His Girl: A Sexy Rom-Com Erotica

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His Girl: A Sexy Rom-Com Erotica Page 2

by Mia Kendall

  Text Message

  From: The Queen

  It’s not due for five months, which means I’m bored out of my SKULL. I feel like screaming, seriously.

  Text Message

  From: The Sexiest Husband in the World

  I could give you something else to scream about.

  Text Message

  From: The Queen

  Hmm... Does this something happen to be...big? And hard? And thick?

  Text Message

  From: The Sexiest Husband in the World

  You know it. Now strip and get your hot ass over here. I’m gonna fuck you so damn hard you won’t have time to be bored.

  Text Message

  From: The Queen

  Mmm… Yes sir ;)

  Chapter One


  Four months later

  “Hello, earth to Meg?”

  “Sorry,” I smile sheepishly, looking up from my phone where I had been busily texting. “Had to answer something real quick.”

  Bailey, my colleague and friend, plants her hip on the side of my work desk and folds her arms. “I’ll bet,” she says with a teasing grin. “It’s your boyfriend, isn’t it? The one with the sexy smile and that panty-dropping six-pack.”

  My cheeks flush immediately, which happens every time Bailey brings up Liam. “He’s just a friend. A pen pal, to be exact. We haven’t even met in real life.”

  Which is a pity. After that email all those months ago, the one where Liam told me that I made him smile, we began emailing on the regular.

  Okay, strike that, it isn’t accurate.

  After Jules sent me his shirtless photo—bless her—we began emailing on the regular. Call me shallow, because aside from being a charming jerk with a wicked sense of humor, that guy is H-O-T.

  Chiseled jawline and strong chin that rivals Henry Cavill’s? Check.

  Firm slabs of chest muscles, bulging biceps, and a set of abs so hard I wish I can use them as a replacement for my crappy Formica kitchen counter? Check.

  Played quarterback in high school? Check.

  Did I also mention he has a nice nose? A long, straight one. And you know what they say about a guy’s nose and his… other parts.

  “It’s time you made your move, girl,” Bailey says as she checks her manicured nails. “A man that fine won’t stay single for long. Someone’s gonna snap him up real soon.”

  “Like I said, we’re just friends,” I shrug, even though the thought of Liam being attached nags at me. That’s why every couple of weeks I’ll drop in a subtle little question like, “So, no plans with your girlfriend today?” or “Wow, that sounds fun. Did your girlfriend enjoy it?”

  Liam never suspects it, and his answer is always no, he doesn’t have a girlfriend because he’s busy with work at his pub. And honestly, that makes me a little relieved.

  I don’t know why it does. Like I keep telling Bailey and myself, we’re just friends.

  “Friends don’t smile like idiots when they read each other’s texts,” Bailey retorts as if she can read my thoughts. “Or stare at each other’s half-naked photo twenty times a day.”

  “It’s only like the third time today—” I protest before I realize Bailey was teasing me. My defensive look turns into a deadpan one. “Funny. Just go home already, will you.”

  “I’m headed to the airport, remember? I’ll be home with my family for the weekend before Valentine’s. So don’t miss me when you’re all cooped up alone tomorrow night.” Bailey cocks her head and taps her chin thoughtfully. “And also on Sunday night. And Monday night—”

  “Okay, I get it,” I growl. My heart sinks a little at her words. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and guess who’s all alone again as usual?


  “Go get the guy already!” Bailey urges.

  “See ya Monday.” I stand up and take her shoulders, turning her around to face the direction of the floor lobby. “Now march.”

  I smile at Bailey’s red hair swishing over her retreating back before settling back down in my chair to finish up my leftover work. The office floor is empty except for me, which is a little creepy, what with the automatic lights turning off and on at intermittent timings. But I’d rather finish my work here than take it home. My tiny studio apartment is old and moldy, but it’s my personal space. As far as I can, I try not to let work cross its threshold and desecrate it.

  “Hey,” a low voice says by my ear suddenly.

  I jump. “Jesus—”

  I turn to see Richard Brooker, the advertising manager and my boss, leaning way too close over my shoulder and smiling at me too widely.

  “Hey,” I say. I lean backwards, my hand instinctively going to the base of my throat like a protective measure.

  Because Richard smells like he just took a bath in Jack Daniels. With all his clothes on.

  He gestures at my monitor screen drunkenly, his limp hand moving slowly like he’s underwater. “You’re staying late again today?”

  Not anymore, I’m not.

  “Yeah, just clearing up some work.” I smile brightly at Richard, my hands blindly fumbling for my handbag on my desk. “Aaand I’m just done. I’ll just get going—”

  “Woah woah woah.” Richard lurches to block my way as I stand up from my chair. “Why the hurry? I just got here.”

  My blood chills at his smirk.

  Richard is an asshole—and married with two kids. He is also the main reason I hate my job. I don’t miss his hungry stares whenever I pass his glass-walled office, or the way his gaze drops down to my boobs whenever we talk. I ignore his suggestive remarks every time, telling myself that it’s just the shit I have to put up with to keep a roof over my head.

  But now the pasty-faced asshole has decided to make himself impossible to ignore.

  “Sit down,” he smiles almost kindly. “Sit down, Megan, and let’s talk.”

  I remain standing, my hands tightening around the straps of my bag. “About?”

  “About you!” He spreads his hands, and his heavy frame sways unsteadily at the movement. “About me. About... us.”

  “If this can wait till Monday—”

  “No, it can’t.” Richard burps a pungent gas ball of alcohol in my face, and I wince. “It can’t wait even another minute,” he slurs, “because Megan, I’ve been watching you for months. Waiting for months.” He staggers toward me, corralling me back until my ass bumps against the edge of my desk.

  I stare wordlessly at Richard’s red face, frozen like a rabbit as he plays with the top button of my dress shirt and leers down at me.

  “I need to go,” I stammer.

  “You need to come.” Richard suddenly grasps my button and tears it off.

  The sound of ripping thread spurs me into action.

  I yelp and shove at Richard’s soft chest as hard as I can, and he drunkenly staggers back a couple of steps.

  My respite is short-lived. Richard rights himself and rounds on me with rage twisting his face.

  “Bitch,” he snarls. “Always playing hard to get—”

  I wish I can say I kicked him in the crotch.

  I wish I told him exactly what a piece of shit he is and called cops on him.

  I didn’t.

  The only thing I did was turn and run.

  “Oh god oh god oh god.” I pant loudly as I rush to the lobby and into a waiting elevator. I quickly stab at the button to shut the doors as Richard regains his bearings at my cubicle and begins to stumble after me.

  Thankfully, the doors close way before he reaches me, and the elevator begins its descent a couple of seconds later. My legs and hands shake as I lean back against the walls for support.

  Stay calm, I tell myself, even though I feel like I’m going to burst out crying at any moment.

  When I get to the first floor lobby, I rush out of the building and run blindly into the streets, seeking the safety of the evening crowd on the sidewalk below. My heart thunders as I quickly stride away, getting myse
lf as far from the office building as I can. As I speed-walk my way through the people, I withdraw my phone shakily.

  The first person I call is Liam. We’ve never spoken on the phone before, but right now, there is no other voice I want to hear more badly.

  The dial tone rings for a few seconds, and then it clicks.

  A warm, baritone voice floods my ear. It almost makes me cry in relief.

  “Meg?” Liam says, sounding strong and dependable. His voice is unfamiliar yet familiar, exactly like I imagined it to be, and for some reason that comforts me.

  I begin to cry for real.

  “L-Liam?” I wrap my arm around myself. It is cold outside, and I left my coat in the office when I rushed out.

  “M?” he asks, knowing immediately that something is wrong. “Talk to me, babe.”

  “My b-boss. He said…” I break off into another hiccup. “He said…”

  A pause on the other end as Liam takes in the meaning of my words.

  “What did he say to you, Megan?” he asks in a tone that now sounds downright murderous.

  I swipe at my tears, feeling tired and lonely and scared. I know I should be calling the police, but the thought of going in for questioning and taking statements makes my heart sink. Now that Bailey is flying home, I am all alone in this city.

  And I don’t think I can face Richard by myself.

  I’ll go on Monday, I think silently. Right now I just want to be safe.

  “He just said something that made me uncomfortable,” I lied, holding my phone close like it is a lifeline.

  Liam cursed. “Where are you? Is there anyone with you?”

  “No, I ran away. I’m in the streets, walking away from the office building.” I bite my lip. “Liam, I’m not ready to go to the police yet.”

  “Alright, but all the same, I’ll give them a call after this to inform them.” Liam pauses, and I hear the clicking of a keyboard. “The next flight to Seattle leaves Denver in two hours,” he says. “I’ll be there with you in five, tops.”

  “What?” My lips part in shock. “No, I can’t ask that from you.”

  “You didn’t ask, but I’m going anyway.”

  “No,” I shake my head, the sense of yearning growing with every second that Liam’s voice warms my body. “No, I’ll go over. I’m coming back home. Right now.”

  I can tell that my sudden decision surprises Liam.

  “Are you sure?” he asks carefully.

  “Positive.” I sniff and wipe at my cheeks and my nose. “I’m so done with this place right now.”

  “Okay, babe,” Liam says in a reassuring voice. “Stay on the line with me, yeah?”

  My fingers tighten around my phone. I’m not going to hang up for any reason in the world. Right now, Liam’s my anchor in the storm.

  “Yeah,” I whisper.

  “Good girl. I’m booking your ticket now. You still carry your passport and ID everywhere with you?”

  I smile at that. Liam remembers that habit of mine.

  “Yeah, I’ve got it right here,” I tell him.

  “Good,” his smooth voice says in my ear. “Get on a taxi to the airport, and text me your details when you’re on it. I’ll send you your online ticket.”

  “Okay,” I say, feeling better for the first time since Richard tried to put his paws on me.

  “I’ll be waiting for you when you arrive,” Liam promises me. “I’ll see you soon, babe.”

  Five hours later, I step out into the arrival hall in Denver International Airport, clutching the straps of my overnight bag that was slung over my shoulder.

  It’s just past midnight, and I had more than enough time to compose myself on the flight. Now that I am safe in my home state and a mere drive away from my town and my mum and dad, I am pissed as hell at Richard. Come Monday, I’m going to make sure that disgusting bastard is fired and put behind bars.

  But first, I’m going to take a much-needed respite from all his bullshit I have been dealing with the past months. I am so tired of acting strong when all I want to do is run home and hug my mum.

  Pausing in the arrival hall, I look around nervously, scanning the thin crowd of people for an attractive man with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

  I spot Liam within a second. It’s impossible to miss him—he towers a half-head over the people around us.

  He has spotted me too, and is striding towards me with a purposeful look on his face. The noise and bustle of the airport fall away in that moment, and I see only Liam walking a straight line towards me, oblivious to the admiring stares he’s getting from the girls in the crowd.

  Jesus, the photos I stole from his Facebook using an anonymous profile don’t even begin to do him justice. They don’t show that his cheekbones are just as chiseled as his jaw, for example, or that his blue eyes go bright with intent when they stare at you. They don’t show that the imposing way his broad shoulders and chest stretches his black fitted t-shirt makes you want to both run away, and take a running leap into his brawny arms.

  “Hey,” Liam says gruffly when he gets to me. “How was the flight?”

  I look up into his sky-blue eyes, inhaling his scent that smells like evergreen pine trees. “It was okay,” I say. “I’m better now that you’re here.”

  I take one step forward, and at the same time Liam opens his arms and envelopes me against his warm, firm chest. This is the first time I’m meeting him in person, but I feel like I’ve returned home to something I didn’t know I’ve been missing.

  “I got you, baby,” his voice rumbles against my cheek, and his hand sweeps reassuring circles over my back. “I got you.”

  My hands fist at his shirt as a couple of fat tears leak out of my eyes. “Thanks for coming,” I whisper.

  “I’ll always come for you.”

  My heart leaps at his words, even though they are just meant for a friend.

  I ease away after taking a couple of minutes to get my emotions in check. “Sorry,” I force a watery smile. “I didn’t mean to be a wreck the first time we met.”

  Liam quirks a corner of his lips, taking my breath away with that half-smile. “Forget that, you’ve been through some serious shit. I’ve already spoken to the police, and they’ll have him on the radar until you’re ready to give your statement.”

  “Thanks.” I pick ruefully at the straps of my bag. “You were the first person I thought of.”

  Liam’s blue eyes turn warm as they gaze down at me, giving me the impression that he too, sees nothing else but me.

  “Come on,” he says gently, still watching me as he takes my bag. “Let’s get you home.”

  Chapter Two


  I take subtle glances at the girl in the passenger seat of my Jeep. The drive from the airport back to Castle Rock is only forty minutes, which is a good thing because Meg looks ready to collapse from exhaustion.

  From our thousands of email and text exchanges the past few months, I know that Meg is bubbly and cheerful by nature, even if life in the city has been wearing her down. Her playfulness is what makes me reach for my phone the moment I hear that special ringtone I assigned to her number. It’s what makes me grin to myself like an idiot every time I read her cheeky messages on my phone, imagining that the beautiful brunette girl is on the other side smiling back too.

  And now a fucking asshole has taken that smile away.

  My jaw tightens as I take my eyes away from Meg’s downcast face and look back to the road. Whatever shit her boss said to her, he’s gonna pay for it come Monday. I’ll make sure of that.

  “You wanna give your mum a call?” I ask casually, betraying none of the anger I am feeling. “You can let her know to prepare a room for you.”

  “My bedroom’s still the way it is, according to my parents.” Meg begins fishing around in her small purse. “But you’re right, I should probably let them know.”

  She is silent for a few moments as she holds the phone to her ear.

  Then she says brightl
y, “Surprise! Guess what, I’m back in town for a visit!”

  I look over, stunned at her chirpiness. Meg could have convinced even me that everything is alright with her, except that I can still see that her face is tired and wan.

  Her smile falters at what she hears on the phone. “You’re out of town? Until Sunday? Okay, but you left a spare key under the porch, right?” Her shoulders slump further at her mother’s answer. “Oh. Yeah, I guess I’ll head to a motel then, it’s no problem at all. Okay, take care! I love you.”

  She hangs up and lets her phone slide from her fingers to her lap.

  “They’re not home,” I say instead of asking. “Why didn’t you tell them what happened?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Meg says dully, a complete one-eighty from her cheerfulness earlier. “And I don’t want to ruin their weekend Valentine’s trip. Can you take me to a motel instead, please?”

  “Fuck that,” I say simply. “You’re not going to be alone tonight. You can stay over at my place, I have a spare bedroom.”

  Meg’s soft brown eyes light up a little at my words, making my heart jump for a split second.

  “Really?” she asks hopefully. “Will that be any trouble?”

  Even if it is, I can’t deny her, not when she’s blinking up at me with those long lashes. I can’t believe it’s possible, but this girl is even lovelier in person.

  “No trouble at all,” I say, ignoring the sudden leap in my chest. “You know I live alone. My dad stay over at The Barracks.”

  “Okay.” She nibbles her lip, watching the road again. “I hope I didn’t take you away from work. It’s peak hour at the pub now, isn’t it?”

  “They’ll manage fine without me.”

  She nods. “Okay.” Then she looks up again. “Oh crap. I was planning to get my clothes from my old house, so I didn’t take any with me…”

  “Stop worrying.” I can’t help but grin at her questions. “I can loan you mine.”

  Meg nods again, looking like she wants to say something. “I hope your girlfriend won’t mind,” she suddenly blurts, “if you have one.”


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