The Beginning

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The Beginning Page 1

by Teigen Harper

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  The Beginning



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight



  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen



  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Beginning Book 2 will be out later this year. In the meantime, here is the first chapter of my book Broken. Enjoy! | Thank you for your support. | Chapter One | Hayley





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  A special thank you to my family who have put up with me being stuck in the corner with my earplugs in. I love you guys to the freaking moon and back.

  To my friends that have no doubt been frustrated with me for never answering my phone and putting up with the fact that I haven’t left my house while writing this book. Thank you. I love you all.


  Cassie’s life goes from bad to worse. Her mother is a self-absorbed sociopath that cares for none. Cassie grins and bears, until her father is diagnosed with Cancer.

  That’s when things get real. Cassie stands up for herself. She walks out on those who mistreat her, those who use her, but she also must leave those she loves behind to accompany her father on the last journey of his life.

  While caring for him, Cassie meet’s Tristan. Tristan is wild. At least, he was, until he met her. He stands by her side through her heartache. He is her rock, her safe place to fall.

  But after her father, Patrick passes away; she begins harboring a secret, a secret she keeps to herself.

  Chapter One

  The bell rings, and it’s the sweetest sound I could ever hear because that bell means that summer break is here. I gather my belongings, head to the front of the school and wait for my sister, Courtney.

  Before she arrives, I can’t help but daydream about my boyfriend Mitchell. He’s twenty-one, tall, and thanks to his Romanian background, dark-eyed with an olive complexion.

  The only real problem with our relationship is the fact that Mitchell does tend to choose his friends over me, a lot. I hope he begins to even out his time better, but I guess all I can do is sit back, wait and see.

  When I look towards the locker bays, I see Courtney, walking in my direction. Courtney is one of the sweetest people I know; she’s genuine, caring and has mousey shoulder length hair, a button nose, and bright blue eyes. The part I love best about her is her sarcasm. A trait we’ve inherited from our father. When she reaches me, she comes to a halt.

  “Hey, how was your day?” I ask.

  “I’m so glad that school is done for the year. I was beginning to go a little mad with the workload. It was just too much,” she says as she adjusts the strap on her backpack.

  “Yep, me too. I was beginning to think I wasn’t going to pass, and I stopped caring. Anyway, I already have my dream job, and school is just getting in the way of that,” I shrug.

  Right now, I work at a bookstore in a local shopping center, which is within walking distance of my home. Being surrounded by books is my bliss. I especially love visiting used bookstores where the smell is overwhelmingly warm and inviting. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside. If it were up to me, I’d spend my days piled up on a beanbag with coffee and a blanket, reading until my heart’s content.

  Everyone I know thinks I’m becoming quite anti-social, but I strongly disagree. Anyway, human contact is way overrated.

  “So, do you have any plans for the weekend?” I ask, Court.

  “No, I have to work tomorrow, so I’m going to stay in for the night. What about you?” she asks as we begin to walk home.

  Rolling my eyes, I respond, “Yeah. I’m supposed to be going on a double date with Mitchell, Zoe, and Jimmy. I want to call and cancel, but I don’t think that Zoe will let me.”

  Court shakes her head and laughs. “Nope, there is no way in hell that she will let you chicken out. Besides, you do need to leave the house a little more often than you do now. Don’t hit me when I say this, but there is more to life than books, Cassie.”

  I refrain from punching her in the arm, I don’t agree with her opinion, but I go along with it anyway. It’s just easier this way. “I know you’re right,” I sigh. “So, I guess I’m going out tonight.”

  “I guess you are.” She chuckles, and I punch her arm.

  We arrive home fifteen minutes later. Our house isn’t anything special; the main space is more like a two-bedroom unit, but fortunately for me, I live in the bungalow out the back near the cheap-looking above-ground pool.

  Court and I live with our mother, our parents divorced just over three years ago now, and our father’s departure has hugely affected my life.

  Before the divorce, I was a social butterfly. I was always out with friends having fun, causing chaos, but nowadays, I’m only a fraction of the person I once was. How I managed to land a boyfriend, is entirely beyond me.

  The only time I feel whole is when I am spending time with my dad. The day my father told us he was leaving, I begged him to take me with him. We’ve always shared a close bond, and the only reason I’m here with my mother instead of living with my father is because all of my family told her a daughter who is in her teens, needs to be with the mother.

  Trust me when I say I’m not thrilled about it, but I knew then that even if it were my choice, we would have to go to court. That wasn’t something I was emotionally equipped for at the time. I speak to my father a few times a week, but going to see him is a rarity. It’s a seven-hour train ride to where he’s living now, and between school and work, finding the time to see him, can be tricky.

  He lives in a very, very small town a couple of hours outside of Sydney. Not long after leaving my mother, he paid cash for a rural property, and because the town only consists of seventeen residents, the land was cheap - very cheap. His decision to move came about when some members of the family berated him in the supermarket one day. I was devastated, and so was he. Never did he want to move so far, but my mother’s side of the family and some of his own caused him so much grief he didn’t see any other choice.

  I walk through the house to my bungalow, and once I’m in the door, I drop my bag on the floor, grab a can of Coke out of the mini-fridge, and take a seat on the comfy reading chair in the corner of the room. I swear I'd never need to leave this room if I didn’t have to. I have a TV, DVD player, fridge, and private bathroom. I could happily live away from the world until I've read every book in here.

  A few weeks ago, my mother went on a road trip with a carload of her girlfriends, leaving Courtney and me to fend for ourselves. I knew my father was in town that weekend, so I invited him over for dinner. I was going to cook for us, but Dad had a great surprise for me. He ordered dinner and turned one of my walls into one gigantic bookshelf. It’s perfect and could use a few new books.

  Taking out my phone, I check the time, 4:10 pm. Mitchell told me he’d pick me up at 5:30 pm. I figure I ca
n read for half an hour, then jump in the shower and get ready for dinner.

  Hopping up, I walk over to the bookshelf, pick out a book to read, then return to my comfy sofa and begin to get lost within the pages.

  As usual, I become so engrossed in the novel I forget all about the time. It isn’t until I need another soda that I notice it’s a quarter past five. "Shit," I say under my breath. Mitchell will be here in a few minutes, and I haven’t even showered yet, let alone picked something to wear.

  Quickly, I hurry into the shower, wash, dry, and put my makeup on in record time. I then find a small white Billabong summer dress, a pair of wedges, and all I need to do now is to find matching earrings, and I’m ready to go.

  As I place the book I’m in the middle of reading into my handbag; I see Mitchell come through the bungalow door. “Hey, baby,” I say as I walk over to him, throw my arms around his neck, and I plant a kiss on him.

  I don’t see Mitchell as much as I'd like to, so when I do see him, I keep him close. Although, at times I do feel as if I’m an afterthought to him.

  Turning around, I push him until he’s sitting on the edge of the bed. I climb up, straddling him between my legs, and take his face in my hands, kissing him passionately. After coming up for air, I say to him, “Since you wouldn’t let me cancel our plans with Zoe tonight, we’d better get going. You know what she’s like when we’re late.” I straighten up and smile at him.

  He looks me in the eyes. “I really should have let you cancel. I could stay here all night with you,” he whispers as he leans in and kisses me again.

  “You tell me that every time we make plans,” I laugh.

  As I climb off his lap and let him stand, he kisses me again. It takes everything I have in me not to push him back down on the bed and have him ravage me. We haven’t had sex yet, but I know it can’t be too far away. I’m not sure which one of us is more scared to push it that step further, Mitchell or me.

  “Okay, babe. I’ll text Mum now, and tell her Court is home.” I take my phone off charge, and I see that I still have it on silent. I must have forgotten to turn it up after school, but when I look at the screen, I see there are four missed calls, all from Zoe.

  Immediately, I dial her number, and when she answers, I can hear she’s crying. “Zoe, what’s the matter?” I ask, feeling scared. Zoe is not one to cry unless the situation’s bad.

  At first, she struggles to get any words out, but eventually, she does. “It’s-it’s...” I hear her sob while trying to talk. “It’s Jimmy. Some fucking idiot smashed into the side of his car.”

  I feel the blood drain from my face. “Oh, Zoe, where are you?”

  “Monash Hospital, Clayton.”

  “We’ll meet you there. And Zoe-”


  “I love you.”

  “Thanks, Cassie. I love you, too, and I’ll see you soon,” she sniffs.

  Gazing over to Mitchell, I can see the worry written across his features. “What is it, Cass? What happened?” he asks.

  I drop down on the edge of my bed. “Jimmy was in a car accident. From the sounds of things, the other car smashed into the driver’s side.” I raise my head and look at him.

  His mouth is open with shock, “Shit.”

  “Yeah, shit. We have to go. Now!” I tell him.

  “Of course, we do. Let’s go.” As I stand, he opens the door, and as soon as I have my handbag, we step out of the bungalow, but before leaving, I walk over to the main house and find Courtney watching television in the living room.

  “Have a good night,” she calls before I have a chance to open my mouth.

  Taking a seat beside her, I reach for her hand. “Court, Zoe just called. Jimmy’s been in a car accident. We’re heading over to the hospital now. I’ll call you and let you know how he is. I won’t know anything more until I get there.” I squeeze her hand between my own in a show of support.

  Courtney love’s Jimmy. He’s been like a brother to her, and he’s always been the one to take care of her if anyone ever tried to mess with her.

  Her face drains of color, leaving her complexion as white as a ghost. “Shit,” is all she says.

  Squeezing her hand lightly in mine, again, I press on, “Yeah, that’s what Mitch and I said. Can you tell Rose when she gets home?” I turn so I’m eye to eye with her. “Don’t disturb her while she’s at work, okay?” I ask. I know my mother, she’s a raging bitch at times, especially if you disturb her at work.

  She nods her head, and I pull her in for a hug. “Okay. But as soon as you know anything, call me and let me know, okay?” When I pull away from her, I can see she’s sad and concerned.

  Slipping my arms around her, I pull her in for another hug. “Of course, I will. We'd better go.”

  “Okay.” She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

  Mitchell hugs Court, then we say goodbye and get in the car, where I take his free hand in mine. When something like this happens, it reminds you that you should take hold of the ones you love most.

  Mitch is usually a very safe driver, but right now, speed isn’t a concern for him, and we reach the freeway within moments. The hospital isn’t far now.

  As he pulls into the parking lot, I can see it’s going to take forever to get a spot, and my stomach is turning out of frustration while we wait. Soon enough, Mitchell suggests I hop out and find Zoe while he continues to look around for a place to park the car. Thankful, I quickly reach over and kiss him, hop out of the car and begin running toward the emergency department.

  When I've entered the doors, I begin frantically searching for Zoe.

  Soon, I find her seated in the corner of the room. She looks utterly alone and devastated. I walk up to her with caution, being careful not to shock her. Slowly, her gaze meets mine as I approach, and my heart breaks when I see the tears in her eyes.

  She stands, and I take her in my arms, but the moment she starts to sob, I have to jolt to take on her weight. Slowly, I lower her down until she's seated again, and I drop into the chair next to hers. I keep my arms around her and try my best to comfort her with words because I’m not sure what else there is I can do for her. I feel useless.

  “Zoe, Hun, what have the doctors told you?” I whisper.

  “They,” sniff, “won’t tell me anything because I’m not family.”

  Anger quickly swells within me, my muscles tense and I want to scream, but before I can, I feel a hand on my forearm. When I gaze up, I see Mitchell is by my side. “Can you take over for a minute? I’m going to go and ask about Jimmy,” I beg.

  “No problem.” I stand while Mitchell quickly moves into my seat and takes Zoe in his arms. As I look at my friend who’s breaking down in my boyfriend’s embrace, my heart begins to hurt for her.

  As I walk up to the triage counter, I try my hardest to calm myself before someone comes to speak to me. I know for a fact that yelling, will get me nowhere, fast. I need to keep my anger under wraps, so I can get my friend the answers she needs.

  Soon enough, I spot an older female nurse. When she notices me standing at the counter, she walks over, and I manage to swallow my anger, for now. “Excuse me?” I ask politely.

  The nurse has a softness to her, like one of a grandmother who is looking at their grandchild for the first time. “Yes, dear, can I help you?”

  Before I say a word, I take in a deep, calming breath. “I hope you can.” I try my best to smile. “My cousin was involved in a car accident, and he was moved to this hospital. I haven’t been able to make contact with my uncle and aunt, and I’m desperately hoping you can help me,” I beg.

  She nods her head and looks at the computer screen. “What is the name, dear?”

  “It’s, Jimmy VanBuren,” I tell her, calmly.

  She types on the keyboard for a moment, “Ah, yes, he is here, but he’s in surgery at the moment. I can let you in. If his family members are here at the hospital, they will be in the waiting room that is stationed just outside the operating the

  My chest releases the air it had been holding onto. “Thank you so much. If it is okay, I’ll just run over and let my boyfriend know I’m going in?” I ask, hopeful.

  “Not a problem, dear. Just call out to me when you come back, and I will buzz you through.” She gives me a sympathetic smile, and I return the gesture, genuinely grateful for her help.

  Turning on my heels, I walk back over and see that Mitchell is still trying to comfort Zoe. As I approach, they look up at me. “What did they say?” Zoe whispers as she wipes her tears away with the backs of her hands.

  “They told me to go through. I’ll try to find Mark or Annette and get a quick update.”

  Her eyes widen with shock. “How the hell did you do that? They wouldn’t let me through at all?”

  “I told them that Jimmy was my cousin,” I shrug.

  “Fuck, I didn’t even think to lie. It was so simple,” she shakes her head.

  “You’re too distraught to work up a good lie. I’ll be right back.” I kiss her forehead and tell her everything will be okay.

  When I reach the desk, I wave over to the nurse and wait at the door until I see the light on the lock change from red to green. When it does, I walk through and see a myriad of doctors and nurses running around me in every direction. It must be a busy night in the ER department.

  Confused as to where I need to go, I decided to stop at the nurse’s station and ask a male attendant to point me in the direction of the theatre waiting room as I need to find my family. Graciously, he stands and tells me to follow him, so I do.

  He takes me through to the main corridor. “Just follow the red line marked on the ground until you reach the end, and turn left, then walk another couple of meters and the waiting room is directly on your right-hand side,” he explains.

  After thanking him, I pick up the pace. I don’t run, but I don’t walk, either. As I turn the corner, immediately I see Jimmy’s mother, Annette. She looks gaunt and tired, and when her gaze shifts from her coffee cup, she spots me. “Cassie my love, how did you get in?” she shrieks.


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