Unearthly Realms

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Unearthly Realms Page 19

by Ron L. Carter

While sitting there on the bed talking about their experience with Korbin a brilliant round ball of light, the size of a bowling ball came floating through the bedroom window. It rolled down the wall, across the floor and up onto Ty’s dresser. Markus’s eyes were wide open as he said to Ty, “What the heck is that.” Ty just sat looking at the ball of light and shook his head and replied, “I have no idea.” As they watched, the light started to expand and soon it filled the entire room. It became more intense as it also bounced off the mirror on the dresser. From the middle of the light there was a beautiful apparition that was starting to manifest right before their eyes. As it became clearer, they could tell it was Holly and she had a brilliant glow all around her. She had a big smile on her face as she looked at them and said, “I was hoping I could find you guys here.” Ty replied, “That was an impressive entrance, but I thought you went through the light and we wouldn’t see you again for a while.” Markus said, “Yea, we didn’t think we’d see you again until we crossed over.” As she sat on the dresser with her legs folded and her hands by her side on the dresser, she told them she had to come back just to let them know how wonderful it was. She wanted to let them know what Heaven was like and not to be worried about crossing over to the other side. Markus couldn’t wait as he said, “Ok, tell us what it’s like! Is it what you expected!?”

  They could hear the excitement in her voice as she began to tell them everything they wanted to know. She said, “As soon as I started to enter the light, I heard the most beautiful, soothing, almost enveloping music you could ever imagine. It was way beyond anything I’d ever heard before. It immediately put me at ease and at peace, like being wrapped in a cashmere blanket. Coming to meet me was my Grandfather, Uncle Charlie and Cousin Cori that had passed on several years earlier. There, with them, was my guardian angel and a few other angels I didn’t know. They were all so excited and happy to see me as they led me through the light. Once I crossed through the light and entered into the heavenly dimension things suddenly changed. All the colors were magnified a thousand percent, the trees, fields, mountains, streams, and clouds, everything just looked so much clearer, vibrant and more beautiful. I could see a huge castle in the distance and it sparkled like it was encircled in millions of diamonds and all the pathways were paved in gold and silver. As I walked down one of the paths I was met by hundreds of angels as they greeted me with song and welcomed me home.”

  Ty interrupted her and said, “Did you get a chance to meet God and Jesus?” She replied, “I did see God as He welcomed me into Heaven. To me He’s more like a divine “light presence” instead of what you might imagine. He is ever present with me in everything I say and do. After that experience I was taken inside the sparkling castle where Jesus was sitting on a throne. As I was led down a long isle I felt like I was being led down the red carpet to meet my future husband. The major difference was the row of carpet wasn’t cloth or paper but crushed diamonds and the reflections from the sparkles of the diamonds were bouncing off the gold and silver walls of the huge cathedral room. The light from where Jesus sat shined brighter than ten of millions of lit candles. It was almost too hard to look directly at him. As I approached him, Jesus met me with open arms and I felt electrified with love and compassion far beyond anything my wildest dream could ever comprehend. Just the touch from His embrace was almost overwhelming. I could feel his total love for me as it fully encompassed my entire being and it was wonderful beyond compare.” Markus said, “Wow! That sounds amazing, does He look like the pictures everyone has seen of Him. “She replied, “Yes, He is a lot like the pictures painted by the little girl who saw him in her vision, but His presence is even more incredible than any picture or painting could ever portray.”

  Ty said, “Can you tell us what it’s like in that dimension other than the beautiful castles and paths paved in gold and silver?” She replied, “Oh! My gosh! Everywhere you go there is nothing but soft spoken angels coming up to greet you. You’re being is no longer concerned with the everyday human emotions such as fear, worry, pain, anger, needs, or anything negative from our earthly existence. You’re filled with unselfish love and compassion for everyone and everything. There is total harmony with the rest of the angels of the dimension. I can’t really begin to tell you how completely happy and content you feel. Wherever you go you can see and hear angels softly singing and playing music so beautiful it puts you into total tranquility filled with peace and happiness. It’s a place you never want to leave.” She told them she could go on and on about how magnificent it is in haven, but the only way they would truly understand for themselves was once they crossed over and saw it for themselves. She told them that their heavenly experience may be a little different and unique to them because everyone’s experience is different. She said, “I just wanted to give you both a heads up of what to expect and to let you know we’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready to crossover.”

  Ty and Markus thanked Holly for coming back to tell them the good news. It put a lot of their fears of crossing over behind them. They told her they would be looking forward to seeing her on the other side once Markus connected with his mother and Ty connected with Maggie. Holly told them that she understood and said, “I love you both and I’ll see you soon,” as she began to fade back into the light. They told her they loved her too, just as a flash from the light momentarily lit up the room a little brighter and then she was gone.

  Ty looked at Markus and said, “That was really a great gift she gave us. We’ll have to thank her again once we see her again. “Markus replied, “That was something I never expected. So now we know we can come back when we want or need to see loved ones. That’s really cool.”

  * * *

  Chapter 20 – Trudy and the Demon


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