The Beginning

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The Beginning Page 32

by Teigen Harper

  I hop up and wrap my arms around her. “I would never have blamed you. It was my decision, not yours.” I take both of her hands in mine. “Thank you so much for everything, Heather.” She continues to jump up and down, so I figure, fuck it, and I start jumping too.

  Once our giddiness subsides, I pay my bill and head over to the florist that’s located across the road.

  As I walk through the door, my nose immediately fills with the beautiful scent of the myriad of flowers surrounding me. While I have my face in a bunch of red roses, I hear my name being called, “Cassie, is that you?”

  Sam, my florist, who is five foot two, and just adorable, comes barrelling from the rear of the store. She comes to a halt in front of me, her hands on her cheeks, looking utterly speechless. “You look so fucking sexy with that hair.”

  “You really think so?” My hands unintentionally reach up and fluff my hair.

  Sam begins circling me, trying to get a better look. “Yep, I didn’t think you could get any better looking, but this hair.” She pats my head. “It makes your skin look darker, and your blue eyes pop. Has Tristan seen it yet?”

  I take a deep breath. Truth? I am petrified to think of how Tristan will react. I know he loves me regardless of what the color of my hair is, but I’m still nervous to see how he takes it.

  I shake my head. “I just had Heather do it.” Our town is so small, that everyone knows everyone. “Two hours ago, it seemed like an amazing idea, but now, I’m not so sure.” I hate it when I have self-doubt, but it was an extreme change, a change that is now making me feel ill at ease.

  Sam shakes her head and laughs. “You clearly don't understand, that you, my friend, are sexy as fuck. I know Tristan will love the new you. Change is good, my girl.” She leans in and hugs me.

  “Thank you.” When she pulls away, I ask, “How are you going with getting the roses together for tomorrow?”

  “They came in an hour ago. Do you want to have a look?” She is giddy with excitement. Not only is she doing the flowers, but she’s also a guest at the wedding. The minute my dad introduced us to one another, two years ago, we immediately knew we'd get along, just fine. We share the same sick sense of humor and taste in men.

  I clap my hands together just as a little child would, but hell, this is for my wedding. I can be as giddy as I freaking, please. “Hell yes.”

  She leads me through the shop and into the back room where all the refrigerators are located, and that’s when I see them. Hundreds of Sterling roses, every single one of them is the perfect lilac color I’d hoped for. “I love them. Thank you so much, it wouldn’t have been an easy task getting them all here.” I take her hand in mine and gently squeeze.

  “It wasn’t, but it was worth it, and I cannot believe the cost! That Tristan must love you a whole lot,” she sings. “I can’t wait until tomorrow, it is going to be an amazing day.”

  By the time I arrive back at the house, there are cars parked everywhere. I’d only been gone a couple of hours. Even the tour buses Tristan had hired for our family and friends to stay in, had also begun to arrive.

  The first person I spot is Tristan’s mother, Karan. When she sees me walking towards her, she squeals and races over to me, and takes me in her arms. “Oh my god, Cassie, it’s so good to see you.” But when she pulls away, her eyes grow wide. “I love your hair. It looks amazing on you,” she says while wrapping her arms around me.

  “Do you think your son will like it?” I ask, nervously. Now, I’m not even sure I want to hear her answer.

  “Hasn’t he seen it yet?” she questions, shocked.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck! Now I'm beginning to panic, and I shake my head. I’m tempted to race back to my car and get Heather to strip it back to blonde. “Nope, I just had it done. I feel like a moron. Why would I do something so stupid?” I just want to go and hide under my blankets.

  Karan ducks her head so she can look me in my eyes. “Cassie, he is going to love it. That much I can promise you. Now, is there anything I can help you with, wedding-wise?”

  I smile at her excitement. This is the reason I love Tristan’s parents as much as I do. In the weeks leading up to the wedding, Karan has been Skyping me daily, so I didn’t feel alone in the process. She hasn’t come out and said, ‘I’m here because your mother isn’t.’ But I’m grateful, regardless.

  “I don’t think there’s anything to do.” I take a look around, but all I can see are workers erecting tents. “I promised myself I wouldn’t let anything bother me. As long as your son is waiting for me at the end of the aisle tomorrow, I’ll be the happiest and the luckiest girl that ever walked the face of the fucking earth.” My eyes begin to well up with pride.

  “I am so happy Tristan’s marrying you.” She wipes away her tears with the back of her hand. “He’s in the kitchen, why don’t you go and show him?” She leans in and kisses my cheek.

  I nod. “Yes, I should just get it over and done with.”

  With my stomach churning, I make my way through the back door of the house, and Tristan is the first person I see. I take a deep, calming, breath, then say, “Hey, babe.”

  He turns on his heels, his face beaming until he gets a good look at my hair, then his face drops to shock.

  “Fuck, you hate it. I fucking knew you would. How stupid am I? It’s okay, I’ll race back into town and have Heather strip it. It’ll only take a couple of hours,” I blurt, but before I can turn to leave, I hear Tristan.

  “No,” he says, and he strides toward me. He takes my hands in his, but my face is now pointed toward the ground. I'm the queen of dickheads. “Look at me,” he whispers, slowly I raise my head, and when I see his face, the churning in my gut subsides because he’s smiling. “I was shocked. I just wasn’t expecting it, is all. You didn’t give me a heads up.”

  I shake my head. “I know I didn’t, I’m sorry. I just wanted to surprise you.”

  He cups my face in his hands. “I love it. I think it’s sexy as fuck.”

  “Really?” I ask, hopeful.

  “Really.” He nuzzles his face into the nook of my neck. “If my parents weren’t here, I'd already have you in the bedroom, bent over the end of the bed.”

  I rub my thighs together and squeeze my eyes closed, desperately trying to squash down the hot thoughts of him devouring me. “Fuck, I wish we were alone,” I whisper in return.

  He growls, and I laugh. “I haven’t seen your dad. Is he around here somewhere? I need to distract my mind before I try to dry hump your leg.”

  I hear him take a deep breath, and I can see that he is trying to distract himself. “I’d better go into our room and let myself calm down before someone sees how fucking horny you’ve made me.” He chuckles.

  I glance down, and I can see his bulge through his jeans. “Come on.” I take his hand and lead him very quickly, into the bedroom and close the door behind us, making sure I lock it.

  Tristan slams into me and my ass hit the drawers. He lifts the hem of my dress, hooks his fingers on my panties, and yanks them down. One by one Tristan lifts my feet, his eyes never leaving mine. “Fuck you’re sexy.”

  As he stands, he grabs my thighs and raises me so my ass is now resting on the drawers. While his lips are on mine, I begin yanking on his belt, and it isn’t long before his pants and boxer shorts hit the floor. When my hands meet him, he moans and pushes my dress further up my thighs, and I guide him inside me.

  This is just fucking. We’re not here trying to make love, this is just pure, hot, spur-of-the-moment sex. The kind you can only wish for when you, on occasion, like it rough.

  It only took a few thrusts to make me come undone and I’d completely forgotten that there are people around us on the property. Tristan had to clamp his hand over my mouth to muffle my screams, and thank fuck he did. As soon as I was quiet, he removes it, and I slump my head against his shoulder to reclaim my breath.

  “I think I’m going to love the new hair. It’s turned you into a sexy ass vixen.” He laughs.<
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  I raise my head to look at him, and I cup his face in my hands. “It has nothing to do with the hair, and everything to do with the fact that my fiancé, is the sexiest fucking man to walk the face of the earth.” I kiss him, again.

  As we’re lost in each other, I hear Courtney call, “Cassie.”

  Tristan pulls away. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” is all he says as he helps me down from the dresser. Quickly, I grab my panties, slide them on, give Tristan another quick kiss and slip out the door.

  “There you are.” Her eyes look as if they’re about to pop out of her head. She races over to me and runs her fingers through my hair. “I love it. You look so beautiful, Cassie.”

  My chest fills with love. “Thanks. I love it, too.”

  “It makes your skin look bronzed,” she tells me while still playing with my hair.

  “Hey, have you seen Brendan around? I’ve seen Karan, but not him.”

  She nods. “Yep, the second the guys had the main tent up, they put in the bar, and that is where Brendan’s been ever since.” She snickers. “I like him. He makes me laugh.”

  “He’s a good man. Okay, I’m going to go and say hi to him.” I don’t wait for Tristan to emerge from the bedroom, I leave the house and make my way to the closest paddock, where the workmen are preparing the festivities for tomorrow.

  As soon as I enter the tent, I’m in awe. I can already see how amazing the room will be. Everything is white with splashes of black and lilac, exactly how I wanted it to look. As I walk further into the tent, I find Brendan exactly where Courtney said he would be, at the bar. While I approach, one of the workers moves aside, and that’s when my heart skips a beat, and my eyes well up with tears. Like a little child would, I begin to squeal and race over to where my Uncle George is seated beside Brendan. When he hears me, he turns in his seat, his face lights up, and I run into his outstretched arms.

  “Cassie, my love. It’s so good to see you,” he says as I cry into his shoulder.

  “Thank you so much for coming. It means everything to me.” I glance up at his beautiful face and take it in. “I am so happy to see you.” I continue to cry.

  He cups my face in his hands and wipes my tears away with his thumbs. “I wouldn’t miss your wedding for the world, sweetheart. By the way,” he pauses for a moment, “you look beautiful.” He drops his hands from my face and gives me a glass. When I take a sniff, I know that it’s bourbon and coke, my favorite.

  I then turn my attention to Brendan, who is sitting and waiting, patiently. I take a quick sip, place my glass down on the bar and wrap my arms around him.

  “Thank you so much for coming, Brendan.”

  “Are you kidding? Hell, Megan Fox could have told me she'd screw me, but it st still wouldn't have stopped me from showing up." He chuckles. I have to admit. I snort when I laugh at his comment. With one of his arms around my waist, he takes my glass from the bar and hands it to me.

  “Thank you.” I take a long sip, then place it back down.

  “By the way, daughter,” Brendan starts. “I do love the new look. And I’m pretty sure that son of mine thinks it’s pretty hot too, am I right?” He is all out laughing now.

  I nod my head and raise an eyebrow. “Yes, yes, he does.” I then shift the conversation because I'm not about to talk to my father-in-law about my sex life. “Anyway, how was the flight?” I ask the boys.

  “We came together,” George starts. “It was smooth all the way through. You should have seen Karan and Carol. They were like two little girls that were on their way to prom. I haven’t seen them this excited about something since our weddings.” He looks to Brendan who nods in agreement.

  “You’re not wrong. Karan’s been giddy for weeks now.” He takes a sip, then continues, “If you tell anyone what I’m about to say, I’ll deny it, but I do love a good wedding. The fact that it’s my only son’s wedding, and the fact that he asked you to marry him and not one of the whores he used to date, makes it all the better.” He laughs and takes another sip. I have a feeling all of the laughter is alcohol-related because Court told me the boys had been here since the bar was set up.

  “You’re such a sweetie,” I tell him as I squeeze his cheeks. I guess it isn’t manly to admit you're a sucker for a wedding. Hell, I’m a girl, and I can’t stand them.

  “So, are you all set for tomorrow, my dear girl?” George asks.

  “I think so. I told Tristan and the wedding planner that I wasn’t going to let myself get stressed or upset if something is to go wrong. As long as our families are here with us, nothing else really matters.” I go to take another sip but realize that my glass is empty. I look up and see that the bartender has left, so I walk around to the other side and start mixing drinks.

  “Good on you for deciding not to let anything get to you. That’s the only way you will be guaranteed that your day goes to plan,” George says as I pass him a fresh drink. “Thanks, love.”

  I hand Brendan a fresh drink. He raises the glass to his lips and sips on the bourbon and coke. “I think you missed your calling, Cassie. You really should look into bartending. You got my drink spot on. Thank you.” He then takes another sip.

  “Thanks, you never know, I may just get a job as a topless waitress.” I shrug. "By the way, I hope that your accommodations are sufficient. Tristan assured me that hiring tour buses as makeshift apartments was the way to go.” I then take a sip from my glass.

  Both men proceeded to tell me they've already been inside the buses, and they love them, which is one less thing for me to worry about. Our families have traveled a long way to be here, and I want to be sure they are as comfortable as possible.

  “Did you know that your boyfriend, Eminem has a tour bus just like that?” George asks.

  “Bullshit? Are you for real?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  “No bullshit, he does have one just like the one I’m staying in.” He chuckles.

  “Uncle George, I’m not saying bullshit as in, ‘Holy crap we have a bus just like Eminem’s.’ I mean, bullshit, as in, ‘How the fuck do you know who Eminem is?’ Let alone know what kind of bus he rides in.” I laugh as I go to take a sip of my drink.

  “Ha, ha, ha,” his voice is dripping with sarcasm. “I’m not that old, smart-ass.” He reaches over and pinches my cheek.

  “Okay, boys.” I throw the rest of my drink back and slam my glass down onto the bar’s surface. “I’m going to go and hunt down Aunt Carol. I don’t want her thinking she wasn’t important enough for me to come and find.” The boys wave me off as I leave the tent and begin to wander around the property, looking everywhere for Carol, but for the life of me, I can’t find her.

  While I head back towards the house thinking she may be in there, I stop in my tracks and begin squealing at the top of my lungs when I spot Zoe.

  I'd desperately wanted to see her when I was in Melbourne for the custody hearing, but at that time, she was taking care of Jimmy, and he hadn’t wanted visitors. I was hurt by the fact he hadn’t wanted to see me. I grew up with Jimmy. His family is my family, but I respected his wishes and stayed away.

  My legs sprint towards her. It has been far too long since I’ve seen her. Sure, we Face-time each other regularly, but it just isn’t the same as seeing one another in the flesh.

  Right before I reach her, she drops her bags, holds out her arms and I crash into her. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re here. I've missed you so much.” I cry. We didn’t say another word for some time. We just hold onto each other and cry. I haven’t seen her in the flesh since I left for Cairo, with my father, and that feels like a lifetime ago.

  Once we’ve managed to somewhat compose ourselves, she holds me at arm's length, and I know she's staring at my very bright hair. “So, did Tristan tell you he loved your hair before he fucked your brains out, or after?”

  I can’t help but laugh. This girl knows me better than most. “Both.” I laugh.

  “I knew he would have.” She leans back in and kisses my cheek. />
  “Thank you so much for coming. I know it was probably a pain in the ass getting here, but I think dad would have wanted the wedding to take place on the property.” I take her hands in mine, still a little shocked by the fact that she is standing in front of me.

  “He would have loved it, Cass.” Her smile is now gone and has been replaced with sadness. “I just wish he were here to see it all happen. But I know in my heart he’s always with you."

  Having to keep my father’s presence a secret from others is beginning to do my head in, but I also don’t want people thinking I should be in the looney bin, or that I should be taking antipsychotics. I know it will come out eventually, but for now, it's a secret I'll only share with Courtney. “I know he is.” I give her another quick hug before asking, “Anyway, enough about me, how’s Jimmy?” I know he’s been difficult for Zoe to deal with, but I’m hoping he wakes up to himself and sees what a beautiful, devoted girlfriend he has.

  I’ve tried calling him on several occasions, but his mother, Annette, always intercepts and tells me it isn’t a good time. I did invite Jimmy to the wedding, but he never replied. I’m not going to lie. It did hurt me. Deep down, I didn’t expect him to come, but a phone call or even a freaking text would have been nice.

  I help Zoe with her bags, and we head towards the house. “As you already know, he was released a few weeks ago from the hospital, but he still isn’t the same. He has a long, painful road to recovery ahead of him.”

  We walk through the back door, and into the living room. “He’s been through so much, and I wanted so badly to see you all when I was in Melbourne, but I completely understood why you couldn’t.”

  We place her bags on the floor next to the sofa in the living room. “It’s been hell.” She looks physically exhausted.

  “You’ll be sleeping with me tonight, so we can have girl time and catch up properly.” I see Tristan enter the room and I walk over to meet him. As he snakes his arm around my waist, I begin the introductions. “Baby, this is my best-est friend in the world, Zoe. Zoe.” I place my hand on his chest. “This is my Tristan.”


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