Stolen Fire

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Stolen Fire Page 2

by S. Dalambakis

  “That’s right, love. Cum for me,” Stolas growls, and that’s all it takes. The force of my release leaves me breathless. Stolas follows right after, groaning, and pulling me closer to his body. Soft kisses are placed along my neck. He moves his lower half, his cock leaving my body. I feel a trickle of his release run down my thigh. “Mmm, good thing we didn’t leave the bathroom.” He grabs a washcloth from the sink, wetting it. He turns me, dropping to his knees before me. Gently, cleaning me. His head tilts to the side as he tosses the rag onto the counter. His eyebrows furrow.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, running my fingers through his black hair.

  “Yeah.” Stolas shakes his head and rises to his feet. He takes my hand, leading me out of the bathroom into his room.

  I’ve been spending most of my time with the guys at Obsidian’s house, here in the Magic Realm. Each of the guys have their own room here. But I feel bad leaving Izadora, my best friend, who’s a witch, alone, but they’re my mates and she understands. He sits me down on the edge of his bed, before walking over to his closet. He emerges a few seconds later wearing a pair of black basketball shorts. There’s a shirt in his hand as he walks over, standing in front of me.

  “Lift your arms.” I do as he says. He tugs one of his shirts down my body. My stomach growls, interrupting the silence. He grins, clearly pleased with himself. “Come,” he holds out his hand to me. “It seems we worked up an appetite.” I roll my eyes but place my hand in his. He tugs me from his room and down the hall. Obsidian and Verkor both roam their eyes over my body, the second I set foot in the kitchen. I do the same to them. There are times when I still can’t believe that they’re mine.

  Verkor looks every bit of the winter fae that he is. His blonde hair is swept over to one side, and the sides are tapered into a low fade. His face is freshly shaven, giving him that clean look that I love about him. Verkor’s blue eyes are smiling at me as I look my fill of him. While Verkor is very easy on the eyes, and I’m not complaining, it’s his wings that really get me. He has them tucked away, but when he has them out. I groan internally. The soft, black feathers are a sight to behold, but that’s nothing compared to what they look like when the light hits them. They take on a chameleon color, going from deep purple to blue to green. They give off a teal sheen at certain angles. I can’t keep my hands off of them. Verkor doesn’t mind. They’re erogenous zones for him. I’m a little disappointed that he has on a shirt this morning, hiding that beautifully toned body of his. Verkor winks at me then smiles. I smile back before shifting my gaze to Obsidian.

  Oh, Obsidian, my hamrammr. My very rare shifter. He can eat the meat of any being and then become it. I’ve seen him change a few times, and I’m always amazed by it. He’s rough and overprotective, but I wouldn’t want him any other way. His red hair is a stark contrast to the white shirt he’s wearing. It’s cut with a mid-bald fade on the sides to showcase his tattoos. He recently trimmed up his beard. It’s still long and full but neater. His amber eyes are filled with lust and desire. Even though I just had Stolas, I want Obsidian as well. He’s been taking his time with me. Showing and teaching me what he likes in the bedroom. You see, not only does my hamrammr have a rough personality, he likes it rough in the bedroom. He doesn’t ask for my complete submission, but I give it to him anyways. Every time we have sex it’s like a new adventure, and I can’t wait to see what else he has in store. I undress him with my eyes, seeing every tattoo that covers almost every inch of his muscular body. Obsidian growls low, and my desire spikes.

  “Finley, you need to eat first, then Obsidian can have you,” Stolas whispers in my ear. His beard tickles me. I nod, and Stolas escorts me to my seat. Verkor places a heaping plate of food in front of me. I inhale the wonderful smells before digging in.


  There is something off about her, and I can’t put my finger on it. It’s a subtle shift in her scent, but I can’t figure out what the hell it is. I’m going to have to mention something to the others later and see if they have noticed it as well. There’s no point in dwelling over it at the moment. She’s acting just as she normally does.

  “So, when are we going to hell?” The guys groan. We’ve been putting it off for as long as possible, but we’re going to have to go soon, or Finley will try and go without us. My gaze meets each of the others. Obsidian and Verkor give me a nod.

  “How about in a few days? We’re all well rested now after being in the Faerie Realm. I will contact my brother that lives in hell, giving him a heads up that we’ll be coming soon. He’ll help us out if we need it.” Finley can’t contain her excitement and starts bouncing in her seat. Of course, my mind wanders for a moment, thinking about her doing that to my cock.

  “We need to get our bags ready,” Obsidian states. Finley smiles and nods her head enthusiastically. Obsidian and I both know he’ll be the one packing her bag.

  “I’ll need to stop by my place. I want to see Izzy and grab a few things from the recent jobs I’ve taken to bring with me,” Finley states.

  Obsidian growls. He isn’t happy that she’s still taking jobs, but she does have to help with the bills for the house her and Izzy share, even if she’s spending more time over here with us. Finley would never leave her friend high and dry. But at least he’s not arguing with her over it. That’s how their conversations always end up when this topic arises. Though, if the sounds from them having make up sex is anything to go by, I can see why Obsidian picks the fights.

  “We’ll stop by before we go,” Verkor tells her. She smiles at him then shifts her gaze my way.

  “Can I bring my weapons? Are there demons? Is it all doom and gloom?” Finley rapid fires her questions. I smile, shaking my head.

  “You will never go anywhere without your weapons. Of course, there are demons; it’s hell. It’s not all doom and gloom as you say. You’ll see.”

  “What can you tell me about it?” she inquiries.

  “Well, there are nine levels. The humans did get that part right. But it’s not all torture. There are a multitude of demons, supernaturals, and humans that roam around. Lucifer is real, and lives in the pits, the very depths of hell. There is fire, lava, and ash, but that’s to be expected.” I watch as Finley’s eyes widen.

  “Where is the Hell Realm?” she questions.

  “There’s a super scientific way to explain everything, which I’m not good at, but essentially, all the realms exist on different planes on the same planet.” Her face scrunches up at my explanation. “It’s sort of like this,” I say as I begin moving plates around on the table. I have a center plate and surround that with four more plates. Each representing a different realm. “Earth is the main planet.” I point to the plate in the center. “This is the Earth Realm, where all the humans live.” I point to the plate placed directly above the center one. “This is the Heaven Realm, where all the gods, goddesses, and angels are.” I point to the plate below the center one. “This is the Hell Realm, with demons, humans, and other supernatural beings. You’ll see all that when we get there.” I point to the plate on the left. “This is the Shifter Realm, where Obsidian is from.” I point to the plate on the right. “This is the Magic Realm, where we currently are.”

  Finley nods her head. “Okay, but I still don’t understand?”

  “All of these realms,” Verkor cuts in, “are tied to the planet Earth, the Earth Realm. All of the realms are happening at the same time. Think of them as parallel universes. The gateways that we use tie those universes, those planes of existence together. It’s why we can use them to travel from one realm to another.”

  “Oh, that makes sense,” she says. “I never knew how it worked. I just thought magic was involved, and that each realm was on its own planet,” Finley replies.

  “I’m sure most people think that,” Verkor says, pulling his plate back to him. Obsidian and Finley do the same.

  “Well, I’m glad I know how it really works,” she says as she tucks into the rest of her food. We eat the rest
of our meal in companionable silence.

  Finley scoots her chair back and pats her belly. “Breakfast was great.”

  “You’re welcome, baby,” Verkor says.

  “If we’re going to be leaving soon, I need to sharpen my knives and to talk to Izzy.” Finley stands, walking to each of us, placing a kiss on our lips before she practically skips from the kitchen. I wait until I hear the door close to the room Obsidian gave her before I speak.

  “Has either of you noticed something weird about Finley?”

  Obsidian’s brow furrows. “What do you mean?” he asks.

  “See, that’s just it.” I run my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know. It’s a small change in her, but I don’t know what it is. It’s driving me crazy, because I can’t figure it out.”

  “She’s not acting different,” Verkor replies. “But I’ll keep an eye out.” Obsidian grunts his agreement. “Do you think we should be worried?”

  I don’t know how to answer that. “I don’t know,” I say honestly. “For now, I would say no, but if anything changes,” I don’t have to complete my sentence because they know. And now that I have made them aware, they’ll watch her.

  “Does your brother know the real reason you’re coming home?” Verkor asks. I know he’s changing the subject, not only for me but for Obsidian as well. I mean there is nothing we can do unless Finley’s demeanor changes.

  “No. I did tell him that I met my mate, and that I was bringing her home to see my realm, and to meet the family.”

  “Do you think he’ll help if we need it? We still don’t have a plan, and we don’t know where to look for the next part of the map,” Obsidian states.

  “I think I may have an idea.” Finley’s voice causes all of us to jump.

  “Jesus, woman.” I turn and see a smile on her face.

  “What’s your idea?” Verkor asks.

  “Well, there is a pattern on where the pieces of the map are being held.” She walks back to the table, retaking her seat. She’s still wearing my shirt, but she has pants on. What a shame. I love looking at her naked body. “Each piece of the map has been with or in the house of the most powerful person or being in that realm. The first piece of the map was at the White House, the President’s house, on Earth Realm. The second piece was with the King of the Winter Court in the Faerie Realm. If that is anything to go by, then the next piece should be with Lucifer.”

  “A date with the devil,” Verkor responds.

  Obsidian shoots out of his chair and starts pacing. “Are we seriously going to let her get near the most powerful being in the Hell Realm?”

  “I don’t think we have a choice. We followed everything that second part of the poem said, and we were successful. I think we should do the same. We won’t let anything happen to her,” Verkor responds.

  “What do you think?” All of them turn their eyes to me at Obsidian’s question.

  “I agree with both of you. We just need to take precautions and make a solid plan. Lucifer is not someone you want to cross. He is the Lord of the Underworld.”

  “So, we plan carefully. How long will it take to get to where Lucifer is?” Finley questions.

  “That depends,” I say.


  “How fast we can get through all nine levels of hell.”

  Chapter 2


  True to their word, the guys and I stop by the house that I share with Izzy. The second I open the door I yell for her. “IZZY!” The guys follow in right behind me. It doesn’t take long before my mocha colored best friend walks out from the hallway were our bedrooms are.

  She’s gorgeous with her waist length dreadlocks that are pulled up and away from her face. Her emerald green eyes are striking. She’s recently changed out her hoop nose ring for diamond stud, and the gauges in her ears are now white instead of red.

  “Finley,” she says and beams a smile at me. Her floor length black dress, glides across the floor as she walks over to me. The bangles on her wrist jingle as she envelopes me in a hug.

  She pulls back and looks over my shoulder to my guys. “Hey.” They each say hello in return. She looks back at me. “You guys leaving today?”

  “Yeah, we stopped by to check on you and I wanted to grab some items from my room,” I answer. “How about you come with me, and you can tell me what you’ve been up to.”

  We leave the guys in the living room and walk to my bedroom. Izzy sits on the edge of my bed.

  “Do you guys have everything you need?” she asks. I move over to my closet and open the door.

  “I’m sure we do. Obsidian likes to pack the bags, and he goes over it with a fine-tooth comb. That man triple checks everything. Besides he had help from Stolas.” I reply while pulling out the bag that I keep hidden with my jewels in it.

  I pull out an emerald ring and watch as the light from the window bounces off of it, casting prisms around the room.

  “It that the emerald ring? The one you got from the Prince of England?”

  I smile at Izzy. “Yup,” I say popping the ‘p’. “I wonder if he even realizes I took that as well.” I move the ring from side to side. “I should feel bad, but he got handsy and was completely rude. The attitude and the mighty-than-thou air about him was put off too. He wasn’t even next in line to inherit the throne.”

  “Didn’t he piss off some other prince?” she asks.

  “Yeah, he cheated in some poker game and took the Prince of Denmark’s crown. I would have only taken the crown back, but I took something for myself as a payment for having to deal with him.”

  Izzy smiles and shakes her head. “He was stupid to bet his crown in the first place.”

  “True, but apparently he would have won that hand, but the Prince of England hid some cards up his sleeve.”

  “What are you going to do with it?” she asks.

  “I’m going to take it in case I need something to barter with.”

  “Do you think Hell has markets?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know but I’ll find out. What are you going to do while I’m gone?”

  “The usual, work, hang out here,” she replies.

  “No one special yet?”

  “Not anyone worth it,” she sighs.

  “You’ll find someone,” I say, putting the bag back in the closet and closing the door. I walk over to the bed and sit next to her. I grab her hand and squeeze.

  “I know. How long do you think you’ll be gone?” she asks.

  “I don’t know, a week maybe two.”

  “You’ll be careful right?” she turns her head to look at me.

  “Of course, I will. Plus, I’ll have the guys with me.” She nods.

  “I’m glad you have them. I would worry more if you were going alone. Especially after the way you came back from getting the first piece.”

  I can’t argue with her there. Getting shot at while fleeing the White House with the first piece of the map was definitely eye opening.

  “I promise, I’ll be careful. We’ll all be careful.” We sit in silence for a few minutes.

  “The faster you get there, the faster you can get back and tell me everything about Hell,” Izzy bumps her shoulder into mine.

  “We’ll have a girl’s day when I get back and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  “It’s a date,” she says, giving me a hug. We stand and walk back out into the living room. All the guys stand and turn in our direction.

  “Everything okay?” Verkor asks.

  “Yup. I’m ready to go.” Izzy gives me another hug, before turning to the guys.

  “You make sure she stays safe, and you guys be careful too.”

  “We will,” Obsidian states. She gives him a firm nod.

  Obsidian walks over to the front door and grabs mine and his bag. Verkor and Stolas follow. I give Izzy one last hug and tug my bag from Obsidian, flinging in on my back. I look back over my shoulder, giving Izzy a wink and wave, before walking out the door.
  “Everyone ready?” Stolas asks.

  We all nod. Each of us has a bag as we make our way through the streets of the Magic Realm. It only takes about fifteen minutes before we’re standing in front of the shimmer that marks the gateway location.

  Stolas takes my hand. “You’re going through with me. I want to see your expression as you look upon Hell for the first time.” He guides me closer to the gateway. “Hell,” he says loud and clear, before pulling me through with him. One second we were standing in the Magic Realm, and the next we’re standing in the Hell Realm, and it’s nothing like I expected.

  “Holy shit.” I turn my wide eyes toward Stolas. The smile on his face reaches from ear to ear. His eyes are glowing red and his canines have lengthened.

  “You haven’t seen nothing yet, love.” I don’t get a chance to say anything, because Obsidian and Verkor appear behind us. I turn, taking in the scenery.

  Only a few feet of rock and ash separate us from a river. The water is so dark it looks black, and it’s very still, unnaturally so. Far off in the distance, I can see mountains. They’re jagged and rough looking, towering over everything. Everything is gray, dark, and barren. There is a subtle light, but I don’t know where it's coming from. I take in a breath and realize that the air is a little thicker here, and it’s heavy with the scent of sulfur. The smell reminds me of Stolas just more potent. The sulfur and brimstone that comes off of Stolas is subtle. He was right about the heat down here. It’s hot, but only slightly more uncomfortable than a hot summer day in the Earth Realm. What I am surprised by is the lack of fire and lava. I for sure thought that I would see more of that. But the scene before me is very bleak and grim.

  “Um, Stolas? Is this the first level of hell? Where do we go from here? How do we get across the river?” I don’t see a dock or pathway that will take us across the river. There is no other path that I can see.


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