A Farewell to Angels

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A Farewell to Angels Page 2

by Pepper Espinoza

  “Hey. Don’t, Rae, please.”

  “I can’t help it.”

  She dropped the plates in the sink, and the sound made her jump. Her skin wanted to crawl off her back. She didn’t resist—couldn’t—when David put a hand on her shoulder and spun her into his chest.

  “Yes, you can.”

  “No, I can’t. You’re going to leave, and there’s so much…”

  “So much what?”

  “So much everything. Why did you have to do this, David?”

  “It wasn’t to hurt you.”

  “I know. I know that. I’m just a selfish bitch, but…”

  “Hey.” He cupped her chin and forced her head back until she was looking into his unwavering brown eyes. “Be careful what you say. That’s my best friend you’re talking about.”

  She blinked, hoping it would be enough to wipe away the rest of her tears. But it didn’t work, and his face swam in front of her. “I’m sorry. But when I get this upset, that’s how I feel.”

  “You have the right to be a little bit selfish. We both get selfish.”

  “You’re not.”

  David wiped her cheek with his thumb, catching one of the hot tears. “There’s something I want to ask that might make me selfish.”

  “What? You know you can ask me for anything you need.”

  He rested his brow against hers. She took a deep breath, catching the mingled scent of garlic and his cologne. It was the same stuff he started wearing when he was sixteen. “I want one night.”

  “What?” Rachel took a step back. “David, you know we can’t. You know we can’t.”

  Instead of looking hurt by her declaration, he smiled. Which was more confusing than reassuring. “I don’t just mean the two of us.”

  “I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

  “Whatever happens, I don’t want to ship out with any regrets. And I want to know what it’s like to be with the three people I love more than anything.”

  “Me and Ian and Jade?”


  “I…” Rachel’s gaze darted to the door, a part of her afraid that the other two were standing right there, listening to the whole exchange. “Do you really think Jade and Ian will go along with that?”

  “I already asked them.”

  Now Rachel’s mouth fell open. “You talked to both of them before talking to me?”

  “Well…yeah. It made more sense that way. I mean, I wouldn’t bring it up at all if Jade wouldn’t agree to it. And I didn’t want to talk to you about it if Ian didn’t…”

  It made sense, though it didn’t quite dull her surprise or annoyance at being the last one to hear David’s request. “What did he say?”

  “He said that he would like that a lot.”

  That actually didn’t surprise Rachel. While Ian didn’t bring up his bisexual tendencies often, she was aware of his past. Far more shocking was David’s request. To her knowledge, he had never been with another man. Did he intend to start now?

  “This isn’t just a ploy to watch me have sex with your wife, is it?”

  David laughed. “No. I know this sounds crazy, but I’ve been thinking about it for a few months now. Wondering if I should bring it up at all. Wondering why I couldn’t stop dreaming about it. It’s because I want to be with all three of you. That’s it. That’s all I want.”

  “You’ve never been with a man before, have you? Do you want that, too?”

  “Ian said he’d get me through the rough spots.”

  “Does Jade know that we…”

  David inclined his head. “She knows. I try not to keep any secrets from her.”

  “I guess you thought of everything.”

  “Is my foresight and diligence going to pay off?”

  Rachel arched her brow. “It’s all up to me?”

  “Say the word, and I’ll get back to loading the dishwasher and we can pretend this never happened.”

  Rachel licked her lips, but her tongue felt like sandpaper. It would be far too easy to agree. Far too easy to imagine the four of them together. She would love to see David’s broad frame folded around Ian’s lankier figure. She’d love to know how good Jade smelled and how she tasted. She’d love to feel David inside of her again.

  “You’re sure Jade is fine with this?”

  “Jade thinks you’re hot. Besides, she knows there’s nothing to be jealous of. But you three…you’re the only family I have. I just want to have this memory.”

  If she had been five years younger, she probably would have agreed as soon as he suggested it. If she had been five years older, she probably wouldn’t have even stuck around to hear him out. But now she felt torn in both directions, her body awakening to the image of the four of them together, her mind wary enough to hang back and evaluate the situation. She didn’t want David to feel awkward the next morning. She didn’t want Jade to be jealous. She didn’t want Ian to agree just because he thought that’s what she’d want.

  “You’re making me think the answer is going to be no,” David said.

  Rachel shook her head. “I’m just trying to…”

  “Make everybody happy and anticipate any problems?”


  David took her arm and pulled her close again. “Don’t. Worry about what you want. If you want the four of us to be together, say so. If not, then we’ll forget I ever said anything. It won’t be any fun for any of us if you just say yes to make me happy.”

  She would have said yes to make him happy. She would have said yes to make Ian and Jade happy. But she knew that if she nodded, it would be mostly for her own benefit. She lifted her chin, meeting his eyes. He must have seen the answer he was looking before, because he caught her chin between his forefinger and his thumb, and kissed her. It was almost a chaste kiss. But it lasted a bit too long. And she felt the tip of his tongue against the corner of her mouth.

  “Let me go talk to Ian. Unless we come out and say otherwise, bring Jade to the bedroom in about fifteen minutes.”

  David blinked, and then smiled widely. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Thanks, Rae.”

  She nodded, and left him to finish loading the dishwasher as she sought out her husband. She found Ian and Jade in the television room, Jade resting her head on his shoulder as they watched the large, flat-screen. There was something about Ian that invited that sort of casual familiarity. He looked like the sort of man who would cuddle and not push for anything beyond that. Of course, Ian was aware of that, and knew how to use it to his advantage, if he wanted to.

  As soon as Rachel stepped into the room, they both looked up, as if expecting something. Had the two of them discussed the possibility? Did Jade want to know what Ian looked like naked? Of course, she didn’t even have to wonder if Ian wanted to see Jade naked—who wouldn’t?

  “Ian? I need to talk to you for a minute.”

  “No problem.”

  Jade sat up, allowing Ian to jump to his feet. The other woman smiled a bit nervously, but other than that, it wasn’t easy to read her. Rachel returned her smile, then led her husband out of the room. Ian waited until they were in the bedroom with the door shut before asking, “So did he talk to you?”

  “He did.” Rachel perched on the foot of the bed. “He told me everything. How he talked to you and Jade. What he wanted. But I just wanted…to clear everything with you first. I mean, you know that we…”

  “I know all about your past. Unless there’s something you’ve left out.”

  Rachel shook her head. “No, no, nothing like that. Do you want him like that?”

  Ian sat down beside her, his hands on his knees. “Honestly? I’ve been attracted to him since I first met him.”

  “Oh, I see how it is. You just want me so you can get in my friend’s pants.”

  Ian smiled. “It’s not my fault you’ve got hot friends.”

  “If it were just the three of us, I wouldn’t worry too much, but Jade…”

/>   “I think Jade might surprise you. She wasn’t exactly an innocent when she married David.”

  “She told you this?”

  “David told me this.”

  “Do you two compare notes?”

  “On technique and style.”

  Rachel kissed his cheek.

  He grabbed her before she had the chance to pull away, wrapping his arms around her and pushing her back, trapping her against the mattress. “Now I’ve got you.”

  Rachel arched her brow. “I’m not trying very hard to get away.”

  “I want to fuck him.”


  “I want you to eat out his wife.”


  “I want to watch him fuck both of you.”

  “Are these long-held fantasies?”

  “Maybe. You’ve never thought about it?”

  She might have been more hesitant to tell David the truth, but she didn’t keep anything from Ian. If he asked her a direct question, she would answer. He always deserved that much.

  “I’ve thought about it. I love to think about the two of you. You’re both so pretty.”

  “Don’t tell David you think he’s pretty. It’ll insult his manhood.”

  “But bending over for you won’t?”

  Ian winked. “I’ll make it so good for him, he won’t care about the insult.”

  “I told him to come in here in fifteen minutes if we didn’t come out. I think that means we better get ready for our guests.”

  “Good. You get naked, I’ll get the candles.”

  “Why is me getting naked always part of your plans?”


  He pressed his mouth to hers, and as soon as his tongue slipped past her lips, she forgot about David and Jade. She forgot about everything except Ian above her and their bed against her back. Her head was spinning by the time Ian broke away, and his eyes were shining, his color high. She waited for another cycle of doubt to hit her, but there was no bad there. No reason to doubt that they were all going to have the best time of their lives.

  Chapter 2

  Ian had turned off all the lights and lit about three dozen candles. Rachel had to admit that he succeeded at romantic and intimate. He had also snuck back into the kitchen for another bottle of wine and four clean glasses. Rachel had set the bottle and glasses on the nightstand, along with a bottle of lube and a fresh box of condoms. She even had edible body paint and a fresh bottle of chocolate sauce, though she wasn’t certain they’d have the time or the desire to use either one.

  Despite Ian’s instructions, she didn’t get completely naked. Once she stripped out of her clothes, bra, and panties, she slipped on a sheer nightgown that left very little to the imagination. Ian had on a pair of silk boxers that always made her want to get on her knees to rub her cheek against the material. She suspected that’s why he wore them.

  “I think we know how to throw a party,” Rachel said, helping Ian toss the throw pillows off the bed. Together they pulled the duvet back, exposing the high quality sheets that felt like heaven against bare skin.

  “We’re good hosts,” Ian agreed.

  A soft knock on the door made them both look up. Ian sent her a questioning glance that was more are you ready to go through with this than should I let them in. Rachel nodded. Maybe it was the lace brushing against her hard nipples and the top of her ass, or maybe it was the sweet candlelight, or maybe the way her mouth still tingled from Ian’s kiss, but her earlier doubts were gone. She was ready for this. Ready for Jade and David to share their private space with them.

  Rachel positioned herself on the bed just before Ian opened the door. Jade and David stepped into the room and stopped short, both of them with eyes wide and lips parted. For a moment, she feared they would ask just what the hell was happening. Could all of this had been a horrible misunderstanding? Had Jade changed her mind? Were the candles too much?

  Before any of her fears were realized, Jade stepped away from her husband, her hands going to the top button on her blouse. Neither of the men moved, and Rachel kept her steady gaze on Jade, watching as she exposed inch after inch of her flawless skin. The candles cast a golden hue on her skin and hair, almost giving her an aura of divinity. In any other situation, Rachel didn’t think she would agree to be put side by side with this gorgeous, and younger, creature. But she knew she didn’t have to be self-conscious, even when Jade’s bra followed her shirt, exposing two, perfect globes.

  Jade shimmied out of her skirt, revealing a surprisingly modest pair of white panties. Instead of removing those as well, she knelt on the foot of the bed and crawled up its length, giving the men a perfect few of her ass, and Rachel a perfect view of her small breasts and dusky nipples.

  “Thank you,” Jade murmured, her mouth near Rachel’s ear.

  “You could have given me a warning.”

  “David made it clear he wanted to talk to you about it.”

  Rachel cupped the side of Jade’s face and tilted her head, moving slowly in case Jade changed her mind. Jade didn’t try to meet her half way, but she didn’t lean back, either. Rachel didn’t know if Jade had ever kissed another woman, but it had been years since Rachel had indulged in a same-sex physical attraction. She wondered if it would be different than she remembered. She wondered if she would enjoy it. Maybe Jade didn’t know how to kiss.

  As soon as their lips touched, those questions fled Rachel’s mind. Jade’s mouth was warm and welcoming, softer than she even expected. She still tasted vaguely of their chocolate dessert, with a more biting taste of wine on top of that. The deeper Rachel pushed her tongue, the more Jade opened to her. And she definitely knew how to kiss. Her tongue was light and a bit teasing, and she made the softest sounds of delight, tiny little moans of pleasure. Rachel wanted to push her to the bed and cover Jade’s soft curves with her leaner body, but a small cough reminded her that Ian and David were still in the room.

  They both looked up to focus on David, who stood in the middle of the room, still fully dressed. His eyes were so wide, Rachel couldn’t help her smile.

  “What? You never seen two girls kissing before?”

  “Not like that.”

  “You’re still a bit overdressed,” Rachel observed.

  “Good point.”

  Three pairs of eyes trained on David as he pulled his T-shirt overhead. Shadows danced across his skin, accentuating rather than disguising his hard muscles. The last time Rachel had seen him like this, his body had only hinted at its future shape. But now he looked delicious, and her appetite for him only grew as he pushed his pants to his feet. His cock was thick with a slight, distinctive curve. His thighs were corded with muscle, and Rachel knew without looking that his ass would be high and tight. He stood in front of the three of them without a trace of shame. She expected him to at least fidget under Ian’s heavy gaze, but it didn’t seem to bother him at all.

  And Ian was not shy about staring. His boxers were pulled tight across his obvious erection. Tight enough that the outline of his cock was plainly visible, including the ridge of his crown. Ian hooked his fingers around the waistband and slowly pushed the underwear down his thighs, making sure to hold David’s attention as his own impressive length and heavy balls came into view.

  There were all locked in place, the first and second moves taken care of, but nobody sure about what the third move should be. David’s gaze kept darting from Ian to the bed and back again, like he didn’t know what he wanted and he wasn’t sure what to ask for. Jade didn’t seem unsure. Her warm breath brushed across Rachel’s neck, and then her lips were skimming over her shoulder. Rachel’s stomach tightened at the contact, her nerve endings burning for more.

  “Get on the bed.”

  David jumped at the firm command in Ian’s voice, and Rachel bit back her smile. No doubt, David had assumed that he would be the one keeping everybody in hand, directing them to their places, informing them of their roles. But Ian was probably the only one of them with
experience in this sort of thing, and after a moment, David nodded, looking more than a little relieved.

  “Face me and get on your hands and knees.”

  The directive gave Rachel and Jade a direct view of his balls, his thick dick brushed across the sheet, and his clenched hole. Jade licked her lips, and Rachel didn’t blame her. She wanted to crawl under his body and feel his cock press against her lips and then slide down her throat.

  She watched as Ian stood directly in front of them, his cock momentarily blocked by David’s head. Ian’s long fingers moved through David’s short hair, caressing his temples before sliding down his scalp. His touch was very gentle, and Rachel could almost feel those light fingers on her own skin. David watched with trepidation at first, clearly unsure of what to expect from the other man, but Ian didn’t try to rush anything. He soothed him with patient fingers until the tension began to drain from David’s shoulder and back. As soon as he closed his eyes, Ian bent at the waist and pressed his mouth to David’s.

  Rachel’s pulse hammered in her ears and Jade gasped beside her. She couldn’t imagine what Jade was feeling, but she knew that nothing had ever affected her quite like the sight of Ian thoroughly, and firmly, exploring David’s mouth. Was this how they felt when she kissed Jade? Or was this a different feeling? Borne out of the desire for the two most important men in her life to mean just as much to each other? It didn’t feel like a purely sexual reaction, like nothing more than basic arousal.

  It felt like a completion.

  “They’re so…beautiful,” Jade murmured.

  Rachel didn’t want to take her attention from the two men, but she needed to see Jade’s face. Needed to see that she was transfixed by the sight. Her blue eyes were wide, and her chest rose and fell in quick gasps. She looked back to the two men, her hand slipping between Jade’s thighs. She brushed her fingers across Jade’s panties, and they were wet with arousal. Rachel hooked her fingers around the waistband and pulled, easing them off her hips.

  Ian’s mouth grew hungrier, and one of them made a noise high in his throat. It wasn’t just a moan. It wasn’t just a whimper. It was more. It was a sound that traveled straight to her clit, making her flesh pulse. Her fingertip scraped over Jade’s clit, and the other woman jumped, spreading her legs wider. Rachel didn’t need more of an invitation to massage Jade’s throbbing flesh, and she touched Jade with just the right amount of pressure. Just enough to make her squirm. Just enough to make her shift her hips, pushing against Rachel’s hand, plainly demanding more.


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