The Broken Canvas

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The Broken Canvas Page 14

by Tai Barnett

  Brody walked over to her and gave her a causal kiss on the cheeks.

  “This is quite a surprise, hun. I thought you were in Italy?” said Brody with a slight shake in his voice.

  “Hi, everyone. Honey, I wanted to surprise you! Ohh, such a long story but the photographer got very ill that we had to cancel the photo shoot. You know that Raymond insists that Giovani is the one that does the photo shoot. So we just have to wait until he is better. Besides, I wanted to stop by and meet Charles,” Mariska exclaimed.

  Right now, I want to tell you how conceited and snobby she appeared. But I must admit, she was quite pleasant and oh God was she gorgeous! She had not noticed me just yet and suddenly looked around and saw me and the children staring at her.

  Mariska swiftly walked over to the table and Brody followed close behind her as she strutted toward me in an overwhelmingly formal red pants suit and white fur coat.

  She stretched over her hands to greet me.

  “Pardon the etiquette, but I have always wanted to meet you, Natasha. I am such a huge fan,” Mariska said.

  Brody’s sister, husband and brother looked at each other with eyes wide open.

  I compulsively licked a bit of gravy from my thumb and whipped my hands on my skirt.

  “Ahh, excuse me, I had gravy on my thumb. It’s nice to meet you too, Mariska.”

  I was smiling but ohh I wanted to just take my kids and leave them all to have their wonderful dinner.

  “Yes—we should probably have lunch some time when I am back home or visiting Atlanta. You know Brody and I go there every year for Christmas cause not sure if you know, but I grew up in Atlanta,” Mariska said.

  I looked at Mariska and smiled while I quickly glanced on Brody looking at both of us as if preparing just in case he needed to intervene.

  Who was I fooling! I could not pretend. Because hell, I was smiling and patronizing my way all through this uncomfortable and untimely meeting with my lover’s woman.

  “Ohh, how-how lovely…no, I never knew that. How wonderfully convenient. Yes, why we should definitely,” I looked at Brody and smiled. What a liar I was being to this woman!

  “Yes well, Mariska dear, we are having dinner so join us. Brody pull up another chair, please!” said Mrs. Banister.

  “Oh thanks, but I am off carbs and I am vegetarian, do you have any veggies?” Mariska asked.

  As Brody removed her overtop jacket, I cringed while scrutinizing her evenly proportioned breasts, waist to hip ratio, not to mention her long legs. I instantly began questioning at that moment why I didn’t just pull on that sexy little black dress that Lauren had packed and why the hell did I just pour a ton of gravy unto my meat and potatoes.

  Mrs. Banister smiled and looked at me, I am not sure why either.

  “Hmm—well yes—we do have beets and salad,” Mrs. Banister passed the salad bowl to Martin where Mariska was seated.

  Everyone looked at each other awkwardly. Brody was obviously not prepared for any of this. Truth be told, none of us were.

  “So, how long are you planning on staying Mariska?” said Rachel with a silly smile on her face. It was evident that she was enjoying this awkward moment for me.

  “Oh, just for the night. My plane leaves for New York in the morning.”

  Mariska looked at Charles and smiled.

  “Oh, he is so cute, and your little girl is the spitting image of you.”

  Rose smiled and continued eating.

  Dinner continued for another few minutes, but it was so awkward for me that I made up an excuse about Charles wanting to sleep. After 20 minutes, I was back upstairs in my room with Charles.

  But he wasn’t in the mood to be locked into the room with me and my anxiety, he started crying for his sister. Luckily, Mrs. Banister was just in time to knock at my door.

  I opened the door and she looked at me and smiled.

  “Are you alright, dear?” Mrs. Banister inquired.

  “Of course, I am just a bit tired…”

  “Ooh, I wasn’t born yesterday love—it’s quite alright. You stay here if it makes you more comfortable…Charles! Would you like to come down stairs with Nanna?”

  Charles ran to his grandmother and hugged her legs.

  Mrs. Banister lifted Charles into her arms, looked at me and sighed, “You’re such a lovely woman, Natasha.”

  I looked at her and nodded my head.

  “But how can you say that? That I am a lovely girl after what I have done?”

  “Well, true love is easy to spot anywhere dear. It’s a pity that Brody can’t see you for the wonderful woman that you are. It’s strange, because I was quite picky with all of Brody’s girlfriends. But from the first day that I met you, I knew that you were different. Call me biased but I am not looking down on you because I know that you truly love my Brody. I am sure Andrew is a good man. If he loves you, you may want to really consider your feelings towards him. Anyhow, later dear.”

  Just when I was feeling like garbage, Mrs. Banister in her kind and empathetic gestures had managed to make me feel even worse. I had cheated on Andrew. I had never cheated before and didn’t know how I was going to react when I saw him again. What was I going to do?

  That evening, I considered all my problems that I had unintentionally brewed for myself and fell asleep. A few hours later, which was by now around 10:00pm, I went to get a glass of water and on my way back, I heard a strange sound coming from the study that was a little toward the back of the house.

  I tip-toed to see what was going on and hoped that my hunch was way off track. After all, he and I had sex just two days ago. Brody could never be so brazen—could he?

  I heard tumbling and when Mariska said, “Brody, be quiet you don’t want to wake the others,” she giggled.

  “We should have just gone to your room,” Mariska whispered.

  “I want you now,” Brody said hurriedly.

  Something stabbed me in my chest when I heard his voice; for a moment of consideration flashed before me. He could never be in that room with her, ran across my mind.

  I started sweating profusely and my head felt as though it was going to explode. I quickly drank the water and sluggishly placed it on the end table that was right outside the door of the study. I quickly went back upstairs.

  You would think that after going through so many years of infidelity with Rose’s father that I would be immune to the waves of emotional trauma that accompanied it and knowing that Brody was a playboy was even worse.

  I thought about what a fool I had been and went inside the bathroom looking into the mirror at my face that was now red and drenched with tears. I quickly took off my clothes but left my underwear on as I pulled the curtain to one side, went inside the shower and turned on the water while allowing it to splash all over my head and my body. This was my ritual whenever I was cheated on. I felt unclean and hoped the water would wash away all the guilt, the pain, the despair, the hate I was feeling.

  Two hours after, I tripled my dose of sleeping tablets and eventually fell asleep and was awoken by my alarm at 8:30 the next morning. My door was half opened and Charles was nowhere to be found. Since we had been there, he had been sneaking out of my room when he got up in the mornings and heading for his grandparent’s room.

  I pulled a robe over me and headed to the kitchen. As I reached the last step on the stairs, I saw Mr. Banister alone siting around the dining table, drinking tea and reading the Daily newspaper. My face was still red, and my eyes were swollen. “Good morning,” I said softly.

  I walked over to the window and moved the curtain to see if the cars were outside, but they were all gone.

  Mr. Banister moved the paper to one side and rested it unto the table when he realized it was me. I walked over and sat across from him.

  “Ahh. Good morning love. Did you sleep well?”

  I sighed, “Yes, thank you, well I am even surprised and glad that I got more than five hours.”

  Mr. Banister noticed my swollen ey
es as he got up and walked over to the cupboard and took out a floral teacup. He then took a tea bag from the assorted stash that was in a basket on the marble kitchen counter-top. He took the kettle shaped like an owl and poured some water into the cup and handed it to me.

  “Ohh, thank you.”

  “It’s chamomile. I remember it’s your favorite to relax you, and here is some organic honey.”

  He placed the honey in front of me onto the counter-top.

  “Can’t believe you remembered that.”

  I smiled trying to appear as though I was OK as I poured the honey into the tea and stirred it.

  Mr. Banister walked over and sat across from me.

  I took a sip and fixed my robe more comfortably around my shoulders.

  “Where are the children?”

  “Ah…yes, well, the children are safe. They went into town with their Nanna to pick up few souvenirs to take back home with them,” he said.

  I observed him looking at me, noticing me with pitiful eyes as though I was some bruised animal to feel sorry for.

  “Brody took Mariska to the airport, he should be back any time now.”

  I nodded my head and folded my lips.

  Mr. Banister started to look outside the window.

  “Brody has always been a charmer, you know. From when he was a little lad I could tell he loved the ladies. But you love him—don’t you?” Mr. Banister said while looking back at me.

  I gave a plastic smile with my eyes full.

  “You shouldn’t feel guilty for that dear, or that you two slept together either—Mrs. Banister told me by the way,” he whispered.

  I opened my eyes and folded my lips tighter in disbelief that Brody’s father was discussing his son having sex with me.

  “O-OK…and so she did,” I said softly.

  “There is no shame in aiming for what the heart wants—hell, it’s even more painful when you try to fight it. But the heart can’t dance alone, love, can it?” Mr. Banister said.

  I looked into his eyes as the tears fell down on my cheeks.

  As I used my sleeve to wipe the tears away, he walked over to me.

  “Ohh, don’t cry love. Don’t be sad. What’s done is done! Look at it this way, the incomparable Audrey Hepburn once said, ‘If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.’ I completely agree with her,” Mr. Banister said.

  I looked at him when he quoted Audrey Hepburn. I wasn’t sure if Mr. Banister had also had his fun already in being a playboy as his son, but that line gave me a sudden boost of courage that I stood to my feet and gave him a tight squeeze and then a kiss on the cheek.

  The backdoor suddenly opened and Brody saw me hugging his father. I turned back around and went back to finish my tea.

  “Good morning,” said Brody while walking over to the counter and taking an apple from the basket of fruits. He threw it into the air and caught it back as he sat three chairs across from me.

  “Good morning,” I said softly.

  Mr. Banister took his paper and glasses from the counter and held it underneath his arms. He looked at me and slightly bowed his head,

  “I am sure you two would like to talk—I will be in the study,” he slowly walked outside.

  The study. I was thinking to myself. Oh, I wish he didn’t remind me of that. I took two gulps and almost finished my tea; I stood and walked toward the kitchen sink to wash the teacup, completely ignoring Brody. I heard him taking several bites into his apple and I hoped that it would be lodge right into his throat, blocking him from breathing instantly.

  “6:30 this evening, right?” he said.


  I continued to scrub the teacup as though it had a clump of grease stuck to it. I suddenly felt Brody gently putting his hands on my waist and turned me around and tried to kiss me.

  I turned my head away and walked to the other side of the kitchen.

  “I can’t believe you. What are you doing, Brody?”

  He looked at me as though I was crazy or that he didn’t just take his girlfriend to the airport or slept with her a few hours ago.

  “I heard you last night by the way! You and Mariska! What if it were one of the kids? You are such a sex demon that you couldn’t just do it upstairs in your bedroom like a normal person?”

  He sighed and walked back to his chair while he continued eating his apple. His countenance changed as though I was getting on his nerve for bringing it up.

  “So, you’re the one who left the glass on the table—?” he exclaimed.

  “I was getting a glass of water, heard the ruckus and came to check. Believe me I had no idea you’d be screwing her just a few feet away from us,”

  He rolled his eyes and continued eating, he was completely unaffected by all this.

  “You have nothing to say to me?”

  I was staring at him wildly and getting angrier—my eyes started becoming red and full.

  He looked at me and shook his head.

  “Whatta you want me to say, Natasha? My girlfriend was here, and we had sex…” he uttered nonchalantly.

  My eyes expanded as I shook my head, folded my arms and tears ran down my cheeks,

  “Unbelievable! So why did you have sex with me? What was that?”

  Tears ran down my cheeks.

  He stood and walked over to me while trying to touch me again,

  “Don’t touch me right now!”

  “Ohh, come on now—what did you expect me to do? You hate me and clearly don’t see a future with me. My mother even encouraged you to move on. And according to you, you’re in a perfect relationship.”

  I wiped my eyes.

  “You know what? You’re absolutely right…I am just going to go upstairs and finish packing.”

  I stormed upstairs and began angrily packing the bags. I was filled with every negative emotion one could think of.

  Brody pulled my door and came in.

  “Natasha, you can’t be angry for this. It’s not like we were ever officially dating at any time,” he exclaimed.

  “You’re right, Brody. I mean here I am bawling my eyes out like a teenager for someone who clearly doesn’t even see how much pain he is causing me! Believe me, let me make it easier for you! You can go be with Mariska and just forget about me! Forget that anything ever happened between us!”

  He moaned.

  “Oh…come on now! We are both seeing other people. You it yourself said that you love Andrew! So, what are we really fight about?” he exclaimed.

  “Don’t you dare call his name in your mouth, and you’re right and I am just so stupid to have done this to him and expect anything different from you!”

  I placed my hands over my mouth I was really processing now what I had done.

  I stood up and began walking over to the bathroom and Brody walked toward me, turned me around, and kissed me.

  The strangest thing happened because instead of pushing him away I did the most shameful thing a second time. I started kissing him back and then had one hour of the most amazing, angry sex that I have ever had in a long, long time.

  Visions of Love

  So, before you start hating on me or calling me slutty. At least, try to hear the entire story before you start judging.

  While I was back in Scotland, making hot and steamy love to Brody—a second time, my boyfriend Andrew was back home trying to prepare a tasty Jamaican meal upon my arrival.

  “Yu betta get going before I give you another good dousing, don’t you know you’re trespassing on private property? Y’all should be damn well ashamed of yourself. You two bout lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut,” exclaimed Vernon with one arm to his side, another with a pale of hot water looking out from the back fence of the yard.

  The very audacious paparazzi jumped the side gate of my house just a few millimeters short of getting a good scolding of Vernon’s scorching hot salted boiled water.

  Michael walked to the back of the house and stood looking at Vernon and laughed.
/>   “Hun…those Paparazzi fools are very plucky to be comin’ back up in here every other week when you keep threatening them with hot wata…hehee!” Michael laughed as he sat on one of the chairs meddling with his phone.

  Vernon walked over to Michael. He was wearing tight short shorts with a t-shirt and straw hat with his face twisted.

  “I tell ya by the hook or the crook I’ma give those boys a good dozing of Miss Mays’s hot wata one day. Miss May use to say she would dose the men from her community with hot salted water whenever they were caught trying to steal from her house at night. I tell ya, I can’t wait to go hog wild on their paparazzi asses one day!” Vernon yelled.

  Michael placed his phone onto the table.

  “Anyway, come join me for a minute Vernon. I wanted to say something to you,” Michael said.

  “Oh, really now…what is it?” Vernon said while standing and looking at Michael strongly with pouty lips. While using an article that was on the table to cool himself Vernon was suspicious to learn what was on Michael’s mind.

  “Well, you know the other day when we went to the voodoo store; this odd little man said some really peculiar stuff to Lauren.”

  “Lawd have mercy. What you two dun dug up now?” exclaimed Vernon while he placed the bucket and magazine unto the table and sat across from Michael.

  “Well, he said some really strange things to her like how she is an old soul and that the one she is looking for is not among the dead. And then…he also said someone might get sick but…”

  Vernon looked at Michael keenly with his eyes squinted and blinking quicker than usual.

  “Well, your mother had a few words for her as well. She didn’t wanna tell you with everything that’s been going on with you and your mother but—I was a bit concerned.” Michael said.

  “Well, Michael, what di hell did she say now?” Vernon exclaimed.

  Vernon listened to him attentively then sighed.

  “Well, all I can say is Lauren had better listen to her. Cause whatever my dear old mama dun said to that child is bound to come true, I can tell you that much. Julia might be a horrible, witchcraft and voodoo working adulterer but she certainly has that ‘third eye’. Heck if she eva says that something’s gonna happen to you…you had betta watch out.”


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