Supers 2

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Supers 2 Page 12

by Patrick Stewart

  “Great,” the Super said, clapping her hands together like an excited schoolgirl. “So, what shall we talk about?”

  Lucas glanced around at the room. He was right. It was a lab of some sort. There were beakers, analytic scales, test tubes, Bunsen burners and more.

  “Interesting set up you got down here,” Lucas said, hoping she would talk about that.

  “Isn’t it?” the girl gushed, smiling widely. “This is where all the magic happens.” She jumped to her feet and dashed past a counter. Opening a cupboard on the wall, she returned later with two syringes, one filled with a blue substance, the other a red substance.

  “This is it,” the Super said. “The red is the master serum, the blue is the slave part.”

  “How does it work?” Lucas asked.

  “Wouldn’t you love to know?” the Super asked, smiling widely, flashing perfect white teeth.

  “Dying man’s wish?”

  “Aww, and I thought you might have wanted a bit of me?” she jutted her chest forward, and shook it, wiggling her breasts.

  “Sure,” Lucas nodded. “Maybe I can suck on them after you’ve told me how the serum works?”

  The Super laughed. “You think you’re going to escape, don’t you?” she asked, and then, she nodded, staring into his eyes. “I can see it in you, that fight to survive, that belief that you’re special. You can’t die, not yet anyway, not you. I’ve seen it before in Normies, the bigger ones, braver ones. But in the end, they all beg for mercy. Are you going to do that, Lucas? Will you beg for me to spare your life?” she tugged on the pole that was dug into him.

  Lucas tilted his head back, pressing it against the wall, his body shaking, he grit his teeth to hold back from screaming out in pain.

  The Super let up. “You’ve got a high pain threshold; I’ll give you that. But I can’t save you Lucas. Only qualified doctors from before The Strikes would be able to do anything now.”

  The Super settled down on her bottom, a look of pity in her eyes, she held the two serums before him and began to talk.

  It was Vengeance who made the serums. Before The Strikes happened, he was actually studying medicine at University College London, a fairly prestigious university in London, he was in his final year, working towards a PhD in something medicine related, the Super didn’t care to remember.

  He created the serums himself, perfecting it after much trial and error. Each serum was created with a master and slave component, and they were created together. You had to inject the slave part first, and then within a couple of days, you had to inject the master serum into the person who would be the owner.

  “Each master and slave serum is created specifically, so were I to inject you with this one,” she made injecting motions at him with the syringe containing the blue serum, “I would have to use this exact master serum on myself. Another master serum wouldn’t work. Vengeance has them numbered,” she turned the syringes to show, written on it in white paper cello taped onto the side, was the number 179.

  “Maybe I should turn you into my slave,” the Super said suddenly.

  “What?” Lucas asked, eyes widening. “But I’m going to die. It would be a waste of a syringe.”

  “You might survive,” the Super said. She glanced at his wound, at the pole protruding from below his collar bone. “You don’t seem to be getting weaker, or pale. You’re not sweating… you’re not even bleeding…” she murmured.

  And then, she leaned in to take a closer look.

  Lucas decided he’d run out of time to recover further. He reached into his coat and pulled out a pistol and fired at the Super. He emptied the magazine; every bullet struck the Super on the head. She fell back and hit the ground, where she remained, her legs and arms limp, her chest convulsed, as if she were possessed.

  Supers recovered from being shot at different speeds. You could shoot a Super twenty times in the head, and if it were someone like Mayor Carcass, the fucker wouldn’t even hit the ground. Other Supers, you could shoot once, and they would stay down for ten minutes or more.

  There was no telling what was going to happen.

  Which meant Lucas had to move quickly.

  He grabbed the pole that was dug into his chest and the wall beyond and taking a deep breath, he yanked it out. Lucas wasn’t able to hold back his scream. The pain was too much. Now free from the wall, he rolled on the ground in agony. Bright lights flashing before his eyes, he was dimly aware that the Super was no longer on the ground.

  “Fuck,” Lucas cursed, as he climbed to his feet.

  The Super stood opposite him, the cheeriness of earlier now replaced by a manic smile. “I’m glad you’re not dead, or dying,” the Super said, looking at his wound. “I’m glad you’re living up to your name. It’s going to be so much more satisfying when I kill you.”

  “You look disgusting,” Lucas muttered. “Seriously, you need to look in the mirror, and maybe wash up before we battle?”

  “You’re calling me ugly?”

  The grin was gone at that comment. Lucas got the distinct feeling he had hurt her feelings.

  “Hey,” he raised his hands. “It’s nothing personal. You’ve got blood all over your face. There’s even a bullet half embedded into your forehead.” Lucas leaned in and frowned. “I’ve never seen that before,” he muttered. “Normally they just fall out…”

  “You’re stalling,” the girl said, frowning.

  “You’re right,” Lucas nodded. “I was stalling. I’m done though.”

  He slammed his fist forward, punching the girl in the face.

  “Nothing?” Lucas asked. “Like, didn’t even hurt a bit?”

  The girl’s frown deepened.

  Lucas threw a quick succession of punches. “Still nothing?” he asked, exasperated.

  “You’re weak,” the Super said. “I’m going to break every bone in your body before I kill you.”

  “Wait,” Lucas said, holding his hand up just as the girl inched forward, ready to carry out her threat. “Let me have one final go.”

  Lucas got into a traditional boxer’s pose, hands up into loose fists, one near his chin, the other lower down, near his chest. His feet danced too as he moved left to right. And then, as he was about to move forward to punch her, instead he reached into his coat and pulled out his sword.

  He saw the look of panic in the girl’s eyes as she realised what was happening.

  But it was too late for her to do anything.

  Lucas sliced with his sword. He struck her neck. The blade cut through her skin and the cartilage, though it spared her cervical spine.

  Blood gushed out from her neck. As the Super staggered back, her hands shot up to her neck, trying to stop the bleeding. Her feet unsteady, Lucas helped her along the way by kicking her on the chest. She landed on the ground with a thump, and Lucas dropped to his knees beside her.

  “You’ll live,” he told her. “Keep your hands pressed against your neck until it heals.”

  Leaving her there, sword held before him, Lucas opened the cupboards full of the serums. He placed a few in his coat and then set up smashing the rest.

  Chapter 13

  There was no hiding his wound when Lucas met up with the others. Hannah wasn’t pleased at all. Nor was Michelle. She insisted that if there were a next time, he would not be going anywhere without her.

  Lucas wanted to tell her that he was a big boy, that he could look after himself. But the wound on his chest, though it wasn’t bleeding thanks to the green crystal absorbed within him, it was still a gaping wound. One that had hurt him much more than he’d realised at the time.

  As he sat in the car, Hannah taking the wheel, Lucas briefly fell asleep, only to be woken by Anika, who slapped him across the face.

  “The fuck, man?” he muttered.

  “Don’t you die on me!” came her response.

  “I’m not dying… I’m just tired.”

  “That’s how they all feel. Tired. And then they die.”

glared at her.

  But it did no good.

  Anika was determined to not let him sleep. Thankfully, the journey home wasn’t a long one, and Lucas managed to stay awake, preventing Anika the opportunity to slap him once more.

  When they pulled up in front of the house, Lucas was feeling even more exhausted. The girls carried him out of the car and into the living room, where they laid him on the sofa, and crowded around him, joined by Jocelyn and Lucy.

  Lucas thought he saw a smile on Jocelyn’s face. The bitch was undoubtedly pleased at what she saw.

  Under Michelle’s instructions, Lucy dashed off to the kitchen to bring him food whilst Hannah sat on the floor beside him and cut off his shirt before cleaning the wound with wet tissue.

  “I’m not hungry,” Lucas said.

  “You need to eat. Your body needs food to recover,” Michelle overruled him.

  Despite his further protestations, food was brought, and Lucas was forced to eat. After the first few bites of warm bread dipped in beef stew, Lucas began to feel better. His appetite grew, and he finished the food quickly. In the meantime, Hannah had completed bandaging his chest.

  Lucas was happy to stay on the sofa and get some shut eye. But Michelle refused. Being a Super, she picked him up with ease and carried him up the stairs to his bedroom, the one he had promised to let Lucy have.

  She placed him on his bed and closed the door behind. She sat on the bed and stared at him.

  “What?” Lucas asked.

  “What really happened in the basement?”

  “I already told you. I got attacked by a Super.”

  “Why was the Super there?”

  Lucas didn’t know why he’d not told the truth to begin with. Or at least, why he had withheld some of the truth. His long coat was downstairs. Contained in it were the serums he had brought back from Vengeance’s lab, before destroying the rest.

  “I need my coat,” he said.

  “Not here you don’t,” Michelle replied. “No ones going to shoot you.”

  “I need it,” he repeated.

  Michelle stared at him with curiosity. “The basement was Vengeance’s lab. That’s where he made the serum.”

  Lucas’s eyes narrowed. “How did you figure that out?”

  “I’m more than just a pretty face,” she told him, smiling.

  She got to her feet and rushed down the stairs, returning a moment later with his long coat, she passed it to him. Lucas rummaged inside and pulled out the serums he had stolen.

  “Destroyed the rest,” he told her. “But Vengeance could make them just as easily.”

  Michelle stared at the syringes of blue and red, a glint in her eyes. “What uh… what are you going to do with them?”

  Lucas shrugged. He hadn’t thought that far. It was something he’d done in the heat of the moment, thinking they might be useful.

  “We should use them, of course,” Michelle said. “But we need to be smart about how we use them… shame you couldn’t have grabbed a few more.”

  Lucas stared at her, eyes wide. “Use them?”

  “Why not?”

  “Because… it’s wrong.”

  “Wrong?” Michelle repeated. “We’ve got a Super on the loose that’s turning Supers and Normies into slaves. Who knows how many he could have turned already. We need to stop him now. With these syringes, we could gather a few Supers and strike before it’s too late.”

  She had a point. They were going from house to house, searching for Supers that might join their cause. Supers that could easily decide to kill them. Armed with the syringes, they could have a mini army within a day or two.

  Lucas held six pairs of syringes in his hand.

  That meant six Supers he could control, to use to defeat Vengeance.

  For the greater good.

  But he still felt uncomfortable.

  Michelle watched him with an inquisitive eye. “Sleep on it,” she told him.

  “That’s something we can agree on,” he muttered.

  Michelle grabbed her t-shirt by the bottom and pulled it over her head. She threw it on the chair already full of clothes. Lucas watched with curiosity as she unbuckled her bra and slid it off. Her breasts popped out with a bounce before pressing against the skin beneath.

  “Uh… I-” Lucas stopped, not knowing what to say, half his brain focused on Michelle’s luscious breasts, the other half trying to force his eyes to look away.

  “What?” Michelle asked, hands on hips, breasts displayed proudly.

  “I think… I think Lucy’s supposed to be sleeping here tonight,” he mumbled.

  “She can share with Jenny,” Michelle said. “I was just getting comfortable for bed but…” she stopped, staring at him with a twinkle in her eyes. “If you’re feeling up for it?”

  Lucas wasn’t feeling up for it. Not physically. But which man wouldn’t stare at beautiful bare breasts? “Maybe in the morning?” Lucas said. “If the hole in my chest has disappeared?”

  “Because you’re unwell, I’ll do all the work,” Michelle said, smiling. “Just this one time though,” she warned.

  It sounded good to Lucas. He watched as she pulled his trousers down and took his cock in her hands. The touch of foreign skin brought it to life and it rose up challenging.

  Michelle started by licking it from the shaft. As she took his cock in her warm mouth, her nipples pressed onto his legs, the warm touch, the swirling of her tongue against his sensitive pee hole, Lucas felt relaxed. The problems of the day, of the town, it all seemed to wash away.

  Lucas began to wonder why he was so stressed. He was in the prime of his life, living in a house full of hot girls that wanted him. Life was too short to worry about moral ambiguities. He could have died today, and without enjoying Lucy, who wanted him, Anika, Michelle, Hannah who had him and wanted more…

  As Michelle continued to suck away, Lucas promised to himself that he would make time to enjoy the good moments in life.

  * * *

  The following morning, Lucas woke to find Michelle snuggling naked in bed beside him. He was naked too, his jeans and pants lay on the chair full of clothes. The bandage on his chest was loose. He pulled it free to find his skin had closed, the hole in his chest now just a scar.

  A scar.

  A normal Super wouldn’t have had a scar. The skin would have healed perfectly, like the brand-new skin of a toddler. Instead, he had a scar.

  Lucas wasn’t ungrateful. The green crystal had saved his life. While it hadn’t given him the superpowers the blue crystal gave to others, it was still pretty damned impressive for a Normie.

  His thoughts turned away from last night to this morning.

  Lying naked beside him on her side was Michelle, a leg over his body, her pussy rested against his thigh, her breasts squished against his arm.

  Lucas didn’t recall being naked last night.

  He did remember Michelle sucking on his cock while he lay back and enjoyed himself. He remembered coming in her mouth, remembered her swallowing, remembered her continuing to suck on his cock.

  And then… and then he fell asleep…

  “It’s too early,” Michelle said, her eyes still closed. “Go back to sleep.”

  Lucas glanced out through the window and the dim light that shone through the curtain. She wasn’t wrong about the time. But he was hungry. Famished. He wondered if it had something to do with the now absent gaping hole in his chest. It had repaired itself, but at the expense of depleting his food sources? Did that make sense? Who cared? He was starving. Could eat a damned buffalo.

  He untangled himself from Michelle, and despite her grabbing his arm as he slid off the bed, her eyes still closed, he managed to pull up his jeans and walk down the stairs.

  Despite the early morning, Lucy was awake and in the kitchen, sitting by the table with a mug of coffee before her, she stared through the French doors and out into the garden.

  “Hey,” Lucas nodded at her. “Didn’t think you’d be up so early,�
�� he said, as he rummaged through the fridge and pulled out the bread and jam. Lucas made himself a sandwich and poured himself some coffee before sitting at the table.

  Lucy wore a big smile on her face. It was much too big. Definitely not natural.

  “You olrite?”

  “Yup,” Lucy nodded. She took a sip of her coffee and shook her head. “I’m sorry. This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t be here.”

  With half the sandwich in Lucas’s mouth, he stopped chewing “Why shouldn’t you be here?”

  Lucy laughed nervously. “It’s silly,” she shook her head once more. “Thanks for having me, but I should go.” She climbed to her feet and rushed over to the sink to wash her cup.

  Lucas continued to watch her, bemused.

  When she was done, she hurried out of the kitchen, giving him a shy smile as she passed. He heard her rush up the stairs, the steps creaking beneath her weight. As Lucas finished his first sandwich, she was down again, her bags in hand, she said bye before rushing out the front door.

  Lucas continued eating his sandwich. When it was finished, he drank his coffee and stared at the door leading out into the corridor, patient as ever.

  It took longer than he expected, but finally, he heard the front door open once more. And then, Lucy’s head appeared by the kitchen door.

  “Uh, so… this house is quite far from town, isn’t it?”

  Lucas grinned. “If you’re walking, yeah it’s pretty far.”

  “Right,” Lucy stared at the ground, her mind working out what to do.

  “You need a lift?” Lucas asked.

  “That would be great,” Lucy said. “Doesn’t have to be now,” she added in a hurry. “Just whenever you head back out, I could maybe tag along.”

  “Sure,” Lucas nodded. He took another sip of his coffee. “You going to just stand there by the door?”

  Lucy’s cheeks coloured as she awkwardly shuffled back into the kitchen and sat at the table opposite him. He watched her eyes wander around every part of the kitchen until they finally came and landed on him.


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