Unearthly Realms

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Unearthly Realms Page 8

by Ron L. Carter

While Ty was passing the days waiting for Zitrik to return, he observed a lot of different spacecraft coming and going from the portal. Some of them were different in shape than the spaceship he had flown on with Zitrik. On the third day of waiting one of the spaceships suddenly slowed down and began to approach him. At first, it made a swoop at him as if it was in an attack mode. As it came very close to him he yelled out, “Hey, what the heck are you doing? It did the same maneuver a few more times and Ty started to get a little angry. It then abruptly landed right in front of him and as the hatch opened Ty was shouting, “Hey you idiot, you almost hit me.” There was an alien flying the spaceship that looked similar to a human but Ty could tell he was a little different. His skin color was a light grey and his clothing was more like a skin tight polyester material. As he sat there, he motioned for Tyler to come on board. At first Ty was a little apprehensive about getting on a spaceship he didn’t know anything about, but slowly made his way onto the ship. Once on board, he noticed two other beings on the craft and the pilot said to him, “We’ve been coming by here for a few days and noticed you look like you’re lost or just waiting for something.” Ty told him the entire story about how he’d been on a spaceship with Zitrik and had left the ship while Zitrik was collecting a sample from a cow and got left behind. He said when Zitrik didn’t come back for him right away he went to a nearby farm house near the portal and spent some time with the family that lived there. After spending some time with them he decided he would come back to the portal and just wait, hoping Zitrik would return for him.

  The pilot told Ty he could ride along with him if he would like and he asked Ty how long he’d been a spirit. Ty told him not too long, that he was still learning about things he needed to know. He told Ty their mission wouldn’t take too long, but he was welcome to ride along. Ty thought, I don’t know him or know anything about where he was from or where he was going, but thought it might be better than just sitting around waiting for Zitrik and not knowing when and if he was coming back. Ty told the pilot his name and asked him what his was. He told Ty that his name was Tarmic and the other two on board were Zena and Swizzette and they were from a different dimension than Zitrik’s people. He told him that the name of their planet was Kurastain and it was about seven light years away from earth and in another dimension. He told Ty they were visiting earth to check on a few earthly beings to see how they were doing. He told him it was something they do on a regular basis. Ty asked Tarmic if he promised he would take him back to the portal and drop him off once his mission was complete. He agreed that he would.

  As they traveled to their destination, Ty starting asking Tarmic questions about his people. Tarmic seemed happy to give Ty all the information he wanted to know. He told Ty that his people had been on their planet for thousands of years and had developed advanced technology several hundreds of years ago where their spaceships could travel at light year speeds and he told him that they have technology that was more advanced than any other planet in the universe. He told Ty there are inhabitants from several other planets that are capable of flying from planet to planet and they’ve been doing it for hundreds of years. He said his people had visited other planets and given them the technology. Most of them have visited the planet Earth on many occasions. He told Ty that it was his ancestors that first discovered the beautiful planet Earth. He told him that when his ancestors first discovered earth there was nothing more than Neanderthal people living there and they were very primitive. They were hairy ape like creatures and their intelligence level wasn’t very high. They lived very much like wild animals in caves and under other overhanging rock formations. They had no guidelines rules or even a purpose in life other than survival. Our people decided we would start trying to improve their race so we began to artificially inciminate them a few thousand years ago. We took the eggs of the women on Earth and implanted them into our females and impregnated them with the sperm of our males. Most of our people and the people on earth today are hybrids that are a cross between us and the early people from Earth. We’ve tried to breed out their animal desire to destroy each other but we’ve been having a hard time doing that. For some reason, they have this innate desire to fight and destroy each other.

  Although we’ve had to defend our planet a few times from other life forms from other planets, we’re not a warlike race of people at heart. Ty wanted to know more. He asked Tarmic what his people were like and how they lived. He told Ty they lived a lot like the humans on earth. Everyone has a job to do every day and everyone has their own private living quarters where they raise their children. Our children are highly educated, but they pick an occupation when they are old enough to decide and they work in that job for the rest of their lives. We believe in God and we practice religion, just like the humans do on earth. In fact, we’re the ones that gave the earthlings the simple guidelines to follow and the religious way to live their lives on earth. It was the same simple rules that were given to us by God when we needed structure and guidance in our lives thousands of years ago. We still have to subdue the evil demons in our lives just like all races of people throughout the universe.

  We’re the ones that helped develop the human race on earth into what they are today. Just in the past few hundred years and now that the human intelligence level has increased, we have finally given them new technology we feel they couldn’t handle. We chose certain, above intelligent individuals on earth to give the knowledge to. We passed it onto them and they thought they received the information through a vision or a dream. Ty asked Tarmic “Is that why humans have made so many strides in the field of technology in just the past few hundred years?” Tarmic replied, “Yes, we believed they were finally ready to handle what we could teach them without destroying each other. After observing them and how they’ve handled some of the advanced technology we’re not sure if we’ve done the right thing. Now we’re just waiting to see what they do with the technology and hoping they don’t try to completely destroy earth. We have tons of other technology we can give them but we’re going to wait and observe them more to make sure they’ll be able to utilize it in a positive way. Ty was fascinated with the information Tarmic was giving him and continued to ask him everything he could. Ty had no idea where Tarmic was headed or what his mission was, but knew he would soon find out.

  It was the middle of the night when Tarmic arrived at a secluded farm house in the mid-western part of the United States. He looked over to Zena and Swizzette and said, “We’re here. Get ready.” Once he was over the farm house he hovered there for a few minutes as he sent out a huge beam of light that covered the entire house. Soon a middle aged woman dressed in just a housecoat came walking out the front door. She looked as if she was asleep or in some kind of deep trance. As she stood there in her front yard looking up toward the spaceship another beam of light was aimed directly at her and soon she was beamed aboard the spaceship. Almost instantly, she was greeted by Zena and Swizzette on the ship and they lay her on, what resembled a hospital bed. They quickly strapped her down and Zena began to do an incision just under the skin of her left calf. She then took out and replaced a small device about the size of a pea in the fatty tissue of her calf. There was just a little bit of blood from the incision and Swizzette touched the incision opening with a small silver rod and the cut was instantly healed, as if it had never been opened. She then wiped away the blood with some type of cloth material and it was as if the woman had never been touched. After that was over they began checking her with some type of monitor that was placed over her heart. They recorded the information and within just a short period of time the woman was taken from the table and placed on a platform and beamed back down to her yard. Ty was amazed at what precision they worked together as he asked Tarmic what that was all about. He told Ty that certain people on earth have been selected as test subjects and they are monitored through a tracking device that is placed on them just under their skin. He
told Ty they were are able to follow them throughout their lives. He said, “It isn’t anything that’ll harm them, but it helps us know where they are and what they are doing at all times. It’s just a way to keep track of them.” Ty asked him what the purpose in all the testing was about. He replied “This is our way of checking to see how the environment on Earth and other external things are affecting their body.” He told Ty that on some of their stops they still harvest the eggs of young women and take them back to their planet for fertilization.

  Tarmic made a few more stops as they abducted two more young females and performed the same procedure as they had done on the first woman and also collected some eggs from the two of them. After the third person was abducted and returned he told Ty that their work was done on this mission and they would be heading back home.

  He told Ty he would drop him off at the portal before he made his way through, if he was ready to get off the spaceship. Ty thought things happened way too quickly on this trip and the information about Tarmic’s people and planet fascinated him. He really wanted to learn more, but knew he had to get off at the portal or he may miss his opportunity. Before he got off the spaceship, he thanked Tarmic for stopping and picking him up and giving him a ride. He also thanked him for all the information about his planet and his people. It wasn’t long before the spaceship came to an abrupt halt at the portal and the door opened up and Ty exited the spaceship, waving good-bye as he left.

  Once again Ty was left at the portal and he once again began his wait for Zitrik to return. He continued to observe as different alien spaceships and other creatures came and went through the portal. It wasn’t until a few days later when Zitrik’s spaceship was hovering right in front of him. As the door to the craft opened he saw Markus and Holly laughing in the background and Ty was very happy they had returned for him. As he boarded the craft, he apologized to Zitrik for ever leaving his spaceship and thanked him for coming back. Zitrik replied, “Don’t thank me, thank those two idiots. They wouldn’t leave me alone until I came back for you. I’ll be glad to get you to your destination and get rid of you.” Markus and Holly knew Zitrik wasn’t too upset or he wouldn’t have agreed to come back for Ty.

  While on their way back to their home base Holly, Markus and Ty were enjoying the unbelievable scenery of the millions of brilliant shining stars and all the different colored planets scattered throughout space when Zitrik suddenly slowed almost to a stop. He then made a ninety degree turn and the spaceship instantly shot in another direction. Right behind them a ray of light shot by them almost as quick as a blink of an eye. Markus asked Zitrik what the heck was that? Zitrik calmly said, “Energy directed weapon from Earth. Your friends. They tried to shoot us down!” Markus replied, “Man that was close.” Zitrik replied, “Not really. It wasn’t as close as it may have seemed.”

  Once they settled down Markus and Holly told Ty they were very happy and excited to see him and wanted to hear all about what he had been doing while they were gone. Before they got back to Zitrik’s portal, he told them how he had met Tarmic and he told them about his people and what a big influence they had on the human race on Earth. He also told them about what he had discovered at the farmhouse and how he believed they could store energy now make the connection with loved ones. He told them how they could move objects, open doors, turn themselves into orbs or mist, make footstep sounds, turn lights on and off and many other ways to get humans attention. They were very excited. They just didn’t know how it all worked. Ty told them not to worry, he knew how to do it now and would teach them once they got back to the big house. He told them when the time was right, they would all make the connection with loved ones and then they could all move on into the light, just like they had planned.

  They agreed that once Zitrik had dropped them off at the portal, they would go back to the big house where they had first met. This was the place Holly and Markus were familiar with so they believed it was the most logical place for them to stay.

  * * *


  Chapter 9 – Tyler Makes Contact with His Mom


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