Companion 3000

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Companion 3000 Page 7

by Evangeline Anderson

  “So Tarbians are psychic?” Leita scoffed, trying not to remember that he’d said the same thing about Eddie. But this time he had to be wrong—didn’t he? “What’s next, you want to read my palm or have a look into your crystal ball to see what the stars hold for me?” she asked.

  “No.” Schneider lithely jumped off the table and shook out his fur. “Because I already know, and it’s not good.” He left the room leaving Leita feeling pissed off and vaguely troubled. Schneider was crazy, she told herself. Her best friend was just jealous that she didn’t have twenty-four hours a day to devote to him anymore. He’d get over it in time.

  But the vague sense of unease followed her and kept her from telling Pierce what she really wanted from him. That was until the night when she had another one of those damn dreams…

  “On your knees, Leita. Hands behind your back and spread your legs. I want you spread open and ready to take me. I’m gonna fuck you deep tonight—deep and hard and long. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” It was little more than a whisper—her throat had locked up with pleasure and fear. She moved to do as he commanded, but not fast enough to suit her Master. She saw a motion out of the corner of her eye and suddenly a hard, open hand connected to her naked bottom. “Ouch!” Leita gasped. The blow stung fiercely as he had no doubt intended it to.

  “When I tell you to move, I mean move, Leita,” he growled softly. “Or do I have to teach you a lesson in obedience?”

  She bit her lip, her heart lodged somewhere in her throat, pounding hard enough to shake her entire body. “I’m sorry, Master.” The place where his hand had connected with her bottom was warm and tingly.

  “But maybe not sorry enough,” he rumbled. “Maybe you need another lesson in submission. A lesson in obedience.” Strong arms drew her across his lap and Leita could feel the heated length of his shaft digging into her belly as he positioned her so that her ass was in the air, naked and vulnerable to his large hand.

  “Master, please,” she cried softly. “Please, I didn’t mean to—”

  “Didn’t mean to what? Try my patience and earn yourself a spanking? That’s too damn bad, Leita. And it’s too damn late to do anything but take your medicine.” His large hand came down, a firm stroke that landed low on her ass, almost where her tender cheeks joined her upper thighs. Leita jumped and cried out at the stinging pain but she made no move to be free of him or to end the spanking. This was her Master’s way—his prerogative. Sometimes it pleased him to spank her, just as sometimes it pleased him to tie her up. There was nothing she could do to stop it—when she was in bed with him, he owned her completely, body and soul. And though it was hard to admit, Leita liked it that way.

  Smack! Another cruel blow landed on her tingling behind and she jumped again, moaning.

  “Please, Master—please!” But she no longer knew if she was begging him to stop or to never stop.

  Smack! Another blow, this one higher. It stung and tingled and made her so hot she could barely breathe. Between her legs, she could feel her pussy getting wet for him, wetter than any soft words or gentle caresses could make her. This was what she needed—what she craved. To be punished. To be disciplined and mastered completely until he was ready to ride her cunt and fill her with his cum. Goddess, she was getting so hot…

  Smack! Smack! Smack! A quick volley of blows and then he stopped and simply rested his hand on her stinging bottom. Leita whimpered quietly, wondering what was next—pain or pleasure? Then his fingers began to move, stroking over her tingling skin and down to her inner thighs, now wet with desire.

  “How does that feel, baby girl?” His deep voice rumbled through her as he spread her legs. “How does your pussy feel now that you’ve had your spanking?”

  “I…I don’t know,” she gasped.

  “Maybe we should find out.” Thick fingers opened her cunt lips from behind, sliding along her slick furrow until they reached the sensitive bud of her clitoris.

  Leita jumped and moaned aloud as his calloused fingertips traced the sensitive bundle of nerves over and over in a slow, deliberate pattern. Oh yes, he knew exactly what he was doing to her and he had no intention of stopping.

  “Your pussy’s wet, baby girl,” her Master murmured. “Wet and hot and slippery.” Two thick fingers slipped into the tight crevice of her cunt, penetrating her to the core, fucking into her heated depths. Leita arched her back and moaned. She spread her thighs wider, only one thing on her mind. More…more…more…!

  “More what?” Pierce sounded mystified. Leita opened her eyes to see that he was propped up on one elbow, looking down at her. There was a curious expression in his blue eyes as he stroked a strand of hair out of her face. “You were shouting you wanted more of something, Leita. More what?” he asked again.

  “Nothing.” Leita sat up in bed and leaned against the slatted brushed steel headboard. The cool metal felt good against her sweating skin.

  “Bullshit.” Pierce sat up beside her and gave her a knowing look. “You were dreamin’ about something very specific—I could tell. So how about letting me in on it?”

  She tried to laugh but the sound got stuck in her throat. “That’s silly, Pierce.

  Besides, how do you know I was dreaming? How long were you even watching me?”

  “A little while.” He took one of her hands between both of his. “I like to watch you sleep—you look so peaceful. Most of the time, anyway.”

  Leita pulled back her hand. “And I don’t look peaceful otherwise. I mean, when I’m awake?”

  “Stop dodging the subject, honey.” Pierce looked at her intently. “What were you dreamin’ about?”

  “Why do you want to know so badly?” Leita demanded nervously.

  “Maybe because you had that look on your face—the same one you get when you’re just about to come,” Pierce growled softly. “And you were thrashing around and moaning and beggin’ someone for ‘more’.” He shrugged, the muscles in his shoulders rippling with the motion. “That kind of thing tends to get a man interested.”

  “It’s nothing. Just a dream I have sometimes.” She twisted her fingers in her lap, wanting to tell him and not wanting to at the same time.

  “Tell me.”

  “It’s not important,” Leita stalled, looking down at her hands.

  He cupped her cheek and turned her face up to his. “It is important—I can tell. This is about more than a dream, isn’t it, honey?”

  “I don’t…I can’t…” She wanted to pull away from his warm hand but somehow she couldn’t.”

  “Tell me,” Pierce said again. “If it’s important to you, it’s important to me. If there’s somethin’ you need that I haven’t been giving you, I need to know about it.”

  “It’s nothing like that,” Leita protested. “Pierce, you give me so much. You help in the mech bay and this whole place has never been in better condition than since you came. And…and you’re so good to me when we’re…when we make love.” She knew it was silly to talk about making love with a machine, but she couldn’t seem to help herself.

  “I love to make love to you.” Pierce leaned closer and kissed her gently. Then he drew back, frowning a little as though he could read her thoughts. “And don’t say it’s just my ‘programming’ makin’ me talk that way, either, Leita. Forget about all that for a minute and just think of me as a man. A man that wants to know everything about you—all your secrets, all your fears… all your needs.”

  Leita bit her lip and looked down. “Eddie said sort of the same thing,” she said, feeling her cheeks heat with shame. “And he…” She shook her head, unable to convey the betrayal she had felt, the hurt he had inflicted.

  “I’m not Eddie.” Pierce’s voice was rough with emotion. He put an arm around her and pulled her close to his side. Leita was stiff at first, but then she melted against him. “Tell me, honey,” he said in a softer tone. “What is it that has you all worked up? What are you dreamin’ about? What do you need?”

ita looked up at him and saw the gentle interest in his dark blue eyes. This was foolish, she told herself. She should just admit her secret fantasies and be done with it. After all, Pierce was programmed to fulfill any need or desire. It was just that he was so real it was easy to forget he wouldn’t betray her the way Eddie had, the way another man, a real man, might if she gave him the chance.

  “I’ve never done anything like this so I don’t know why I dream about it,” she began in a rush. “But there’s a man— I never really see what he looks like. I…I call him ‘Master’. When I talk to him in my dreams, I mean.” She looked down for a minute, then rushed on. “Anyway, he…he ties me up, in some dreams, anyway. Sometimes he hits me—not across the face or anything,” she added hastily. “Just…he spanks me. Hard. Sometimes he blindfolds me and does things…things I can’t ask for but he knows I want them just the same. He knows—somehow he always knows exactly what I need. Even if I can’t bring myself to ask for it.” She looked fixedly down at her lap, afraid to see the expression on Pierce’s face.

  She’d told Eddie a little of this and he’d acted like it was no big deal—until he left the note that was. Of course, he’d never exactly offered to act on it with her either. He’d come from a small, straight-laced planet where missionary-style sex was the norm and being kinky meant leaving the lights on—not tying your girlfriend to the bed and spanking her until she begged to be fucked.

  “So…” Pierce’s deep voice was thoughtful. “You’re not just talkin’ about a little slap and tickle here, are you, baby? You need to be spanked, don’t you? Need to be tied down and forced to submit while I fuck your sweet little pussy. Am I right?”

  A rush of shame and desire almost overwhelmed her and Leita dared to look up at him. What she saw in his face convinced her at last. He knew—he understood. Just the fact that he had used the word “need” instead of “want” told her that. But more than that, she saw no disgust in his eyes at the thought of what she needed, had always needed for as long as she could remember. Instead there was a heat she had never seen deep in their blue depths. A desire that matched her own.

  “Yes,” she whispered at last. “Yes, I…that’s exactly what I need. What…what do you think of that? Of me?” She felt the wet heat throbbing between her legs at that look he was giving her and her nipples were as hard as little pebbles beneath the silky black teddy she wore.

  Pierce smiled lazily. “Always knew there was something you were hiding— something deep down you wanted to tell but couldn’t.” He stroked one fingers gently down her cheek, starting a fire under her skin. “I’m glad you finally came out with it, Leita.”

  “So you don’t think I’m…sick, or depraved?” she asked. She knew his programming wouldn’t let him say yes but for once she wanted to pretend he was a man, not a machine—a man who accepted her just the way she was and still wanted her despite her kinky desires.

  “If you are, then I’m just as sick as you.” His eyes blazed at her. “Hell, I wouldn’t mind tyin’ you to the bed right now.”

  “You…you wouldn’t?” Leita’s breath caught in her throat. Was he serious? Not only did he not mind her fantasies, but he wanted to act one out with her?

  “Not a bit. Look at you.” He stroked one finger down the V-neck of the lacy black teddy, tracing the valley between her breasts. “You look good enough to eat—and I mean that literally, baby,” he growled. “I wouldn’t mind tyin’ you down and fucking you until you screamed.”

  “Oh…” Leita felt a long sigh fall out of her as she let herself imagine what it would be like. Being helpless, completely open and vulnerable to him, letting him do anything he wanted and not being able to stop him no matter how much she begged…

  “I wouldn’t but I won’t,” Pierce interrupted her fantasy. “At least, not tonight,” he added, obviously seeing her disappointment. “See…” He pulled her closer and leaned in to kiss her lightly on the side of her throat. “I want you to be thinking about it all day tomorrow. Wonderin’ what I’m gonna do to you when bedtime comes around.” His deep voice was so low it was more a vibration than a sound in her ear and Leita felt it raise chill bumps all along her spine. “I want you mentally prepared as well as physically ready for me,” he continued. “I want you so hot you can’t see straight. I want you trembling and moaning, every muscle in your body tight with need, your nipples hard and aching and your little pussy dripping wet for me. Understand?”

  “I…oh Goddess, Pierce,” she half moaned. “Yes, I understand.”

  “Good.” He wrapped both arms around her and shifted them down to the mattress. “Then try and get some sleep, baby girl. Tomorrow’s gonna be an interesting day.”

  “What?” Leita twisted in his arms so that she was facing him. “You’re just going to go back to sleep now? Without doing…anything at all?” Her pussy was already wet with need, just imagining the possibilities and she thought she’d go crazy if she didn’t get some relief.

  Pierce gave her that lazy grin again. “Oh, I could do something, I guess. I could spread your legs right now and fuck you. Could ram my cock into that tight little pussy of yours until you came and I filled you full of my cum.”

  Leita felt the surge she always did when he talked dirty to her. She loved the matter-of-fact tone of his deep voice when he described exactly what he could and would do to her if he felt like it. The way he explained exactly how he would take her, hard and rough or long and slow.

  “But I won’t,” Pierce said again. “Because that would take the edge off and I don’t want it off, Leita. I want you hot and bothered and ready to take my cock any way I tell you to.”

  “Oh Goddess,” she moaned again, burying her face in his chest and feeling the familiar scratch of his rough hair against her cheek. “I don’t know if I can wait.”

  “You’re just gonna have to,” he said and she could hear the humor and anticipation in his voice. “Because we’re not doing a thing before tomorrow night. Remember…good things come to those who wait.”

  Leita stifled another moan as his arms tightened around her. She’d had these fantasies since she was thirteen and first started seriously considering boys and sex and she’d already been waiting fourteen years. She didn’t know if another day of waiting would kill her or not, but it sure felt like it.

  Pierce surveyed the bedroom with satisfaction. Everything was in place, including Leita, tied to the metal slats of her own bed with the soft silky restraints he’d found in her closet. They weren’t the only thing he’d found either, he thought as he walked soundlessly into the room and stood at the foot of the bed, eyeing the trembling woman tied to the headboard. Leita had been sending away for naughty little items for quite a while. The black leather bustier she was currently wearing that pushed up her full breasts while leaving her tight pink nipples bare was one. And the black lace panties with a crotch that consisted of a single strand of pearls were another.

  He watched as she writhed on the bed, moaning as the pale glimmering pearls rubbed her swollen clit with each move she made. Her pussy was completely bare— he’d seen to that himself, not letting her do anything but watch while he shaved her. Leita had gasped and held his shoulders tight as he knelt before her, performing the intimate service. When he’d finished, Pierce had had an intense urge to go down on her then and there and plunge his tongue into her clean-shaven cunt. But he’d forced himself to hold back—that was for later.

  Now he surveyed Leita, blindfolded on the bed, moaning softly as the pearls tormented her. She was beautiful in her submission, he thought, beautiful in her fear. For she did fear this, just a little. Not nearly as much as she might if she knew he wasn’t actually a machine that was programmed not to hurt her—but she feared it just the same. That was part of the pleasure, he knew. What he didn’t know was how she’d react if she knew the truth about him.

  He wished for the hundred thousandth time that he could tell her. She’d been nothing but kind to him and he felt like a galaxy-class bastard
when he thought about how he was deceiving her. In fact, lately he’d been wondering how important that deception really was. Sure, Leita was be bound to be mad if he came clean, but he was sure that she cared about him too much to stay mad forever. He wanted to tell her he was a man, not a machine. A man who…what—loved her? Now there was a crazy thought, Pierce told himself. He was Pierce Branson, a man addicted to adventure, a love ‘em and leave ‘em Romeo who roamed the galaxy in constant search of profit and mayhem.

  But if he was so addicted to adventure, how come he hadn’t missed it a bit in the last month since he’d been here in the small life pod with Leita? And if he was such a Romeo, how come he didn’t crave the touch of another woman’s hand? How come when he closed his eyes at night, all he saw was her sweet face, those wide brown trusting eyes and the smattering of freckles over her cute nose? Goddess…I’ve gone and done it. Gone and fallen in love with her.

  Pierce pushed the thought away. He didn’t need to be thinking such foolishness. What he needed was to concentrate on the matter at hand. The matter of the half-naked, blindfolded Leita tied to her bed and waiting for the real show to begin. He stepped forward, deliberately making a noise he knew she could hear. Sure enough, she jumped a little and turned her head toward him.

  “Leita,” he said, using his deepest, most authoritative voice. The voice he knew made her shiver with need. “Are you ready to begin?”

  She sat up a little straighter, pulling at the restraints that tied her securely but not harmfully to the bed to do it. “Y-yes,” she stuttered in a voice so soft he could barely hear her.

  “Speak up,” he barked, making his voice deliberately harsh. “And call me Master when you speak to me.”

  “Yes, Master,” she said, in a slightly stronger voice. Her small pink tongue flicked out, wetting her glistening red lips. Pierce felt a surge of heat in the region of his cock. Goddess, but she was beautiful! Who would have thought that innocent-looking Leita would have such fierce cravings? She continued to surprise him, continued to enchant him with her blend of naiveté and hunger.


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