Unearthly Realms

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Unearthly Realms Page 21

by Ron L. Carter

Now that Trudy was free of the demon and was back on track with her life and with God, Ty and Markus were ready to approach her once again. When Markus saw her he told Ty “Wow, she cleaned up real well and she looks good again.” Markus was really glad to have his mom back. They talked about what they were going to do to make contact with her and Markus said that he didn’t want to do anything that he thought might scare her into thinking the demon was trying to take control of her again. Ty knew she was still in a fragile state of mind and he agreed with Markus they would have to take their time with her and see what they could figure out.

  The more Markus thought about it, the more he wanted to try and store up as much energy as he could and then approach his mom by trying to appear in his full image as an apparition in front of her so that she could see him and know that he was okay. Ty told him they would figure a way to do that when he was ready.

  For the next several weeks Markus just hung out around his mom and enjoyed her company. She was reading the Bible again and going to church on Tuesdays and Sundays. She was starting to get her life back again and feeling good about herself. Ty and Markus had seen the demon a few times as it tried to fight its way back into her life, but she fought him off and wouldn’t let him back in. As long as she denounced him in the name of Jesus Christ the demon couldn’t get back in. Markus also put his two cents worth in by telling the demon he wasn’t welcome there anymore when they saw him. They told him her house was now a house of God and Satin couldn’t have her.

  During that time Ty and Markus talked a lot about Maggie and Ty wandered how she was doing. He told Markus that once Markus connected with his mom and crossed over he was going to try and make contact with Maggie again. He missed her and wanted to see her.

  One day while they were just sitting around talking Ty told Markus, “I know your time is getting near and you’ll soon be making contact with your mom and then crossing over, but before you cross over I just want to let you know that I’m really proud of you Markus. I’m proud of the way you’ve faced the demons and your biggest fears since we’ve been together. You fought them right along beside me and I appreciate it. You’ve helped me so much along my own journey and I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done with me and for me. You’re truly one of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. If it’s possible, keep a place for me on the other side, once you cross over.” Markus was a little choked up as he replied, “You brought me out of my shell Ty, and at the same time made me a better person. I loved the trips we’ve been on together and you’ll always be my best friend. I would be honored to save a place for you on the other side.”

  For the next few days Markus would walk over and touched his mom’s hand and sometimes hugged her around the waist. He would give her a gentle kiss on the cheek hoping that she may be able to feel his presence. At one point while she was talking to Pastor Terry he asked her if she had anymore strange encounters with the demons. She told him that she hadn’t had anything negative that was overpowering like before, but she was feeling a different kind of presence a more comforting type of energy that made her feel happy. Pastor Terry told her that maybe what she was feeling was the presence of Markus. Maybe he had come back to let her know he was okay. She thought that was such a wonderful concept and over the next few days starting paying more attention to the cold spots and shadows from the corners of the room. She even believed she felt him cup her hands in his once while she was sitting at the kitchen table. Her hands had been cold because she had been outside and when she came back in and sat down to warm up Markus took her hands and tried to warm them with his energy. Markus was very happy that she was starting to feel his presence. He knew she would be able to accept his presence if he could make himself appear before her.

  Markus knew that he couldn’t stay with her forever and he didn’t want to, he wanted to pass over to where Holly was and find out for himself the full glory of God’s promise. The evening had come and he sat down with Ty and said, “This is it, it’s time.” Ty didn’t have to ask any questions, he knew what Markus was talking about. He told him he would be there with him through it all as he embraced him and said, “I love you man.” “I love you to dude, Markus replied.”

  Ty had told Markus about an idea he had of going from house to house and stealing all the energy from batteries inside the nearby houses. Now it was the time for them to try it and see if it would work. After they had gone to several houses Ty let Markus collect as much energy as he could as they returned to his mom sleeping on the bed. He thought she looked very peaceful just lying there as Ty tapped her on the shoulder. Markus was standing at the foot of the bed and his body was starting to take full shape and form and there was a glow around him. Trudy felt the gentle nudge from Ty again and started waking up and looking around. As she looked around the room everything was lit up and Markus was standing there smiling back at her. At first she let out a slight scream and pulled back because she couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing. She thought Markus looked really happy as she just sat there in total disbelief. After a few seconds he said to her in a faint voice, “I love you mom, I’m okay now.” She put her hands over her mouth and choked out a reply, “Oh! Markus I love you so much. I’ve missed you more than you’ll ever know.” He said, “I know mom, I’ll see you on the other side.” That was all the energy he had left as he started to fade away and into the light. He was waving to her as he left. There were faint outlines of people meeting him as Ty yelled, “I’ll see you later buddy.”

  Trudy jumped out of bed very excited and turned on the lights to see if anyone was in the room with her. She wanted to make sure she wasn’t dreaming and that what she saw was really Markus and not someone else in the room playing some kind of trick on her. As she looked around the room there was nobody there and she realized it really was Markus that appeared before her.

  She called Pastor Terry on the phone and said, “Pastor Terry, you’re not going to believe what I just saw,” as she explained the entire event to him. He told her, “See I told you he’d probably been with you and this was his way of letting you know that he’s happy now and so you both can move on.” She thanked him over and over for everything he had done for her. He had given her life back to her and she was able to receive this full gift that God and Markus had given her. For the first time, since Markus had passed away, she was able to see the full extent of God’s love. She knew her life would be much better from that point on because she knew she would see and be with Markus again someday in heaven.

  * * *

  Chapter 22 – Tyler goes to Colorado to see Justin


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