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Nomad Page 8

by Lynn Hagen

  Stanton looked quizzically at Nomad, but he would explain things later to his mate. Right now he needed to get Stanton fed. Nomad searched the kitchen and was surprised at how well stocked it was. Sawyer could probably feed himself for months without having to visit a grocery store.

  “I forgot how well you can throw down in a kitchen,” Sawyer said. “I’m looking forward to whatever you cook.”

  There was thawed chicken in the fridge. “Then stay out of my way and let me work my magic.”

  Sawyer chuckled. “It’s real good to see you again.” He clapped Nomad on his shoulder and lowered his voice. “I’ve missed the hell out of you, and I’m glad you survived. That’s the important thing, right? Just surviving.”

  But Nomad didn’t want to “just survive.” He wanted to live, to flourish and be the man Stanton and his child would need, would want. That was the most important thing to him.

  * * * *

  Stanton tossed and turned most of the night. He was tired and wished he could fall asleep, but he was too wired to fully rest. All he kept thinking about was the danger they were in, being away from home, and what was going to happen once this Dylan Mackay arrived.

  He also couldn’t stop thinking about the baby growing inside of him. Too much had happened in such a short period of time. Stanton hadn’t had time to process one thing before another problem presented itself.

  What if their mission went wrong? What if Nomad was captured again? Or worse, what if he died?

  Nomad pulled Stanton closer and wrapped an arm around him. “You need your sleep.”

  “I’m trying,” Stanton said as he held onto Nomad’s arm. “But I’m too worried about…everything. So many things could go wrong, plus…” Stanton shrugged. “My head is just congested with too many thoughts.”

  Stanton sighed when Nomad began to massage his shoulders. His mate had sat up, and Stanton had rolled to his stomach. A hot bath hadn’t helped him sleep, but maybe Nomad’s magical fingers could do the trick.

  Unfortunately, Stanton’s worries wouldn’t go away. His brain wouldn’t shut down long enough for him to enjoy what Nomad was doing. Until Nomad’s lips touched Stanton’s bare shoulder. He straddled Stanton’s back, right above his butt, but was careful of his weight.

  And he was naked. Stanton could tell because he felt Nomad’s hard cock sliding over his boxers, right between his cheeks.

  “Starting to relax?”

  God, Stanton could listen to Nomad’s deep, sultry voice all night. He still couldn’t believe that Nomad was his. The scary O’Brien brother was his mate, and they were going to have a child together.

  “I’m getting there.” Stanton wouldn’t use the word relax. More like he was starting to get turned on. His cock thickened, pressing into the mattress as Nomad worked his fingers down Stanton’s back.

  His mate scooted to sit on Stanton’s upper thighs as his hands worked farther and farther down. When they reached the waistband of Stanton’s boxers, Stanton started to tremble.

  Nomad leaned over and whispered into Stanton’s ear, “Don’t be afraid. I promise to be gentle.”

  He felt his mate chuckling, though it seemed Nomad was trying hard not to laugh out loud. Stanton looked over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes, but was delighted to see his mate smiling. That was a very rare thing.

  “You crack yourself up, don’t you?”

  Nomad shrugged. “I find humor wherever I can.” He slid Stanton’s boxers down and left them resting at his thighs. “But right now I’m more interested in other things that will help you relax.”

  Stanton hissed when Nomad ran a finger between his ass cheeks and tapped at his hole. He had a devilish look in his eyes and a smirk on his face, as if he knew just how he affected Stanton.

  “By all means, try whatever you think will help.” Stanton turned back around and rested his head on his folded arms.

  “How about I read to you? That should put you to sleep.”

  Stanton doubted it. If anything, the deep, hypnotic cadence of Nomad’s voice would make him even hornier.

  “If that’s what you want to do.” Stanton hid his grin. He knew that was the last thing Nomad had on his mind. Reading? Really? As hard as his cock felt against Stanton’s ass, that wasn’t even in the realm of possibilities right now.

  “Or”—Nomad slid farther down and kissed the small of Stanton’s back—“I could wear you out.”

  “How?” Stanton looked over his shoulder again and watched as Nomad separated his cheeks and pressed his face into Stanton’s ass. “Oh god!”

  Nomad rimmed Stanton’s puckered hole with his tongue, forcing it inside as his thumbs pressed against Stanton’s entrance. Stanton gritted his teeth, curling his fingers into the covers, and then he gasped, wiggling his ass as he groaned.

  Nomad flipped him over, making Stanton cry out and grab for air. He hadn’t expected the move but was rewarded when Nomad took Stanton’s cock all the way down his throat.

  “I’m starting to relax,” Stanton said bullet-fast. He gripped Nomad’s hair, pulling the strands as he spread his legs. “I like this idea way better than reading.”

  He felt his mate chuckling around his cock. Stanton grinned then groaned, thrusting in short bursts as he tossed his head from side to side. Worries? What worries? The only thoughts consuming Stanton’s mind at the moment were of Nomad getting him off and then burying his cock deep in Stanton’s ass.

  His orgasm began to crest. Stanton gasped for breath as his body started to jerk. There was no way he could keep quiet, not when Nomad was working his cock with such expertise.

  Stanton threw his head back and cried out Nomad’s name, his spunk shooting down his mate’s throat. He sucked in much-needed air as he collapsed, but Nomad wasn’t done with him.

  His mate reared back, spread Stanton’s legs, and pressed the head of his cock against Stanton’s hole. His natural lube spurted out as Stanton jerked with tiny aftershocks from his climax.

  “You’ll sleep like a babe when I’m done with you.” Nomad winked. The intensity of his stare had Stanton’s cock twitching, coming back to life. That was the beauty of youth. Ready to go again even though he’d just orgasmed.

  Stanton reached for Nomad. He needed to have his mate in his arms, to feel Nomad blanketing him, kissing him like he truly mattered, like what was ahead wouldn’t be dangerous and threaten his mate’s life.

  He felt desperate, but Nomad kissed him with a soul-stirring gentleness as he eased his cock inside Stanton’s body. This was what Stanton needed. Nomad right next to him, showing Stanton just what he meant to him.

  Nomad’s thrusts were slow, his kisses sweet. His hand slid down Stanton’s side and rested at his hip. There was no place on earth Stanton would rather be. Nomad had come to mean the world to him, and the thought of losing him brought tears to Stanton’s eyes.

  “It’s gonna be okay,” Nomad whispered against his lips. “I promise you.”

  God, he was crying like a baby during sex. How much more pathetic could he be? He tilted his head back, sucked in a breath, and composed himself. “Would you freak out if I told you I was falling in love with you?”

  Nomad kissed his forehead, the tip of his nose, and each cheek. “I’ve already fallen for you, love.”

  Stanton’s heart expanded, beating a bit faster as Nomad picked up his pace, thrusting faster and deeper.

  “So then, we’re saying that we love each other?” Stanton tried to hide his grin, but it was impossible.

  “I guess so.” Nomad reared back, placed his hands under Stanton’s knees, and spread his legs apart. He looked down to where they were joined, a wild look entering his eyes. His mate pistoned into Stanton’s body, making Stanton fly apart for the second time. He arched his back and shouted his release as Nomad struck, sinking his canines into Stanton’s shoulder.

  He emptied his seed into Stanton’s ass and then hovered, slowly rocking in and out of Stanton’s body as he pulled his canines free.

sp; After that, Stanton had no problem falling asleep, but he took his worries with him into his dreams.

  Chapter Eight

  Nomad was up early, creeping from the room so he wouldn’t disturb his mate. The sun wasn’t even up, yet he smelled coffee already brewing. When he went to the kitchen, he found not only Sawyer there but Dylan, as well.

  Dylan got up and gave Nomad a quick hug. “Sawyer has been filling me in on what happened to you.” He shook his head as he sat back down. “That’s pretty messed up. I’m glad to see you made it out of there.”

  Dylan was a panther, too. Cameron and Sanchez weren’t, which was why Nomad was sort of glad they hadn’t made the trip. As close as their team had been, the two hadn’t a clue that panthers existed.

  “I just want to get them shut down.” Nomad headed for the coffeepot. He needed his fix and didn’t like the sympathy in Dylan’s eyes. Nomad hadn’t come here with a sob story and looking for pity. The past was the past, and he would’ve gladly left it there, but it was The Company who had come after him.

  Now it was time to turn the tables and settle the score.

  “I understand.” Dylan nodded. “Do you know how many times I tried to call you, tried to track you down? But it was as if you’d vanished into thin air.” A hard glare entered his eyes. “You could’ve called after you escaped. I never stopped looking for you.”

  “Neither of us did,” Sawyer said.

  “I heard you mated. Congrats,” Dylan said. “We’ll protect him with our lives.”

  Nomad felt guilty for having a shred of doubt that his team had remained loyal to him.

  “Maybe later I can meet the poor soul who got stuck with you.” Dylan winked.

  Nomad grinned. “And when you find your mate, I’ll send him a sympathy card.”

  It felt like old times, as if six years hadn’t separated them. Nomad hadn’t realized just how much he missed them until now. When this was over, he would have to make sure he stayed in touch with them.

  Sawyer took a seat and opened his laptop. “Do you remember anything about the lab, its location and layout?”

  “How many scientists and doctors, guards?” Dylan added. “Their rotation schedule, shift changes? Anything would help.”

  “Some names would give us an advantage,” Sawyer said. “We could locate their residence and take them out even before they left for work.”

  “Please tell me I can blow something up.” Dylan’s smile was dazzling as his hazel eyes sparkled under the kitchen lighting.

  “Not until we’re sure no other panthers are inside,” Nomad said. “Taking innocent lives isn’t an option.”

  He’d buried those memories so deep that he had to concentrate on remembering names and faces. It had been a dark time for him, and he’d escaped into his head too many times, blocking out what was happening to him at the time.

  “Hey.” Sawyer touched his arm. “No pressure. Just what you can recall. I know this isn’t easy for you, and I’m not trying to dredge up painful memories, but like I said, any information would be helpful.”

  “How about we go for a run?” Dylan asked. “My ass is sore from driving all night, and my muscles could use some stretching.”

  “I can monitor you two from the living room,” Sawyer offered. “I’ll even listen out for your mate.”

  Nomad looked toward the kitchen entrance. No way would he leave Stanton alone. He loved these two like they were his brothers, but he trusted no one when it came to his mate and unborn child.

  “I’ll pass on the run,” Nomad said. “But thanks, anyway.”

  “Anything you need.” Dylan nodded. “But I’m going for a run. I’m serious about my sore ass.”

  Sawyer grinned. “Are you sure you didn’t pick someone up along your way to pass the time?”

  “Hardy-har-har,” Dylan said. “If I did, his ass would be sore, not mine. Keep fucking with me and I’ll make sure you can’t sit down for a week.”

  Sawyer growled. “Not in this lifetime.”

  They were all alpha males, and Nomad grinned at the thought of these two power tops conceding their virgin butts. Nomad couldn’t see himself doing that, either, and was glad Stanton was a happy bottom.

  “There is one doctor there I don’t want touched.” Nomad put their conversation back on track or else these two could go at it all morning. “His name is Clarke Bailey. He’s the one who helped me escape.”

  “I assume the doctors are there for the panthers’ primary care,” Sawyer said.

  “Yeah, but they were all clinical.” Nomad still shuddered as he recalled how robotic they almost seemed. As if what the scientists were doing was perfectly normal. One had gone so far as to say the panthers’ contributions were for the greater good of science.

  They were no contributions. They were forced to endure levels of pain nobody should have to suffer through. Not on an involuntary basis.

  Nomad had been held against his will and had fought them every step of the way, vowing to kill every last one of them. He hoped he would be able to keep his promise.

  “Rice,” Nomad said. “One of the scientists was named Rice, but I don’t know his first name.”

  Sawyer started typing away on his laptop as Nomad got up and looked for something to do. He decided to cook breakfast to make himself busy. He always cooked when his mind was troubling him, and it was bothering him a whole hell of a lot right now.

  “Any more names?” Sawyer asked. He furrowed his brows, drawing Nomad’s attention. “I found three Dr. Rices. Come take a look and tell me if any of them are the one you dealt with.”

  Nomad crossed the room as Sawyer clicked on the first picture.

  “That’s not him.” Although Nomad knew intel was their best friend, and that they would succeed better with that knowledge, his heart still raced at the thought of seeing any of those bastards.

  Sawyer clicked on the second image, and a barrage of memories assaulted him. Nomad grabbed the back of the chair and squeezed his eyes shut as he heard Rice’s voice in his head.

  “I’m close to unlocking the mutation inside of you. I need more samples.” He almost sounded giddy. “Just think what we could do with that data. Soldiers who could evade their enemy, billionaires who would pay the highest price to become an animal.” He smiled down at Nomad. “Most are animals already, but not in the shape-shifting sense.”

  He grabbed his scalpel and sliced into Nomad, extracting tissue. Nomad ground his teeth, refusing to scream, refusing to—

  “Hey, O’Brien.”

  Nomad came out of the memory and found himself on the floor. Sawyer and Dylan were at his side, concerned looks in their eyes.

  “You okay?” Dylan asked. “For a second I thought you were having a seizure.”

  Sawyer nodded. “You just locked up, and I was seconds away from letting Dylan give you mouth-to-mouth.”

  Nomad rubbed his eyes. “That’s for CPR, moron. Not for a seizure.”

  They helped Nomad into a sitting position. He felt cold, although the house was plenty warm. He wanted Stanton. No, Nomad needed his mate.

  As if knowing how much Nomad wanted him, Stanton appeared in the doorway. He shouted and ran across the room, shoving at Sawyer and Dylan. “Stay away from him!”

  Sawyer arched a brow. Dylan was grinning like an idiot.

  “We weren’t hurting him, cutie.” Dylan winked, and Nomad wanted to rip the bastard’s face off. “He seized with what I’m assuming was a very bad memory.” Dylan’s smile slipped as he looked down at Nomad. “Are you okay now?”

  “You did what?” Stanton paled. “This is too much for you. I think you should stay back and let your friends do all the heavy lifting.”

  Nomad shook his head and staggered to his feet, his mate’s hand on his arm. The touch helped ground him, because those lingering memories had taken a bite out of him.

  “No way am I staying behind.” He pulled Stanton into his arms and kissed the top of his head, inhaling his sweet aroma. His mate
’s scent plunged into Nomad’s lungs, centering him. Already he felt slightly better.

  “You can hold a purse while you hang out here,” Dylan teased.

  “Or Sawyer can hold my beer while I beat your ass,” Nomad retorted.

  “The memory had to have been bad if it knocked you on your ass.” Sawyer was already sitting back down. “I take it from your reaction that this is the Dr. Rice we’re looking for?”

  Nomad nodded.

  “It says he works at some place called Tech-Chase Laboratory.”

  Nomad had seen that name. It was printed on the side of some cartons that had been stacked in the corner of the room where he’d been strapped down.

  “That’s it,” Nomad said.

  Sawyer clicked some more while Nomad took a seat at the table. His legs were wobbly, and he didn’t want to fall out again. When Stanton tried to sit next to him, Nomad grabbed his mate’s wrist and yanked him onto his lap. He needed the contact to keep himself steady.

  “Are you okay?” Stanton cupped Nomad’s cheek. “Can I get you anything?”

  Nomad tapped Stanton’s hip. “I already got what I need right here.”

  Stanton blushed and nodded. “Ditto.” He leaned in, whispering into Nomad’s ear. “I love you.”

  Nomad could hear that a thousand times and never tire of it. He’d been blessed when it came to mates. Stanton was good for Nomad’s battered soul.

  “Love you, too.” Only Nomad hadn’t whispered his declaration. He’d said it loud enough for his friends to hear him. Stanton looked their way, but the two were glued to whatever Sawyer was typing.

  “I got more names,” Sawyer said. “The lab actually has a website. I’d show you some pictures, but I don’t want to make matters worse for you.”

  Nomad squeezed Stanton’s hip, knowing he would be doing their mission a favor by confirming the scientists’ and doctors’ identities. He didn’t like it, though, the crippling effects that looking at Dr. Rice’s face again, after all these years, had on him.


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