Finding Love in Atlanta

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Finding Love in Atlanta Page 3

by Olivia Saxton

  “Oh no,” Dominic said quickly. “It’s great. It’s just that . . . it’s obvious that it wasn’t cheap.”

  Sebastian smirked. “Well, it’s not like I’m a pauper. It didn’t break my wallet.”

  “Thank you. I really appreciate it,” Dominic said with a smile. “I’ll enjoy it.” He gave Sebastian a half a hug and a pat on the back.

  Sebastian had his hand on Dominic’s shoulder. Dominic leaned back, away from his body. They locked eyes. Sebastian’s blue eyes were hypnotic. Dominic could feel Sebastian’s warm breath grazing his lips. He wondered if Sebastian was going to kiss him. It looked like he was thinking about it. A part of Dominic wanted him to do it. His logical half was warning him to back away. Dominic didn’t want to get romantically involved with a bisexual man. He found them complicated, and drama always followed because a bisexual person was attracted to damn near everybody. Dominic knew that most of them couldn’t help it because that’s how they were born.

  Dominic heard someone come through the door. He quickly took a step back.

  It was Wendell, Dominic’s friend for fifteen years. “Hey Dom, around ten, we’re going to Mixx Atlanta. You wanna come?”


  “Why not? It’s your birthday.”

  Dominic hadn’t been to a club in two years. It didn’t seem as fun as it used to be. “I think I’m getting too old for the club scene.” He was at least four years older than most of his friends.

  Wendell scoffed. “Girl, please. You’re not old until you’re dead. Come along, I’ll buy you your first drink.”

  “Sounds like a nice offer,” Sebastian said to Dominic.

  “Well . . . maybe a few hours won’t hurt, but I’m not staying out all night.”

  “Fine, fine,” Wendell said as he waved his hand in the air. “Sebastian, you’re welcome to come.”

  “I’d love to,” Sebastian accepted with a smile.

  “It’s a gay club,” Dominic stated.

  “Well, I figured that,” Sebastian said.

  “I mean gay men mostly go there,” Dominic reiterated.

  “Dom, I’m sure he knows that,” Wendell said with a confused look.

  “I think I know what the problem is,” Sebastian announced. “I think Dominic is concerned because I’m classified as bisexual.”

  “So?” Wendell said. “It’s not like anyone will mind. Guys that are bi go there all the time. He won’t be out of place.”

  Dominic wasn’t sure why he opposed to Sebastian going. He was sure Sebastian had been in plenty of gay clubs before in California. Then he feared it was jealousy. He couldn’t help being fond of Sebastian. He was handsome, built, and he had a pleasant personality. “All right,” Dominic said and then looked at Wendell. “I’ll meet you guys there.”

  “Ten o’clock sharp. See you then,” Wendell said and fluttered out of the kitchen.

  Sebastian looked at him. “I’ll pick you up at your place at nine-thirty.”

  “All right.” Dominic wanted to take it back as soon as he said it. He didn’t like riding with other people. Plus, he liked having his car when he went out with friends because when he was ready to leave, he could leave. It was Sebastian. The man had him breaking habits that he was used to and liked.

  Chapter 6

  Sebastian and Dominic arrived at Mixx Atlanta a few minutes after ten o’clock. The place was packed.

  They made their way to the bar where Wendell and Darnell were sitting.

  “Hey!” Wendell greeted a little too cheerfully.

  He’s high. Wendell was an occasional coke user.

  “I’m here. Where’s my drink?” Dominic asked.

  “I got you. What do you want?”

  “Rum and coke,” Dominic answered.

  “I’ll buy you a drink, too, Sebastian. Name it,” Wendell said with a crooked grin.

  “I’ll have the same thing Dominic is having.”

  Wendell nodded, and then turned to flag down Scottie, the bartender. Scottie was a slim, tall white guy who had a toned body. “Hey, Dom!” he greeted over the music. “I haven’t seen you in so long I thought you had died,” he joked.

  “I’m still around,” Dominic said with a smile.

  “Two rum and cokes for my party friends,” Wendell said and then laughed.

  They chatted and drank for forty minutes. Cat and Lola approached them. Lola was Wendell’s roommate, and she was straight. Cat had been a part of Dominic’s clique for three years. He had met him at a gay pride event in Atlanta. He liked dressing in drag sometimes, like tonight. Cat had on a short, dark wig that framed his face. He could apply his makeup better than any woman Dominic had ever known, and his build was curvy like a woman’s in the teal dress he had on.

  “Where have you two been?” Darnell asked.

  “There was an accident on 285,” Lola said. She was light-skinned with long, auburn hair. It was a wig. Dominic didn’t know what her real hair looked like because she wore all kinds of wigs — long blonde hair, short red, a blue bob. Lola was a colorful dresser.

  Cat and Lola ordered two beers. They gave everyone the details of the accident on the highway. They wanted to get a table, but there wasn’t one available big enough to seat all of them, so they continued to hang around the bar.

  “I want to dance,” Wendell announced as he grooved on the barstool. “Let’s – oh shit.”

  “What?” Sebastian inquired.

  Lola followed Wendell’s gaze. Her eyes widened. “Um, let’s all go to the dance floor,” she said nervously.

  Cat grabbed Dominic’s arm. “Yeah, let’s go, Dom.”

  “Why are you guys acting so weird?” Dominic asked as he turned around to look out into the crowd. What in the world are they looking at? He didn’t have to wonder long because the shocker was slowly heading his way.

  Dominic hadn’t seen him since the night he left him. The man who used to be built, handsome, and dressed to the nines was now haggard, dirty, and skin and bones. Jerome Dixon looked desperate and a mess. Dominic couldn’t believe his eyes. He shouldn’t have been surprised because he had heard news here and there about Jerome, but he was stunned, nonetheless.

  “Child,” Wendell enunciated. “He looks worse now than he did four months ago when we saw him.”

  “Yeah,” Lola agreed. “That’s what meth does to ya.”

  Dominic’s eyebrows furrowed. He was conflicted. The sight of Jerome made him sympathize with his condition. However, Dominic was not going to get sucked in. His life had changed for the better when he had left Jerome and never looked back.

  “Come on, Dom,” Lola urged. “Let’s go to the other side of the room.”

  “No,” he said. “He sees me now. It’s best for me to talk to him and get it out of the way.”

  “You know that guy?” Sebastian asked with a contorted expression.

  Dominic didn’t blame him. Who would think a guy like Dominic would know a meth head?

  “Yeah, I’ll catch up with you guys in a few minutes,” Dominic replied and walked away from them. He slowly approached Jerome.

  “Dominic,” Jerome wheezed. “I thought that was you. Where have you been?”

  Dominic didn’t say anything because he was overwhelmed by the smell of urine and plain-out body funk oozing off Jerome.

  “Can we talk?” Jerome yelled over the music.

  His nose turned up at the stench of Jerome’s breath. “Let’s go to the bathroom.”

  They quietly made their way through the crowd to the men’s room. Three guys were in there washing their hands.

  Dominic walked to the side of an empty stall and crossed his arms as he turned to look at his former lover.

  “Dominic, you left me, and I never saw you again,” he said hoarsely.

  “That was the idea, Jerome. I was sick and tired of the arguing and fighting. I’ve moved on with my life.”

  “Yeah, I see that. When did you decide to grow a mustache?”

  He shrugged. “About a ye
ar ago.” Jerome liked him clean shaven, but he didn’t live his life to please him anymore.

  “Look, Dominic, I’ve fallen on hard times. I . . . I need your help. I’m starving.”

  No, he wasn’t. He was going through withdrawals. “Jerome, go to the hospital and get into rehab before it’s too late.”

  “I don’t need rehab, damn it,” he bit out. “I . . . I . . . just need some food. I need money.”

  Dominic reached for his wallet. He knew Jerome was going to spend it on drugs, but he had a little hope that Jerome would get something to eat with it.

  The three men walked out of the bathroom, ignoring them.

  Dominic handed Jerome sixty dollars.

  Jerome exhaled with relief. “Thank you, Dominic. I knew I could count on you.” He quickly stuffed the money in his pocket. “How’ve you been?”

  “Good. It’s my birthday today.”

  Jerome looked surprised. “How time flies. Happy birthday. Hey, do you remember when I took you to Mexico that one year for your birthday?”

  “Yeah. It was during our first year together,” Dominic mumbled.

  Two bouncers came in. “Dixon, you’re banned,” Axel, the large black bouncer stated.

  “No, I’m not. You guys let me in,” Jerome said with a furrowed brow.

  “No, the new guy let you in. He didn’t know who you were,” Angelo, the Mexican bouncer, corrected.

  “How can I be banned? I hadn’t been in here for four months,” Jerome asked.

  “Five to be exact, and the last time you were in here, you stabbed a guy with a knife because he accidently bumped into you,” Axel answered and folded his arms. “You were lucky that he was married, and he didn’t want his wife to find out that he was at a gay club, so he didn’t press charges.”

  Jerome looked confused. He wiped his dirty and ashy face with his hand.

  Dominic could tell he didn’t remember a thing about what the bouncers were talking about. He must have been higher than a kite that night. Who doesn’t remember stabbing someone?

  “Come on, Dixon,” Axel said. “You gotta go.”

  Sebastian and Darnell walked into the bathroom and approached them.

  Sebastian put his hand on Dominic’s shoulder. “Hey, is everything okay?”

  Jerome looked at Dominic and then at Sebastian. “Yeah . . . everything is fine. I was just leaving,” Jerome mumbled as he checked Sebastian out. Then he looked at Dominic. “Goodbye, Dominic, and thanks again,” he said with a hint of regret. He slowly walked past the bouncers and headed for the door.

  The bouncers quietly followed him out.

  It was one thing to hear about Jerome’s problems during the past two years. But it was nothing compared to seeing the results of his downfall. Dominic looked down at the floor. He wasn’t depressed, but he definitely felt somber after his interaction with Jerome.

  “Dominic?” Sebastian said with concern.

  He looked up at him. “It’s time I call it a night.”

  Chapter 7

  They didn’t speak during the car ride back to Dominic’s townhouse. They entered the house without saying a word.

  Dominic didn’t speak until they got to the second floor. “Would you like some wine?” he mumbled.

  Sebastian took a step toward him. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Dominic shook his head. He looked down at his dress shoes, feeling numb.

  Sebastian stepped into his personal space, and then he hugged him.

  They held each other tightly, warming each other’s bodies. Dominic didn’t know how long they held each other, but he knew when they lifted their heads to look at each other electricity sparked between them.

  Sebastian cupped his face and then kissed him.

  Dominic immediately responded by matching Sebastian’s strokes. Sebastian’s average-sized lips went perfectly with Dominic’s thick ones. He grazed Dominic’s inner lips, making him groan. Dominic guided Sebastian upstairs as they kissed and lapped at each other’s mouths like they were starving.

  They continued to kiss as they entered Dominic’s master bedroom. Sebastian broke away and started pulling his black polo shirt over his head. Dominic pulled his shirt off, too. They came back together, their muscular chests rubbing against each other’s. Sebastian kissed his way to Dominic’s jaw and then slowly made his way down his neck.

  Dominic moaned as he caressed Sebastian’s thick, blond hair. The soft strands felt like feathers around his fingers.

  Sebastian’s lips tickled Dominic’s earlobe. “Lay down,” Sebastian said in a graveled tone.

  Dominic bunched the black satin comforter, burgundy blanket, and white sheet on the king-sized bed in his hand and pulled them back. As he was doing so, Sebastian was unbuttoning his jeans. Once Dominic got the linen out of the way, he turned to look at Sebastian. He was naked. Dominic didn’t have a chance to get a good look at him because Sebastian went straight for his pants, unzipping his slacks. They pooled around his feet.

  Sebastian pressed his hands down on Dominic’s shoulders, indicating for him to sit. He sat; the thick, white sheet felt good on his bottom. He got a good frontal view. Sebastian’s staff was long and hard. Dominic was glad to see the stereotype of white men having shorties wasn’t true.

  Sebastian got on his knees. He slid his pants off his ankles, and then he pulled Dominic’s shoes and socks off.

  Dominic spread his legs, letting Sebastian nuzzle between them. He wasted no time taking Dominic’s hard-on into his mouth.

  He growled with ecstasy at the feel of Sebastian’s warm, wet mouth encircling him. He exhaled as he laid back on the bed. Dominic’s eyes closed as he enjoyed Sebastian’s tongue licking around him.

  Sebastian’s lips tightened around Dominic as he started sucking hard and fast.

  Dominic grabbed Sebastian’s shoulders as he groaned, letting his mind slip into bliss.

  After a few minutes, Dominic throbbed with want of full entry.

  As if sensing this, Sebastian stopped his actions and stood up. He started climbing on the bed. Dominic maneuvered to lie longways on the mattress. He positioned himself on his side. Sebastian cuddled next to him.

  Dominic’s eyes widened with realization. He almost forgot. He did a half roll backwards as he reached for the nightstand drawer.

  “What is it? What are you doing?” Sebastian asked.

  Dominic fumbled for two lubricated condoms out of the box. He took them in hand and rolled back over. He handed one to Sebastian.

  Dominic was expecting him to protest, but he didn’t. Sebastian took it and broke the seal.

  Once they rolled them on, they came back together. They both opened their legs, silently working together. They both started breathing heavy. Sebastian scooted down and entered Dominic. They embraced as Sebastian pumped.

  Dominic and Sebastian kissed as they made love, massaging at each other’s lips like they were seeking nourishment.

  Sebastian felt like heaven in his arms. It had been years since he had felt such a connection. It wasn’t just physical. Sebastian and Dominic were in sync when it came to business, working out, watching a movie, and now, sex.

  Sebastian started moving faster. He moaned loudly against Dominic’s lips. Dominic did his best to keep up with him.

  After a few minutes, Sebastian tore his mouth off of Dominic’s. “Uh . . . uh!” he shouted.

  Dominic laid kisses on his cheek.

  Sebastian started thrusting. “Ah, shit!” His body warmed and trembled in Dominic’s arms.

  He waited for Sebastian to come back to earth. When Sebastian started slipping his staff out of him, Dominic stopped moving in him.

  Sebastian slipped his staff out of him. Then he breathlessly rolled over to the side. He was carefully taking the condom off.

  Dominic stroked himself as he patiently waited for Sebastian to dispose of the full rubber.

  He quickly rolled over on his stomach.

  Dominic mounted him. He braced himsel
f with one hand on the bed. He took his rod in hand and maneuvered it between Sebastian’s crack. His tip found Sebastian’s entry point. Dominic quickly pushed in, making Sebastian moan. He hoped he wasn’t too forceful. He had forgotten himself for a moment. Dominic made himself go slow, making sure Sebastian was comfortable in the position. He put his other hand down on the bed, steading himself so he could move in and out more smoothly.

  Sebastian’s face was turned to the side on the pillow. His hand gripped the pillowcase next to him. He started smiling.

  Dominic started to administer hard thrusts, going deeper into his partner. He moaned at the sensation.

  “Yeah, just like that. “Ah,” Sebastian groaned.

  Dominic kept up the pace as sweat formed on his forehead. Sebastian felt so good. His pale ass was perfectly round with the right amount of softness. “Oh,” he moaned. His sack ruptured, sending his seed to the end of him. He cried out Sebastian’s name as he filled the condom. His body weakened under the orgasm. Dominic collapsed on top of Sebastian. He squeezed the side of Sebastian’s bottom as his body jerked one final time.

  Dominic and Sebastian were cheek to cheek. They were hot, sweaty, and breathless.

  Chapter 8

  They were lying face up on the king-sized bed. Both of them had been quiet after the act. Sebastian wondered if Dominic was regretting sleeping with him. He had respected Dominic’s decision not to be sexual with him up until tonight.

  Sebastian couldn’t help himself this time. It was hard to see Dominic with a downcast expression. He had been strangely quiet after his encounter with the meth head at the club. Sebastian wanted the man who had been fun and intelligent to come back again. He wanted to take away Dominic’s sadness. He also wanted to pound Dominic out. The side of his mouth kicked up at the thought. It was more like Dominic screwed his brains out. Dominic’s cock was dark and thick, and he knew how to use it, that was for damn sure.

  Sebastian didn’t want to force Dominic to talk, but the silence was becoming awkward. He cleared his throat and put his hands behind his head.

  “Jerome Dixon,” Dominic said.

  Sebastian’s blond eyebrow cocked up.


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