Unearthly Realms

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Unearthly Realms Page 23

by Ron L. Carter

Markus and Holly had fulfilled their after-life goal of contacting their loved ones and then passing through the light. Ty was very happy for each of them and especially because he knew there was hope he would be able to make contact with Maggie and let her know he was okay as well. He would then be able to pass through the light and join Markus, Holly, his grandfather and Uncle until someday he would meet up with the rest of his family.

  He didn’t waste much time going to see Maggie. He could hardly wait to see her as he quickly made his way to their home. When he got there, she was sleeping in that big old king sized bed they had purchased when they first got married. He couldn’t help but to think about how much he loved snuggling up next to her, kissing and holding her, until they both fell asleep. He stood at her bedside and just admired her for a while. She had the cover pulled up around her neck and Ty thought she was just as beautiful as the first day he met her. He sat down in the chair at the end of the bed and just watched her sleep all that night. He was very content with the feeling of just being around her and wondered if he should just stay in that state for a while instead of crossing over. He thought it was a really comfortable feeling and one he could get used to. After contemplating it, the reality hit him and he knew, he really couldn’t stay there forever. She had to get on with her life and he owed it to her to help her get past his death. He knew that he needed to fulfill his promise he’d made to her and then move on.

  While he waited for morning to come he sat on the bed and thought back to the first time he had met Maggie and their life up to the point when he passed. He thought his life with her was like a fairy tale while they were together. From the first time they started dating, they had the same likes and dislikes and shared most of the same interest in things. They never fought or argued with each other over trivial things. They had talked about fighting and had seen it with a few relatives and decided they would try to solve their problems by talking them out instead of fighting with each other. They had a way of talking through disagreements without the other one getting upset. Ty loved her so much that just the thought of being away from her for long periods of time would upset him. When she wasn’t around for a few days he always felt empty inside. He looked forward to seeing her and was excited every time he got home from work. He knew that a love like theirs only comes along once in a lifetime.

  Tyler made up his mind that he would stick around her house and just hang out with her for a while. He just wanted to be there with her when she came home from work each day. The first few days, while she was at work, he took the liberty of finding out what she had been doing since he’d passed. It had been almost a year now and he wondered just what kinds of things she was doing to pass her time. He also wondered if she had a new man in her life or if she missed him like he missed her. During his snooping around her things, he found that she didn’t have a permanent guy yet and that she had been reading a lot of books about the paranormal. She was very interested in finding a way to contact him in the other dimension, just like they had talked about. He found that she had an EVP meter and also an EMF meter like Holly’s sister Rebecca. Not only was she trying to hear his voice with the EVP meter, but she also was trying to see if his spirit was in the room with her through the EMF detector. Tyler was also surprised to find that she had gone to a few séances to see if she could contact him through those means. She had even tried the dreaded Ouija Board to contact him and in doing so drummed up an unwanted spirit in the process, without even realizing it.

  Since Ty had seen his mom and talked to her through the medium Carla Johansen, Maggie had contacted Carla on her own and set up a meeting with her. Carla was so busy with other appointments that she and Maggie’s first meeting hadn’t taken place yet. The appointment was to take place in another couple of weeks. Ty thought, “I wonder if she is going to contact my mom and make sure I was going to be there?” He had talked to his mom through Carla once before and he was very excited that Maggie was going through all the trouble of trying everything she could to make contact with him. Those things made him realize that his effort in coming back was worth everything they were both going through to make contact with each other.

  Ty found out merely by accident that Maggie had a huge secret she was keeping from everyone. After he’d been hanging out with her for about a week he overheard her talking on the phone to one of her girlfriends at work. That was when she asked Maggie if she had anymore encounters with “it.” Ty didn’t know what “it” was, but he was going to find out as he moved in a little closer to the phone where he could hear both sides of the conversation. The more they talked the more he realized that Maggie had an unwanted demon that had been stalking her since she tried to contact Ty on the Ouija Board. She told her friend that she never had any problems until she did the Ouija Board and she thought she invited him into her home through it. She told her friend she’d been attacked twice since she unknowingly invited the demon into her house. She said she had her first encounter with the demon when she was at a low point and had been missing Tyler so much. One night while she was sleeping, she thought she was having a happy dream about him. She believed she was half-asleep and half-awake when someone crawled into her bed and under her cover. At first, she thought it might have been the spirit of Ty and she tried hard to go back to the dream, but couldn’t. When the demon first crawled into the bed with her he was warm and gentle as he spooned her and gently explored her body. It felt good and she felt warm and fuzzy, just like she used to fill when Ty would cuddle up next to her. The demon was breathing on her neck and at first she was enjoying it until it said to her in a deep low voice, “I love you Maggie.” She immediately realized it wasn’t Tyler’s voice and became wide awake. She told her friend that it was the scariest demon voice she’d ever heard. It made an echo as it voiced the words. She said that she immediately tried to move, but the demon jumped on top of her and grabbed her by her arms and held her down and wouldn’t let her up. She said he was heavy and super strong and she seemed to be paralyzed and controlled physically by him. She tried to scream, but there was no sound that would come from her mouth. She felt like he had his hands over her mouth to stop her from screaming. She was desperate to get him off of her, but she was powerless as he continued to sexually assault her. She said that she fought with him for several minutes before he finally loosened his grip on her to the point where she could jump out of bed. Once out of bed she turned on the lights, only to find there was no one else in the room with her, at least no one she could see. She’d read stories about these types of demons and once she realized what had happened she started loudly commanding the demon to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. He growled and left after that and she was alone for the rest of the night. She said she spent the rest of the night wide awake, shivering in fear, worrying that he may come back.

  She went on to tell her friend the demon came back another night, a few months later, while she was sleeping. She was missing Tyler and having that same dream when she encountered the demon the first time. On this occasion, the demon tried to do the same thing to her. He held her down for several minutes and raped her while she lay their unable to move or scream. Once she had her voice back she started screaming for the demon to leave her alone in the name of Jesus Christ. Once again he made the hideous growl as he left. Her friend said, “Oh, my God, that definitely sounds like you have had an Incubus that attacked you.” Maggie told her that she was embarrassed to tell anyone about the attacks because she didn’t want to be ridiculed or shamed about the experiences. She felt like some people would probably say she was just having a nice dream about Tyler and made up the entire story or that it was all just one big dream.

  When Ty heard what had happened to Maggie he was outraged. He had encounters with the demons since he had passed and knew how frightening they could be. He knew he wasn’t going to just sit back and let the demon rape her every time he felt like it. He wasn’t going to let anything hav
e that much control over Maggie. He now knew he had to stay with her and protect her from the demon when it returned. He wasn’t going to leave her bedside until he confronted the demon and forced it to leave her alone. He was now glad that he hadn’t tried to move things around in her house or make noises to get her attention. She probably would’ve thought it was the Incubus instead of him.

  Over the next several days he stayed with Maggie and watched over her night after night, just waiting for the demon to return. During the day he was really enjoying his time just being around her. He watched Television with her and sat at the table as she ate her meals and he watched her eat. He even gave her kisses good night on the cheek every night when she went to bed. It was almost like he was still there with her, but he wasn’t. He was almost wishing it could last forever like that, but he knew this precious time with her couldn’t last.

  He’d been with her and watching her sleep every night for about ten days waiting for the Incubus to return. Finally one night, he noticed something big, dark and scary looking open her bedroom door. It didn’t see Ty as it crept over to her bed like a thief in the night. It wasn’t making a sound as it made it way over to Maggie’s bed. Ty was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room just waiting his every move. He lifted the corner of Maggie’s cover and began to crawl in like he had done twice before. Ty didn’t wait long as he charged at him and grabbed him and threw him against the wall as the covers went flying in the air. The demon looked up at Ty with a startled look on its face. It was ugly, with its red glowing eyes, long teeth, wrinkled up face and distorted body. It growled in a deep low voice as it said, “Who the hell are you and what do you think you’re doing?” The demon had a tremendous amount of power as it threw Ty against the wall. Ty fought his way back to his feet and the demon threw him against the wall once again and kicked him a few times while he was down. Ty wasn’t going to give up. He got to his feet and charged the demon once again and the thrashing and pounding continued. Again the demon threw him to the ground and beat him with his fist and kicked him with his feet. He told Ty, “I can do this all day long, punk.” Ty told him that he was her husband and he wasn’t going to let him continue to rape or torment her anymore. He told the demon he wasn’t welcome in her house and that he would do anything he had to do to protect her from him. He told him that he had to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. When the demon heard those words he immediately stopped fighting and looked at Ty and replied, “Don’t you think that is up to her to decide? I don’t hear her complaining.” Ty told him, “She has asked you to leave her alone on a few occasions in the name of Jesus Christ. Didn’t you get the message? What exactly do you think she needs to do to get rid of a scumbag like you?”

  Maggie woke up when the covers flew off the bed and she heard and saw the commotion in her room. The room was still dark and she didn’t know what was happening, but she could see two shadowy figures fighting with each other. She just couldn’t tell who they were. She could hear the growls and screams of the demon as he fought with Ty. They fought until Ty told him he was going to be there and denounce him in the name of Jesus Christ and to fight with him every time he came back to attack Maggie. Once the demon realized he wasn’t just fighting Ty, but the faith of Jesus Christ he said, “Ok, I get the picture, you think she’s still yours. Well I have news for you. You’re dead! You’re just a spirit like me! You can’t have her anymore either.” Ty knew it was true and the words of the demon cut him like a knife. The demon stood up and took one last look at Maggie and laughed out loud as he reluctantly left the room. As he left Ty yelled at him, “Don’t come back or I’ll be waiting for you!” The demon said in a deep low voice, “Ha! Says who? She hasn’t seen the last of me! I’ll be back! I’m not done with her yet.”

  Maggie was wide awake by then and realized there had been some type of a huge fight in her room between the two shadowy figures that she couldn’t fully see. She believed that Ty had come to her aid to protect her from the demon. She now believed Ty was trying to make contact with her and had been watching out for her as she grabbed the covers and put them back on the bed. She got back in bed and pulled them up over her body as she sat up in bed and said, “Ty, if that was you fighting the demon then thank you for helping me, I love you.” Ty went over and sat down on the bed next to her. He reached out and caressed her face and for the first time in a long time was happy to hear her say those precious words “I love you.” He whispered back to her that he loved her too even though he knew she couldn’t hear him.

  The next day Maggie called Ty’s mom and told her all about the Incubus that had attacked her and how she believed Ty had come to her aid to protect her. She also told Cheryl that she had an appointment with the physic medium Carla Johanson in a few days, and wandered if she might want to come along to give her some moral support. Cheryl was thrilled to hear from Maggie and to know that she’d gotten the appointment with Carla. She told Maggie that she also believed Tyler had come back to protect her and to let her know he was okay. She told Maggie she’d love to come along with her because she’d like to be there when Ty talked to her. Cheryl believed the meeting would help Maggie finally get closure, like it had helped her when she talked to Ty through Carla. She believed it would help Maggie get on with her life and not be so obsessed with trying to contact Ty. Cheryl knew that ever since Ty had passed Maggie had been trying to contact him, just like they had promised each other. Maggie told her she would pick her up the day of the appointment and told her the date and time just before they said their good-byes.

  Ty was excited about the meeting with Carla, but he was also a little apprehensive at the same time. He had gotten used to being with Maggie every day and liked hanging out with her. He was also worried about the demon coming back to attack her again, like he said he was going to. On the other hand, he also knew the meeting would be the contact he’d been planning on since he’d passed. He knew once he made the contact with her, he had committed to going into the light and the time he’d been spending with Maggie would be over. He realized that passing through the light didn’t mean he’d never see her again. Holly had proven that, when she came back and told them what they could expect, once they crossed over. He knew he would find out how to come back and protect her once he was on the other side. He realized that he wasn’t ready to completely give up being with Maggie. He couldn’t leave her alone and unprotected, at least until she was ready to meet and share her life with someone else that would love and protect her, like he did.

  A few days later, Maggie went by Cheryl’s house and picked her up for the appointment and they went to Carla’s office. This is where she was going to do the reading for Maggie. Cheryl handed Maggie some tissue because she knew she would probably need it. Maggie thanked her as they went inside. Carla was very excited to see Cheryl and Maggie and when the two of them walked in she said, “You must be Maggie,” as she put out her hand to Maggie. Maggie was very nervous with anticipation as she held out her hand and the two them shook hands. Maggie replied, “Yes, I’m the one that wants to talk to you and see if you can contact Ty for me.” Carla said, “Come over here and sit down and we’ll see if he comes through for you.”

  They sat down at a table as Carla took out a notepad and pen and placed it in front of her. She told Maggie, “Sometimes I like to “doodle” while I’m talking to spirits. Sometimes they tell me things so fast that if I don’t write them down I’ll forget to pass them on.” She had Maggie tell her a little about Ty and wanted to know what she hoped to get out of the meeting. Maggie told her about the promise that she and Ty had made with each other. She told Carla the two of them had promised that if one of them passed on before the other, the one that had passed on would come back to try to make contact with the one left behind and let them know that they were okay. Carla laughed and said, “That actually happens quite often with many people I talk to. People tell each other that all the time.”
Maggie told Carla all about the Incubus attacks and how someone had come to her rescue and fought it off before it attacked her again. She told Carla she believed it was Ty. Carla told her she’d made contact with Ty when Cheryl wanted to contact him once before and he had come through very strong and clear. She also believed he would come through for her when she asked him too, if he was there.

  Ty was standing behind Maggie as they talked and he was patiently waiting for Carla to start asking questions so he could answer. The first question Maggie asked Carla to ask him was if he was the one that fought off the Demon in her bedroom. Ty didn’t wait for her to ask him the question as he replied, “Tell her yes, it was me.” Carla said, “Oh! He’s here and he’s anxious. I didn’t even have to ask him the question and he said to tell you yes, it was him.” Maggie started crying and said, “I knew it was him. Can you please ask him if he has been with me for the past few weeks because I feel a presence near me lately that I haven’t been able to explain?” Carla asked the question and Ty replied with a yes. Maggie had tears coming from her eyes as she said, “I knew it! I knew he would come back!” Ty told Carla, “Tell her I’m okay.” Carla said to Maggie, “He wants me to tell you he’s okay.” “Tell her I’m not in any pain.” “He wants you to know he’s not in any pain.” Maggie seemed relieved to hear those words because the last time she saw him he was on the operating table in the hospital emergency room and his body was broken and battered. Ty said to Carla, “Tell her I love her.” Carla smiled and said to Maggie, “He wants me to tell you he loves you.” Maggie looked up and said, “I love you too Ty.” They said a few more things to each other before Ty’s energy started to dissipate as it started fading out. Carla looked at Cheryl and Maggie and said, “His energy is gone for now. I can’t hear him right now.”

  Maggie thanked Carla for the reading and took Cheryl back to her house. On the way home Cheryl asked Maggie if she was happy with the reading. Maggie told Cheryl she was very happy because she had a chance to finally make contact with Ty, but she missed him so much that it hurt inside. Cheryl said, “I know, I feel the same way too, but at least we can take comfort in knowing he’s okay.” Maggie replied, “I was so happy to hear that he’s okay and not in pain. That was the most important thing I wanted to hear.” They said their goodbyes and promised to keep in touch with each other.

  That night when Maggie went to bed Ty crawled in bed next to her and put his arm around her waist and kissed her softly on the check for the very last time. He lay in bed with her for several minutes until he could work up enough courage to leave her alone and get out of the bed. She must’ve sensed his presence as she turned over toward him as if she could feel his touch and said, “I love you Ty. I always will.” It was a tender moment for Ty because he knew his time with her was coming to an end. His promise to her was fulfilled and now he had to move through the light.

  He got out of bed slowly and went to the foot of the bed and said, “Ok Grandpa, I fulfilled my promise to Maggie, I’m ready to go with you now. If you hear me then you can come and get me now.” It was only a few seconds and a brilliant bright light appeared in the room and Maggie watched as it lit up the entire bedroom. Maggie sat up in bed with tears in her eyes as she watched Ty’s apparition take shape and appear before her. She was happy to see that he looked so good. He didn’t have the mangled body he had when she last saw him. Ty was smiling back at her and whispered the words, “I love you Maggie,” as he waved goodbye. She told him she loved him too as he slowly faded into the light and then he was gone. Maggie sat there for a few minutes just crying as she said, “Thank you Ty, thank you for coming back and letting me know you’re okay. I knew you would.”

  * * *

  Author’s notes


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