Doctor O-Maker

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Doctor O-Maker Page 22

by Madison Faye

  I unlocked the door, straightened my dress, and stepped out—

  Right into my older sister.


  She gasped jumping a foot back — just as shocked to see me as I was her.


  Her crazy long, gorgeous blonde hair — up in an elaborate style before the dance, was now half hanging down, mostly just piled up in a loose bun now, though still tumbling over her shoulders.

  Her lipstick was smudged, and there were noticeable bruises on her neck.

  My eyes went wide.

  “Oh my God! I hissed, what did you just—”


  She raised a brow at me, her cheeks flushed bright red.

  “You’re missing a tie on the top of that gown, sis.”

  I felt my face go hot as I quickly glanced down and tied the last little bow on the front of my dress.

  “And who might you have been with?”

  “No one,” I said quickly.

  “You just half took your dress off and decided to mess up your hairstyle and makeup, huh?”

  “Well looks who’s talking!”

  We glared at each other, before slowly, we both started to grin.

  “Who?” she said eagerly, suddenly stepping into me and grabbing my arm, grinning.

  I shook my head. No way was I going to tell her.

  “Oh c’mon!”

  “You first,” I whispered.

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “This is silly, we should just say it.”

  Ilana bit her lip, her eyes nervously searching my face. “No judging?”

  “Of course not!”

  Please don’t judge me for fooling around with the biggest man-whore in the kingdoms.

  “Count of three?”

  I shivered, taking a breath and nodding. “Okay.”

  We counted together out loud. “One, two, three!”

  “Prince Magnus.”

  My sister’s eyes went wide. “Imogen!”

  My jaw dropped. “Did you seriously not just say who!?”

  She dropped her eyes.

  “Ilana! That is so fucking not fair!”

  “I know, I know, I’m sorry!” She cringed. “It’s so much worse though, trust me.”

  “Worse than hooking up with Prince Magnus?”

  Her eyes flew back to mine. “Did you, I mean, did you let him—”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  She let a breath out.

  “He said he wants to marry me.”

  My sister’s brows shot up. “Seriously?”

  “I know,” I sighed. “What a line right?”

  She frowned. “I don’t know, hon. Invoking marriage just to get into your pants seems low even for a guy with his rep. I don’t get the feeling he’s a bad person, he’s just got all those tabloid stories dogging him.”

  I looked at the floor.

  “Did he hurt you?” she said softly.

  “No, of course not. He was actually really sweet.”

  “And he’s gorgeous.”

  I blushed. “And that.”

  “And the Prince Regent of Zale.”


  “I’m just saying — you are a princess, he is a prince, and this is a suitor’s ball.”

  “Him? Seriously?”

  “Is it really that hard to imagine?”

  “Yes,” I spat out.

  “Ims, c’mon.”

  I chewed my lip, thinking of the way his hands had felt — how his lips had tasted. The things he’d said to me, about making me his wife, and taking all of me. And something flamed inside of me. Something caught fire, and lingered on that thought.

  I shook my head.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me who, you bitch,” I muttered, changing the subject.

  Ilana pouted sheepishly. “I’m sorry, I just—”

  She trailed off.


  “It’s…scandalous,” she whispered, her eyes darting around my face.

  I grinned. “Oh, now you have to tell me.”

  She shook her head.

  “Fine, be like that,” I pouted back. “Wait, you didn’t sleep—”

  “No, God no,” she whispered. “But…” she trailed off.

  “You’re terrible.”


  I frowned. “Hey, have you seen Isla? Or Adele for that matter?”

  She shook her head. “No I was—”

  She bushed.

  So did I.

  “Yeah, guess we lost track of them.”

  Her eyes suddenly went wide. “You don’t think she’s still dancing with Prince Logan, do you?”

  I shivered. “God I can’t imagine she is. He scares me.”

  “He’s also crazy hot.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Oh, he is, Im. In that dark, tortured way. God, I bet Isla is eating that up.”

  We glanced at each other and grinned.

  “She’s totally still dancing with him, isn’t she,” I laughed.

  “Oh, totally. We should get back in there,” she whispered, her cheeks flushed.

  “I need to go— uh.” I looked away. “I’m just going to freshen up in my room.”

  “Imogen! No, I need you to help hide me when we’re back in the ballroom!”

  I glanced at her. “What, embarrassed about whatever you just did that you won’t tell me about?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Oh now you have to tell me!”

  “I can’t!” She sighed. “Im, it’s — I mean.” Her eyes suddenly went wide, glancing past me.

  “I have to go, now,” she hissed. “Please come back to the ball soon.”

  And with that, she turned, and fled, her gown and her loose hair billowing out behind her.

  I frowned, shaking my head.

  “Weirdo,” I muttered, turning, when my eyes went wide.

  “Evening, Princess.”

  The two gorgeous, blond, blue-eyed, staggeringly handsome Prince Charmings of Marland stood before — identically beautiful and identically flashing smooth, smirking, melting smiles.

  I swallowed. “Hi. Good evening, I mean.”

  Caspian, or possibly Cade, cleared his throat.

  “We were, uh, we were wondering if you’d seen your sister?”


  “Princess Ilana,” the other answered, his voice velvety and smooth.

  “Oh, she’s just—“

  I froze.

  “Its’ scandalous, Imogen!”

  My eyes darted between them. Okay, clearly it was one of the Charming brothers she’d just been fooling around with. I just wondered which one.

  “She’s back in the ball, I believe,” I said quickly.

  They glanced at each other

  “Thank you.”

  “If you see her,” the other said. “Just mention we’re looking for her.” He grinned. “And tell her it’s her turn.”

  My brow puzzled. “Um, okay.”

  Suddenly, I froze again.

  They’d said ‘we,’ as in ‘we’re looking for her.’

  Its scandalous.

  My jaw dropped.

  No way. No freaking way.

  I quickly smiled and turned to scamper down the halls back to my own quarters.

  This was scandalous if what I was thinking was true. But right now, I couldn’t think about my sister and her antics with one or scandalously both of the Charming brothers. Right now I had to clear my head, get my heart straight, and get back to the ball.

  But first I had to change my panties.



  I knew I should get my head on straight. I knew I should’ve gone and found my friends, had a stiff drink and thought about what the fuck I was doing and what I’d said to her.

  I mean this wasn’t me. This was me just saying dumb shit because I wanted to get a piece of that sweet, virgin pussy, right?

So fucking dead wrong.

  I stalked the hallways of King Lucian’s palace instead of heading back into the ballroom, the thoughts swirling through my head. I’d meant every word I’d said to Imogen. All of them. And now that I’d thought more about it, those words consumed me.

  I wanted her. Not just to fuck her, either. I wanted her. I wanted to make her mine. I wanted to put a ring on her finger and a crown on her head and make her my queen, forever. I wanted her and no one else, always. I wanted to claim that innocent woman, and fill her with my seed until she swelled up with my heir

  Hell, five heirs.

  For the first time ever in my life, I saw the future. I saw what I wanted and I was focused on that and nothing else. No more frivolities. Nothing else mattered but getting her, and making her see that I was serious.

  I stepped into the ballroom, my eyes scanning the room.

  I didn’t see any of my friends, nor did I see either of Imogen’s sisters, or the Princess Adele I’d met earlier — all strangely absent from their own suitor’s ball.


  I frowned and quickly whirled, detouring from the ballroom.

  Fuck this. I wasn’t going to slink around and find my friends and debate this. I knew what I wanted, and I wanted her.


  Right now.

  All due respect to King Lucian, but his guards needed a refresher course. Granted, getting into the ball had involved heavy security, but once in, roaming the castle was fairly easy.

  I dodged a few patrols as I made my way through the castle towards the residence quarters. My mind was focused, my heart pounding, and my cock throbbing hard.

  I had to have more of her.

  I opened doors left and right, getting angrier and more frustrated before I finally zeroed in on one big wooden door at the end of a lavish hallway, up a small flight of stone steps. There was a small green bow taped to the door knob, and I grinned.

  That had to be hers, and I doubted she was expecting me, but there was no turning back. Like I said, she’d been mine the second I saw her. This was me just collecting on that.

  I didn’t bother knocking, I just opened the door and stepped inside. She shrieked, whirling and gasping as she clutched her hands by her throat.

  “Magnus,” she breathed, her eyes wide. “What— what are you doing here?” She gasped, backing away from me as I stormed into the room and shut the door behind me.

  “You know what I’m doing here,” I said softly. “And I know what you’re thinking. I know you think everything I said was bullshit, or some sort of line.”

  I shook my head, striding towards her quickly, and grabbing her up in my arms before she could react. She gasped, her hands falling against my chest.

  “I meant every word I said, Princess,” I growled. “I will make you my queen, and I’ll have you and no one else. I’ll treat you like a goddess, you’ll want for nothing, and I promise you every bit of my heart now and always.”

  Her jaw dropped, her eyes melting into mine.


  “And I can promise you, no man will ever touch you the way I do. No man will make you feel the way I do.” I smirked. “Chester?”

  She blushed, but then moaned as I placed my hand between her legs, through her dress.

  “Chester won’t ever make this little pussy tremble and drip like I will.”

  She moaned, nodding her head.

  “He won’t make your knees weak, or make your toes curl up. You’re mine, Princess,” I growled. “Fuck Chester, I’m stealing you away from him.”

  “I think you already have,” she whispered.

  I groaned, pulling her tight. “Say yes, Princess,” I growled, my fingers sliding up to tangle in her hair. I pulled back on it, making her gasp and exposing her neck. My teeth and my lips brushed against the soft skin there, making her whimper.

  “Say yes. Be mine and mine only. Be my bride, and I’ll make you my queen.”


  I pulled back, looking her in the eye.

  “The rest of it doesn’t matter. The past, the bullshit tabloid stories.” I shook my head. “I was just looking for you without knowing I was. And now that I’ve found you?”

  I pulled her tight and kissed her fiercely — long and slow.

  “Now that I’ve found you, I’m never letting you go.”

  “My father though?” She shook her head.

  “I’ll talk to your father.”

  “This is crazy,” she breathed. “We’ve just met.”

  “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel what I feel.”

  Her eyes met mine.



  Her little tongue slipped out and wet her lips, and slowly, she shook her head.

  “I can’t do that,” she whispered. “I can’t tell you I don’t feel it, because I do.”

  My hands pulled her tight. “Say yes,” I groaned lowly.

  She nodded. “Yes— oh!”

  She gasped as I yanked her up and spun her around. I marched us towards the bed, her gasping moans like heaven in my ears. I set her down, and started to pull at the ties of her dress.

  “Are you— I mean—”

  “Not until I wed you,” I growled. “But there’s more I’ll do with you now.”

  The dress fell to her feet, and I groaned, looking at her standing there in just her soaked little panties. Her perfect body with succulent curves in all the right places. Her smooth skin. Her pert little nipples, begging for my mouth.

  I reached between her legs, moving close. My fingers hooked into the panties, sliding them down her legs and letting them drop to her feet. I knelt down and grabbed them up.

  “To add to my collection,” I grinned.

  She blushed. “You really have my panties?”

  “I do.”

  “And you really—” She blushed harder.

  “Stroked my cock with them, imagining it was your sweet pussy stroking up and down my shaft? Yes.”

  She groaned.

  I slipped my jacket and shirt off, kicking my pants away. My briefs followed suit, and I grinned as I watched her eyes drop to my huge cock.

  “All yours, my queen,” I murmured as I sat on the bed and moved back against the headboard. “All yours. Come here,” I beckoned.

  She nodded, panting as she knelt on the bed and knee-walked towards me.

  “Up here,” I growled.

  “You want me to—”

  “I want you to spread those legs around my head, and sit that pretty ass down on my mouth,” I groaned.

  She moaned, but slowly, she did as I told. I growled as her sweet cunt settled over my lips. One hand went to her ass, holding her tight as my tongue pushed deep into her sweet folds.

  She whimpered, settling down more onto my face, and I groaned as I took her panties in the other hand and wrapped them around my throbbing hard cock. I began to stroke myself as I pushed my tongue deep into her pussy.

  “I want you to fuck yourself with my tongue,” I growled.

  My hand moved her, showing her how to rock back and forth on my mouth. She whimpered, throwing her head back — her long red hair cascading everywhere and her soft pink nipples hardening on her creamy tits as she gasped.

  She started to move her hips, bucking on my face as I growled. My hands palmed her sweet ass, my tongue dragging over her lips and her clit as she moved her hips. My hand pumped my cock harder and harder, her soaked little panties wrapped around it. I growled like an animal as my hand moved her higher, and before she could object, my tongue settled on her puckered little ass.

  She yelped, almost pulling away, but I held her fast. She moaned like a girl possessed, bucking her hips faster and the moans falling from her lips as I tongued her little asshole and made her squeal. I moved back to her pussy, my tongue curling over her clit, really making her cry out.

  She started to move her hips faster and faster, her juices coating my chin. My cock pulsed
in my hand, and the raw need for her clawed at me. I wanted to pin her to that bed and sink every inch inside of her. I wanted to claim that maidenhead and fill her with my cum.

  But no. That would wait for our wedding bed. I still needed to feel that pussy on my cock, though.

  She squealed as I pulled her down, her legs straddling me as my hands grabbed her hips. I tossed the panties aside and settled that soaking wet slit of hers on my shaft, her lips spreading on either side of it. And then I started to fuck her. I wasn’t going inside, but I held her fast and slammed my hips up against her, my cock sliding over her clit again and again, making her cry out.

  She started to shake, her hair tumbling down in my face, her cries crashing over me. I leaned up, capturing a pink nipple in my lips and sucking hard as I ground against her again and again.

  I could feel the cum boiling in my balls, my cock throbbing hard against her — dripping and sticky with her juices and my pre-cum.

  This was going to be my queen.

  The mother of my heirs.


  With a roar, I yanked her hard against me, thrust once more, and suddenly just let go. I could feel her coming, her pussy flooding my cock and balls with juices just as I erupted. The cum rushed from my balls out through my cock, spurting out in thick ropes. Cum covered my abs and coated her belly. A few spurts even reached the underside of her breast as we both crashed tougher, screaming into each other’s mouths.

  We slowed, until our slick, sticky bodies rubbed slowly together.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes yes yes.”

  I grinned as I wrapped her in my arms. “I haven’t asked yet,” I chuckled. “Not officially.”

  “Well, I’m going to say yes.”

  I spun her over, watching her gasp as I lay next to her and brought my hand between her legs. My fingers found her molten, slippery cunt, and immediately, I slid two easily inside.

  She moaned.

  I started to pump them in and out, catching her still coming down from her recent climax.

  “Princess Imogen,” I groaned, my thumb brushing over her clit and making her start to immediately seize up as the pleasure rocked through her.

  “Will you…”

  I fingered her faster, my hand grinding against her pussy as she struggled to keep her eyes open and on me.

  “Do me the honor…”


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