Blood Hunter

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Blood Hunter Page 16

by Debra Jess

  "I think you're forgetting this hospital is full of patients who need help. You want to arrest people. Go get a warrant. I'm taking Hannah home."

  Alek held his hand out to her. Hannah scooped up Roger's urn, then walked around the gurney and let Alek hold her ungloved hand. She didn't bloodsurf. She had witnesses. Then Alek motioned for Scott to join them. Scott stepped closer to his brother, the three of them facing down Johnson. From her peripheral vision, she could see a change in McNamara's face. This, he wasn't happy about, but it was too late to change her mind.

  "If you want to arrest me too," Alek continued, pushing his way past both doctors, pulling her and Scott with him. "You know where I live."

  Hannah looked around Alek to Scott, but he didn't try to stop his brother. Hannah's heart squeezed. She followed Alek as he worked his way through the knot of guards toward the exit. The cameras followed them. Once outside, Alek held both of them close by the waist before he launched them into the sky.


  Scott stood in his usual place, leaning back on the parlor doors, except this time both doors were wide open to keep Hannah from panicking. To his left, Hannah's translucent self sat on an ottoman while she healed Evan, who lay on the sofa.

  Evan had done exactly what Alek said he would — he lowered the oxygen levels until the fire around him died. All he had to do was keep breathing until Hopper leapt over the remaining flames to lift him out the same way. Catherine had let the ship sink once the crew had been rescued. Then she carried Evan home after the paramedics stabilized him for transport. She had known by that point what had happened at the hospital and where Hannah would be.

  The whole family had gathered in the parlor, just as they had when Scott had first brought Hannah here. Scott had never thought much about this room when he was a kid. In those days, his mother had used it to entertain guests or meet with city officials. The couches and chairs could handle a half dozen or so guests, while they sipped their drinks from the small bar in the corner or warmed themselves in front of the fireplace. He’d never thought of it as a war room, but ever since Hannah had dropped into their lives, that's what it had become.

  Except this time there was another newcomer. Daniella Rose stood next to Nik near the picture window facing the front yard, her bare arm around Nik's waist.

  Alek stood with them instead of with his twin, giving Hannah the space she needed to bloodsurf. Catherine relaxed against Thomas near the cold fireplace, waiting for Hannah to reemerge. Scott figured that by this point, Hannah had healed so many people no one would notice if Catherine ignored her own law again.

  "He's fine," Hannah said, turning from near-nothing translucency back to her normal, solid self. "Concussion, second and third degree burns, and a few broken ribs were the worst of it."

  She looked around the room at all of them, her eyes searching for a respite from what she knew was coming: a long, involved discussion about what had happened this morning and how to handle the fallout. Evan sat up and gave her a hug, which was as much refreshment as she would get.

  Scott yearned to hug her too, but kept his gloved hands behind his back where they belonged.

  All of the Blackwoods were still in uniform, including Thomas, with his black slacks and red polo shirt. Catherine started to pace, as she always did when forming a strategy, but this time not even deep thinking could erase the weary look on her face, which was still smudged in black. Thomas let her go. He didn't have a drink in his hand this time. Alek returned to the couch to sit next to Evan.

  Poor Daniella. Nik had given everyone in the room a brief overview about Daniella's run-in with the Committee while Hannah worked. There wasn't time for details, or why he had called a red alert, but it sounded as if Hannah wasn't the only Alt to kick the Committee in the teeth this week. No wonder Johnson was in such a rage.

  Still, Nik assured them that Daniella had passed her preliminary test, but the Committee had delayed making a final decision because Johnson insisted on consulting legal council first. Scott would have to get the full story later.

  No one else seemed inclined to ask the question, so Scott decided he would. "What happens to Hannah now?"

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Hannah's posture stiffen. In front of him, Catherine didn't stop pacing. "She'll be arrested."

  "Can't you stop Johnson?" he asked, though he knew the answer.

  "This isn't about Johnson. He's just a mouthpiece. I'm the one who started this. I'm the one who advocated for such a strict policy." She paused, closed her eyes and rubbed her temple. It was such a Norm gesture, a learned one, because as far as Scott knew, his mother didn't get headaches. "It seemed like a good idea at the time. I thought the threat of arrest would force the more resistant Alts to fall in line."

  "They have, for the most part." Nik glanced at Daniella who rolled her eyes, a teasing grin on her face.

  "And the law has worked up until now." Evan cuddled Cue-ball, who, in a rare show of affection, had jumped onto his lap with a quiet meow. "We've had no reports of accidents due to an Alt not being able to control their ability since we implemented the testing. Your school programs have worked wonders. The time-out rooms have worked as well." He glanced at Scott. "With a few modifications."

  When you don't have assholes for brothers, Scott thought, but kept his mouth shut. He'd made too much progress to backslide now. His brand of sarcasm wasn't what his mother needed from him. She needed his support. He needed her to support Hannah. They all wanted to keep Hannah out of jail.

  "Maybe the law needs to be updated," Evan continued, his fingers rubbing Cue-ball's ears. "I can call for a review, but our immediate problem is how to help Hannah without creating a bigger problem down the road."

  "We'll need to get her a lawyer," said Alek.

  "It's not a trial that's the problem." Hannah stood and stretched, the day's events etched into the shadows under her eyes. "It's incarcerating me at all. When I said I wouldn't allow myself to be locked up, I meant it. I can barely tolerate riding in an elevator. I'll fight. There has to be another way. You'll have to talk Johnson down. Give me some space."

  Space. Where on this planet would someone like Hannah find space? It wasn't the physical location that mattered, it was peace. Peace to live and to love. Scott held his gloved hand out to her and Hannah left Evan's side to hug him, let him hold her close as Nik held Daniella. No one protested. Holding Hannah in his arms had never felt so perfect, so natural.

  Thomas's phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket while Scott held Hannah. He cleared his throat.

  "You're also forgetting the growing support she's getting from the Norms. They don't want her locked up any more than we do. The count for the crowd outside the hospital during Hannah's testing reached over four hundred. After today, if the Committee continues to prevent Hannah from healing the sick and injured, the Norms might champion her. They want Hannah in a hospital doing exactly what she did today."

  Catherine stopped pacing. "I can't supply Hannah with a lawyer or bail her out. It's a conflict of interest. If I did, it would look as if I have no confidence in a law I helped craft. Evan is correct: The law works. If I can't stand by my own law, Thunder City will lose faith in me, in my objectivity. They already suspect I let Hannah heal Nik, and the media is demanding to know why I'm not letting her heal Kavenaugh. I can't risk losing more of their faith now."

  "Let McNamara hire the lawyer and bail her out." Scott couldn't believe he'd just made the suggestion, but he couldn't deny McNamara's influence. "I would bet he'd do it if she asked him. It solves the conflict of interest problem. Norms will like the idea that Hannah has a Norm mentor who's a respected doctor and not a Blackwood."

  "They'll still know you have a hand in this." Daniella flipped her lock of brown wavy hair over her shoulder as she looked around, locking eyes with every single Blackwood. Clearly, she wasn't someone who was afraid to speak her mind. Scott liked her already. "Her personal life is front page news. Trying to deny it is only
going to annoy the Committee and I've already annoyed them enough for a lifetime's worth of annoyances. I think the best course of action we can take is to keep the Committee distracted as we build a stronger support system for her within both the Norm and Alt populations. The attack on the harbor will keep the Committee busy for a while. I can distract them more by moving up the date of my transplant, something my brother has been yammering about since my Alt status became public."

  "Cory's still right about not giving the Committee more ammunition than they already have. It would be better all-around if McNamara bailed her out." Thomas tugged his wife's arm and pulled her close.

  Alek raised his voice. "There's still the risk of the judge not setting bail for her in the first place. She's already run once. She's a flight risk. They'll also be watching Cory. They didn't go after him for helping Hannah escape the first time because of McNamara's intervention. They won't look away a second time."

  Alek was right. Both he and Hannah were at risk. "She can't stay in jail. She needs help, and she won't get it in jail."

  Even as he spoke, a thought wormed its way into his head. He might not be able to break Hannah out of jail, but the Shield could. So far no one had noticed the Shield. The guy had a way of remaining invisible. Maybe his barrier made him invisible? Maybe not. If Hannah needed a jailbreak, the Shield would be the guy who could pull it off — but would he?

  He would if you promised to break off your relationship with Hannah and follow him into this war of his.

  "Scott, what's wrong?"

  Scott looked down at Hannah, beautiful and secure in his arms. "Nothing, why?"

  Her frown knitted her pale brows over her eyes, the eyes that shone even when she bloodsurfed. "You had a look on your face, as if you were in pain."

  He really needed to work on not projecting his thoughts. "I was thinking about how I could break you out of jail, and about everything that could go wrong with my plan."

  She patted his chest. "My hero."

  "How long do we have?" Daniella asked. "Before the Committee gets a warrant for her arrest?"

  Everyone in the room looked at someone else. Catherine returned to Thomas's arms. "Harbor Regional is overflowing right now. Sixty percent of the Committee works there. They're going to be busy until most of the victims are either taken care of or transferred to hospitals where the other Committee members will be waiting. They'll find out about Hannah's intervention soon enough. We might have a day or two." She looked at him. "I'm sorry, Cory. I wish I could do something to prevent this. In the meantime, you can stay here through dinner, but then..."

  Scott nodded his understanding. He'd have to return to Thomas's penthouse downtown, but he wouldn't stay there. He only had a day, maybe two, of freedom for Hannah. They would have a plan in place before then. He needed to find the Shield.

  Hannah stayed in Scott's arms as the meeting broke up, warm and secure. Alek pulled Evan off the sofa, neither twin showing signs of their injuries. Nik brought Daniella over to her and Scott.

  "Cory, Hannah, this is Daniella Rose."

  Hannah remembered to not reach out to shake Daniella's hand.

  "Please, call me Dani. I'm so happy to finally meet both of you, but I'm also sorry about what happened this morning."

  Scott's hand felt its way up to rub her shoulders. "Thanks. It sounds like you two had your own adventure together."

  Dani's smile turned into a mischievous grin as she looked up at Nik, who towered over her. Nik looked down at her with unabashed reverence, while he toyed with the curls in her long hair. Hannah couldn't help the twinge of envy. Dani wasn't just gorgeous. She exuded a confidence Hannah needed right now, but couldn't quite grasp.

  "It's quite a story, but at least Fredek Varga is dead. He won't be selling blitz to anyone ever again." Nik looked over his shoulder at Catherine and Thomas. Even stuck in between two giant men, Hannah could peek in between to see Thomas whispering in Catherine's ear. Catherine leaned into her husband’s embrace.

  "The four of us should go out to dinner together." Dani elbowed Nik and brought his attention back to her. "Once we clear up your little legal situation."

  "Not so little." Hannah didn't want to burst Dani's bubble, but she didn't think that Dani could appreciate just how much of a threat the Committee was. Had Nik told her about the Court of Blood? "Johnson doesn't like me. I've defeated him twice — with help from Scott and Dr. McNamara — but he does have the law on his side. Like Catherine said, there's only so much she can do to protect me."

  "Oh, don't worry about Johnson." Dani threw back her head and laughed. "Believe me, if there's one person he wants to lock up more than you, it's me. And, Thunder City won't protect me the way they'll protect you."

  "Really? Why?" Scott maneuvered her away from the parlor doors to let Alek and Evan leave the room. Both twins patted her shoulder on their way out, so she smiled at both of them, even though she really didn't feel like it. "What happened to you two?"

  "Oh, let's just say, I have an unsavory past." Dani wiggled her eyebrows. "Not to worry. If I can distract the Committee with my nefarious ways and give you some breathing room, all the better."

  Hannah could see what Nik saw in Dani. She had a way of making you feel as if she were your best friend without even knowing you. "Don't get yourself into trouble on my account. Scott and I — we'll make this work, somehow."

  If Dani was confused by the Scott/Cory name change, she didn't indicate it. "Oh, honey, not to worry. I relish causing trouble. Don't I?"

  Nik rolled his eyes. "Yes, you do, but I love you anyway."

  Love? Did Nik just say love? Maybe her feelings for Scott weren't too new after all? The look on Nik's face told her all she needed to know: He meant it. He loved Dani and Dani returned the same look with her own teasing variation.

  Maybe she should tell Scott she loved him? What would his reaction be? Was he ready for her to love him? Did he feel the same?

  Dani stood on tiptoe, but Nik still had to bend down so she could whisper something in his ear. Swear to God, Nik blushed to his ear tips.

  "Dani and I are going to take a walk outside," Nik said while he straightened.

  "Are you spending the night here?" Scott asked. "I was hoping to ask you a few questions about a case."

  Nik wrinkled his nose. "A case? Um, sure. Dani why don't you wait in the sunroom? I'll show you where it is. Scott and I can talk while Garrett gets you a snack."

  "Sure thing, sweetheart. I feel like I'm about to waste away."

  Hannah guessed the questions Scott wanted to ask his brother had to do with Jimmy Chung. Nik guided Dani out of the room, with Scott following them. Hannah was about to follow when Thomas let go of Catherine and made it to door before she could leave.

  "Hannah, Catherine would like to talk to you."

  She didn't mistake his light tone for a request. Neither did Scott. He paused, already on the other side of the door. The kiss she wished she could press to his lips landed on her gloved fingertips instead. He mimicked the gesture before closing the door.

  Thomas had a very close relationship with Scott. Father and son hadn't had a lot of time together since they rescued her from Star Haven, so maybe it was a good idea to let the men talk together, even if it was about Jimmy Chung.

  From across the small room, Catherine pulled one of Thomas's favorite brandies off the shelf and poured herself a drink.

  "I shouldn't contribute more to your delinquency, but — " she held out the bottle to Hannah.

  Hannah shrugged. Why not? Catherine poured her two fingers in a shot glass. Hannah wandered over, trying to appear casual. She tested the liquid with a small sip. The evil taste burned going down, but once it hit her stomach, the warmth relaxed her.

  Catherine sunk into the sofa. Hannah sat next to her, but kept a respectful distance between them. She admired Catherine, even when they disagreed, but Hannah never thought for a second that the two of them had anything in common that would create a closer relationship.
Catherine was not her mother. Hannah had no mother, and didn't want one. So what do you say to comfort a woman who for the third time in two weeks had almost lost a son?

  "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you this morning." Catherine set her drink aside, and laid her head back, her eyes closed. "I'm glad Cory was. I know the Oversight Committee's rules can be burdensome. I just wish we could finish this process and be done with it. I wish we didn't have to hold you back from the world."

  Hannah's heart squeezed tight. Catherine felt exactly as she did. "How do you do it? How do you live with all of this uncertainty?"

  Catherine picked up the glass again, sipping more brandy. "I won't lie and tell you I don't have a choice. I do have a choice. I've always had choices. I could leave all of this behind at any time, take my family to a far off mountain somewhere and keep them safe. With all of my strength, all of my money, it would be easy."

  She paused, her focus on the glass, but her eyes distant. "The temptation is always stronger when one of my sons has been hurt. It's stronger now, having you so close and yet so untouchable. You've saved all four of my sons. It would be so easy to tear down the conventions I put in place and have you join us on the mountain and become our personal healer."

  She paused again. Hannah waited a beat, then two. "I would do it if you asked."

  Catherine's gaze turned on her, hardened. "I know. That's a problem. You idolize Captain Spectacular and you shouldn't. It makes resisting the temptation to misuse you all the harder."

  Hannah sipped her own drink. Did this stuff really make you more confident, or did it just make you louder? "I resisted you before. I'm the one who insisted on returning to Miranda. You damn near had me cowering under the table, but I resisted. I fought back. In the end we won. We saved Scott...Cory."

  Catherine let a small smile crack her anger. "Yes, we did, but we almost lost you instead. I'm sorry, Hannah. I didn't mean to imply that my weakness was your problem. It isn't. You have an inner strength all of your own."


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