Nicole (The Mate Series) Book #1

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Nicole (The Mate Series) Book #1 Page 16

by Teresa Gabelman

  A familiar roar of rage reached her ears as the weight on her back lifted. She rolled over to see Damon staring down at her as the vampire he had pulled off launched onto his back. With a curse, Damon stood, reached behind and pulled him off. The snap of the vampire’s neck followed, and Damon dropped him to the concrete floor.

  Jared was pulling vampires away, tossing them to the other Warriors as he tried to get to Tessa. The pain in Nicole’s back was excruciating, but she ignored it, wanting to get to her friend. Her eyes traveled to Beth. Steve held her, keeping her safe. Adam was on the other side with Frankie.

  “Nicole.” Damon’s voice reached her fogged and panicked mind.

  “Tessa,” was all she could say as she attempted to crawl her way toward her. Too focused on Tessa, Nicole grimaced when another vampire jumped at her. Damon caught him before the vampire made contact, ripping his head clean off and tossing him to the side. She allowed herself a moment to exhale, swallowing the scream of pain the movement caused. Familiar hands found her as Damon reached down and picked her up.

  “You got this?” he shouted to no one in particular as he headed up the steps.

  “Get her out of here,” Jax shouted before tearing out the throat of a vampire. Adam and Steve followed them up the stairs with the kids, but Nicole was trying to see Tessa.

  Damon took her outside away from the house and sat her down. His hands and eyes everywhere, he searched her body. When he lifted her shirt to see her back, she hissed in pain.

  “Fuck!” Damon cursed, carefully lowering her shirt. He cupped her face in his hands and stared at her. “Tell me you’re okay?”

  She nodded, tried to speak, but couldn’t. She tried again. “I’m okay,” she finally said. “A little shaken up, but I’m okay.” A noise from the house caught her attention. Nicole scrambled to her feet, then stumbled, running toward Jared, who carried Tessa out of the house. Slade followed. Blood covered her from head to foot.

  “How many bites does she have?” Slade asked Damon.

  “Only one,” Damon replied, but Nicole barely heard them or registered what they were saying. All she could do was stare at Tessa who’d put herself in danger to save her.

  “No.” Nicole shook her head, staring at Tessa in horror. Jared’s face was stone. His eyes never blacker than they were at that moment, they rose up to meet hers. The hate pouring from him slammed into her and knocked her back a step.

  “If she dies, you are to blame,” Jared snarled as he passed her. Slade was close behind, looking more concerned than she had ever seen him.

  Horror rushed through her as Nicole shook her head catching up to Slade. She stopped as Jared marched on with Tessa curled into his arms. “But she’s a vampire. She can’t die.”

  Slade glanced at Damon, then back down at Nicole. “A vampire’s bite can be poison. One bite’s not a big deal, but multiple bites can be deadly.”

  “No.” Nicole grabbed his arm when he went to leave. “Damon bites me. I bite him. It’s the same thing.”

  “No, it’s not, Nicole.” Slade gently pulled away from her. “We use our saliva to heal. That is why we lick the wounds closed. I have to go.” Slade jogged after Jared.

  Something tugged at her shirt. Looking down, she saw Beth staring up at her. “Thank you for saving us.” Her voice was soft. “I’m sorry about your friend.”

  Nicole knelt, then brushed a long strand of hair from the girl’s cheek.

  “I’ll sing her a song to make her better,” Beth said, reaching out and touching the blood tear rolling down Nicole’s face.

  “That would be nice.” Nicole hugged Beth as her gaze traveled to where Jared had disappeared with Tessa. “That would be nice,” she whispered again as she closed her eyes, hugging the girl gently.

  Chapter 25

  Nicole sat in Sloan’s office staring off, not really paying attention to what was being said. After twenty-four hours, Tessa was stable and expected to make a full recovery. But she was left with scars that would never heal, just as her own bite mark on her back would never heal. She knew that the vampires who had been killed were victims themselves. Their circumstances led to the bloodlust that overtook them. There was no coming back from that. She had learned that from Damon. After the Warriors had searched and found the captured vampires’ IDs, they set about contacting families to let them know what had happened. God, it was all so sad.

  “Nicole.” Sloan’s voice broke into her thoughts. She glanced at Mitch whose eyes were locked on to her, his face full of concern.

  “Huh?” she mumbled, then straightened in the chair with a hiss when her shirt rubbed against the sensitive bite.

  “We’ve talked to both Frankie and Beth.” Sloan frowned at her. “They told us everything that happened, plus more.”

  “Okay,” Nicole answered automatically. She honestly couldn’t focus on anything, her mind going to Tessa.

  “Callahan, snap the fuck out of it,” Mitch said, giving her some tough love. “Listen, and answer the questions.”

  “Mitch, not today.” Nicole glared at him, then stood up. “Listen, I’m not ready for this. Maybe this was a bad idea, and I should have just fucking stayed away from the agency. Jared already blames me for Tessa, and I can’t blame him. I blame my own damn self.”

  “No one asked me if I blame you.” Tessa’s voice was clear and strong.

  Nicole gasped as she looked toward the door. Tessa stood slightly bent over, but she stood. Her eyes fixed on Nicole. “And don’t listen to Jared. He’s been a dick lately.” A few Warriors’ snickers filled the room as Tessa slowly walked toward her. Nicole could see the bite marks on her neck and arms. While they were fading, they were visible and pronounced. “I don’t blame you for anything. Do you hear me?”


  “And I swear if I hear you are giving up on what you started with us, I’m going to slap you as soon as I can lift my arm high enough.” Tessa cut her off with a glare. “We aren’t giving up, Nicole. Not now. Not after what we just saw. These kids need us now more than ever.”

  Nodding, Nicole went to hug her, but stopped. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Tessa laughed. “I don’t want you to either. So save it.” Turning, she looked at Adam who had helped her into the room and nodded. Adam opened the door as all the mates walked inside. “We’re still in it. We don’t run, no matter what. You taught me that, Nicole. So suck it up and let’s figure out what the hell is going on so we can do something about it.”

  The women walked inside, surrounding Nicole and Tessa. Steve led Frankie and Beth, who held hands, inside. They immediately went to the women. Nicole looked down at Beth who tugged on her shirt. She knelt with a smile. “Hello, Beth.”

  “Hi.” She smiled, swaying. “I told them about what that bad man made us do.”

  “And what he was planning,” Frankie said, his eyes and tone angry. “We told them everything. They thought we were just dumb kids, but we’re not.”

  “Nope.” Beth shook her head and then pointed toward Mira and Kira. “And they made us these necklaces to wear so the bad man can’t make us do anything mean again.”

  Nicole studied the necklace Beth held out from her neck. “Never take that off, okay? Promise me.” She looked from Beth to Frankie who wore a matching necklace.

  “We won’t. Promise.” Frankie nodded, then quickly reached out and hugged Nicole. “Thank you.”

  Nicole’s chin quivered as he pulled away from her. “You’re welcome, Frankie, and thank you for getting Tessa out of the cage. That was very brave.” Frankie’s chest puffed out proudly. She smiled and looked at Beth. “I didn’t hear your promise.”

  “I promise!” Beth beamed, touching the necklace. Nicole hugged her once again before standing up. Her eyes were wet, but no tears fell.

  Steve led them back out where Becky was waiting, then shut the door.

  “So you still wanting to give up?” Tessa said. She followed with a laugh at the look Nicole tossed her way. “
Didn’t think so.”

  Nicole glanced toward Damon who stood in his usual spot. He gave her a wink, making her smile.

  Sloan stood, his eyes traveling to each one of the women. “After what happened not even twenty-four hours ago, I’m amazed you still want to continue with this.” He held up his hand, stopping Jill who stepped forward to say something. “Hold it! Let me finish, dammit. Can you not let me fucking finish?”

  “Not with remarks like that,” Jill growled, her hand on her hip. “You think we’re a bunch of pussies? Well, I got news for you—”

  “Jill, shut the hell up.” Steve rolled his eyes. “And let the man talk.”

  Nicole glanced at Slade, who chuckled and shook his head. These poor Warriors had no idea what they were in for.

  “I’m going to let Viktor talk because he and Bishop, along with Mira and Kira, are the ones who really talked to the kids.” Sloan frowned, his eyes shifting toward Viktor. “I want you to understand exactly what you will be going up against before you make a definite decision to continue with Mitch.”

  Viktor looked around at the women, but his eyes landed on Nicole. “Once upon a time, no one believed in vampires, but here we are.” Viktor’s arm swept the room. “Once upon a time, there were stories about demons, but no one believed they could walk among us and yet, they do. Every. Single. Day. Most demons are here just to cause chaos, but then there are those few who become power hungry. It’s happened before, and I’m afraid it’s happening again now.”

  “What the fuck, man?” Jared growled. “This ain’t preschool, so stop with the once upon a time shit.”

  “This is good, but scary shit.” Steve’s whisper reached her ears, and she couldn’t agree more.

  “Beth and Frankie told me a story that I’ve definitely heard before, even seen.” Viktor glanced at Bishop, who nodded, then at Mira and Kira. Both remained silent, not meeting anyone’s gaze. “Since the beginning of time, demons have used witches and warlocks to do their dirty work, and still do. That is why we know so much about them.”

  “What do they want?” Nicole asked, confused. “Pike said something about souls.”

  Viktor shook his head. “Unfortunately, we aren’t that lucky. It’s not souls they want. They get enough of those and seem to be bored with it. No, this is bigger.”

  “Much bigger,” Bishop broke in. “This particular demon wants a war. Wants to take over the world using vampires. Sound familiar?”

  “Orajel,” Sid growled. “So this is Orajel doing his shit again.”

  “Remember what I said.” Viktor looked around at everyone.

  “Demons use witches and warlocks to do their dirty work,” Steve answered, then glanced at Mira. “Damn, you never told me that.”

  Mira shrugged. “Never asked.”

  “Snap.” Steve cocked his eyebrow at her, and glanced back at Viktor. “So, then Orajel isn’t the most wicked warlock in the land?”

  “It doesn’t seem so,” Bishop replied, and glanced at Sloan. “We are still figuring this out, but Mira and Kira are making all of you protection necklaces like Beth and Frankie have. From what everyone has told us, there has been no black breath, and that’s a good thing.”

  “Um, I’ve seen it.” Nicole glanced at Tessa, who nodded. She then looked toward the door before looking back at Bishop. “Beth.”

  “Dammit!” Both Viktor and Bishop cursed at the same time. “Okay, then this demon is a little stronger than we first thought, or there is more than one. That is something we need to investigate more.”

  “But I’m going to warn you now.” Bishop stopped, glancing at all the women. “Demons feed off innocents. The kids are in the most danger. They will use them to get what they want.”

  Nicole sighed, her stomach churning. “Like they need another strike against them.”

  “You’re not alone in this,” Viktor said as all the Warriors grunted their agreement.

  “So as you see, protocol is going to change a little.” Sloan glared at the women. “No more going anywhere else to train from here on out. You are to train here, and Jill….”

  “Yes.” She frowned at being called out.

  “I will not allow you to withdraw.” Sloan glared at her. “Actually, I forbid it.”

  Before Jill could open her mouth, Steve slipped next to her. “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.”

  Jill nudged Steve away and nodded at Sloan. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Let’s take the night off except for those on duty. Tessa, get off your feet before you fall down.” When no one made a move to leave, Sloan sighed. “Get the fuck out of my office and watch your asses.”

  Nicole went to help Tessa, but Adam beat her to it. She glanced around to see Jared’s eyes on Tessa, then shoot to her before shifting away. “Where am I at tonight, Sloan?” Jared said, ignoring Nicole’s glare.

  “By your mate’s side,” Sloan answered without looking up. “Duncan is taking your place tonight.”

  Jared cursed but didn’t say anything as he slammed out of the office. Nicole walked out with Damon. “What is his problem?”

  “Give him a break, Nicole.” Damon frowned, also looking toward where Jared disappeared. “He almost lost his mate.”

  “That doesn’t give him the right to ignore her,” Nicole grumbled, irritated. “It should have been him helping her, not Adam.”

  “I agree, but that’s something they need to work out, and I’m sure they will,” Damon replied, then stopped when Nicole paused and peered up at him.

  “Does this change how you feel about me working with Mitch again?” Nicole stared up at him, really needing to know his true feelings.

  “I hope the fuck not.” Mitch walked past them toward the front door. “I don’t need you walking around and bitching all day.”

  Nicole rolled her eyes. “Mitch, go home!” She didn’t take her eyes off Damon. “So?”

  “Yes and no,” Damon replied. A grin appeared on his handsome face when she sneered at him. “Nicole, I’m never going to be okay with you being in danger, and this is very dangerous. I’m going to bitch, growl, and get all bent out of shape, bust heads. There could be some decapitations, but you are going to have to deal with that just like I’m dealing with this.”

  “So is that more of a yes than a no?” Nicole tilted her head and raised both eyebrows.

  “I’m behind you, Nicole.” Damon pulled her into his arms. “No matter what, I am behind you, but you have to understand me also. It’s a two-way street.”

  “I do, and I love you, Damon. Thank you.” She kissed him, then gave him a tight hug. “And did you just make a joke at your own expense about decapitation?”

  “Yeah, but don’t tell those assholes,” Damon muttered into her hair.

  “I promise.” Nicole smiled against his chest. “So what are our plans tonight before all hell breaks loose?”

  “I thought we would do something special,” Damon whispered with a wink.

  “Are we really getting ice cream and staying all night with you?” Beth ran toward Nicole and Damon. Becky stood back with Frankie, who didn’t move but just stared.

  Shocked, Nicole looked up at Damon, who nodded. “See, I compromise, and I figured you wouldn’t rest until you placed these two yourself.”

  “You know me very well.” She hugged him tightly. “And you are one special Warrior, Damon DeMasters.”

  “Let’s not tell the assholes that either. I have a badass reputation to keep,” Damon said as he walked toward Frankie. “I bet I can eat more ice cream than you, punk.”

  Nicole watched a huge smile break across Frankie’s uncertain face as Damon put his large hand on the kid’s shoulder. She never loved her mate more than she did at the moment. Not knowing what lay ahead for them, Nicole vowed to do everything in her power for the kids, starting with these two tonight. Tomorrow was another day.

  Also by Teresa Gabelman

  Lee County Wolves

  Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #1
br />   Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #2

  Forbidden Desire (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #3

  The Protectors Series

  Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1

  Jared (The Protectors Series) Book #2

  Duncan (The Protectors Series) Book #3

  Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4

  Adam (The Protectors Series) Book #5

  Slade (The Protectors Series) Book #6

  A Warrior Wedding (The Protectors Series) Book #7

  Jax (The Protectors Series) Book #8

  Sloan (The Protectors Series) Book #9

  Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

  Invisible Warrior (The Protectors Series) Book #11

  Ronan (The Protectors Series) Book #12

  Viktor (The Protectors Series) Book #13 Coming Soon

  The Mate Series

  Nicole (The Mate Series) Book #1

  Other Books by Teresa Gabelman

  Sanctuary (Stone’s Wolf Sanctuary) Book #1

  Refuge (Stone’s Wolf Sanctuary) Book #2

  Claiming Jade

  The Enforcer

  Blind Faith

  Rodeo Romance

  Karma’s Revenge

  Magic & Mayhem Universe

  Wicked *itch

  Sinfully Wicked

  Blissfully Wicked Coming Soon

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