with a smirk on his face.

  He pulls his phone from his pocket, taps in the password to unlock it, and dials a number. Lifting it to his ear, he waits for someone to answer while his cold stare remains fixed on me.

  “I need to speak to the Police,” he says, the breathlessness from the exertion of the past however long, adding an urgency to his voice.

  “Please send someone round. I need immediate assistance. A young man broke into our house and attempted to assault my daughter. I managed to knock him out, but I’m worried for our safety. My daughter’s very shaken up.” My father rattles off his lies into the receiver, and when I start to protest, he clamps a hand over my mouth and pushes me down onto the bed to silence me.

  My heart is breaking the whole time he’s on the phone. After he finishes the call and hangs up, he releases me.

  “If you dare to breathe even one word about what happened tonight, I’ll ensure you never see him again. He’ll rot in prison for the rest of his life,” he snarls, and I recoil at the malice in his tone.

  THE SOUND OF APPROACHING sirens grows louder and soon the police arrive. They cuff a groggy Landon and haul him from our house into the back of their car. I stand there in shock...distress rendering me unable to do anything more than watch in stunned silence. The sound of the car door slamming closed on the man who tried to save me from the monster echoes in my soul. When they approach me, my father intercepts them, speaking too quietly for me to hear. I don’t know what he says to them, but they don’t come near me, or attempt to ask me any questions about tonight.

  Before they leave they take photos of the back door which Landon had broken to gain entry. My heart swells with thankfulness for the risk he was willing to take before it shatters anew as they drive him away. He came here for me and not even a locked door could keep him from me. He must have been planning to help me escape from the house. I only wish he hadn’t been too late to save me.



  It’s been five months since Landon was arrested for breaking and entering with intent to commit assault, and the time has passed agonisingly slowly. Fortunately, he wasn’t charged with attempting to assault me even though my father tried desperately to make the false accusations stick. As a result, Landon only received a one year prison sentence. Knowing he’ll be out in less than a year is the only thing keeping me going.

  Shortly after that night, my father had a near-fatal accident at home which paralysed him permanently. Karma is a bitch, especially when you love your daughter in ways that are sickening and unholy according to God’s law. I still have my doubts about the truth of God’s existence, but I must keep up the pretence for now.

  There’s no hiding from the judging eyes of the congregation who seem to be suffering as a result of my presence in the church. I enjoy making them uncomfortable, so I make a point of attending every Sunday without fail. They are unable to disguise their distaste at my unmarried status combined with the baby growing in my swelling womb.

  They think it’s Landon’s, and I can only hope they’re right because the alternative is too hard to bear some days. The undeniable truth is that the baby is mine, and I’ll love my child more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life, including Landon who will always hold one of the biggest pieces of my heart. The question of who the father is may be something that forever plays on my mind, but it doesn’t change what’s in my heart.


  I’m in prison, locked away for trying to do the right thing. No matter how many times I told the officers it was a mistake, they wouldn’t listen. The evidence of the broken door together with Kellen’s word against mine, condemned me to this small cell for a fucking year. I suppose at least the attempted assault charges didn’t stick. There was no evidence to suggest that’s why I’d gone there that night. Everyone knew Lil and I were close, so I had that going for me even though Kellen did his damnedest to insist otherwise.

  I’ve heard from Lil a few times since I’ve been in here, she told me about her father’s accident, but I know her so well. I knew she was lying about the accident part. After all, no bad deed should go unpunished.

  I’m proud of her for doing something about it, but I wish I could’ve been there to finish the job she started. As Lil said, ‘karma's a bitch’. Kellen being paralysed for the rest of his life is a fitting punishment although I believe he deserves worse. Maybe when I get out of here I can take my own revenge on the lying bastard for sending me to fucking prison on false charges. All I was trying to do was save my girl from his perversion.

  She told me he still lives at home with her, but they have a twenty-four hour carer for him, so even if he could move around independently, there’s no way he would dare to act on those sick desires of his. She’s mentioned her fears about who the baby’s father is, but I don’t share those worries. Hell, I’m more worried about Kellen daring to touch her while she carries my it paternal instinct, but I don’t trust the bastard. The moment I regain my freedom I’m taking my girl and my child and getting them the fuck away from him.

  The truth is the baby is mine, and so is she.


  I’m stuck in a perpetual hell. Bound to a chair because my only daughter decided she no longer loved her father. Never mind that I gave her everything: a home, love, and life. Yet, she saw fit to ignore all of that when she pushed me down the stairs. I cracked my vertebrae and damaged the spinal column, rendering me fucking helpless.

  I can still watch and appreciate from afar, and the carer isn’t too hard on the eye either. She likes me too...especially when she’s riding my cock like she can’t get enough. I can’t move, but I can still feel, and every time her mouth or pussy are wrapped around my hard cock, I picture my sweet Lillian’s face.

  It kills me that I don’t get to touch her skin or mark her as mine like I used to. Particularly now she’s swelling with a child tucked away in her womb. She’s more gorgeous than ever and glowing with her pregnancy. She denies it every time I ask about the baby’s father, but I know it’s mine. I’ll let Lillian keep up the lie if it makes her happy to remain
in her perfect little bubble of denial.

  The truth is the baby is mine, and so is she.


  As always a huge thank you to my husbands for supporting me and being all around amazing while I continue to write and continue to avoid the housework as much as possible. Thank you for your patience when I spent more time at the laptop than in bed at night and reminding me that I do occasionally need to sleep.

  Michelle Brown! My partner in wordy crime and my best girl, where would I be without you? Thank you for always being there for me, and for asking me to be a part of such a wicked anthology with you and the other ladies.

  Thank you to my badass PA and personal stalker Renee Botbyl who keeps my butt in gear and constantly reminds me that I can do this. You’re the best PA an author could ask for.

  (If you’re an author and reading this, hands off she’s mine!)

  My alpha/beta readers:

  Michelle McGinty who encourages my dark side! #SoulSister

  Megan Wright who always wants more! (Cheeky woman!)

  Mari Solis who continues to rock! (Are you still disturbed?)

  To my editor and PP Sheena Taylor, your hard work and attention to detail really helps me make these stories the best they can possibly be. I'd be lost without you.

  A few more mentions, my strange girl Murphy Wallace who claimed Kellan, my dark and disturbed friend Yolanda Olson who dubbed me a sick little fucker after reading this story.

  *readjusts my halo*

  Lastly huge thank you to all of the readers who stalk me for words and the bloggers who shared and reviewed.

  About the Author

  Ally is an International Bestselling Author who writes in the Dark Romance genre, and also . Ally has been writing since she was a teenager, and studied Professional Writing at University. It has been a long time dream of hers to finally become a published author. She finally achieved this in 2018 with her Bestselling debut book, Flower in the Dark. Ally also co-writes with her close friend Michelle Brown under the pen name Ally Michelle. Ally lives in Kent, in the United Kingdom with her husband and stepson.


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