Stolen Fire

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Stolen Fire Page 19

by S. Dalambakis

  “I almost went with him. The guilt over what I had done, how I killed that man, was starting to eat me up inside. But it was Obsidian screaming my name that stopped me from going. Once, I was with him, the two-faced man seemed to disappear. We started to search for you guys. It took us awhile but, I finally spotted you in front of that building.”

  I stop us, using the grip I have on Finley’s hand to pull her closer to me. I wrap my arms around her, burying face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her vanilla and strawberry scent that has hints of sulfur.

  “I’m so glad Obsidian found you when he did. I could have… we could have lost you.” I take a couple deep breaths trying to calm the raging emotions inside me. When I have more control over myself, I pull back, cupping her face. “Never again, love. I will never let something like that happen again.”

  I lean down, capturing her lips with mine. I don’t push or try to deepen the kiss. It’s just a gentle brushing of our lips. Finley is going to hate it, but I need to keep her close to me. I need to make sure that she and our pup are alright. I rest my forehead against hers, closing my eyes, just breathing her in. She’s safe. She’s okay.

  “I’m sorry that man played on your fears. That man deserved everything you did to him and more. I’m glad you’re the one who made it out alive. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I’ll do better, I promise.”

  “Oh Stolas,” Finley whispers. I feel her small, soft hands on my cheeks, rubbing her thumbs right above my beard. “You guys are always saving me.” I feel her press her lips against mine for a brief kiss. “You didn’t fail me. None of you did.”

  I open my eyes, but don’t meet Finley’s right away. “How can you say that?”

  “Because I’m still here.” She moves her hand down to my chest, placing it right over my heart. “You’re still here, and that’s all any of us can ask for. Yes, we should have paid better attention to our surroundings. You warned everyone to be on guard with this level, and we weren’t. What happened is all of our faults. I shouldn’t keep letting my past get in the way of things. But I’m learning, and that’s all we can do. So, instead of us all spiraling into our own self-doubt, let’s talk about what happened, learn from it, and move on.”

  A hand clamps down on my shoulder. “She’s right,” Verkor says.

  “We need to get moving. We’re wasting time,” Obsidian growls. “More walking and talking.”

  I look over Finley, meeting Obsidian’s eyes. I nod. He grunts in reply. I take Finley's hand and start walking down the stone path that will lead us to the last gate and into the very depths of hell.

  “What happened with you, Obsidian? How did you lose sight of us?” I ask, deflecting the conversation from me for the moment.

  He rubs a hand over his moustache and beard. “I don’t know. We were walking; Finley was right in front of me. Something bumped into me. I looked to see what it was, and the person kept apologizing, but I waved them off. I only took my eyes off of her for a second. When I looked back up, she was gone. I went to say something about it to Verkor, but he was gone as well. It was like you all vanished. I started searching the streets, but I couldn’t spot any of you. I took off in the only direction I thought Finley could go. Finding her was more important than anything else.” Verkor and I nodded in agreement. We both started searching for her first. I was going to come back to find the others afterward.

  “I was lucky I went the right way. I spotted her pink hair and ran. Once I got to her, she told me how she got separated from you, and what the two-faced man was trying to get her to do,” Obsidian states. “We started looking for you, not having any luck at first, but eventually Finley spotted you.”

  “What was the purpose of this?” Finley inquires. “Was it to get me alone, or break us apart?” Verkor and I share a look, because I’m pretty sure we have the answer to that.

  “What?” Obsidian questions. I sigh, not wanting to relive my failure of protecting Finley, but they need to know.

  “After I was pulled apart from Finley, I was dragged away from you. I tried to get away, but they had too many people holding me back. I was going to shift into my hellhound form when I was suddenly released. I whipped around getting ready to fight whoever touched me, but they disappeared into the crowd. As much as I would have liked to hunt them down, I knew finding Finley was more important. I started searching the crowd.

  “Every once and a while I would catch a glimpse of pink from the corner of my eyes. I would turn and head in that direction. I tried calling out to her, but it was like she couldn’t hear me. I followed the sight of the pink hair until I came to the building that you found us at. Before you guys got there, I ran into Verkor. He said that he was following Finley too. Which shouldn’t have been possible since I thought I was following her. The person we both thought was Finley went inside the building, so we followed.

  “It was completely dark, and thinking on it now, we should have known better. I led us through the hallways coming to a stop outside a door that had a glow and moaning sounds coming from it. I instantly got angry and threw open door. What I thought was going on behind it wasn’t actually happening. There was a record player sitting on a table in the middle of the room. I walk over and turn it off. Once I do, the door slammed and locked us inside.” Finley’s hand squeezes mine.

  “A man in a hooded white robe appeared from the shadows. He warned us that someone knows that we are looking for the pieces of the map. He said that they know who and what Finley is. He wouldn’t tell me. All he did say was that she’s safer not knowing, and that this journey we’re on is going to place her danger.” My hellhound growls and paces around inside my head. He’s not happy. He wasn’t when the man first said it, and he’s not happy about it now.





  His singular thoughts have been on an endless loop since meeting that man.

  “The only new information then is the fact that someone is aware that she’s actively looking for the pieces of the map,” Obsidian states.

  “Yes, he said that there are those who don’t want to see the prophecy completed, and that Finley is the key to everything.” The grip she has on my hand tightens to the point that I’m starting to lose feeling in my fingers.

  Protect, my hellhound growls at me.

  We will, with everything we have. Nothing will ever harm our mate again. He huffs satisfied with my answer.

  “Do you think he was lying?” Finley asks softy. “I can’t really be the key to help or solve whatever this map is trying to lead us too, can I?” There is worry and fear etched in her voice. I don’t like how it sounds.

  “I don’t know, love. What I do know is that we should take everything he said with a grain of salt. Don’t forget, we’re in the treachery level of hell. People here are known for only giving half-truths.” She nods, and in this moment, I don’t know who I’m trying to convince more, her or me.

  Chapter 15


  I’m struggling with my thoughts. I have so many questions and no answers. There are people, beings, out there that know who and what I am, yet no one will tell me. Don’t they think I have the right to know? I didn’t realize how much I’d care about it, until the opportunity presented itself. How can anyone dangle that kind of information in front of someone and then rip it away? Everything that is happening is because of me. A part of me is aware that the guys are still talking about what that hooded man told Stolas and Verkor, but I’m busy spiraling in my own thoughts to give the conversation my attention.

  I focus on my black boots, placing one foot in front of the other, watching the steady pace of my walk. Am I really the key to all of this? More importantly, what is happening that I’m supposed to stop? That’s the main thing. How am I supposed to fix or solve anything when I don’t know what’s going on? The man told them that there are others who want to stop us, but why? What does this map lead to that scares them?

nbsp; “Finley!” Stolas yells breaking me from my thoughts. His eyebrows are pinched, and there is concern in his silver eyes. “Are you alright? Where did you go? Didn’t you hear us talking to you?” I shake my head.

  “No, I got caught up in my own head thinking about everything that you said and I zoned out. I’m sorry.” Stolas’ face relaxes.

  “No reason to be sorry, love, it happens.” I try to give him a smile, but I can’t. Instead, I nod.

  “What were you talking to me about?” I ask.

  “We’re getting ready to go through the last gate. My brother is on the other side.” Stolas looks over his shoulder to the stone arch way before settling his gaze back on me. “Well, he should be anyways.” He smirks at me. “Are you ready to enter the very depths of hell?”

  “Yes,” I say, even though I’m not. Stolas walks backward through the gate, tugging me along with him.

  “Welcome to the pits of hell,” Stolas says.

  “Oh. My. God.” I say the second we pass through the gate. I know my mouth is hanging open.

  My eyes are wide as I take in my surroundings. There are various waterfalls, more like lava falls are a more accurate description since that is what is flowing down the stone walls into pools of raging lava. There are smaller lava falls at different heights along the jagged, pointed walls that flow into the bigger lava falls. The stone walls are black and the red, orange, and yellow of the lava is a stark contrast against it. A few yards in front of me is rocky pathway that narrows the further it stretches, turning into a bridge, that in my opinion doesn’t look so stable. A river of lava follows beneath. Yeah, I need to make sure to watch my steps, because there is no way I want to fall into that.

  I follow the path with my eyes as it goes up and disappears behind some rock walls. I keep looking up and pause on a magnificent black castle sitting high up on the mountain. Lucifer’s castle. It’s stunning from a distance, and as much as I’m not looking forward to seeing the King of Hell, I can’t wait to see the castle up close.

  “That’s not the usual reaction people have seeing the pits of hell,” a deep, gravelly voice chuckles. The sound draws my attention.

  I look over and see a tall, tan, good looking man. The plain, black t-shirt he’s wearing stretches tautly over his broad shoulders. His waist tapers in giving away to the guys massive legs. I’m pretty sure they’re just tree trunks hidden by the black cargo pants encasing them. He kicks up some dust with his black combat boots as he walks closer, stopping a few feet from us. There are weapons strapped to his sides and arms. If the two hilts that are peeking over his shoulder are any indication, then I would say he has at least two swords on his back. There are probably other weapons that are hidden, because if that were me, I know I would have more than what’s just obvious. My gaze flicks from his weapons to his features. His jet-black hair is long and tied back. His is silver eyes sparkle with mirth. I’m sure I’ve seen that grin somewhere. My eyes dart back and forth between Stolas and this mystery man a few times before it clicks. This is Stolas’ older brother.

  “Well,” I say, giving Stolas my attention. “At least I know you’re only going to get better with age.” I give him a grin, before looking back to his brother and throwing him a wink. Stolas’ brother throws his head back and laughs. It’s deep and rumbles.

  “I like her, baby brother.” Stolas drops my hand before turning and giving his brother one of those bro hugs. You know the ones where they embrace and pat each other hard on the back a few times before letting go. Which is awkward to watch since Stolas has two bags on his back, and his brother has swords strapped to his, but somehow, they make it work. “It’s good to see you again, Obsidian and Verkor.” They each nod their head.

  “You too,” Obsidian and Verkor say at the same time.

  “What the hell happened to you guys?” Bael asks. He looks them up and down. I get it they’re covered in blood, hell we all have blood on us, but Obsidian is the worst. He looks like he bathed in it. We could all use a hot shower, a change of clothes, and some sleep.

  “We got a little sidetracked in the violence level,” I say.

  Stolas’ brother turns his attention back to me. “And you must be my baby brothers’ mate.” I nod, holding out my hand, giving him a big smile.

  “Hi, I’m Finley Sullivan.”

  “Bael Asmoday.” He grips my hand, but instead of shaking it he pulls me into his huge body, giving me a hug. I feel like I’m being hugged by a very muscular bear. I hear him inhale before releasing me. He points a shit eating grin in Stolas’ direction. “You dog,” he says before giving his brother another bro hug. “Congratulations, baby brother.”

  Stolas puffs out his chest, very pleased with himself and the fact I’m pregnant with his pup. I just roll my eyes, men.

  “Do Mom and Dad know?” Bael asks. Stolas shakes his head. I don’t even have to ask. I know what they’re talking about.

  “I’m sure Cassie has told them. You know she can’t keep a secret. I’m sure they’ll be dropping by on a ‘surprise’ visit soon.” Bael laughs, patting his brothers’ shoulder.

  “Oh, I know. We got into so much trouble as pups because of her. Though, if I remember correctly Mom and Dad used to let things slide with you because you’re the baby.” Stolas chuckles.

  “Yeah, I did get special treatment.”

  Stolas smiles and gets this look across his face like his remember some good times from his childhood. I don’t have many memories like that. I look down at my belly, placing a hand on it. I promise to make sure this baby and any future kids have the best memories. They will not grow up like I did. I will make sure they know how much they are loved and wanted every day.

  “So, what brings you here?” Bael questions. “I know you said you’d need a place to stay for a few days, but you never did say why. I know it’s not because you wanted me to meet your mate, because I could have met you at your place in the sixth level.” He’s direct and to the point. I like that. Stolas sighs, running his fingers through is black hair.

  “We need your help, but we can’t talk about it here,” Stolas replies.

  I look around again and can’t help but to wonder why. There is no one here walking around, which is kind of strange now that I think about it. Every level that I’ve been to has been busy and bustling with humans and demons.

  “Where is everyone?” I ask. Bael looks over at me before answering my question.

  “Just because you don’t see anyone doesn’t mean that they’re not here. There are eyes and ears everywhere, especially out in the open.” I nod in understanding.

  People tend to think that they blend in when they’re out in a public place. But chances are someone is watching and listening to you.

  Bael flicks his eyes to the band on his wrist. “Well, you’re in luck. I’m now off duty.” He walks over to me, offering me his arm. I take it, looping mine around his and giving him a smile. “Let me show you around the pits of hell.”


  I walk silently behind Finley, who is currently sandwiched between Bael and Stolas. An irrational part of me wants to rip his arms off for touching her. The only things keeping me from doing so is the fact I know he’s not making a move on her; he’s treating her like family. The other reason being, Bael is one of the few shifters that could actually take me down. You don’t guard the level where Lucifer's castle is without being one of the strongest. His fighting skills are impeccable. He’s taught me a thing or two in the years that I’ve known him. He will never reveal all of his secrets, and I can't blame him. I wouldn’t either.

  “So, where are all the houses? I assume that you live here,” Finley’s question pulls me from my thoughts. Bael chuckles.

  “I do. There are flat areas along the path after you cross the bridge that have housing and buildings. At the bottom of the mountain,” he points to where Lucifer’s caste sits, “you’ll find a small market, a few restaurants, and a couple of buildings for entertainment. There aren’t many who
call this level home. The ones here help guard the gate, the castle, and Lucifer.”

  “I’m surprised he would need guards, you know,” she waves a hand dismissively in the air, “being who he is and all.” Bael smiles down at her with an amused look on his face.

  “Yes, but being the most powerful being in the realm comes with knowing that there will always be others who want to kill you or try to claim your spot.”

  “Is that how that works?” Finley asks, giving Bael a quick glance before looking back down at her feet.

  I watch her arm tighten around his as we start to walk across the bridge. She’s scared. Everything in my body wants to scoop her up and carry her across, but I know she wouldn’t want to appear weak in front of anyone. She’d be pissed too. Oh, the fire that would appear in her eyes as she’d yell at me. A low growl escapes my lips from the thought. I’m half tempted to do it, just so I can see it, feel it. But that would lead to other things that we don’t have time for at the moment.

  “Honestly, I don’t know,” Bael says bringing me back to the conversation. “Lucifer has been the king down here for as long as hell has been a realm. I don’t know if he can die. I do know that anyone who had tried to attack or kill him didn’t live long enough to tell the tale.”

  The path starts to narrow to where only two people can walk side-by-side. Stolas moves in front of Finley and Bael, while Verkor and I move closer to them, protecting their backs.

  “So, what you’re saying is that Lucifer is super fucking old.” Bael’s laugh rumbles out of him.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  Finley glances over her shoulder at me, and it doesn’t take me long to figure out that look. Chances are her spelled violin will have no effect on him, and this mission just got a little harder.


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