Werewolves & Whiskers: Sawtooth Peaks Wolf Shifter Romance Box Set

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Werewolves & Whiskers: Sawtooth Peaks Wolf Shifter Romance Box Set Page 10

by Keira Blackwood

  “He didn't kill the man, did he?” I asked.

  “Nah, just bruised him up good and went back to drinking,” he replied.

  “If he seems under control, I would appreciate if you could look into this attack by the lodge.”

  “Yeah, I'm all over it.”

  That meant he would sleep for a few more hours first.

  “And Hailey is coming by the bar tonight at six to meet everyone,” I said. “I'd appreciate it if you came.”

  I waited for his reply. Lance would be a familiar and friendly face, which would hopefully make Hailey more comfortable.

  “Wow. I wouldn't miss it. If for no other reason than to see the look on your mother's face.”

  I sighed. Zaria would not make this easy. But it would be worse to exclude her. She would hear it from someone and make my life hell. “Yeah, I'll have to call her.”

  A gentle but insistent voice came from the background over the phone, “Lance, come back to bed.”

  “Shea?” I asked.

  “Nah, I only have eyes for Nicole,” he countered. Whoever Nicole was.

  “Get off the phone and fuck me,” the woman pleaded.

  “Be out shortly.” With that Lance hung up the phone, not that I could blame him. He would do as he promised, and that was all that mattered.

  I left my phone on the desk and walked out to the bar. I needed to stretch my legs, and I was hoping to catch Harkins when he arrived.

  Amy stood behind the bar, stocking the liquor for the day ahead. She lifted bottles of vodka, rum, and tequila out of the blue milk crate she used to carry the liquor from the back. She set them all on the counter and put each in its place on the lower glass shelves attached to the mirrored wall. With the easy ones complete, she steadied herself with one hand on the counter as she stretched on tip-toes, bottle in hand, reaching for the top shelf.

  “Need some help, Shorty?” I asked.

  Amy dropped down and gladly offered me the bottle. “Yes, please.”

  I took the bottle and easily placed it on the top shelf. “We should really get you a stool.”

  “I tried that, and tripped all over it. There's no space back here for anything extra. I'd end up splitting my head open in no time.” A smile lit her face, from eyes to cheeks.

  “We wouldn't want that. Just yell for me when you need a hand.” I moved back around to the opposite side of the counter, hyper-aware of the space between us since Hailey had shared her insecurity.

  “Will do. How are you holding up with Garret gone and these attacks?” Amy continued, not missing a step at my awkwardness.

  Of course Amy would know all about the attacks, even before me. I shouldn't have been surprised. Amy was one of the few people Harkins made conversation with. I trusted him and knew he would never share anything sensitive with anyone, but anything that wasn’t private he shared with Amy. She was easy to talk to. Being here all the time amongst drinking men and wolves, she probably knew more about all of the wolves in our pack and what was happening in the surrounding area than I did. Something I often forgot. “Still looking into the attacks. And Garret. I'm hanging in there.”

  “Good. You know I'm always here if you want to talk.” Amy was in her element in her tight-fitting work tee, jeans, and blond pigtails, standing behind the bar. It was her easy smile that made her beautiful.

  I still felt a twinge of guilt every time I looked into her eyes when she grinned at me. After what Hailey had said, Amy’s feelings seemed so obvious.

  “I know, thanks.” Only one question about my emotions, and I was ready to change the subject. “Have you heard from Harkins yet this morning?”

  “Not yet, but I'll send him your way when I see him,” she promised.

  “Thanks, Amy.” I walked back to my office, wishing I had never dated her at all. Sleeping with someone always made the relationship more complicated, and I liked most of my relationships to remain simple. Hailey made life complicated enough.

  While I waited to hear from Harkins I made my last call about the coming evening, the one I didn't want to make. My mother picked up on the first ring.

  “Did you hear anything about Garret yet?” Zaria's voice was rushed, maybe even a bit anxious. If I didn't know better, I would have thought she had feelings. Well, that was a bit harsh. If nothing else, I knew she loved Garret.

  “Good morning, Mother. Not yet,” I replied.


  “I've got Harkins on it. We’ll hear something soon,” I told her.

  “Okay.” Another one-word reply. Shee must have been handling the situation worse than I’d thought.

  “I'm having someone by this evening at the bar. I'd like you to be here at six,” I said.

  “Oh. Business?” she asked.

  “No, personal.” I didn't want to go into details over the phone, or at all, with her.

  “A girl?” Her voice lifted at the thought.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “I'll be there. Let me know the second you hear something about Garret.” Her voice was firm, but sadness still came through.

  “I will,” I promised.

  With that, she hung up. No scolding or telling me what to do. She must have really been more off than I thought over Garret being so late to return. I checked the time as I started back into my paperwork. Only nine hours and two minutes left until I got to see Hailey.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Voices filled the room, laughing, talking. Cracks of pool balls smashing into each other echoed from the pool tables that lined the back of the room. The jukebox played classic rock, which was difficult to hear beneath the chatting of customers. Scents of beer and fried bar food mixed with those of wolf and man. Colognes and perfumes mingled with the natural essences of the people wearing them. I watched Amy pour drinks and flirt with men at the bar. Shea and Callie carried trays of glasses and plates to and from tables around the room.

  I was somewhat pleased to see Axel sitting at the end of the bar, deep purple coloring his left eye. His shoulders hunched downward as he leaned his head over his beer mug. Here I could watch him, and didn't need to worry that he was out causing trouble for the pack—assaulting humans or running into the valley prematurely. I would stay close to Hailey when she arrived. Axel would likely bother her when he learned that I was involved with her, but not while I was nearby. He’d had a chip on his shoulder since his father had mated with my mother. We weren’t friends before that. I didn’t know if it was jealousy due to the fact that everyone thought I should be alpha, a strange competitive streak because we were supposed to be family now, or some other reason. It didn’t matter. Axel was barely sane, and he would not be allowed near Hailey.

  My mother sat on the stool next to Axel, shoulders squared as she spoke to him. Zaria didn’t seem to mind that he was a crazy asshole. She had taken him under her wing when she mated Garret. She wasn’t the type to do something because it was right or kind, so I figured she was trying to get something from him. Maybe she thought he would be easily manipulated. She sipped on a glass of her own, looking as strong and stoic as ever. I couldn't hear her words from my seat across the room, but I didn't want to.

  I kept my eye on the door and an ear out for my phone in case Harkins showed up. He hadn't been in all day and hadn't called me back, even after I had left him a number of messages. I was still hoping he would show up, that something bad hadn't happened to him while looking into Garret's whereabouts.

  An emaciated brunette sat across my brother's lap, draping her arms around his neck. I didn't know how he did it, but Shea didn't even seem to notice. Lance had the ability to fuck whomever he wanted, whenever he wanted, without causing drama between the girls. Most of the time at least.

  “I can't believe you told her.” Lance seemed oblivious to the leggy woman nibbling on his ear. “And she didn't run?”

  “Nope. Things are going really well, actually,” I answered.

  “Wow. Well, congrats.” Lance lif
ted his glass in a toast before gulping a swig of beer.

  “Thanks.” Lance always backed my choices, especially with women. It was nice to have someone on my side.

  “Didn't she go off to college? How did that work out?” he asked.

  “She did. She left before finishing, and I'm not sure what she wants to do. I don't know if she's sure.”

  “But you love her. You always have.” It wasn't a question.

  “Yes,” I admitted.

  “Speaking of.” Lance glanced over at the door.

  She was finally here. I jumped to my feet and rushed to greet her. I took her in with my eyes. Delicate brown waves of hair hung over her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at me, a gorgeous smile highlighting the beauty of her face. She wore a red, waist-length leather jacket, unzipped and showing the form-fitting t-shirt beneath. Her breasts peeked out from the V-neck of her gray shirt and her jeans hugged her full hips. I separated her scents from the mix of wolves and humans in the room. Lavender, vanilla, Hailey, and peach. I eyed the shine on her lips and pulled her against me, leaning down to taste her. She tasted sublime, just like she should, and with a hint of peach lip gloss.

  “New lip gloss?” I asked.

  “Mm-hmm.” She lingered close to me, eyes closed, recovering from the kiss.

  “I like it.”

  Customers shuffled about, continuing their conversations, their drinking, their dancing, and their games. But all the wolves in the room had their eyes on Hailey.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I held tightly to my protector. With the size difference between us, my small hand in his large hand, his body was like my armor. I was comforted by his touch.

  I had spent the day job hunting, trying not to think about the package. I didn't want to run to Cole or bother Olivia at work; I needed to deal with it on my own. Conquer my fear.

  Now that it was finally time for the meet and greet, I replaced anxiety over Frank with nervousness over seeing Cole's family again. I wanted to be in his life, and knowing the people that he spent the majority of his day with was a big part of that. When I looked into his eyes, felt his touch, tasted his lips, I knew it would be okay. I could do anything with him in my corner.

  As Cole led me to a table across the room I noticed a number of people staring at us, including the blonde that I’d seen hanging on him just one night prior. I squeezed his hand a little tighter as I saw her hands clench on the rag she was using to wipe down the bar, reassuring myself that he was mine and she didn’t matter. I noticed the creep with short, spikey, dirty blond hair that had blocked me from entering the bar the other day. His face was bruised, and he stared needles at me with those beady black eyes, similar to the look the blonde gave me.

  I pulled my focus to the elegant silver-haired man sitting at the table we approached. I would know that crooked grin anywhere—Lance. He had changed nearly as much as Cole had since I saw him last. Lance still had deep blue eyes that nearly matched mine, but he was taller and more muscular than I remembered. His hair was cut short where he used to wear it around his shoulders. The new look suited him. He was beautiful in a charcoal button-down shirt and dark jeans. The top buttons of his shirt were left casually undone, as a stick-thin brunette rubbed her hand down his chest. He shooed her away with a pat on the ass, and then stood to greet us.

  “Hailey! It's been too long. You look stunning.” Lance pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me as Cole held firmly to my hand.

  “Thanks, you look good too. I like your hair.”

  Cole pulled me gently back to his side with his hand resting just above my hip, holding me in place. I liked this possessive side of him.

  We sat at the table across from Lance, in two seats pressed closely together. Cole draped his arm around my shoulders, and I snuggled in.

  “Thanks.” Lance gave me that wicked grin, the one that had won my sister over just a few years ago. “So tell me about your time away. And what brings you back.” His voice lowered at the end, emphasizing my return. He raised an eyebrow at Cole, relaxed in his seat next to mine.

  “I attended the university in Elkston, majoring in fine art. I really enjoyed painting, and exploring city life for a while. But, it was time to come home.” All of those things were true, but I didn't think I needed to spell out all the details. I didn’t want or need to talk about Frank.

  “Staying with your sister?” Lance asked.

  “Yep. For now. I got a job today at the flower shop on Main Street. So, I may start looking for my own place shortly.”

  Cole's eyebrows shot up as he listened to me talk, turning his body toward mine. Lance just nodded, like I was making total sense.

  I looked up into Cole's warm, golden eyes. “I'm not sure of much right now, except that this is where I want to be.” I squeezed his knee, and he turned his body back toward Lance.

  A small, handsome woman approached the table, with long, black hair resting on the shoulders of her black leather jacket. Zaria looked exactly the way I remembered.

  “I'm not interrupting, am I?” she asked, as she took the seat between me and Lance.

  “Not at all,” said Lance, shifting to the side to adjust for Zaria between us. His eyes went wide for a moment. Lance must have been as surprised as me that she chose to sit next to him. Clearly it was to be close to me and Cole.

  “Hello, Mother.” Cole straightened in his seat at her arrival.

  “Why didn't you tell me who you were bringing?” Her eyes were daggers as she stared down Cole, totally ignoring me.

  “Hailey and I are dating. It's serious. She knows.” Cole's voice was stone, hard and even.

  “Can I talk to you alone for a minute?” Zaria looked only at Cole. It looked like her feelings for me hadn't changed.

  “We’re fine right here,” Cole answered.

  “You have no right telling some girl about what we are. You put everyone at risk.” Zaria's voice was a strained whisper.

  “I wasn't going to—” I started.

  She interrupted me. “And the nerve, bringing some human here to flaunt your refusal of your responsibility...”

  Cole was up in an instant, pulling Zaria by the arm from her seat and back toward his office.

  I sat quietly, unsure what to say. I met Lance's deep sapphire eyes, which were full of concern.

  “So...” I started, unsure of how to move forward from the whirlwind of Zaria's wrath.

  “Don't worry, sweet cheeks, Cole's got this,” Lance said.

  “I wasn't going to tell anyone, you know, about the four-legged thing,” I replied.

  “I know.” He seemed sincere.

  I’d always liked Lance. He was honest and kind. Most importantly, he was always good to Cole.

  “What did she mean about refusing responsibility?” I asked.

  “Since our father died, our pack has had no alpha. Garret was sitting in while we waited.”

  “Waited for what?” I still felt like I was missing the point.

  “For Cole to take a mate. Everyone knows he should be the next alpha, but he has to take a mate to secure that place.”

  Then it clicked. I looked over at Amy, who looked like she was scrubbing a hole into the already clean counter, with her eyes hot with anger at the invisible stain.

  “And it has to be a wolf?” I pulled my gaze back to Lance, who only smiled at me, his eyes full of pity. I looked back the hall in the direction Cole had walked, then I stood up and grabbed my purse.

  “Tell Cole I went home,” I said to Lance over my shoulder as I hurried toward the door, giving him no chance to try to stop me.

  Chapter Thirty


  I hardly processed the walk home. Cole had to mate a wolf. Everything he said about responsibility, about cubs, about mating me—he never mentioned what he would be giving up. I couldn't ask him to give up his place as alpha. I didn't know exactly what that would mean, but I didn't want to be the one to tie him down to a life t
hat was less than what he deserved. He should have told me.

  Before I knew it, I was inside my sister’s house. I heard the TV in the living room as I locked the door behind me. Olivia and Pierce sat snuggled on the sofa watching some old black-and-white movie. They looked really happy eating Chinese and enjoying each other's company. I wanted that with Cole. I wanted the kind of relationship where we could be at ease with each other, enjoying the everyday, enjoying the kind of life I had glimpsed when we spent time alone.

  “Hey, wanna watch this old knock-off Dracula? We've got enough Chinese for three.” Olivia motioned for me to come in the room with them.

  “Not tonight, but thanks,” I replied. I needed to get to my room. I didn't want to be the sister interrupting their date with my sobbing. I'd only do that to her if she was alone.

  Olivia popped up and walked over to me, leaving the attractive blond man behind on the sofa. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I just need some alone time. Enjoy your date. We'll catch up later.” I said.

  The tall man with honey-blond hair came to Olivia's side, putting an arm around her waist. “Seriously, you should join. But I already ate all the egg rolls. I'm Pierce.” He held out his hand.

  I took the hand he offered and gave it the most sincere shake I could muster. “Hailey. Nice to meet you. I'll take a rain check. But really, it's great to meet you.”

  I started up the steps. It was good to see Olivia so happy. They made a beautiful couple, like the kind you see on expensive jewelry commercials. I hoped they could figure out how to keep their relationship going with distance working against them.

  Turning around, I said, “Oh, Liv, if Cole comes by, tell him I need the night alone.”

  She gave me a sad, questioning look, which I ignored and I continued up the stairs. I knew she would have followed me and pressed if Pierce hadn’t been here. But I didn’t know what to tell her anyway. What could I say to convey the situation without telling the secret I would forever keep? I could have used the girl chat, but it would be better to figure out what I should and shouldn’t say before we had that conversation. I wasn’t up for all of that tonight.


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