The Beginning

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The Beginning Page 35

by Teigen Harper

  My eyebrows bunch in confusion. “What are you talking about?” Courtney links her arm through mine as we make our way through to the kitchen.

  “I put the kettle on so that you wouldn’t be a raging, grumpy ass bitch on your wedding day.” Zoe laughs. “Now, sit down at the table, and I’ll bring you the best coffee you have ever had.”

  Heading to the table, I drop into a chair and Court takes the one beside me. With her arm still linked with mine, I look up at her. “Did you sleep okay?” I ask as I nudge her side. She nods, her smile is still in place. “What are you so happy about?” I haven’t seen a smile this big on her face in a long, long time. I like it.

  She becomes giddy and shifts in her seat. “I’m so freaking excited for you. Tristan is awesome, and I know he isn’t going to ditch us when shit gets tough. I’m just glad we have something to celebrate because let’s face it, there hasn’t been all that much to be happy about lately.” She shrugs.

  My smile reflects hers. Her loving Tristan is the one thing that eases my mind. If Courtney didn’t like him or respect him, there’s no way in hell this wedding would be going ahead. Yes, I love Tristan with all my heart, but my first and most important responsibility is making sure that Courtney is safe, happy, and healthy. “I love you, bub.” I lean across and take her in my arms.

  She tightens her grip on me. “I love you, too,” she whispers against my cheek.

  “Is this what I can expect for the whole day?” Hamish calls from behind, and we turn to face him. “Because if it is, I should start drinking now.” He drops into the chair at the head of the table, wearing a shit-eating grin.

  “Coffee, Haim?” Zoe asks from the kitchen.

  “Sounds good, Zoe.”

  I let go of Courtney and lean back in my chair. “So, when do I get to meet this new, awesome girlfriend of yours, Haim?” I flash him a half-smile. For the last few years, girls were always throwing themselves at him, but Haim was never interested in having an actual relationship. He jokes that the five favorite words he hears from a woman are, ‘I can’t stay the night.’ Classy? I know, but that’s just who he is. I’ve always asked his mother if she had an affair with Charlie Sheen and that Hamish was a result of that encounter, but she's always maintained that her husband is his real father.

  His cocky grin returns. “I spoke to her just after I woke up.” He looks at his phone for the time, then places it back down on the table. “She should be here in an hour. I told her to text me when she’s twenty minutes away, so I can pick her up at the bus depot.” He reaches his hands up over his head, stretching his back.

  “Cool.” I lean forward and rest my tired head on the table. “Tristan reserved a hotel room for the night. I didn’t think it was appropriate for you to try and hump your girlfriend on the sofa while my innocent sister tried to sleep in the next room.” My whole body shivers with disgust. Sure, Hamish is hot, but because I consider him to be family, the thought of him naked and having sex with someone creeps me out.

  Suddenly, Courtney snorts out a laugh beside me. “There's nothing he can do.” She points toward Haim. “That could ever mortify me more than the muffled screams that come from your room.” I look at her in horror and Hamish start’s laughing, the kind of laugh that comes from your gut. She then turns to face him. “I swear to god, it sounds like Tristan has to throw a pillow over her face so she doesn’t scream the house down.” Now the entire room is pointing and laughing at me. I pull my T-shirt over my head, I know they can all see my bra, but I'd rather that than have to face three assholes. They’re never going to let me live this down.

  I hear a mug being placed on the table, but I don’t want to come out of hiding. “So, Cass. Do you like it rough, or is Tristan just that good in bed?” Zoe asks in a mocking tone while tugging on the hem of my shirt until my head pops out.

  “I’m so fucking embarrassed. And to answer your question, both.” I hang my head in my hands, wanting to avoid any eye contact with any of these people who supposedly call themselves my friends.

  “I’m so jealous, he looks like he'd be damn good in the sack,” she says matter of fact, but my head stays down.

  “It’s not that bad.” Courtney pats my back, but she's still laughing. “At least, it isn’t as bad as the time our parents were arguing in the bedroom. Do you remember that night?”

  Yep, I know the night she's talking about. “Oh, god. I was hoping to get through the rest of my life not having to remember that night.” The thought of my parents together in that way made me physically ill. I raise my head and pick the mug of coffee in front of me up. “No child should be put through that. Ever.” I take a sip of my coffee and then look up at Zoe. “You did good, Zoe.” I’m not the biggest fan of other people making my lattes. No one ever seems to get it right, but Zoe has come pretty damn close. Tristan is now an expert, but it took months of me training him to get it perfect.

  Right then, I see the front door to the house open, and the instant I see who it is, my coffee is spilled across the table, and I’m running, running to the open arms of my beautiful grandfather.

  I make sure I slow when approaching, I don’t want to topple him over, that is the last thing he needs. But the moment he envelops me in his arms, I immediately feel safe. “Thank you so much for coming, Granddad,” I manage to say around the lump that's building in my throat and the tears that are now streaming down my cheeks.

  I feel him pat my head, an action he used to do, a lot when I was younger. “Of course. I love you, and I'm honored you chose me to be the one to give you away. I promise I will make you and your father proud.” My grandfather is a stern man to others, but to Courtney and me, he is kind, loving, and compassionate. No matter what the hell our mother would ever put us through, he'd always be there ready to support us.

  “I know he will be, Granddad.” It broke my heart when he couldn’t be there for my dad, his son when he was dying. But he's an old man now, and he's dealing with his health issues, it would have been too stressful on his body to be on such a long flight. After the funeral, I called to assure him that things went smoothly and that I completely understood why he couldn’t be there. I knew my words would fall on deaf ears, but at the same time, I understood his pain. He wasn’t able to attend his son’s funeral, and that had to hurt.

  A moment passes, and Courtney comes up beside us. “It’s so good to see you, Granddad.” I pull away and make room so she can greet him properly.

  He takes her in his arms. “It’s so wonderful to see you, too. You’re looking good,” he tells her as beams with pride. I know granddad was more than happy I’d taken my mother to court to fight for custody. He never warmed to the woman, he knew what she was like from the beginning, but at the same time, he also knew my father had to marry my mother. She’d realized she was pregnant and he understood that if he didn’t take the bitch down the aisle, then my grandmother would have been pissed. And my grandmother pissed off, wasn’t something you wanted. She was a sweet woman, but tough as balls at the same time.

  “I’m the best I have ever been, thanks to Cass.” They both turn their attention to me. Their faces are now full of gratitude.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I can’t have bloodshot eyes in my wedding photos.” I grimace, and they laugh. I'm not kidding, if these assholes make me cry, I’m going to blow a freaking gasket.

  “Hey, Granddad,” Zoe calls, and we move our attention to her. “I hate to be the one to break up this super cute reunion, but Cassie needs to start getting you ready.” She moves in and gives granddad a hug and a kiss on his cheek.

  For as long as I can remember, Zoe has treated my grandfather as if he were her own. Zoe isn’t close with her family, since she was neglected by her biological parents and was taken from them at the age of three, and placed in the care of her Aunt, Heidi. Heidi is her mother’s sister. Sure, she was okay as a caregiver, but she never took time out just to spend with Zoe. Her own children were her concern, Zoe, was an afterthought.
/>   “You do what you have to do. I’m sure Hamish will be able to catch me up on everything that has been going on with you all,” Granddad assures her, he then looks to Haim.

  Hamish, the smartass he is, salutes my grandfather. “No problem. Take a seat here, Granddad. I’ll tell you all of the juicy gossip.” Hamish kicks out the chair beside him.

  “Okay. So, Zoe?” She’s still holding onto my grandfather. “Has Heather arrived to do my hair?” I ask.

  She nods. “Yep, she’s on the bus that’s closest to Tristan’s. But,” she points her finger at me. “You can’t go out there unless the coast is clear. I will not let your day be ruined by bad luck just because you and Tristan happen to be outside at the same time. Okay?”

  “Yes,” I agree. “But first things first. I need you to take Tristan’s present to him.” I race back into my bedroom and take the baby blue box out of the drawer and hand it over to Zoe.

  She examines the box from all angles as if she'll be able to tell what's in it from the outside. Idiot. “What is it?”

  “You can open it,” I urge. I watch as she raises the lid, her eyes grow wide, and she wears a smile to match.

  Her gaze moves between the box and me a few times before she begins jumping up and down. “I love it. I'm guessing it’s platinum and not just that shitty white gold stuff. I mean, who would wear that?” She mocks. Unfortunately for me, she’s right. It’s a beautiful platinum cuff, with black leather straps.

  I roll my eyes in exasperation. “Yes smart-ass, it's platinum. Check out the inscription.”

  Zoe turns the cuff over and reads the inscription. “Our love, our life, our forever.” She rests her hand against her heart and lets a moan slip through her lips. “That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard.”

  I smile at her reaction, and I hope Tristan feels the same way when he opens the box. “I thought so. Can you take it to him?”

  Zoe nods. “No problem. First, let me gather my things, and then wait for my signal. There is no way in hell I will let Tristan see you,” she says as she closes the lid on the box. She then races into the bedroom, and a moment later, she re-emerges, wheeling her small suitcase in front of her. “Okay, no one leaves until I know the coast is clear.”

  Courtney and I wait inside for the signal from Zoe. A minute later, she pops her head in the door. “It’s clear, but you’d both better be quick. I swear to god, if Tristan sees you, Cass, I’m postponing the damn wedding until tomorrow,” she warns.

  We giggle like little girls as we run to the bus. Hamish beats us to it and being the gentleman he can be, at times, holds the door open for us to enter. As I reach the top of the steps, Heather has her arms around me squeezing as hard as she can. “I am so freaking excited, Cassie.”

  Zoe interrupts. “I’m just going to go and give Tristan this,” she says as she holds up the pale blue box.

  “Thank you, Hun. Tell him I love him.” I’m desperate to see him. I hate having to be apart from him for more than a minute.

  Zoe leans in and kisses my cheek. “I will,” she whispers. There wasn't an ounce of sarcasm in her tone, she knows how much it’s killing me to be away from him, and I watch as she descends the steps, and closes the door.

  When Zoe has left, I look back at Heather. “Shall we get started?”

  “Take a seat.” She holds out the chair that's placed in front of the mirror.

  “Hell, yes!” Hamish yells from the rear of the bus.

  I don’t turn to see what he’s yelling about because I know Heather will curse me out for moving my head, so I ask, somewhat loudly, “Hey, aren’t you meant to be inside with my Grandfather? And what the hell are you yelling about?”

  “Brendan and George came and got him. I’m pretty sure they were heading to the bar. And I’m yelling because there’s an Xbox back here that has GTA.”

  “If I weren't getting ready for my wedding, I would totally run down some hookers with you,” I yell.

  Ten minutes pass and I hear the door to the bus open. “Is that you, Zoe?” I call. I still can’t turn my head, or Heather will yank my hair out by the roots. I like my hair the way it is. I don’t need a bald spot.

  I see her reflection in the mirror as she closes in on me. “Here.” She kneels at my side. “Tristan sent this for you.” She hands me a rectangular-shaped, red box. “BTW, he loved, loved, loved, the cuff. He’s already put it on his wrist.”

  My stomach begins to flutter with excitement. I can’t wait to see him. Childish or not, I’m jealous Zoe was able to see and talk to him. “He really liked it?” I ask.

  “Of course, he did. When he turned it over and saw the inscription, I swear I thought he was going to cry.” My heart melts with her words.

  I shift my focus back to the box that’s resting in my hands, but when I open it and I see it's a fine gold chain with a heart-shaped locket attached, my heart melts all over again. I take the chain in my hands and gasp when I pop open the locket. On one side, there’s a photo of my father from when he was healthy, and on the other, there's a photo of Tristan and me from the day he proposed, which was also the day of my father’s funeral. We're dressed up and looking sexy as hell. But while I hold it in my hands, I can feel that the surface on the back of the locket is rough, so I turn it over. And when I see the inscription, I try my hardest to hold back my tears. ‘Our life, our love, our forever.’

  “What does it say?” Zoe asks, but I can’t talk, so I hand it to her. When I hear her breath hitch, I want to start bawling. “How did he know?”

  I managed to choke back a sob. “He says it to me whenever we have to be apart. It is the most romantic and wonderful thing anyone has ever said to me. He is my forever.” I cry. I didn’t need confirmation to know that Tristan is my everything, but inscribing that very quote for me, on our wedding day, confirms that what I feel, is true, and genuine love.

  Heather pulls me from my thoughts. “Okay, Cass. Yes, Tristan is perfect, and all, but you need to stop crying, Hun, or you’ll look like you’ve been punched in both eyes in every single wedding photo. And I know you don’t want that.” She warns.

  "Panda eyes from mascara is ever a good look." Zoe laughs.

  I take a long, calming breath and let it go. “I know you’re right.” I fan my eyes with my hands as if will miraculously take the tears away. It doesn’t, but I do manage to put my emotions aside. I don’t want to look like Ronda Rousey after a cage fight.

  Heather had her friend come out to the house to do the bridal party’s makeup. While Heather continued doing my hair, Courtney had her makeup applied.

  Zoe was running around like a headless chook. However, I don’t think she's accomplishing anything. She's acting as if it's her wedding day. As I sit back and chuckle, I realize deep down, that if it was her wedding, I’d be doing the same thing. Zoe is important to me, she’s been my best friend for countless years now, and I too would want to make sure that her day would be exactly how she'd envisioned it.

  “Zoe, why are you so nervous? I’m the one getting married, and I’m cool as a cucumber.” I laugh.

  She turns on the balls of her feet to face me. “You did not just say that?” She then moves her attention to Hamish who’s made himself comfortable at the back of the bus, playing the Xbox. “You've turned my best friend into a dork! Only you say, ‘Cool as a cucumber," No one else is geeky enough to say it out loud,” she berates, and the rest of us laugh at her.

  “I’m fucking amazing. If Cass keeps talking like me, then it will make her all the more awesome,” Hamish yells back.

  I know Zoe's rolling her eyes. “If you’re considered to be fucking amazing, then the world has bigger issues than having to fight the war on terror.” She scoffs.

  Before I can snort with laughter, Heather speaks, “Okay, Cassie, you’re done and ready for makeup.” She turns my seat around so I can see my reflection in the mirror. My hair looks as Hamish would say, fucking amazing. Heather had loosely curled my long red hair and has the top pinned
so it’s out of my face, and I love it. I spot Zoe’s reflection over my shoulder, and the poor thing is crying.

  “What’s the matter?” I laugh. This girl's hormones are in overdrive. I don’t know how the hell she's going to keep her shit together through the ceremony.

  She rests her head on my shoulder so we're staring at each other in the mirror. “You are my best-est friend in the world, and I am so, so, proud of you.” She wipes her eyes. “My tears are happy tears, not sad. With everything you’ve been through over the years, you deserve all of the happiness there is to offer. I don’t know anyone else that would have coped the way you have, and taking on Courtney.” She shakes her head. “I’m just super proud of you, is all, I love you.”

  Somehow, I manage to keep the tears at bay. I stand and take her in my arms. “I love you, Zoe. You’ve always been there for me, no matter what the situation,” I whisper as I gently squeeze her in my arms. When I pull back a few inches, I call out to Hamish. “Haim, can you go and get some glasses along with the champagne that’s in the fridge in the kitchen?”

  “Just a second,” he calls. Hell no, he isn’t making me wait on my wedding day? I let go of Zoe, walk over to the television and pull the plug out of the wall. Hamish drops the controller and throws his hands up in the air. “You are such a nasty bitch sometimes.” He then stands. “What did you want me to do? I was so engrossed in the game I wasn’t listening.” His smile is devious.

  “Just get the champagne, please,” I say, exasperated.

  A few minutes into having my make-up applied, the door opens, and Hamish strolls in with the bottle and glasses. He places them down on the counter in front of me. “Cover your ears,” he warns before the cork pops. He then fills the glasses and hands them to everyone on the bus, but hesitates before he goes to give one to Courtney. Haim’s eyes are begging me to let her be a part of this special moment, so I nod, permitting him.

  “Alright, let me make a toast,” he announces. “To my dear, Cassie. May your wedding day be just the beginning of the wonderful things to come. May your life from now on, be filled with happiness and not a heartbeat of sadness.” I try to hold back the tears, but only a moment later I grab a tissue from the counter and hold it directly under my eyes, so I don’t ruin the makeup that's already been applied. “And I can’t wait until you have babies so I can be a Funcle. Congrats, Cassie. We love you.” He holds his arm up, and we clink our glasses together.


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