The Destiny: A YA Paranormal Academy Romance (Deep Cove Academy Book 1)

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The Destiny: A YA Paranormal Academy Romance (Deep Cove Academy Book 1) Page 20

by Madison Becker

  I close my eyes and try to channel my energy to my feet. I remember how I felt that night, when my Destiny found me and embraced me with peace and calm. I channel the same feeling again. I open my eyes and they flash with heightened awareness. I revel in the pull of my legs fusing together.

  I am a siren. I spin through the water as my Transformation completes. Halloran applauds, his eyes soft and almost proud.

  He smiles broadly. “Well done.”

  “Thank you.” I smile at the sound of my voice clearly carrying through the water.

  I figure now is as good a time as any. “Professor, I have one question. If Reef is a Constellation, and I have a Fifth Destiny… why did he see me at his trial?”

  The question has been burning on my mind for weeks now. If the necklace was calling to me, why did Reef get tangled up in my mess?

  Professor Halloran breaks into a smile and he suddenly looks very young. “Destinies are a strange and beautiful thing, Miss Murphy. Somehow, you and Mr. Fenner have a linked Destiny, your stories are intertwined.”

  My heart beats in my chest. Well, that explains the magnetic pull.

  “It’s also my theory that this is why Reef’s mother was able to locate the necklace on the shipwreck,” Professor Halloran continues. “She was pregnant with Reef at the time. He’s part of your Destiny, so she was drawn to the necklace through him.”

  Despite the warmth on my skin, I get shivers. I stare at Halloran in wonder. “So Reef and I are destined for each other?”

  “I believe so.”

  I bite my lip and instantly think of the hole in the floor. That’s where Reef jumped to save me at the start of the semester, and I jumped a couple of months later to save him. The answer was in front of us the whole time: You find your Destiny from within.

  I think back to the ring of stars I saw when my Destiny found me. I was determined to save Reef. He was my Destiny the entire time.

  “Thank you, Professor,” I whisper.

  “My pleasure.” He smiles warmly and I feel strangely ashamed for being so suspicious of him earlier in the semester. “And Miss Murphy? Your father would be very proud.”

  My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He gestures upwards to indicate my test is over. I nod and ascend, rising towards the light.

  I reach the surface as the next Intake dives in for their test. I transform back into my human form and pull myself out of the water clumsily. Reef is at the water’s edge, and he folds his warm, dry body around me. He embraces me tightly as tears stream down my face.

  “What happened? Did something go wrong?” He asks, and I look at him.

  The weight of a million emotions crashes on me. “No, it went right — it went so right.”

  Reef grins in relief, his eyes dancing. He traces his fingers along my jaw and I get lost in his eyes. Then, in front of our classmates, Reef kisses me like we’re the only two people in the universe.

  I’m so lost in the moment, I barely hear TJ yell, “Get a room!”

  Reef and I break apart, laughing. Somehow, I know that everything is going to be okay.


  I’m in the ocean, deep underwater, and the turquoise blue is warm and calm. I glide through the tropical waters and dive among the coral. Schools of fish swim alongside me. Everything here is calm, colorful and alive. I’ve never felt so completely at peace, so happy.

  A beautiful melody floats through the current, and I look around to find its source. With a start, I realize that the song comes from me. The tune tumbles from my mouth effortlessly, I don’t even have to think of the notes or the harmony. It’s a part of me. I can no longer miss it, it lives within me.

  Then, Reef’s emerald green eyes meet mine. They’re calm and peaceful. He moves towards me, smiling. He leans forward to kiss me and pulls me towards him.

  The world spins and falls away…

  I awake with a smile on a chilly and bright mid-December morning. My heart beats quickly, but in excitement instead of fear. The nightmares are officially gone, and I’ve been sleeping like a baby.

  I look out the window to the rarest sight — a sunny winter day at Deep Cove. It’s the perfect weather for the last day of the semester.

  Our last final exam took place yesterday — in Astronomy. Headmaster Muir took over teaching Astronomy for the last couple of weeks. He told our class that Professor Nerida had to leave due to a death in her family. Reef and I share the secret truth.

  I grab a tank top and jeans — now that I’ve transformed, I’m never cold anymore — and Casey and I head to the auditorium for Closing Ceremony. It feels like a lifetime has passed since we sat in the auditorium just three months ago for Opening Ceremony.

  “So, end of the semester.” Casey mimes holding a microphone, as if interviewing me. “Any regrets, any wild dreams left unfulfilled?”

  I take a moment to think back over the semester. I remember the boat ride and the horrible nightmare at the trial. I remember seeing Reef for the first time, and the stress of not transforming. I remember surfing with our siren-born boys and eating sushi in the Dining Hall. And then, I remember the times Reef and I spent at the lighthouse.

  I have no regrets coming to Deep Cove.

  The only thing I would change is what went down with Nerida. Shivers shoot down my spine at the very thought of her name. Reef and I came so close to death...

  I’ve been trying not to dwell on memories of that night. I’ve decided to trust Halloran’s promise that, if she ever gets near campus, she’ll be captured. I’ve even noticed some Sirenis Force passing through campus or swimming in the far reaches of the ocean. It chills me to think that she’s still out there, biding her time before her next move.

  Reef is sensitive to my anxiety and his presence magically calms me down. We’ve spent every possible minute together since November 20th, and the thought of leaving him for three weeks over Christmas break hurts my heart.

  Someone grabs my hand. Next to me, a mass of bright blue fabric jumps on Casey and she lets out a cry.

  “Landwalkers!” A familiar voice roars. Casey shrieks and chases TJ towards the auditorium.

  “Hey.” Reef’s beautiful voice fills me with warmth.

  “I had a dream about you last night,” I say, my voice serious.

  Reef looks stricken. “Again?”

  We walk into the auditorium, and take our seats next to our friends.

  “Was it the same dream? The nightmare?” Reef whispers.

  “It was a little different this time...” I trail off and pretend to try and remember. “We were in the ocean and—”

  Horror crosses Reef’s face.

  “—you kissed me.” I finish, smiling.

  “Are you kidding me?” Reef yells. He dives towards me and tickles my sides.

  I laugh, wiggling to get away from him.

  Reef leaves an arm wrapped around me and his eyes sparkle. “I don’t think that was a dream.”

  I smile, melting under his gaze. Then, the lights dim, and the waves on the wall create the surreal effect of being underwater. I notice that the room is hilariously decorated for the holidays — whale structures with Santa hats, garlands strung amongst the waves, a menorah by the doorway. Sirens do love their holidays.

  I hold back a chuckle as Headmaster Muir glides onto stage wearing a red, fur-trimmed robe instead of his usual fishscale attire.

  “Welcome, students, faculty, staff and all beings,” Muir booms across the room. For the first time, I hear the melody within his voice. I’m thrown back to the Opening Ceremony, when I found him loud and intimidating.

  Now? I feel safe, I actually belong. I’m a siren, and at Deep Cove, I’m myself.

  “Today ends another chapter at Deep Cove Academy. Tomorrow, you will return to your homes for the holiday break. I trust that your time away from school will be both restful and enjoyable.”

  He proceeds to wish the Deep Cove Academy graduates luck on their future adventures, and then calls the graduates to the stag
e to give them a send off. Coralie’s name is called and I’m excited for her — she’s headed to a colony near the Galapagos to research a new species of turtle. I realize, yet again, that Deep Cove has opened a whole new world for me.

  “I’d also like to take this opportunity to wish our Intake class a happy transition into the next stage of sirenity.” He turns towards our class. “We’ve been delighted to teach you and watch you grow and transform this past semester. We’re so pleased to have seen a perfect 100% Transformation rate, as expected — Bravo to you all!”

  His applause bounces around the room and the upper semester students and faculty join in. My cheeks flush red with happiness. As expected? If only he knew.

  “We’ll see you next semester!” Muir announces grandly and the auditorium bursts into applause and whoops.

  We make our way into the sunlit courtyard. Crowds of students mill around, hugging and fist-bumping and sharing tearful goodbyes. I cannot imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t come to Deep Cove.

  Casey and Flo envelop me in a group hug. One by one, Dennis, James, TJ, Marlowe, Beau, Dean and Reef pile on to the heap. Soon enough, we collapse in a massive dog pile on the ground. I laugh hard and Reef finds my hand, pulling me away while our friends head for the beach.

  We dart through the throngs of people and I spot Kendra across the courtyard. I smile and she waves back. Since the night Reef went missing, we’ve reached a bit of a truce. We’ll probably never be close friends, but I’ll forever be indebted to her for helping me find Reef.

  We cut left, and butterflies erupt in my stomach. I know where he’s taking me. I follow him up the steps of the lighthouse — our lighthouse. We get to the top and I’m breathless. The view during the day is astounding. Clear blue skies meet the calm ocean with barely a horizon to separate them. The world seems absolutely endless.

  I look at Reef and he’s staring at me. His beautiful green eyes meet mine and I suddenly feel teary.

  “I don’t want to leave you,” I whisper.

  “It’ll go by in a flash, I promise.” Reef smiles. “We’ll be back together before we know it. And in the meantime, I have something for you…”

  Reef reaches into his backpack and pulls out a hoodie — his trademark burnt orange one.

  “To keep you warm over the holidays.” He holds it out to me. “Just don’t do anything crazy, like wandering around at night in your PJs.”

  I grin back and take the hoodie from him. I pull it on and wrap my arms around myself. It smells like him.

  “Me, crazy? Reef Fenner, I think you have the wrong idea about me!” I tease.

  He circles his arms around my waist and pulls me close. “No, Maya Murphy, I have very much the right idea.”

  My heart beats in time with his as he leans down to kiss me. My Destiny has truly found me.

  I’m home.


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  —Madison Becker

  Copyright © 2020 by Eleventh Avenue Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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