Supers 2

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Supers 2 Page 17

by Patrick Stewart

  They didn’t crash.

  What they did do was pull up to a farmhouse. There was a large barn to the left, and a small cottage to the right.

  “Are they in the barn?” Lucas asked.

  “…the horses are,” Malika said. “Did you want to see them?”

  “Ha-ha,” Lucas said, his voice flat. “Where is Laura?”

  “The cottage,” Malika said, frowning, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

  Which it might seem to the normal person. But to Lucas, it wasn’t. Something wasn’t right. “It’s too small,” Lucas said.

  “Is it?” Malika asked, as they walked towards the single floor cottage. “Mistress Laura isn’t fat or anything…”

  “You know what I mean,” Lucas muttered. But then, he stared at her, unsure. “You do know what I mean, right?”

  Malika shook her head genuinely.

  Lucas sighed. He wasn’t going to explain to her. He was supposed to be annoyed at her. More than annoyed. He had spared this girl’s life earlier in the day. Sparing a person’s life was the same as saving it, right?

  He had saved her life.

  And she repaid his kindness by kidnapping his girls and then bringing him to this dingy little cottage. A cottage that couldn’t hide many Normies in it. She was supposed to have tons of Normies around her.

  He was a dangerous guy.

  She knew that, right?

  He was wanted by Vengeance. The most powerful Mayor ever, the guy was having wanted leaflets distributed, that’s how much the fucker feared him.

  So why would she meet with him in this small little cottage?

  He supposed they were soon to find out.

  Malika led them in. It was a nice cottage. The corridor was lit with two wall lamps, the floor was a dark wood and across the ceiling, the wooden beams were exposed.

  Sitting in the living room was Mistress Laura.

  She seemed to take her name quite seriously.

  She was dressed much like a dominatrix would, wearing leather pants that hugged the shape of her legs, the curves of her hips. She matched it with a red corset. Laura rose to her feet as he entered the room, showing off heels so high, she was as tall as him.

  “So, you’re the great Lucas,” she smiled and then circled around him.

  Great? Lucas wondered, as he turned his head around, watching her as she ogled him. “I suppose I am… and you’re the great… Mistress Laura?”

  “Oh, you’re too kind, Lucas,” Laura said, as she came to stand before him. “But I’m not that great. Sure, the leader of the most powerful gang in Buxworth at the moment, but not quite great.”

  Was she humble bragging? She had to be humble bragging, right? “Gangs rise and fall all the time,” Lucas said.

  Laura nodded in agreement. “Which is why you’re here,” she said. “I have a proposition for you, Lucas.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “Yes, you are. But it’s really only for your ears.” She nodded at Malika, who stepped towards Lucy and grabbed her by the arm, leading her towards the front door.

  “Where are you taking her?” Lucas asked.

  “She’ll be safe with the others, I promise. I don’t plan to hurt them, Lucas. If I did, I wouldn’t stay in this cottage all alone with someone like you, would I?”

  “It would be a pretty stupid plan,” Lucas agreed.

  “Very stupid,” Laura nodded. “So, how about you let my Malika take your friend out to meet your other friends and you and I have a nice little chat?”

  Lucas wasn’t sure if he liked the way Laura was speaking with him. She was a bit too calm, like the head teacher, Ms Marshall, in his secondary school, the one he’d had to visit a couple of times thanks to getting into a few fist fights in the playground.

  “Fine,” Lucas said. “But if any of the girl’s are hurt, you’ll regret it.”

  Laura nodded again, this time with a smile. Once Malika and Lucy had left, Laura took him by the hand and led him towards the sofa, where she sat him down, and then, promptly plonked herself onto his lap, wrapped an arm around his neck and smiled at him.

  “There’s space on the sofa…” Lucas said.

  “I know. But your lap looked so comfortable. You don’t mind, do you?”

  Did he mind a hot girl sitting on his lap? “You’re not too heavy, so I suppose not.”

  Laura laughed at that. “Well, thank you. I do watch what I eat.”

  She continued to smile at him. He could feel her warm breath across his face. She had beautiful brown eyes that twinkled with cheeriness. The corset she wore left much of her breasts exposed to the point where her nipples poked out from the upper edge.

  “So… why did you want to meet with me?” Lucas asked, as he worked hard to stare at her face and not her breasts.

  “You’re a wanted man, Lucas. Wanted by Vengeance himself, the most powerful Super in Buxworth. Possibly the world. I’m sure you know that his serum is the real deal. He has an army of slave Supers… if he keeps this up, and there’s no reason why he wouldn’t. Soon, he’ll take over the county, and then the country.”

  “Question is, why is such a powerful Super like Vengeance scattering pictures of you around the town, offering a large ransom? Why is he afraid of you? What’s so special about you?”

  “Nothing,” Lucas replied.

  “Aw, come now, Lucas. I thought we were being honest with each other?”

  “I am being honest. There’s nothing particularly special about me. I’m just a Normie.”

  “A Normie who has killed a dozen Supers?” Laura asked. “I know a girl named Nicole. She’s got a little “office” off Broad Street. She deals with contract killers. You’re an assassin, Lucas. But the only one that takes out Supers, you know that, right?”

  “Only one?” Lucas asked. “What happened to George?”

  “Dead. Six months. Killed by some stupid Super that named himself Mars, after the Roman god of war, not the planet,” Laura wadded her head, rolling her eyes. “Dude had a habit of making that distinction…”

  “What about Melvin?”

  “Seriously? Dead for two years.”

  “…fucking hell…” Lucas whispered.

  “Ya,” Laura nodded in agreement. “Somehow you’re still alive. And kicking. Nicole’s mentioned how many Supers you’ve killed. Every time she hands you a contract, she thinks it’ll be the last time she sees you. But you keep coming back,” she nodded approvingly. “I also know you had trouble with Lena, the leader of the former Red Heads gang. You got out of that one pretty quickly. And, you’re friends with a Super,” Laura continued. “That’s rare.”

  It was true that it was rare for Supers and Normies to be friends. At least, in Buxworth Town it was rare. It might not have happened elsewhere, but in Buxworth, cliques had formed, and around the cliques, there were new social norms.

  Supers were at the top. They could have Normies serve them, but they couldn’t be true friends.

  Michelle was the exception.

  Laura brought her face closer to his, their lips touched. It was a brief kiss. “Come on, Lucas. Let us be friends. Let us trust each other.”

  “You kidnapped my friends and brought me here against my will,” he pointed out.

  “I’m the leader of a gang, Lucas. It’s how I work. Don’t be so dramatic. We can still be friends.”

  “Why do you want to be my friend?

  “Because, Lucas,” Laura stopped and stared into his eyes, hesitating.


  “You might be our only hope of staying free, of not being injected by Vengeance’s serum. I’m trying to decide if I should throw my weight behind you and try to defeat Vengeance, or if we should hand you over to him and hope he doesn’t inject me, or if we should call it a day and leave Buxworth Town for good.”

  “Don’t hand me over to him,” Lucas said immediately.

  “It wouldn’t be my first choice. But you need to convince me you’re worth the ris
k. If we go up against Vengeance and lose, he won’t kill us. Oh no. That sick fucker will keep us alive and torture us, experiment on us.”

  She was right on that.

  Vengeance had plenty history of experimenting on humans already.

  He needed to be taken down, and the sooner the better. Mistress Laura was the leader of the largest gang in town. Whilst gangs were considered much weaker than Supers, Lucas knew better than anyone else what extreme firepower could do.

  With enough guns behind him, they could clear a temporary path through the army of Supers Vengeance had and give him a chance to eliminate the bastard.

  “I killed Mayor Carcass,” Lucas said.

  “Shut up!”

  “It’s true. I killed him.”


  That part was a little harder to explain without talking about a certain green crystal. And Lucas didn’t want to mention the green crystal.

  It seemed Laura didn’t know about it.

  He was going to keep it that way.

  He didn’t trust Laura completely, not yet at least. She was the leader of a gang. Gangs were ruthless. There was every chance she would try and stab him in the back at some point. It was better he kept a few things hidden, just to throw off her plans, if she had any.

  So, instead of telling her the complete truth, he told her a version of it.

  Turned out it wasn’t hard to tell the story and leave out the green crystal’s involvement without it seeming suspicious.

  “So that’s how he died really. We got fortunate. A fuck ton of Red Heads had already shot at him before he killed them, or they fled. My Super friend’s pretty strong. She was battling it out with him. I got a chance, snuck in from behind and sliced his head off.”

  “I did hear about something going down in that old building site,” Laura murmured. “Bloody hell… you killed Mayor Carcass.”

  “Yup, it happened exactly how I said it,” Lucas said, and then instantly regretted saying it.

  Laura didn’t notice his regret.

  She stared at him in awe.

  And then, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his chest. “We’ve got a chance,” she whispered. “We’ve got a genuine chance of defeating Vengeance.”

  Chapter 21

  Mistress Laura pledged her support and that of the Flying Eagles to Lucas in defeating Vengeance. Over the coming days, they would work out a strategy on how to proceed. Lucas didn’t even know where he would begin with something like that.

  He wondered how much his experience in defeating Mayor Carcass could come in handy. He had lured the guy out and then attacked him. But defeating Mayor Carcass had been an accident. He hadn’t planned on killing him. He’d only done it to save Michelle’s life.

  Vengeance was a lot smarter than Mayor Carcass.

  He wouldn’t fall for an easy trap.

  But that was for another time.

  Right now, Lucas sat in the kitchen of the little cottage with Mistress Laura, waiting for Malika to return so that they could be taken to another safe house, the one where his girls were being kept.

  As they waited, Laura made him tea and gave him biscuits.

  Feeling comfortable in her presence, Lucas decided to ask the question that had been on his mind for a while. “Why do they call you Mistress?”

  “Because I rule with an iron whip!” she grinned wickedly and raised a hand to imitate the movements of thrashing someone with said whip.

  Lucas wasn’t sure how to take that. He’d heard of some horror stories about the things gang leaders did to those who stepped out of line. It seemed his thoughts were written on his face because Laura rolled her eyes.

  “You’re too serious, Lucas,” she said. “You don’t need to worry about me. I’m one of the good ones. I need to keep control of my gang though. You know how it is, right?”

  Lucas didn’t actually, so he shook his head.

  Laura frowned. “How do you keep control of your girls?”

  “I don’t,” Lucas replied. “Because they’re not my girls.”

  “You live in one house, right?”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t-”

  “I’m assuming the girls are all straight or bisexual?”

  Lucas frowned. “What does that have to-”

  Again, Laura cut him off. “And obviously the girls want a piece of you, right? I mean, even if you weren’t the only guy in the house, they would still want a piece of you. There’s gotta be a lot of catfighting?”

  “There are some… tense moments,” Lucas said, as he sipped his tea.

  “What’s your method for keeping them under control?”

  Lucas took another sip, a longer sip. And then, he placed his cup down on the table and stared at Laura. He shrugged his shoulders.

  “Oh, darling,” Laura placed a hand on his. “You gotta take a firm hand with the girls. Otherwise it’ll get out of control.”

  “I do sometimes,” Lucas said, and then, he went on to tell Laura about how he’d been firm with Jenny before he’d ended up fucking her.

  “I’ve seen your girls,” Laura commented, her hand still resting on his. “I’d be fucking them everyday if I were you.”

  “Sounds the dream,” Lucas said. “But it’s more complicated than that. I don’t find time. There’s always something or other that needs my attention.”

  “You can always find time to fuck, if you want to, Lucas,” Laura said, her hand still resting on his, she walked around the table and came to stand behind him. “Question is, do you want to fuck?”

  Lucas looked over his shoulder at Laura. “Of course I do. I’m a guy,” he scoffed.

  “Then why don’t you fuck?”


  “There’s nothing stopping you now,” Laura interrupted him.

  Nothing stopping him now?

  He was about to point out that the girls weren’t here now. But he managed to stop himself in time. That would have been an incredibly stupid thing to say.

  What the hell happened to him?

  He used to be pretty smooth, easily able to tell when girls were just being nice because they were afraid and when they were really flirting.

  Laura was flirting.

  She was hot too.

  A lot of girls were hot these days, thanks to the lack of unhealthy food options available, most girls had enviable bodies.

  Laura was wearing a corset.

  Lucas wrapped his arm around Laura’s back and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her on the lips as his hands pulled at the strings on her corset. As it came off, their lips still locked together, Lucas lifted her up and dropped her onto the table. He grabbed the corset and pulled it down.

  Laura wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, and Lucas paused to admire her breasts. Then, like a beast, he squeezed them before taking each into his mouth, sucking on the nipples, biting them, causing the girl to moan in pain and pleasure. His cock throbbed against his jeans, and Lucas tugged at his belt.

  “Take them off,” he said, his voice heavy.

  “Oh, yes master,” Laura said, her voice seductive, she slid out of her leather jeans.

  “You don’t wear panties?” Lucas asked.

  “Nope. Gets in the way,” came the response.

  Lucas didn’t ask what it got in the way of. His jeans hung by his ankles, along with his pants. His cock rose proudly and rested on the table between Laura’s legs.

  “Oh my… you hit the jackpot, didn’t you?” Laura asked.

  Lucas frowned. “Me?” he wondered. Usually, it was girls that said they hit the jackpot when they saw his cock.

  “Handsome face, tall, large cock – yes you my darling,” Laura purred. She took his cock in her hands and stroked it, marvelling at its size. “Oh god, it actually throbs,” she giggled.

  “Stop teasing me. Take it in your mouth,” Lucas grunted.

  Laura flipped around on the table and resting on her knees, she lifted her ass up in the air and knelt down, br
inging her face close to his cock. Lucas could feel her warm breath on his cock and he relaxed in anticipation.

  But then the front door opened and a moment later, Malika stood by the kitchen door. She took in her boss’s naked figure, ass up in the air.

  “Shall I wait outside?” she asked.

  Lucas hoped Laura would say yes. But the girl stared at Malika, a curious look on her face. Then, she looked up at him. “Do you find her attractive?”


  “Is she cute? Would you fuck her?”

  “Huh?” Lucas asked, feeling a little stupid and suddenly a little warm around the cheeks.

  “Judging by how red your cheeks have gone, I’m going to say yes,” Laura winked. Her gaze then fell on Malika. “And what about you? Do you find him attractive?”

  “Of course, mistress,” Malika said almost immediately.

  Her demeanour changed too, Lucas noticed. She now stood straight, her hands behind her back, she glanced at the floor, or her feet, Lucas wasn’t sure.

  “Take your clothes off,” Laura said.

  Lucas watched with astonishment as Malika stripped in record time. Now completely naked, she resumed her position, standing straight, hands behind her back, eyes on the ground.

  “Oh, she’s a pretty one, isn’t she?” Laura asked, lust in her eyes.

  Lucas, who having experienced some fairly out there stuff in the past few years, adjusted well to whatever this was. He glanced at Malika and took in her beauty. She had pale skin and large breasts that hung slightly off her chest, and wide hips. Her pussy was shaven, and the lips peeled out some, glistening.

  “Ya, she’s pretty hot,” Lucas said. “Is she your slave, or something?”

  “Something,” came Laura’s reply. “I’m her boss, along with every other person in the Flying Eagles.”

  It took a moment for Lucas to process that. “You mean… every single Flying Eagles member is like-” he stopped.

  Laura nodded. The mixture of power and lust in her face, Lucas found it strangely intoxicating.

  “They’re not all as well behaved as her,” Laura commented. “And there are some that don’t know it yet. But they will,” she laughed. And then, with a serious tone, she asked, “What do you want to do with her?”


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