Complete Works of Plautus

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Complete Works of Plautus Page 73

by Plautus


  I’ll cease to be angry now. It was for this I blamed you, because you refused to trust me for the money.


  ’Twas a wonder, indeed, that I didn’t trust you, that you might do the same to me that some of the bankers do. When you’ve entrusted them with anything, they immediately run more quickly away from the Forum than a hare, when, at the games, he’s let out of the entrance of his cage.


  holding out the money . Take this, will you.


  Why don’t you give it then?


  giving it . There will be here six hundred didrachms, full weight and counted; cause the damsel to be set at liberty, and bring her out here forthwith.


  I’ll have her here this moment. I’ faith, I don’t know to whom now to give this money to be tested.


  Perhaps you are afraid to entrust it to any one’s hands?


  Strange if I wasn’t. More quickly, now-a-days, do bankers abscond from the Forum, than a wheel spins round in a race.


  pointing . Do you go that way, through the alleys, the back way to the Forum; let this damsel pass through the same way to our house, through the garden.


  I’ll have her here this moment.


  But not in public view.


  Very discreet.


  To-morrow she must go to return thanks.


  I’ faith, just so indeed.


  While you’ve been loitering, you might have got back. Exit DORDALUS; TOXILUS goes into the house.


  Enter TOXILUS.


  to himself . If you give attention to any matter with steadiness or with good management, that same is wont properly to thrive to your satisfaction. And, by my faith, pretty nearly according as each man gives attention to his business, in the same manner do the results finally ensure him success. If he is knavish or a rogue, the business turns out badly which he has commenced; but if he uses good management, it results profitably. Cleverly and skilfully did I commence upon this business; for that reason do I trust that it will turn out well for me. Now, I’ll this day have the Procurer so hampered, that he shan’t know himself which way to extricate himself. Goes to the door. Sagaristio, hallo! Come forth, and bring out the young woman, and that letter which I sealed for you, which you brought me all the way from Persia, from my master.

  Enter SAGARISTIO and the DAUGHTER of SATURIO, from the house, each dressed in Persian costume.


  Have I delayed at all?


  Bravo! bravo! dressed out in splendid style. To SAGARISTIO. The tiara does finely set off your dress. Then, too, how beautifully does the slipper become this stranger damsel! But are you thoroughly up in your parts?


  Tragedians and Comedians have never been up so well.


  Troth, you are giving me kind assistance. Come, be off that way pointing , to a distance out of sight, and hold your tongue. When you see me conversing with the Procurer, that will be the time to accost us; now be off, you, — away with you. SAGARISTIO and the DAMSEL go aside, out of sight.



  to himself . The man to whom the Deities are propitious, in his way they throw some profit. For I this day have made a saving of two loaves daily; this way, she who this day was my slave is now her own; by his cash he has prevailed; this day then she’ll be dining at the expense of another, she’ll be tasting nothing of mine. Am I not a worthy man, am I not a courteous citizen, who this day have made the extensive state of Attica still larger, and increased it by a female citizen? But how obliging have I been to-day! To how many have I given credit, and have from no person taken surety; so readily did I give credit to all: and I don’t fear that of those whom I’ve trusted to-day any one will forswear himself against me upon trial. I wish from this day forth to be honest — a thing that never will be and never was.


  apart . This fellow, this very day, by clever contrivances, I’ll catch in a springe; and so the snare is cunningly laid for him; I’ll accost the fellow. Aloud. What are you about? DOR. Giving credit.


  Whence do you betake yourself, Dordalus?


  I’m going to give you credit.


  May the Gods grant whatever you may desire. How now, have you given the damsel her liberty by this?


  I’m going to give you credit, i’ faith, I’m going to give you credit, I repeat.


  Are you now increased in number by one freed-woman?


  You worry me to death. Why, I tell you that I’ll give you credit.


  Tell me in sober truth, is she now at liberty?


  Go, go to the Forum, to the Prætor; make all enquiries, since you don’t choose to give me credit. She is at liberty, I say. Do you hear me at all?


  May all the Deities bless you then. And never from this time forward, will I wish to you or yours what you don’t wish.


  Be off: don’t be swearing that. I quite believe you.


  Where is your freed-woman now?


  At your house.


  Do you say so? Is she at our house?


  I do say so, I tell you; she is at your house, I say.


  So may the Deities favour me, for this thing many blessings from me are in store for you: for there’s a certain matter, which I refrained from mentioning to you; now I’ll disclose it, and from it you can make a very large profit. I’ll give you cause to remember me so long as you exist.


  My ears are wanting some kind deeds by way of assistance to these kind words.


  It’s only your deserts, that I should do as you deserve. And that you may know that I will do so, take this letter showing him a letter ; read it over.


  What has this got to do with me?


  Why yes, it bears reference to yourself, and it does relate to you. But it has just now been brought me from Persia, from my master.




  Not long since.


  What does it say?


  Make enquiry of its own self: it will tell you itself.


  Give it me, then. Taking it from TOXILUS.


  But read it aloud.


  Be silent while I read it over.


  I’ll not utter a word.


  reading . “Timarchides sends health to Toxilus and all the family. If you are well, I am glad; I am quite well, and carrying on my business, and am making money; and I am not able to return home for these eight months, for there is some business which detains me here; the Persians have taken Chrysopolis, a city of Arabia, full of good things, and an ancient town; there the booty is being collected, that a public auction may be made; this matter causes me to be absent from home. I wish attention and hospitality to be shown to the person who brings this letter to you. Attend to what he wants; for at his own house at home he has shown me the greatest attentions.” What has it to do with me or my welfare, what matters the Persians are about, or what your master is doing?


  Hold your tongue, silly babbler; you don’t know what blessing aw
aits you. It’s in vain that Fortune is ready to light for you her torch that leads to profit.


  What Fortune is this that leads to profit?


  pointing to the letter . Ask that which knows: I know about as much as yourself, except that I was the first to read it through. But as you’ve begun, learn the matter from the letter.


  You counsel me aright. Keep silence.


  Now you’ll come to that which does relate to your interest.


  reading on . “The person that brings this letter, has taken with him a well-bred female of engaging charms, who has been stolen, and brought from the inmost parts of Arabia; I wish you to take charge of her that she may be sold there; but he who makes purchase of her, must buy her at his own risk; nobody will promise or give a warranty. Take you care that he receives money full weight and counted. Pay attention to this, and give attention that the stranger is attended to. Farewell.”


  What then? After you have read over what has been committed to the wax, do you believe me now?


  Where now is this stranger that brought this letter?


  He’ll be here just now, I believe; he has sent for her from the ship.


  I don’t want any lawsuits or quirks at all. Why should I be laying out so much money at such a distance? Unless I get her on warranty, what need have I of this purchase?


  Will you, or will you not, hold your tongue? I never did believe you to be such a blockhead. What are you afraid of?


  I’ faith, I really am afraid; I’ve experienced it now so many times, and it will not befall me without having already experienced it, to be getting stuck in such a quagmire.


  There seems to be no risk.


  I know that; but I’m afraid about myself.


  It matters nothing whatever to me, so far as I’m concerned; it’s for your sake I mentioned it, that I might at the earliest moment give you an opportunity of advantageously purchasing her.


  I return you thanks; but it’s a nicer thing for you to become wise through others, than for others through yourself.


  Surely no person can follow after her from the inmost parts of Arabia. Will you make purchase of her, then?


  Only let me see the commodity.


  You say what’s fair. But look, most à propos, the stranger is coming himself, who brought this letter hither.


  pointing down the side-scene . Is that he?


  That’s he.


  And is that the girl that was stolen?


  I know just about as well as yourself, except that I have seen her. Upon my faith, she certainly is genteel looking, whoever she is.


  Faith, she has pretty regular features.


  aside . With what contempt the hang-dog does speak of her. To DORDALUS. Let’s examine her beauty in silence.


  I approve of your advice. They stand aside.

  Enter SAGARISTIO and the DAUGHTER of SATURIO, dressed as PERSIANS.


  Doesn’t Athens seem to you a rich and opulent place?


  I’ve seen the appearance of the city; the customs of the people I’ve observed but little of.


  apart . At the very outset has she forborne to make a wise remark.


  apart . I cannot by her very first words form an estimate of her wisdom.


  What as to that which you have seen? How does the city seem fortified to you, with its wall?


  If the inhabitants have good morals, I think it’s properly fortified. If Perfidiousness, and Peculation, and Avarice are exiled from the city, Envy in the fourth place, Ambition in the fifth, Scandal in the sixth, Perjury in the seventh.


  apart . Bravo!


  Idleness in the eighth, Injustice in the ninth, Immorality, which is the very worst in its attack, in the tenth. If these things shall not be away from it, a wall a hundred-fold were too little for preserving its interests.


  apart . What say you? DOR. apart . What do you mean?


  apart . You are among those ten companions; you must depart in banishment from here.


  apart . Why so? TOX. apart . Because you are perjured.


  apart . Really she has spoken not without some cleverness.


  apart . That’s to your advantage, I say; you buy her.


  apart . Upon my faith, the more I look at her, the more she pleases me.


  apart . If you do buy her, immortal Gods, no other Procurer will be more wealthy than yourself; at your will you’ll be turning people out of their estates and households; you’ll be transacting business with men of the highest rank; they’ll be longing for your favour; they’ll be coming to make merry at your house.


  apart . But I shan’t allow them to be admitted.


  apart . But then at night they’ll be singing before your threshold, and be burning down your door; do you at once order your house to be fastened with a door of iron, change for a house of iron, fix in thresholds of iron, a bar of iron and a ring; if you don’t prove sparing of the iron, do you order thick fetters of iron to be rivetted upon yourself.


  apart . Away to utter perdition! TOX. pushing him . Go then, make purchase of her, and follow my advice.


  apart . Only let me know how much he asks for her.


  apart . Should you like me to call him here?


  apart . I’ll go to him.


  accosting him . How fare you, guest?


  I’m come; I’ve brought her pointing to the DAMSEL , as I just now said I would. For yesterday at night the ship arrived in harbour: I want her to be sold, if she can; if she cannot, I intend to go away from here as soon as I can.


  Greetings to you, young man.


  If indeed I shall dispose of her at her own price ——


  pointing to DORDALUS . Why, you’ll either sell her handsomely with him for your purchaser, or you can to no one.


  Are you a friend of his?


  In the same measure as all the Divinities who inhabit the heavens.


  Then you are an assured enemy to me; for to the race of procurers no God was ever so kind as to prove propitious.


  Attend to the business in hand. Have you any need to purchase her?


  If you have need for her to be sold, I, too, have need to purchase her; if you have no sudden occasion to sell, just in the same degree have I to buy.


  State a sum; name a price.


  The commodity is your own; it’s for you to name a sum.


  to SAGARISTIO . He asks what’s right.


  Do you wish to buy at a bargain?


  Do you wish to sell at a handsome profit?


  I’ faith, I’m sure that both of you would like to do so.

  Come, boldly name your price.


  I tell you beforehand; no one will dispose of her to you on warranty. Do you so understand it, then?


  I understand it. Declare what’s the lowest price at which you’ll offer her, for which she may be taken by the purchaser.


  Hold your tongue, hold your tongue. Really, upon my faith, you are a very simple man, with your childish ways.


  Why so?


  Why because I wish you first to make enquiries of the damsel which relate to your interest.


  And really, upon my faith, you’ve given me no bad advice. Look at that, will you. I, an experienced Procurer, had almost fallen into the pit, if you had not been here. How important a point it is to have a person your friend at hand when you are about anything.


  I want you to make enquiry of her, of what family or in what country she was born, or of what parents, so that you mayn’t say that you’ve bought her at hazard by my persuasion or suggestion.


  On the contrary, I approve of your counsel, I tell you.


  to SAGARISTIO . Unless it’s troublesome, he’s desirous to make a few enquiries of her.


  By all means; at his own pleasure.


  to DORDALUS . Why do you delay? Go to him yourself; and do you yourself ask him as well, that you may be allowed to make such enquiries as you please; although he has told me that he gives permission to do so of her, still I had rather that you yourself should go to him, that he mayn’t be holding you in contempt.


  You give me very proper advice. Accosting SAGARISTIO. Stranger, I should like to ask some questions of her. Pointing to the YOUNG WOMAN.


  From earth to heaven, whatever you like.


  Just bid her to step this way to me.


  to the YOUNG WOMAN . Go you, then, and humour him. To DORDALUS. Make enquiry, question her, just as you please.


  to DORDALUS . Well, well, get on then; make your preparations. Aside to the YOUNG WOMAN. Take you care to commence with a good omen.


  The auspices are favourable.


  Aside to the YOUNG WOMAN . Hold your tongue. To DORDALUS. Step you aside here; I will now conduct her to you.



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