The Broken Canvas

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The Broken Canvas Page 22

by Tai Barnett

  “Well, here they come,” Michael said.

  Vernon turned and looked at us. But we were walking slowly and talking while being filmed by Mark and Peter.

  “I just cannot believe that you did this. You could have at least called Brody!” I had to be mindful of what I said on camera, even though this was supposed to be a reality show.

  Brody turned and looked at me and smiled. He looked at Charles’ big curls and how beautiful he was and then at that moment considered that this is what it would feel like if we spent the rest of our lives together.

  “Listen, I know I should have called but I also know that if I did, there was no way that I would be here with you guys right now,” Brody said.

  “Well, where are you taking my baby, anyway? And be careful with him Brody. He is a very busy and curious little man. He will just jump right out of your arms, if he sees anything that interests him. And he still puts everything into his mouth, and he loves to climb—”

  Brody looked at me and sighed.

  “And don’t give him too much ice-cream because he gets a tummy ache like his sister and his cheeks turns pink and—”

  “Natasha…” Brody said strongly.

  “Relax. He is my son too, you know. I will never let anything harm him or Rose. Ever!” Brody exclaimed.

  I looked at him and sighed. Considering that he is turning out to be a good father. But I had much more important things to consider, like being in the presence of the two men that could potentially be the father of my unborn child.

  As we walked passed everyone, a flood of shame and disappointment in myself started plaguing my thoughts. I looked at Michael and Vernon and wondered what they were discussing about all this. I even glanced at Lauren swimming in pool and thinking how disappointed she must be in me.

  “Well, would you look at that. They actually look like a happy family together huh?” Michael said.

  “I ain’t even gonna say anything about all that. But Tasha looks pretty darn stunning in that off-the-shoulder navy blue pool dress she got on. She must be getting stressed being pregnant and in the middle of all this ‘mix-up’ that she’s got going on here,” Vernon said.

  Lauren moved closer toward them.

  “Yes, well, it’s a pity because I know for a fact that Tasha really, truly, loves Brody. When she talks about him, her face just illuminates, and her eyes sparkle like I had never seen before,” Lauren said.

  “Well, keep your voice down before Andrew overhears us. And as romantic and appealing as that there might sound Lauren, what about that handsome, not to mention loyal, man that she got over there?” Vernon said looking at Andrew.

  “This is what I think. I believe that Tasha should just, nip this in the bud right now. If she loves Brody, she might as well just give it a shot and hope for the best. Perhaps somewhere in his wintery and frozen heart, he loves her just as much as she loves him. Who knows, maybe he is just hiding his true feelings for her. Maybe, he is afraid of falling in love himself,” Lauren said.

  “And on the otha hand, she needs to let Andrew know what she is really feeling because he is young and sweet, and any nice young girl would die to be with a guy like him!” Vernon said.

  “That’s right, I agree. But either way, something’s gotta give cause something’s big bout to happen with all this steam and emotions building up,” Michael said.

  I waved to Andrew and Rose still playing in the pool and walked Brody and Charles to the front lobby.

  “Look here, that boy must be sent from up above or something, just looking at Brody and Tasha together and being so calm.” Vernon said.

  Five minutes later, Rose dashed out of the pool and ran toward the hut where Michael and Vernon were relaxing and having their drinks and where Lauren was swimming.

  Andrew shook the water from his head while looking at Rose and slowly came out of the pool towards them. It was clear that he was keeping his distance from everyone, except for the children. One could only imagine that he did this because he might have been feeling less than pleased because of the awkwardness of Brody being there.

  As he brushed back the hair from his face, everyone watched the water trickle from off of the curve of his breast and hitting the contours of his six packs right down to the ever so taunting ‘V’ that left more to the imagination and surely into ecstasy.

  “Good Lord!” Michael muttered, while staring at Andrew and almost salivating.

  Rose ran to Lauren’s drink that was on the table, dripping wet and was about take a big sip on her cocktail.

  “Rose you can’t have any of that, hun! It’s not for babies!” Lauren shouted.

  Everyone smiled while looking at Rose in her red polka-dot bikini and curly hair dripping wet. She had dimples and was as cute as a button.

  “But, Aunty Lauren, I am not a baby, anymore,” Rose said.

  “How are those cocktails guys?” Andrew shouted.

  As Andrew got closer and stood beside them, in perfect alignment and unintentional timing, Lauren started getting out of the pool. He suddenly stopped and looked at Lauren more closely for a few seconds. Andrew’s attention was frozen on her attractiveness for a brief instant, but then he looked back at Rose. “So, Rose, do you still want to go back into pool or have you had enough for the day?” Andrew said.

  Lauren walked towards the table and took the towel and wrapped around her shoulders. She sat and sipped her drink.

  But Rose was busily walking around the table looking into everyone’s drink.

  “I wanna go back into the pool!” Rose shouted.

  Andrew sighed, “OK, in a minute,” he said while smiling.

  “Come over here, honey. I know you must be thirsty by now, that’s why I always come prepared for you children,” Vernon shouted to Rose.

  Rose ran towards Vernon as he took one of the pool towels from the table and started patting her down.

  Vernon looked at Rose from head to toe.

  “Your motha needs to stop stuffing you with all that processed garbage that she’s being buying every week!” Vernon exclaimed.

  He put his hands at his waist and looked at her again while everyone watched.

  “Look at you! You’re getting rounder and rounder by the minute; we soon have to roll you just to get you to the car!” Vernon exclaimed while adjusting the bottom of her bikini.

  “Tell Vernon to leave you alone honey, cause you’re sweet, plumy and beautiful,” Michael said.

  Rose rubbed her eyes and smiled at Vernon while they watched from the back and laughed.

  “Well, don’t you be smiling at me, Miss Rose,” Vernon said smiling.

  He gave her a hug and kissed on the cheeks.

  “Now, as soon as we get home, we going to start cycling again,” Vernon said.

  Andrew walked closer to Michael and Lauren.

  “So, Andrew, are you enjoying yourself here in the islands?” Michael said.

  “It’s wonderful actually.”

  He looked at Lauren.

  “I am just wondering where the rest of your sister’s bathing suit is,” Andrew said while smiling.

  Lauren and Michael laughed.

  But although Andrew was especially loyal to me, he was also a man, with very manly desires. It simply existed in his thoughts—within the moment. Because he had always managed to relinquish any desire that he had for another woman, as soon as he remembered what I meant to him.

  “It is lovely though, huh?” Michael said while Rose walked over to him.

  “What is it, honey?” Michael said to Rose in the background.

  “Can I have just a taste of your juice, Uncle?” Rose whispered.

  Lauren and Andrew continued talking.

  “I just felt like putting on something pretty today. I had this old thing and never wore it. I am in Jamaica again, so I might as well just dress the part,” Lauren said.

  “Come here, just sip a little,” Michael whispered while hiding Rose and looking if Vernon was seeing. But Vernon was busy
folding the towels.

  “Of course not, Rose, this has rum in it!” Michael shouted.

  Vernon turned and looked at Michael.

  “Michael, I know you not up in here giving that child none of that daiquiri when you know it’s full of alcohol!”

  Andrew lowered his voice, “Well, why not, you have the body for it so, why not!” Andrew said.

  “So, is everything ready for the engagement party next week?” Andrew whispered to Lauren.

  “Don’t worry about a thing. It is going to be perfect,” Lauren said.

  “I am sure everything will work out perfectly, once it’s in your hands. By the way, I have one more invitation, Brody Banister. I am certain he will be delighted to spend New Year’s Eve with Charles.”


  Later that evening, Brody watched from his pool patio while Andrew, me, and the kids relaxed while playing board games.

  He cringed when he saw Andrew kiss me on the cheek and when he gave Rose a fresh fruit plate to eat.

  But what got him really unsettled and even more abundantly determined to reveal his love for me, was when Charles started crying and when he fell from climbing on top of one of the chairs. His heart started throbbing and he wrestled with wanting to just hurry over there immediately. He felt a rush of heat through his body as he saw Charles rushing towards Andrew and when Andrew scooped him up into his arms, hugging him towards his chest, and rocking him from side to side.

  Brody Banister, not too long ago perceived like the notorious Ebenezer Scrooge, felt his eyes suddenly becoming full—when Andrew used one of the napkins to wipe the tears from Charles’ eyes and when Charles laid his head unto his shoulders. Then Andrew gave Charles a kiss on his cheeks.

  Happy New Year

  “Ohh, I will definitely be going back by New Year’s Eve. But you know, I always spend Christmas at home, Martin,” Brody said.

  “Well, at least, mother won’t suspect a thing. I will come get you at the airport and hey, I might join you when you go back to the islands,” Martin said on the other line.

  “Well, as much as I would love for you to come, they sent only one invitation,” Brody said.

  “Invitation to what?”

  “It seems, as though…well it doesn’t seem, I know for fact. Natasha told me that their family is big on New Year’s Eve Parties. So, it looks like they want it to be a bit more formal this year, by sending out invites.”

  “Well, it makes no difference to me, lad. They will have to kick me out on my ass. It won’t be the first time we crash a party either,” Martin said.


  A few days had passed since our Montego Bay excursion and my disconcerting confession was given. Brody had returned home to spend Christmas with his family and he and Martin plotted their trip to crash our New Year’s Eve celebration.

  My older brothers and I loved celebrating New Year’s Eve at the Old House. Our parties were renown through all of Surrey as being the most elegant, the most fun and yes, even having the tastiest cocktails.

  This year was no different, except Lauren and Andrew were both eager to help out with the arrangements for some reason. What I didn’t know was that Andrew was planning to propose to me tonight and that because of all the hustling and bustling of the day, as well as the possible repercussions of what might happen, Lauren was forced to reveal to Vernon and Michael that this was also an engagement gathering. She also had to tell my older brothers but of course, leaving all the embarrassing parts out.

  “Lauren, are you sure about all this?” Vernon said while wrapping the bacon around the blanched asparagus.

  “Well, that’s why I told you, I don’t know what else to do. He told me to give Brody an invitation…” Lauren said.

  “Of course, so he can show Brody who is the real man in Natasha’s life and father to the children. That Andrew does have another side to him, he is marking his territory in front of everyone, including Brody,” Michael said.

  “Yes, well, I can’t just tell Andrew not to propose to Natasha because she is possibly pregnant with Brody’s child,” Lauren said.

  She and Michael start removing the white wines from the boxes.

  “Life is just too short for all of this. Why can’t life ever just be simple huh?” Michael said.

  “Y’all just…calm down. We are the ones who create all the problems in our lives and then we start pointing fingers and blaming everyone else, but ourselves. Now, as much as we all enjoy sticking our noses into Natasha’s business and what I mean is, I know we all would like to just be her little own personal guardian angels. But there comes a time when the best things that someone that loves you can do is to, let you make your own damn mistakes and decisions.”

  Michael and Lauren sighed.

  “Now, we all love Natasha and even Andrew, but it ain’t none of our business to be deciding for her. This is something that she is just going to have to walk through on her own. We best pray to the Lord that everything turns out all right for everyone,” Vernon said.


  It was the morning of the New Year’s Eve festivity and the house was turned upside down. My usual morning sickness had me stuck in bed. Vernon was looking after the children, while being filmed by Peter and Mark. He was hurrying to help in the prep for the cocktails.

  Michael and a few close friends and workers were finishing up decorating the house and outside pool and patio kitchen. My two older brothers had gone into town to finish purchasing the additional things that were needed.

  It was a white themed party with light powder pink accents. The pool and lawn and cocktail tables were decorated with lights and white sheer fabrics with Japanese paper lanterns accenting every corner. There were several small tents, each one decorated for a different theme, along with cocktails, appetizers, desserts, and even a chocolate and cheese fountain.

  The focal point was our floral decorated gazebo with pink and white Japanese cherry blossoms. The entire theme was elegant, cool and inviting with every table consisting of an elaborate 14-inch floral centerpiece with pearls hanging down from each vase.

  If one didn’t remember that this was a New Year’s celebration, they would soon think that it was a wedding cocktail hour.

  Sunset was soon approaching as I looked out of my bedroom window at the old pine trees swaying in the wind. I closed my eyes like when I was a little girl, listening if I could hear their voices, if they could tell me what to do about all this.

  Then I felt a strong arm wrapped around me and a soft kiss on my neck.

  “Are you feeling better, love?” Andrew whispered.

  But the only thing I could hear in my head, was how low and dishonest and filthy and what a disloyal woman I had become. Those old pine trees knew even my darkest secrets I was thinking, or maybe it was my conscience trying to talk some sense into me.

  I wanted to confess to Andrew, just to tell him everything. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t stand to see the hurt in his eyes. And I wanted it to work with him because he deserved it and most importantly, I wanted this baby to be his.

  I held his face with one hand as he covered me into his strong arms—rocking with me while looking at my old friends dancing with wind.

  “I am feeling a bit better. As much as I love this night, I can’t wait for it to just end.”

  Andrew gently held my waist and turned me around looking down into my eyes.

  “You’re only saying that because you’re a little under the weather. Tonight, is going to be amazing,” Andrew said. He kissed me on the cheeks and then spanked me on the butt before walking off to the bathroom.

  “Where are you off to?” I heard my phone beep from my purse that was on the nightstand; it was a message.

  I heard the faucet turning on.

  “Going by the mart with Lauren and Michael to get some more party ice for tonight,” Andrew yelled.

  “But I thought the caterers had that covered,” I yelled.

  I took my phone from my bag and read the message
that was from Brody.

  Thank you for letting me spend some time with Charles.

  “Well, you know Michael. He always has to be extra prepared for any eventualities,” Andrew shouted.


  As I was about to put back my phone into my purse, I received another message.

  Just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking a lot. I wish things could have been different because if I ever decided to settle down one day, you would be the first on my list.

  By the way, the second game changer was finding someone that gives me a warm and genuine feeling like my mother does—just like you have.

  I smiled a little, because Brody Banister just basically told me that he cared for me and that I would have been his first choice to settle down with. That was not an ‘I love you’. But at least, I knew now that I was special to him.

  Yet, giving Andrew and everything up was a great risk. Because Brody was unpredictable and could change before you even blinked. He would say he wants to spend time with you today and then by tomorrow morning, he is in the news headlines with some hot new model.


  As night approached, the DJ started off the gathering with some famous Jamaican oldies and then slowly progressed into 80s soul.

  I was delighted to see everyone, including my parents, my younger brother Nicholas and many friends and family that I had not seen in a long time.

  Everything was perfect. We were all eating, dancing and laughing and then I saw Brody and his bother Martin at one end of the party shaking some of the guest’s hands.

  I took Michael to one side because this was a surprise. Although, admittedly not a necessarily disappointing one.

  “Who invited Brody?”

  “Well, I thought that Lauren would have mentioned it by now. Andrew gave him an invitation when we were in the hotel a couple days ago. I guess he just brought a guest along,” Michael said.

  “No, that’s his brother Martin.”

  “Ohh, I see, good looks run in the family huh?” Michael said.

  “Where is Andrew?”

  “Oh, he is somewhere, probably helping Lauren,” Michael said.


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