Dreyfus Affair, 239
Dreyfus, Dr Camille, 2, 219, 224
Driss, Muhammad, 187, 189
Drogheda, Garrett Moore, 11th Earl of, 267
Drumont, Édouard: La France juive, 16
Duchamp, Marcel, 98
Duckworth (publishing house), 102
Dulles, Allen, 320
Dupas, René, 160
Dürer, Albrecht, 25
Earnshaw, Miss (schoolmistress), 200
Eaton Hall, Cheshire, 250
Eden, Anthony, 222, 256, 264
Eden, Clarissa, 256
Egypt: Alan and Bobby in, 89; in 1967 war with Israel, 292–4
Ehrenburg, Ilya, 263
Eichmann, Adolf, 280, 283–4
Eliot, T.S., 263
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria-Hungary, 22
Elliot, Betty, 199
Elon, Amos, 281, 295, 321
Elon, Beth, 281, 295
Encounter (magazine), 322
Enemy, The (ed. Alan), 202
Engle, Paul, 288
Ephrussi, Ignaz, 20
Erskine, Hamish St Clair, 86
Erskine, Ian, 249
Esmond, Edward, 167
Esmond, Lulu see Waldner, Lulu de
Espírito Santo, José, 170
Espírito Santo, Ricardo, 170
Eton College: David attends, 1, 4, 7, 73, 75, 88, 220, 227; David’s grandfather attends, 59; Alan at, 74–5, 226; Connolly on, 76; conditions, 225–7; Pop, 226–7
Eugène, Prince of Savoy, 135
Euria (Danish liner), 207
Eyres-Monsell, Sir Bolton, 99–100
Eyres-Monsell, Caroline Mary, Lady, 99–100
Eyres-Monsell, Graham, 77, 99
Eyres-Monsell, Joan (later Leigh Fermor), 98–102, 105, 111
Faisal I, King of Iraq, 68
Faringdon, Gavin Henderson, 2nd Baron, 212
Farrer, Mildred, 193
Fermor, Patrick Leigh, 99
Financial Times, David appointed to, 267
Finch-Hatton, Denys, 216
Finchcocks (house), 216
Fleischmann, Primarius, 118
Fleming, Peter, 264
Florence, Italy: San Martino (villa), 237–45, 279, 335
Forbes, Alastair, 318
Ford Foundation: engages Alan, 274–5
Fordham, Oswald, 109
Fort, Jean, 151
Fortini, Letizia: Esilio e morte di Robert Fox Lambert, 88
Fould family, background, 33
Fould, Achille, 34–5
Fould, Benoit, 33
Fould, Ber Léon, 33
Fould, Léon (‘Bon Papa’), 35
Fould, Léon (Eugène’s father), 27
Fould, Robert, 35
Fould, Thérëse Praskovia (née Ephrussi), 35, 38
Fould-Oppenheim bank, Paris, 33–4
Fould-Springer, Eugène, 1st Baron (David’s maternal grandfather): acquires Royaumont, 8; collecting, 16, 29; languages and interpreting, 16, 39; marriage to Mitzi, 27–8; and birth of Poppy, 29; character and interests, 31, 35–9; marriage relations, 41, 43, 47; relations with Frank Wooster, 42–3, 45, 47, 90, 108; trip to Asia, 43–5; pneumonia and death, 45–6; ashes scattered at Royaumont, 339
Fould-Springer, Georgette, Baroness (née Aftalion), 14
Fould-Springer, Max, 2nd Baron: at Royaumont, 10–12, 17; Cécile Rothschild on as lover, 14; Mitzi’s treatment of, 14, 44; title, 27; gives Poppy away at wedding, 31; challenges anti-Semitism, 37; ultimatum to Frank Wooster, 48–50; Bobby speaks of, 105; shooting in Slovakia, 117; forbidden to serve on company board, 168; rents villa in Cannes during war, 173, 177, 179, 185; escapes from Vichy France, 191–2; and post-war return to Royaumont, 206; meets Mitzi in Paris at war’s end, 210; helps preserve Royaumont during war, 211; Elie de Rothschild humiliates, 234; David sends postcard from post-war Meidling, 253; epitaph for Jessie, 265; ashes scattered at Royaumont, 339
Fould-Springer Mitzi see Wooster, Mary
Fould-Springer, Thérèse see Pryce-Jones, Thérèse
France: falls to Germany (1940), 161–4; armistice (June 22 1940), 165; anti-Semitism, 281; see also Montreuil; Paris
Franco, General Francisco, 182–3
Frankau, Pamela, 169
Frankland, Mark, 268
Franto (Slovak keeper), 9
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 66
Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria-Hungary, 19, 22
Franz (Meidling butler), 113, 211
Fremantle, Anne, 102
Freud, Lucian, 260
Freud, Victor, 222
Friesen, Baron and Walpurga von, 170
Fuller, John, 258
Fürstenberg, Desy, 117
Gaddhafi, Mu’ammer, 300
Gallipoli campaign (1915–16), 68
Galloway, Randolph Stewart, 12th Earl of, 220
Garbo, Greta, 253, 254
Garvin, J. L., 80
Gascoigne, Sir Alvary, 188
Gascoigne, Bamber, 226
Gathorne-Hardy, Edward, 100
Gaynor, Carol, 263
Gecman, Baron Erwein, 109, 112, 117
Gedye, G. E. R., 122
Gellhorn, Martha, 293
George VI, King, 73, 220
Germany: rise of Nazism, 123; treatment of Jews, 124–5; occupies Austria, 133; occupies Czechoslovakia, 145; invades Poland, 152; advance in France (1940), 160–4; prepares for war with Soviet Union, 171; Elie takes David on tour, 230; David posted to in army, 250–2; see also Nazis
Getting, Claude, 179
Geutebruch (German lawyer), 133–4, 144, 167–8
Gibbins, Doris, 219, 222, 236–7, 250, 252, 273, 275, 333
Gieslingen, Giesl von, 26
Gilbert, Martin, 268
Gill, Brendan, 307
Gilmour, Lady Caroline, 284
Gilmour, Ian, 284–5
Ginsburg, Allen, 259, 309
Giulini, Carlo Maria, 199
Gladwyn, Cynthia, Lady, 274
Gladwyn, Gladwyn Jebb, Baron, 274
Glasyer, Marianne, 26
Glazebrook, Philip, 226
Gobbi, Tito, 199
Goebbels, Joseph, 31
Goering, Hermann: Alan sees, 100
Gold, Herb, 304
Goldschmidt, Lucie, 167
Goldschmidt, Paul, 1, 12, 39, 90, 143
Goldschmidt, Simone, 167
Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Eric, 164
Goldsworthy, Abel, 58
Goldwater, Barry, 289
Goodwin, Mary, 56
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 322–3
Gotovac, Vlado, 303
Gouin family, 2
Gouin, Françoise, 214
Gouin, Henri and Isabel, 214
Gouin, Marie-Christine, 2, 4, 214
Gramont, duc de, 127
Green, Henry, 283
Grey family, 64–5
Grivas, Colonel Giorgios, 300
Gross, John, 287, 318, 322
Grunne, Dominique de, 257
Guest, John, 27, 264, 269
Guitry, Sacha, 158
Gunzbourg family, 29
Gunzbourg, Aline de see Berlin, Aline, Lady
Gunzbourg, Antoinette de, 179, 254
Gunzbourg, Philippe de, 178
Gunzbourg, Pierre de, 169
Gusti (head housemaid), 113
Gutmann, Rudi and Marianne, 169
Hacohen, David, 281
Hahn, Reynaldo, 117
Haifa (Israel), 279–80
Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of, 264, 285
Halter, Roman, 313
Hamilton, Iain, 283
Hamilton, General Sir Ian, 40, 68, 124–5
Hammarskjöld, Dag, 228
Hanbury-Tracy, Charles, 55–7
Hanbury-Tracy, Frederick, 58
Hanfstaengl, Putzi, 313
Hankey, Maurice, 68
Harlé (chauffeur), 141, 210, 241
Harper’s Bazaar, 102
Harriman, Pamela (earlier
Churchill), 233–4
Harris, Ruth, 128
Harrod, Sir Roy, 117, 257, 267
Harrod, Wilhelmina (‘Billa’; earlier Creswell), 117, 257
Hart-Davis, Duff, 226
Hartley, Anthony, 283
Hartman, Renée and Geoffrey, 289
Harwood, George, 77
Hatvany, László, 122
Havel, Vaclav, 118
Heifitz, Jascha, 278
Heine, Heinrich, 33
Heine, Tante Bijou, 33
Heinemann (publisher), 114
Heinrichsohn, Ernst, 34
Helbronner, Jacques and Jeanne, 209
Helbronner, Raoul, 170
Helleu, Paulette, 14
Hemming, John, 226
Henie, Sonja, 116
Herbert, A. P., 80
Herbert, Zbigniew, 320
Herstmonceux Place, Sussex, 127
Hesburgh, Fr T. M., 244
Hesketh, Peter and Joan, 117
Hesketh, Wing Commander, 159
Hess, Ilse, 313
Hess, Dame Myra, 219
Hesse, Philip, Prince of, 123
Hever Castle, Kent, 222
Hichens, Robert, 89
Hickman, George (‘Hickie’), 122–3, 134, 231, 332
Hickman, Gladys, 123
Hickmott, Frieda, 196
Hickmott, Mr (Kent neighbour), 196, 203, 221
Hildebrand, Pater, 243
Hildebrandt, Johann Lukas von, 135
Hill, Christopher, 255
Hill, Susan, 268
Hinteregger (accountant), 132
Hitler, Adolf: and von Papen, 20; elected chancellor, 51, 122–3; anti-Semitism, 52; rise to power, 87, 91; Alan sees, 100; and Austrian Anschluss, 105; policy on Jews, 123–4, 125; Chamberlain visits, 140–2; speeches broadcast, 141–3; pact with Stalin (1939), 153; and future of Palestine, 171; assists Nationalists in Spanish civil war, 182; disparages Franco, 183; Winifred Wagner idealises, 246; Duke of Buccleuch presents Sèvres vases to, 285; Unity Mitford’s infatuation with, 312–13, 316
Hłasko, Marek, 281
Hoare, Sir Samuel, 168
Hobhouse, Conradine, 140
Hobsbawm, Eric, 322
Hoesch, Leopold, 123
Hoffmann, Henriette, 313
Holroyd, Michael, 226
homosexuality, 84–8
Hope, Francis, 258, 263, 268
Horizon (magazine), 74, 76
Horthy, Admiral Miklós, 140
Howard, Brian, 86, 98, 100, 147, 257
Howard, Leslie, 188
Howden, Richard, 146
Hoyos, Melanie, 104
Hudson, Larry, 326–40
Humbach, Klaus, 312
Hungary: Alan and Poppy visit (July 1938), 137; and German war threat, 154; Russians invade (1956), 256; post-war condition, 290–1
Hussein, King of Jordan, 292, 298
Hussein, Rashid: Sawarik, 282
Husseini, Haj Amin al-, Mufti of Jerusalem, 302
Huxley, Aldous, 86, 121, 268
Hydra (island), Greece, 266
Ignotus, Paul, 268
IKG (Jewish Community Organisation), 144
Innsbruck, 5, 106
Ionesco, Eugène, 263
Iowa, University of, 288–9
Irby, Anthony, 198
Ironside, Robin, 97
Isherwood, Christopher, 129, 148
Isherwood, Harold, Bishop of Gibraltar, 244
Isis (Oxford student magazine), 264
Israel: David writes on, 277–9, 292–4, 297–8; self-determination, 282; isolation, 287; in Six-Day War (1967), 292–4; West Bank, 292, 297; and hostile propaganda, 295–6; Palestinians oppose, 298
Istanbul, 112
Italia, Elizabeth d’ (Tante Bébé), 20, 93, 145
Izak, Gabi, 310
Jacquet (Royaumont employee), 166
James, Comtesse (née Gutmann), 25
James, Henry, 140
Janine (Royaumont housemaid), 11
Jantsch, Gustav: Vollblutzucht und Turf, 23–4
Jaucourt, Lorette de (David’s aunt), 37
Jaucourt, Marquis de, 37
Jebb, Julian, 268
Jenkins, Roy, 284
Jerusalem, 283, 293, 298
Jessie (Royaumont nanny): cares for Max, 12, 14, 50, 108–10, 154–5; background and manner, 14–15; cares for David in war, 14, 180–2, 184–6; Poppy praises, 50; sexual innocence, 108; and Poppy’s engagement, 109–10; in flight from France (1940), 160–3, 166, 169, 171, 173–8; letters to Poppy, 180, 184–5; cycling, 181; on Eduardo’s position, 183; loses weight, 186; in Tangier, 186–8; arrives in England from Tangier with David, 190; in London, 193; at Somerhill (Castle Hill Farm), 195–7; and David’s interest in conduct of war, 202; Mitzi praises, 208; informed of Poppy’s cancer, 220–1; Alan praises, 221; letter from David on writing story, 221; stroke and death, 265; wariness of Clarissa, 265
Jews: Drumont vilifies, 16; and Springers, 24–5; persecuted by Nazis, 33–5, 52, 124, 135; Hitler’s policy on, 123–4, 143; Mitzi on question, 125; and Munich crisis, 143; repressed in Vienna, 143–4; and outbreak of war, 153; in flight from France (1940), 163–5; deported from Vichy France, 191; Miss Earnshaw (schoolmistress) disparages, 200; David writes on, 277–80; identity question, 279–80; in Israel, 281–2
Joffe, General Avram, 295
Johnson, Paul, 321
Jones, David, 268
Jones, William, 56
Jünger, Ernst, 319
Jungmann, Elisabeth, 238
Kanafani, Ghassan, 282, 298
Kaniuk, Yoram, 281, 321
Kann, Lucienne, 169
Kannengiesser, Clothilde, 35–6
Kapuvár, Hungary, 13, 21, 139, 290–1
Kay, Mrs (housekeeper), 128, 184
Kedourie, Elie, 322
Kelly, Laurence and Linda, 55
Kempner, Dan, 325, 330
Kennedy, John F., 289
Kent College for Girls, 199
Kenya, Alan visits, 96
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhallah, 302
Kilmartin, Terence, 287
Kimball, Roger, 323
King, Elisabeth, 269
King, Francis, 269
Kinross, Patrick Balfour, 3rd Baron: as Alan’s best man at wedding, 31, 112; journalism and qualities, 32; Alan writes to with gossip, 90, 95; and Alan’s Hot Places, 96; letter from Bowra on Alan, 97; on Lady Eyres-Monsell, 99; Alan writes to from Meidling, 112–13; visits Castle Hill, 199; home in Little Venice (London), 218; David meets in Turkey, 269
Kitchener, Field Marshal Horatio Herbert, 68
Klosters, Switzerland, 214–15
Knopf, Alfred, 80
Knopf, Blanche, 80
Koenigswarter, Moriz, 20
Koestler, Arthur, 91, 268, 278, 322
Kolb, Philip, 38, 334
Kolkhorst, ‘Colonel’ George, 78
Kontagora, Andu, 63
Kostiall, Amalie, 23
Kostolany, Slovakia, 127
Kozodoy, Neal, 322
Kramer, Hilton, 323
Kramer, Mrs: commits suicide, 164
Krefeld, Germany, 250
Lady’s Realm, The (magazine), 65
Lambton, Anthony, 318
Landau, Tricia, 167
Landes, David: Bankers and Pashas, 33
Landsberg, Ruth (Countess Yorck), 125–6
Lang, François, 214
Langlade, Lucie de, 42, 209
Larache, 190
Lasky, Melvin, 322
Latham, Sir Paul, 127
Lauf (extortionist), 132–4, 136
Laval, Pierre, 182
Lavalle, Helen, 22
Laversine (estate), France, 231, 233
Lawrence, D. H., 86, 268, 289
Lawrence, T. E. (‘Lawrence of Arabia’), 68–9
Lawson, Nigel, 267
Leavis, F.R., 217, 285
Lebanon, 282
Lees-Milne, James, 74, 85, 314
Leguay, Jean, 319
Lehmann, John, 103
Leopold III, King of the Belgians, 164
Lequerica, José Félix de, 165, 183
Lerici, Italy, 140
Lesvár, Hungary, 139, 170, 211, 290–1
Letellier, Marthe, 89
Le Touquet, 136
Levi, Peter, 259–60, 262
Levin, Bernard, 316
Leyland, Sir Frank, 39
Libya, 300
Lippmann, Walter, 177
Lisbon, 169
Little Innocents (anthology), 286
Livingstone, Fr John, 243, 335
Lloyd, General Sir Charles, 251
Lloyd, George Ambrose, 1st Baron, 124–5
Loder, Mary, 159, 193
Logue, Christopher, 286
London: in bombing raids, 193–4
London Mercury, The (magazine), 79–80, 114
Lopez, Arturo, 97–8, 106
Louis Napoléon, Prince Imperial, 74
Lourenço Marques, 169
Louth, Lincolnshire, 146
Lubbock, Percy, 140, 238
Lubbock, Lady Sybil, 140
Lucas, Edward, 170
Lueger, Karl, 24, 28
Lugard, Sir Frederick (later Baron), 63
Lukács, György, 256
Lygon, Hugh, 77
McAuley, James K., 157, 183
MacCarthy, Desmond, 323
Macintyre, Angus, 253, 258
Macintyre, Joanna, 258
Maclellan, Miss (governess), 23, 25
Madan, Geoffrey, 83
Mailath-Pokorny, Hans: as Mitzi’s business manager, 19, 122, 132; qualities, 19–20; and Mitzi’s 1938 visit to Czechoslovakia, 142–3; Alan meets in Vienna, 144; and Nazi sequestration of Mitzi’s properties, 153, 167–8; protests to Vansittart about British consul in Budapest, 154; Mitzi gives power of attorney to, 170; demands indemnity after war, 211; David visits in Vienna, 256
Maillé, Comte de, 13
Maisons-Alfort, 211, 333
Makarios III, Archbishop, 300
Malcolm, Noel, 318, 321
Malkin, Yaakov and Felice, 260, 280
Mallet, John, 188
Mander, John, 269
Mannin, Ethel, 103
Mansour, Atallah, 282, 297; Waiting for the Dawn, 281
Margaret, Princess, 54, 222, 279, 282
Margaret (temporary nanny), 130
Margulies, Ludwig, 144
Marie, Queen of Romania, 89
Marius, Madame (Royaumont gardener’s wife), 10
Marsh, Sir Edward, 129
Marshall, Bobby, 100
Martinelli, Don Fosco, 243, 279, 336
Marx, Karl, 34
Masaryk, Jan, 95
Maugham, W. Somerset, 85, 107, 170, 238, 248
Mayer, Lore, 20–1, 220
Mehta, Ved, 260
Meidling (later Springerschloss; house), near Vienna: Gustav Springer builds, 22–3; Mitzi inherits, 41; Alan’s parents visit, 116; Kari Schwarzenberg unaware of, 118; Poppy writes from, 119; intruder carves swastika on tree, 122; sequestered and dismantled, 133–5; expropriated by Nazis and art works plundered, 156–7; condition at war’s end, 210–11; sold, 252
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