Companion 3000

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by Evangeline Anderson

  Companion 3000

  Evangeline Anderson

  Companion 3000, 2nd Edition,

  Copyright © 2020 by Evangeline Anderson

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Art Design © 2020 by Croco Designs

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writers’ imagination or have been used factiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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  Companion 3000

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


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  Also by Evangeline Anderson

  About the Author

  Companion 3000

  Leita McLain runs a small solo asteroid mining outfit at the ass end of the Centauri solar system. She's had no luck in getting a man to stay with her so she decides to buy a Companion droid, the very latest in cybernetic sex slaves.

  Pierce Branson is a man addicted to adventure. But when he finds himself with a bounty on his head for a crime he didn't commit, he knows he's got problems. During a shoot out in the Companion factory, Pierce hides in one of the packing crates. Next thing he knows he's waking up in Leita's bedroom and starting his new life-as a sex slave. But he doesn't count on falling in love with his new Mistress. Or on playing the part of her "Master" when Leita decides she wants to explore her kinky side.

  Now both Leita and Pierce have some choices to make. Leita knows she shouldn't let herself fall for a cybernetic sex slave and Pierce knows he ought to tell her the truth. But will Leita forgive him if he comes clean? You'll have to read Companion 3000 to find out.

  Chapter 1

  “Spread your legs for me, Leita. Now.” The deep voice seemed to rumble through her, vibrating her bones as she lay naked on the bed.

  “Master, I…” She swallowed hard, feeling the trembling excitement take her. He loomed over her, a man-shaped shadow, huge and frightening. But that was part of the pleasure—the knowledge that he could hurt her but wouldn’t. She couldn’t see his face—she could never see his face. Her Master was always in the shadows. What little light there was shone behind him, outlining his broad muscular shoulders as he bent over her.

  “Do it. Or do I have to do it for you?” Large warm hands, calloused from hard work, slid slowly up her ankles, taking their time, exploring the shape of her bare legs.

  “Oh—” Leita gasped. He was being gentle but she could feel the power in those hands, the power to punish her. The power to make her obey. This was part of it too, knowing that he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Knowing that he would master her completely even if she begged him to stop. But she didn’t want him to stop.

  “Open for me,” her Master commanded. “Want to see your sweet little pussy all spread open for me, Leita. Want to taste your hot cunt while you come all over my face.”

  Leita bit back a gasp as the forbidden words turned her insides molten. Goddess, how could he make her so hot just by talking, just by telling her what he was going to do?

  “Please,” she whispered. “Please, I don’t know…”

  “Don’t know what? Don’t know if you want me to eat your pussy?” he demanded, pressing her legs farther apart. “Because that’s too bad, baby. You don’t have anything to say in the matter. I’m gonna spread open your hot little cunt lips and suck your clit and tongue-fuck you until you come for me. Understand?”

  Leita nodded breathlessly. She could feel those warm, calloused palms sliding up her inner thighs, opening her, getting her ready for him. He was so strong—so utterly merciless. So completely in control of her body and the entire sexual scenario playing out between them. It gave Leita the freedom to relax utterly, to give in completely to the illicit pleasure she was feeling. But as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t relax. Couldn’t stop the feeling that her heart was trying to pound its way right out of her chest and run for cover.

  “Please,” she whispered again. She tried to cover her naked sex with her hands, only to find that she couldn’t move. Someone had tied her wrists above her head with some silky but utterly unbreakable material. She felt the start of panic but with it came the edge of pleasure, as razor-sharp as a finely honed knife. Her Master would do what he wanted and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Nothing at all.

  A warm puff of air against her heated sex made her jump, but he stroked her soothingly. “That’s all right, baby girl,” he murmured in that deep, gravelly voice, softer now that he sensed her nervousness. “You don’t have to be scared—I’m not gonna hurt you. Just gonna eat your sweet pussy until you come. And there’s nothing you can do about it, all right?”

  “Y-yes. All right,” Leita gasped, feeling the muscles in her belly twitch with tension. “Yes, I…I understand.”

  “Good,” he growled. “Then just relax and let me taste you, baby. Just give in and let it happen.” He bent his head to the heated well between her legs again and she felt his thumbs on her swollen pussy lips, spreading her wide, baring her wet, slippery, heated interior to his sight, to his touch.

  Leita clenched her fists in their silky bonds. She could almost feel his tongue on her now, could almost grasp the pleasure her Master had promised her. She was so close…so close…

  She was awake, sitting up in bed, panting and drenched in sweat. She was also alone.

  “What’s the matter, having bad dreams again?” a sleepy voice asked from the pillow beside her.

  Leita McLain jumped in surprise, then sighed. All right—she was alone except for Schneider, but her sarcastic best friend hardly counted. True, he was male, but he was also a Tarbian—an ET species completely incompatible with humans. At least sexually.

  “Frustrating dreams is more like it.” Leita got out of bed and threw on a robe, making her way to the softly glowing info-cube suspended above her desk. There was a soft patter behind her and she turned just in time to see Schneider jump up on the desk and curl up under the cube, distorting the image. He loved the heat from the projection source.

  “Schneider,” she sighed, nudging him with her elbow as she pulled on the sensor glove she used to manipulate the cube. “Come on, I have serious work to do.”

  “Sure, some work,” he grumbled, reluctantly scooting his long, sleek body to one side. Leita had seen pictures of animals from Old Earth that Schneider somewhat resembled. She thought they had been called “otters”. Then again, he also looked a little something
like a cat—one of the few domestic animals that had survived the flight from humanity’s abandoned home world.

  “It is work,” she insisted, calling up her company’s monthly records as proof. “See, I have to go over some figures.”

  Leita owned a small but profitable mining company on the far fringe of an asteroid belt on the edge of the Centauri solar system. She had inherited it from her parents, brave pioneers who had built the business from the ground up. The entire thing was completely mechanized, from the droid ships that went out to collect the ore she was after, to the sorting machine, to the refinery where the ore was smelted into metal and poured into molds. Once a month a company ship would come to collect the molded bars and cart them away to more civilized parts of the system, parts Leita longed to visit but couldn’t.

  She was a one-woman show and taking a vacation meant shutting the whole operation down. Now, if only she had someone to help her service the droids that broke down or got damaged while out mining the field, she might be able to afford shutting down for a month or so to find herself a little social life. What she really needed around here was a mechanic. A big, strapping, masterful mechanic. One with piercing eyes and warm, calloused, knowing hands and a really big tool belt…

  “Sure, I know what kind of figures you have to go over and they’re not exactly the numerical kind, either.” Schneider’s sarcastic voice dragged her out of her fantasy and Leita realized she’d been staring at the glowing cube for over a minute without doing anything.

  “Shut up,” she mumbled savagely, manipulating the cube until the site she really wanted to look at popped up. “So what if I like to look? It’s not like I’ve ordered anything.” Yet, she added to herself.

  For Her Pleasure proclaimed the glowing, purple letters at the top of the cube. You must be eighteen standard years of age to enter this site if human. Three hundred standard years if Bersinian. Bersinians were a particularly long-lived species of ET that didn’t reach sexual maturity for centuries. Leita felt sorry for them—she was barely twenty-seven standard years of age and so consumed with unfulfilled sexual longings that the idea of waiting another two hundred and seventy-three years to look at porn on the Web was unthinkably frustrating. Not that she wasn’t already frustrated enough.

  She scrolled through the species list that included almost all known forms of alien life that inhabited the galaxy except Periis. Periis were an exclusively homosexual male species that reproduced by budding. There was also no mention of Toliwogs, a group of hyper-religious creatures that inhabited one small moon in a distant galaxy.

  Toliwogs believed that an appropriate punishment when one of their number was caught masturbating was amputation of a hand. Since Toliwogs had twelve hands, it was entirely possible to gauge how dirty an individual’s mind was by counting the number of remaining hands. Only Toliwogs with eleven hands or more were permitted to enter the priesthood. Toliwogs with less than three hands were excommunicated and could sometimes be seen in spaceports with signs that read “Please lend a hand to the handless”.

  At any rate, Leita was glad she wasn’t a Bersinian, a Perii or a Toliwog as she found “human” on the long list and clicked on it with her glove. There was the standard fare, erotic stories, mind link personal ads, even feely fantasies that could be hooked directly into your nervous system to give you an intensely pleasurable mind movie that felt exactly like the real thing. Well, almost. Leita knew from bitter experience that nothing but a living, breathing, hot-blooded man in your bed felt like a man in your bed. Too bad she no longer trusted men.

  Tonight Leita wasn’t interested in the standard stuff, not even the brand new S&M feely fantasy that normally would have caught her eye. She flipped straight to the premium section of the For Her Pleasure site and stared at the choices, biting her lip.

  “Mm-mm-mm,” Schneider murmured, breaking her concentration. “Small, medium, and extra large. Decisions, decisions.”

  “Shut up,” Leita commanded again, studying the 3-D images floating above her cube. She nervously nibbled at her left thumbnail as she manipulated the cube with her right hand.

  “Companion 2000” the purple letters flared. “Guaranteed to grant your every sexual desire and fulfill your need for companionship.”

  “Hey, I thought I fulfilled your need for companionship,” Schneider, protested, slinking his long neck around so that he could read the words over his shoulder.

  “Until you gain about two hundred pounds of muscle and grow some considerably larger equipment…” Leita started, then saw the hurt look in her friend’s wide golden eyes. “Aw, c’mon, Schneider, you know I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that sometimes, well, I have needs.”

  “Needs to bankrupt the company,” Schneider muttered huffily, beginning to groom his whiskers as he always did when he was upset. “You ought to be using that credit on hiring a new mechanic to fix the droids instead of dropping a wad on some overpriced blow-up doll.”

  Leita gritted her teeth. “We’ve been over this, Schneider. The last two times I tried to hire someone, they took the credit and ran, remember?” It was really hard to find a man who wanted to stay out here at the ass end of the solar system and fix broken droid ships. The first man she’d tried to hire, after her parents’ death in a scouting accident, had simply taken his pay of a month’s credit and run off in the night. The second one, Eddie, well, he had been a real prize.

  The sleazy, smooth-talking con artist had managed to make Leita believe that he loved her. She’d told him everything—even her most private fantasies, the ones that made her hot and cold, the ones that made her wake up drenched in sweat and filled with longing night after night. The ones she was most ashamed of. Eddie had pretended to play along for a good long time—almost six months. Then he’d gained access to her private quarters and stolen her mother’s jewelry and her father’s platinum-plated chronometer along with six months’ profit on his way out the door. The only thing he’d left her, besides a broken heart, was a note telling her exactly what he thought of her fantasies and desires.

  It had taken Leita a year to recoup financially and she still hadn’t recovered emotionally from the betrayal. Unfortunately, just because her heart wasn’t up to a romantic relationship didn’t mean her body had stopped craving sex. If anything, Leita craved it more. All alone, except for Schneider, in the spacious but empty life pod from which she controlled the mining operation, she sometimes physically ached for the touch of another human being.

  She wanted a pair of strong arms to hold her tight, a deep, soothing masculine voice to murmur sweet nothings into her ear, a warm, hard body to curl around hers in the dead of night when she felt cold and frightened and alone. Most of all, she wanted someone who wouldn’t think she was crazy or strange when she admitted her darkest needs and desires. She wanted a man, but there was no way to get one to stay. No way except to buy one—or the next best thing.

  “Anyway, the Companion 2000 is more than a ‘blow-up doll’,” she told Schneider, manipulating the cube so that the three size choices rotated in turn. “The skeleton is tempered titanium and the brain is the best and most advanced cybernetic synthi- organic cognitive structure on the market today. All covered in genuine vat-grown flesh that comes in a variety of skin tones and textures—vanilla, caramel, or dark chocolate.” Did this site cater to women or what? she thought, smiling to herself. “Also you can pick from smooth, medium hairy, or gorilla.”

  “Listen to you,” Schneider sniffed disdainfully. “You’ve been surfing this site so often you have all the specs memorized. It’s disgusting.”

  Leita sighed. “Like I’d expect you to understand. Tarbians only have to mate once every fifty years. You spend one week—one single week, mind you—producing and hatching your offspring, then you go off and never see each other again.”

  “And that’s the way we like it,” Schneider stressed. “Most of us, anyway. The last time I hooked up with a female, she actually wanted me to hang around an extra couple
of hours—ugh! I just can’t stand it when they get clingy.” He shivered, a move that displaced his sleek coat of tan fur so that he had to spend a moment grooming it back into place with his long pink tongue and small, six-fingered hands.

  “The point is,” Leita said, rotating the dark chocolate-colored medium-sized man figure, “just because you don’t need someone to hold you at night doesn’t mean I’m happy sleeping alone.”

  “You’re not sleeping alone,” Schneider protested. “I sleep on the pillow right next to you. Just because we have incompatible body parts and you humans are so freakishly huge I can’t service you sexually—”

  “Schneider, please. You know what I mean.” She went back to studying the Companion 2000 series, deciding which one to get. What really drew her eye was the extra-large size in caramel-colored medium-hairy. Her interest flagged the site’s auto- sale personality and specs began appearing on the cube.

  “The Extra Large Companion 2000 is between six-foot-two and six-foot-six” read the purple words, marching like obedient insects beneath the 3-D figures. “Two hundred and twenty to two hundred and forty pounds of Old Earth Standard solid muscle will be at your sexual beck and call. Penis size is, of course, proportionate to the size of the Companion. We guarantee satisfaction both physically and emotionally. All Companions in the 2000 series have been programmed with correct and sensitive emotional responses for every occasion. Be the envy of all your friends—you’ll swear you have the perfect man!”


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