The Beginning

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The Beginning Page 12

by Teigen Harper

  My brain keeps going over everything Courtney told me. What I don’t understand, is why, why now? Why be so heartbroken now, after I gave him plenty of chances to make his behavior up to me?

  Exhaustion does win out in the end, and I doze off, but when I do, I'm jolted awake by a horrible dream I had about my father. I sit up in bed, see that it’s still dark outside, and I pound on the mattress in annoyance. I’m still tired, but at the same time, I am so fucking wired, I know I won’t be going back to sleep anytime soon. I lean over to check the clock, 3:47 AM. ‘Why am I awake?' I ask myself. If I can’t sleep, then I’ll annoy someone else. I take out my phone and dial Hamish’s number.

  “Hello, stranger,” he answers.

  “Hey, bub. How are you?”

  “Nothing here’s changed, and I doubt it ever will. What about you? How are things there?”

  “Pretty good, so far. Although, Dad's getting more tired as the days go on, but other than that he’s good.”

  “Poor guy.”

  “Yeah,” I breathe. “So, I talked to Court before, and she was telling me that Mitchell’s only just gone back to work. I didn’t even know he was off.”

  “Yeah, he was off for just over a week. He seems to be running on autopilot, at the moment.”

  “Shit. Should I call him, do you think that there is anything I can do to help him get over it?”

  “Nah, don’t call him. It’ll just make it worse, that and the fact that he treated you like shit while you were together. Maybe this is the wake-up call he needed. Or it’s just instant Karma. Something that doesn’t happen often.”

  “I hope so. If he doesn’t realize what he did, I will feel very sorry for the next girl he dates. Poor bitch will go through hell unless she's a whore, then he may stay with her until she realizes how shit he is in bed." I hear Haim laugh. "Anyway, enough about Mitchell, how are you going?”

  “All good on this end, Cass. I’m as cool as a cucumber.”

  “You did not just say that.”

  “I sure did.” He laughs.

  “You would have to be the biggest dork I have ever come across.” I chuckle.

  “Yep, but hell, I’m your dork.”

  “That you are, my dear friend. Anyway, I’d better get off the phone. The overseas rates are fucking ludicrous and undoubtedly illegal."

  “Probably. Take care, Cass. Call if you need anything.”

  “I will, Hun. Bye.”

  “Bye.” I hang up the phone.

  I feel content and at ease after speaking to Hamish, so much so that when I lay my head back down on the pillow, I instantly fall asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Once I’ve dragged myself out of bed, I then blindly stumble down the hallway, and as I do, I run into Carol. “I was just coming to get you. Breakfast is ready,” she says, and she leads me down to the kitchen where it's waiting for me.

  My eyes bulging out of their sockets when I see what is spread out in front of me. “Pancakes, maple syrup, and a big bowl of M&M’s. This is seriously the best breakfast that has ever been put in front of me,” I shake my head in disbelief. “I’m so excited I don’t know where to start.”

  “I thought you’d like it.” Carol laughs.

  I take her in my arms and squeeze her while shaking her from side to side. “Thank you, thank you. It smells amazing.”

  “Just sit down and dig in love,” she orders, so I do.

  While eating the most amazing breakfast ever, my dad manages to tell every embarrassing story there is to tell about me. And he doesn’t just tell the family; he makes sure that the family’s employees hear them, too.

  “You’re lucky you’re dying, old man, or I’d kill you myself,” I sneer as I chomp down on another pancake. Moments later, I realize that the room is silent.

  I look around and everyone, excluding my father, is stiff with silence. I point my fork at dad. “Explain our sick sense of humor, will you? I’m not letting these babies go to waste.” I then point my fork at my plate of food.

  As soon as Dad speaks, he has the room in fits of laughter. He explains to the workers that we don’t cry, we joke, and everyone began to understand our relationship a little better including, George and Carol.

  After eating such a huge breakfast, I decided to take a long walk through the streets of Dublin. I stroll through Phoenix Park, stopping to take photos, and then I make my way over to St Patrick's Cathedral. I spend many hours in awe of my surroundings. Old churches are structures I love to visit and take photos of.

  After seeing all that I can in one day, I check my watch, 6.20 PM. ‘Shit, I’ve been gone all day,’ I think. I’d better get back to the house before they all begin to worry.

  As I walk through the massive wrought-iron gates of the mansion, I see that there are cars lined up the driveway, and I can hear music coming from inside.

  As I open the front door, I see that there are strangers scattered everywhere. Carol, bless her, is the first to approach me. “I was beginning to wonder where you went.”

  I was still looking around at all the strangers when I answer her. “I just walked through Dublin taking photos. What’s going on around here? It’s packed!”

  She comes to my side and drapes her arm over my shoulders. “We thought we’d invite some people over, people your father used to know back when he was a boy. He’s in the living room in his element talking about the good old days.” She smiles.

  I love it. I knew that catching up with old friends was on his priority list. “That’s sweet. I guess I should get upstairs and get changed.” I look down at my anorak and jeans, and I know it just won’t cut it with this crowd.

  “Okay, but make sure you put something sexy on.” She nudges my arm. “There are plenty of young, single, rich boys here tonight.”

  I shake my head and laugh. “Okay, Carol. I’ll take a look around, but I’m not interested in a relationship, just fun.”

  She holds her hands up in mock defense. “You never know.” She winks. “They do say that to get over someone, you have to get under someone else.”

  My mouth drops. “Aunt Carol!”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “What? I was young once, too. Now go and get dressed.” As I begin to walk off, she calls out, “Something slutty wouldn’t hurt.” I ignore her comment and continue up the staircase, shaking my head.

  When I arrive at my room, I shut the door behind me and head straight over to the closet. After careful deliberation, I decided to wear my black mini halter dress, and matching black pumps. I’m just hoping this is slutty enough for Carol. I figure she's right in a sense, I shouldn’t cut guys off altogether because I just came out of a shitty relationship. But let’s face it, that wasn’t really a relationship, to begin with.

  This night became a little more interesting when I saw the most beautiful creature walk in. She makes an anorak and jeans look like God damn evening wear.

  Carol glides over to her, takes the girl’s hands in hers, and I can’t stop staring. I’ve been watching her for less than a minute, and I already know that I want to get to know her.

  A moment later, she heads up the stairs and disappears from my sight. Like an idiot, I continue standing in place, staring at the empty landing. “Tristan,” someone says while tugging on my arm.

  My eyes reluctantly leave the second story landing and focus on the voice beside me. “Carol, how are you?” I ask as I turn my body to face her.

  “Good, love. You’re looking very handsome tonight.” I’ve known Carol my entire life, so I know when she's up to something.

  “What’s going on, Carol?” I give her a sideways glance. Carol can be a cheeky bitch when she wants to be. But it’s all in jest. There isn’t a harsh bone in her body.

  She takes a sip from her wine glass while rolling her eyes. “Fine. So, you know everyone was invited over so they can catch up with an old friend of ours that left Ireland many years ago?”

  I nod. “Yes, Mam. And Dad told me I had to show up because they
couldn’t.” I take her free hand in mine. “Not that I wouldn’t have come, of course,” I mutter sarcastically.

  Again, Carol rolls her eyes. She knows me too freaking well. “Anyway, his daughter Cassie joined him. She doesn’t know anyone in Ireland, and I was wondering if you would maybe show her around while she’s in town?” Carol tilts her head, and I swear I see a sparkle in her eye. “She was just here. She went up to her room to change.”

  The gorgeous girl I was watching is the girl that Carol wants me to show around? Fuck yes!

  “Yeah, I saw her. I’ll definitely show her around.” I know there's a smirk on my face, but I can’t help it. There was something about that girl. Typically, I’d search a party for a chick I could fuck and dump, but I don’t want to do that with this girl, she’s different, and not just because she’s related to Carol. Just from watching her, I know I want her, but not in the man-whore sense. I want to talk to her. I want to know her.

  Carol pulls me from my thoughts. “She’s just come out of a shitty relationship, and she needs some fun. The last guy treated her like shit. He walked all over her, so don’t fuck and dump her, please?” Carol elbows me in the ribs and winks at the same time.

  My head shakes from side to side. “I wouldn’t do that to anyone in your family, Carol. I like to think that I’ve changed.” And I have. No more will I be the asshole that sends a girl on their way after fucking them. I need to settle down. I don’t want to get married. That's a word that still scares the shit out of me, but I would be up for a steady girlfriend, but only if she isn’t a stuck-up girl that only wants me for my surname. For my family’s fortune.

  I look back up at the landing and my damn chest thumps faster when I see her. She is so fucking beautiful.

  “I know you’ve changed. If I didn’t think you had, I wouldn’t suggest that you be the one to show her around. She’s special, Tristan. She only cares for others, puts herself last and she's as sarcastic as they come. Oh, and she can turn any conversation into a dirty joke. I think you pair will get along, just fine.”

  I keep watching as she comes down the staircase. I can see she’s embarrassed and I have no idea why she would feel that way; she has a smoking body, and her face is perfect.

  When I've fixed my makeup, I walk out to the staircase on the landing. As I take a step at a time, I can see that all eyes are on me. Fuck, I need to concentrate on my footing, knowing that if I don’t, I will fall. I hate attention. It makes me more nervous than anything else you could throw at me.

  When I've safely descended the staircase, I take a seat at the bar and order a bourbon and Coke, but as I take my first sip, my dad and George take the stools on either side of me. “Come with us, Cassie.” My father offers his hand, and I take it with my free one while keeping the bourbon in the other.

  “Okay,” I answer wearily as I turn in my seat, hop off, and follow them. I notice the smirks on their faces, and it makes me instantly cautious. I know they’re up to something and I have to find out what that is.

  They lead me out the front doors, into the cold night air and all of a sudden, they scare the shit out of me when they yell out, “Tada!”

  And that's when I look up and see a new, Black BMW X3 sitting in the drive with a huge purple bow on it. “No fucking way?” I look at them in shock. “This is not for me.” My hand that's holding the glass begins to shake.

  “It is,” George starts. “It’s a late birthday present from all of us.”

  I’m still in shock. Shit like this doesn’t happen to people like me. I’m a girl who works in a bookshop. I haven’t done anything to deserve such an extravagant gift.

  My mouth refuses to work, but I do in the end manage, “I- I love it, but I can’t take it home with me.” I’m still staring, amazed at the beautiful piece of machinery in front of me.

  George puts his arms around me. “I’ve already ordered a container for it to go back home with you when you leave here.”

  The tears sting the corners of my eyes. “This is too much,” I cry.

  He leans in further. “With the things you’re doing for your father, and just by being here and what you are about to go through. No, this isn’t enough, Cassie. You deserve everything,” he whispers in my ear.

  I sob, shaking my head. “I don’t need gifts. I’m here with him because he’s my father. Because I love him.”

  His grip on me tightens, and I can hear the emotion in his breath. “I know that. But for now, I want you to have something to smile about.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper in return and hug him tightly. I do the same with my father, but this time, the sobs take over my body. He holds onto me, patting my head while whispering that things will be okay.

  In time, I manage to pull myself together.

  Needing to freshen up, I head back upstairs for a moment and re-apply my makeup. When I’m looking decent again, I walk back downstairs and position myself on a sofa that’s resting in the corner of the room. I need to take a breather for a few moments.

  A few minutes later, a young sexy as fuck guy, takes the seat closest to me, his shoulder resting against mine. Nervously, I try to calm myself, so I take a long sip of bourbon, but his damn cologne makes me want to straddle him, and I don’t even know his name.

  “So, I take it you’re Cassie?” he asks.

  I could just melt right here, right now at the sound of his accent. I let my eyes meet his. “Yep, that’s me. I take it that my Aunt Carol’s already been in your ear?” I ask with a smile. I’m hoping she has, and I’m hoping she told him I need to have some fun.

  Shit! His eyes are piercing blue, and he has a sexy, defined jaw, the type you only see on the Calvin Klein adverts. I could reach up right now and run my hand through his hair, but I don’t want to look like a weirdo.

  He gives me one of those lopsided grins that make me weak at the knees and let me tell you, my knees aren’t the only thing that's weak right now. I try to rub my legs together to stop the hot friction that’s heating up in all the right places.

  This guy is fucking hot, what the hell is he doing sitting next to me?

  “She certainly has. But trust me, even if she hadn’t approached me, I would still have come over and sat down beside you.” His voice oozes confidence. He then holds out his hand in greeting. “I’m Tristan, by the way.” I take it in my hand and shake it. But like a moron, I keep hold of it, his skin is so damn soft, and I know where I could put that hand right now. Maybe Carol was right about the whole unattached fun thing. When he looks down at our still joined hands, he chuckles.

  ‘Fuck, you look like a desperate moron.’ I think, and that’s when I let go of his hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I manage.

  “Would you like to dance with me?” he asks with a smoldering look on his face that no woman, anywhere, would ever be able to resist.

  “Yes,” I squeak. ‘Oh my god, how embarrassing.' I don’t dance. So, I throw back some more liquid courage and dump the glass on the side table. He laughs as takes my hand in his and leads me over to the dance floor.

  My body rests against his, and I’m trying to remember that I shouldn’t dry hump his perfect leg in front of a room full of strangers. So I rest my hands on his chest and the moment I feel that it’s tight and muscular, I know I’m wet.

  Goddamnit, I need unattached fun, not a relationship. I’m not sure I would be able to stay away from him if I was able to get him into bed just once.

  While we dance, we don’t utter a word, but when I feel that my mouth is dry, I look up and ask him, “Do you want to stop for a drink?” I need one to cool off, and I need to pull away from him so I can put my hormones in check.

  He isn’t overly tall, but he’s tall enough so he's looking down at me, and I instantly notice that his lips are so very close to mine. “That sounds good.” He fucking smiles one of those Matthew McConaughey smiles, and now I’m more than just wet. I’m going to start dripping all over the floor soon.

again takes my hand in his and leads me over to the bar. He orders me a bourbon and Coke and hands it to me. “Thank you.”

  He nods and takes a sip of his own. “It’s getting a little stuffy in here. Do to go out for a walk?” His eyes are burning into mine. Never have I felt beautiful before, but that is what he is doing to me now, and I like it.

  God, yes, I do want to get out of here. I bite my lip for a moment and then answer, “That would great. It’s so damn stuffy in here.”

  “Follow me.” He takes my hand, and I follow, I mean, why the fuck wouldn’t I follow him?

  While walking behind him, I manage to get a good look at his ass, and let me tell you; you could bounce quarters off of the thing.

  He leads me through the back doors, but Tristan doesn’t stop once we reach the tree line.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  He looks back at me, but he keeps walking. “Trust me. I know a great spot.”

  I nod my head in response because I do trust him. I’ve known him all of twenty minutes, but that twenty minutes is enough for me to want to know more about him. Not just because he’s movie star hot, either.

  We keep walking through the trees until I see a small house in the distance. As we approach the dark building, I ask, “How did you know this was here?”

  “Do you see that fence line?” He points ahead, and I see a fence in the distance.

  "Yes,” I answer.

  He comes to a stop, wraps his arm around my waist, and pulls me into him. Damn, I could mold myself around him.

  “Just past that is my house.” I lose focus for just a moment when his breath brushes my cheek, but I manage to get my shit together. “I’ve lived there all my life, so I know all of the little nooks and crannies that no one else knows exists." He shrugs.

  The door to the guest house is unlocked, and when we walk in, Tristan turns on one of the hall lights, and when he does, I’m amazed at my surroundings. “Oh, my God. This is just a smaller version of the main house,” I say surprised.


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