Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1

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Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1 Page 7

by L. L. Ash

  “Just lay back and enjoy it Sam. Let me do this for you.” He grinned and added, “Hell, let me do this for ME.”

  His mouth descended again and I kept bucking until his mouth found the sweet spot and I groaned. All the fight escaped me and my hips began grinding into his lips.

  “Atta girl,” he mumbled and began nibbling and sucking.

  My brain about exploded at the feelings igniting. His tongue and lips were nothing like fingers. The twisting and turning and flicking happening against that little button took over me.

  After another moment his arms loosened on my legs and he settled my knees on his shoulders so his hands could roam. One hand brushed up my stomach, fingers finding a nipple and twisting it a little as fingers plunged into me, causing me to gasp again.

  The magnitude of sensations built up like a simmer then turned immediately up to high.

  The bucking commenced and his free hand ran up and down the breast, pulling the nipple and squeezing the flesh.

  “Let it go, Baby,” he coaxed. “Come for me. I want to feel you come for me.”

  I hadn’t imagined I would like some dirty talk up until that moment, when his words sent me over that precipice into throbbing and burning and euphoria.

  “Atta girl,” he said again and rubbed his fingers in me for another moment before lifting his head and taking his hand back.

  He quickly wiped his mouth on his bare forearm before digging through his jeans, then pulling his boxer briefs off.

  “Mind if I get in on this action?” He asked as the last waves settled in my belly.

  “It’s the least I can do,” I told him breathlessly.

  He grinned and plunged in, driving himself to the hilt on the first try.

  “Oh, hell yes,” he gasped out. “Remind me to start you out that way from now on.”

  I laughed, but the humor ended quickly when his hips began to move. We were both a moaning, pulsating mess while he built up rhythm and speed. His necklace, a chain with a silver arch pendant, brushed between my breasts with every thrust. And that burning in my belly began to build again so I ground against him to try and help it along. When he grunted out his release, he must have hit that elusive G-spot because the throbbing suddenly hurled me over that precipice again. I moaned his name and my fingers scratched down his shoulders.

  Tyler kept pumping until he couldn’t anymore, then instead, he fell over next to me, panting and grinning.

  “You look happy,” I breathed while I savored the second round of pleasurable waves.

  “Because I am,” he said just as breathlessly.

  When I’d gained control over myself again, I turned to my side, molding my body against his. His hand lifted to sit on the curve between my hip and waist and his eyes met mine, shining the brightest blue I’ve ever seen.

  “What is this?” I asked as I touched the silver arch attached to the chain on his neck.

  “A present from my mom,” he said and put his hand over mine as I held it. “She sent it for my 18th birthday,”

  “If it’s from your mom, why do you wear it?”

  “Because it’s all the jewelry I have besides my rings. And sometimes I have to dress up like this for certain guests.”

  “It doesn’t sound like fun; having to entertain guests that you can’t be yourself around.”

  “You know,” he said, tucking his arm behind his head while keeping the other wrapped around me. “It doesn’t matter what job you have, sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do. I’m in the business to sell and loosen purse strings. So if I have to wear a stupid necklace or a suit or a clown outfit, I’ll do it if Dad asks.”

  “How do you know what each guest will want?”

  “Well, it’s not really a matter of what they WANT as opposed to what they’ll be comfortable around. A group of Chinese execs wearing suits will be more comfortable around a host wearing a suit. A rapper and his posse wearing jeans and jerseys will be more comfortable around a guy wearing jeans and a t-shirt. It’s just about knowing the guest.”

  “That makes sense,” I said, tucking my head in the bend of the arm tucked behind his head.

  He cuddled me tighter and we were quiet for a minute before I asked, “So if a group of mimes from Cirque Du Soleil comes to your hotel you’ll dress and act like a mime?”

  His chest bounced with his laugh and the feeling made me smile and my chest burned warm with affection.

  “If I thought it’d make a difference, I probably would.”

  He sighed and ran his finger down the bridge of my nose.

  “I love you,” he whispered, his eyes meeting mine. “Every weird, adorable, unpredictable little piece of you.”

  “You think I’m weird?”

  “Way to overthink a compliment.”

  I just grinned and cuddled closer.

  When I woke up, I wasn’t sure where I was. I felt flesh surrounding me, and I flashed back to last night. The dress, that tongue. The wicked thoughts made my cheeks pinken. I lay still and pulled gently at the hairs on his chest until he stirred.

  “What the hell are you doing?” He asked in a gravely voice.

  “Getting to know every freckle and hair,” I told him and kissed a pec.

  “If you’re trying to start something, I’m already ahead of you.”

  He turned and I felt his morning wood press against my leg.

  With a giggle I asked, “You got another condom?”

  He sighed and put a hand to his eyes, “Dammit.”

  “I take that as a no,” I said, pulling at another hair.

  “Hey,” he pushed my hand away, “That hurts you know.”

  I kissed the spot I’d offended before sitting up, looking for the purple dress Tyler had hurled across the room the night before.

  When I bent to retrieve it a few feet away I heard a whistle before Tyler said, “Oh yeah, stay just like that.”

  “Don’t look!” I screeched as I jumped back up and turned, hiding my butt from him.

  “Mmm, ok. Jump all you want. I love watching those babies jiggle.”

  I crossed my arms across my chest and looked for my lace panties.

  “Aww, you’re ruining all my fun,” he called, sitting up with complaint.

  “Well you better get over it,” I told him, crouching to get the panties.

  “If I can’t sex you, can’t I at least watch you?” he asked in a begging voice.

  “Either finish the job or don’t get started,” I told him as I pulled on the lace.

  “Need help slithering back into that trap?” He asked, standing, his head barely missing the glass.

  “Trap?” I asked as I wiggled the dress up around my hips.

  Tyler stepped up behind me, his hands reaching around me to cup each breast gently and nuzzle my neck while I wedged myself into the dress.

  After a few more tugs I got it on and pulled the top over his hands while I said sarcastically, “Thanks for the help.”

  “Oh, it’s absolutely my pleasure,” he said and pulled the zipper up for me.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” I told him once I was dressed.

  “Let’s just go downstairs and you can use the bathroom there.”

  “Your dad won’t mind?”

  “It’s my house, too,” he said and began pulling his clothes on.

  Once we were decent, although both of us making the walk of shame, we hurried into the suite. I needed to pee and check my makeup and hair before facing other people.

  Before heading back I handed my purse and shoes to Tyler then closed the door.

  “Well, welcome back, stranger,” I heard a voice that was male and not Tyler’s.

  “Hey,” Tyler said with an exasperated voice.

  “When did you begin crossdressing?” I heard.

  It confused me for a minute until I heard Tyler answer, “It’s Sam’s. She’s in the bathroom.”

  “Did you come back here last night? I didn’t hear you. And I’m pretty sure I
would have heard you.”

  Ty laughed then explained that we were up in the glass room.

  There was a silence and it jolted me to the remembrance that I was supposed to be using the toilet.

  After relieving myself, I used my freshly washed hands to tame my hair and wipe up the loose makeup flakes hanging out under my eyes.

  I took a deep breath and tried to prepare myself to meet Tyler’s dad.

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, Tyler was standing next to a young looking man. His black hair was combed neatly in an attractive side part while his white teeth stood out against his olive skin tone. His lips spread into a wide, welcoming smile and his eyes boasted dark green irises.

  “Wow Tyler. You didn’t mention that she was beautiful. There’s a difference between hot and beautiful, you know.”

  “She’s both,” Tyler said with obvious pride.

  Was this his brother? A friend? He didn’t have any brothers I thought….

  “Hi,” I said, putting out my clammy hand.

  “It’s a real pleasure to finally meet you,” he said, his gaze moving up and down me again before settling on my eyes.

  “You too,” I said, looking over at Tyler for his help.

  “Well, you said you wanted to meet Dad,” he said and grinned at me.

  “You’re his DAD?” I asked, my jaw slack.

  Tyler and his dad both looked at each other before bursting into unison laughs.

  When he gained himself again, Tyler moved over to me and took my hand saying, “Look more like roommates than father and son. I know.”

  “Oh, I’m his dad, trust me,” he said. “I sat through every middle school and high school basketball game, helped with every scrap of homework and had the birds and bees talk with this young man.”

  My cheeks flushed at the talk of birds and bees and the conversation they’d had while I was in the bathroom. They obviously didn’t hide their sex lives from each other. At least Tyler didn’t.

  “She’s got zero filter sometimes, but she’s easily embarrassed,” Tyler said to his dad before putting his arm around me.

  “Well I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable, Sam,” his dad said.

  “Oh, I’m fine Mr. Harrison,” I said, my cheeks burning brighter.

  “Please, call me Scott.” his dad said, then looked at Tyler. “From what I hear, sounds like we’ll have plenty of time to get acquainted.”

  Tyler nodded and squeezed me before leading me toward the door.

  “I should get her home before her dad sends a SWAT team after her.”

  “Well it was nice to meet you Sam. I’d like to get to know you better. Maybe over brunch or dinner sometime?”

  “I’d like that,” I said and smiled as we made our way toward the door.

  When we were in the elevator I swatted Tyler’s arm so hard I might have left a bruise.

  “Ouch! What was that for?” He asked, rubbing out the tender spot.

  “You didn’t bother to tell me you dad is the same age as you?” I asked and hit him again in the same spot. “I sounded like an idiot. And I blame you!”

  He laughed and continued to rub his arm.

  “We’re not the same age. Dad’s 35. He was about my age when I came into his life.”

  “You should have told me your dad was datable age, Ty,” I told him, lips pressed together in anger.

  “You’re not going to leave me for him, are you?” he asked, feigning shock and horror. “I’m not the filter service, you know.”

  “I know. I was stupid enough to give my heart to you instead.”

  He sobered.

  “You’re not stupid to trust me with your heart,” he said and brushed a few strands of hair out of my face.

  “I didn’t mean it that way. I’m just irritated.”

  “Sorry I didn’t tell you,” he said finally.

  “Wait,” I paused and turned to him. “If he’s only twelve years older than you, how old is your mom?”

  “She was a cougar, though she had me when she was only 16.”

  I shook my head at the absurdness of it all.

  “Your family is messed up,” I said under my breath and he laughed again before holding me around the waist as we got on the elevator.

  Chapter 5

  “I talked to Joe and Hannah today,” Dad said when I walked in the door in my purple dress from the night before.

  I must have looked a sight, and obviously bedraggled. He looked me up and down with disapproval on his face but he didn’t say a word about it.

  “You did?” I asked back, playing it cool while I moved toward my room.

  “They invited us to their house for thanksgiving,” Dad said, going back to reading his cereal box.

  See, Joseph and Hannah are Connor’s mom and dad. The ones who were second parents to me while I was busy being Connor’s twin.

  “Did you agree?”

  “Of course I did. I wouldn’t give up Hannah’s homemade stuffing and pumpkin pie if I were diabetic with a failing heart.”

  I laughed at the visual.

  “I hope you told them I’m coming, too.”

  “I haven’t told them anything yet about you. I wasn’t sure you’d make it or if you’re spending the holiday with your new boyfriend or whatever he is.”

  “Boyfriend,” I said quietly before adding, “If it’s ok, I’d like to ask Tyler to come along, too. I’m sure Connor would love to meet him.”

  “I’ll ask. Though I’m not sure Connor would celebrate a new man in your life. He was quite content being the only man you counted on besides me.”

  I waved a hand at Dad and headed toward my bedroom.

  “We’re just friends, Dad. Connor’ll be happy for me. I just know it.”

  Dad shook his head and again went back to reading the cereal box.

  After gathering some clothes I got into the bathroom and turned the water on in the shower and after cleaning up I heard my phone ding and ding and ding. I looked at it immediately thinking it must be important. 13 messages.


  -Hey you




  -Write me back

  -Hey you





  -I miss you

  -Hey beautiful write me BAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKK

  All from Tyler. I wrote him back ASAP.

  -Are you ok? What’s going on?

  -I just missed you. :)


  -Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you.

  -What’s up?

  -Talked to Dad. He felt bad about freaking you out.

  -I’m fine. Just sorry he met me after we so obviously did it.

  -HA, Dad doesn’t care about that stuff. I broke him out of that when I was a teen.

  -You’ve been inside girls that long, huh?

  -Wow this conversation got away from me quick.

  -You didn’t answer my question.

  -More a conversation for face to face if we really have to talk about it.

  -Geez. Not sure I want to know anymore.

  -It’s not as bad as you think.

  -Ok. I’ll have to believe you I guess.

  -Hey, you weren’t a virgin, either ;)

  That comment irritated and hurt me so I didn’t text him back.

  My phone dinged, then dinged again only seconds later. I picked it up and saw his texts

  -I’m sorry

  -That was totally uncalled for.

  My phone started ringing just then.

  It was Tyler.

  “What?” I said with a sigh.

  “I’m so sorry Sam,” he blurted, “I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. I’m a freaking asshole and I’m so so so sorry.”

  “That wasn’t cool,” I said quietly.

  “I know… I’m sorry. I forget sometimes that girls are way more sensitive about sex and stuff and my trying to be fu
nny got away from me…. I knew it was a mistake the moment I hit send.”

  “You hang out with too many men,” I decided finally.

  “I know. I just… I don’t know. After going to strip clubs and bars and… Damn I’m digging my hole deeper. I’m not used to good girls and I’m just a freaking asshat. I don’t know what else to say.”

  “You’re not an asshat,” I told him with a giggle.

  I could hear his sigh of relief whoosh over the phone when he heard me laugh.

  “Don’t you say anything like that ever again, got it?” I told him. “I’m really sensitive about the matter, and I’d tell you why if you asked, but it’s personal and not pleasant so only ask if you really, really want to know.”

  “What, about how you lost your virginity?”

  “Yes. What a weird subject we’ve landed on....”

  “Tell me,” he said, his voice going gentler.

  I looked around the bathroom and the towel wrapped around myself and the steam clouding the mirror.

  “I’m just out of the shower. Can I call you back when I get dressed and...”

  “You’re naked and I’m missing it?” he asked, excited and disappointed at the same time.

  “Well yes, I tend to take showers naked and by myself.”

  “Pictures or it didn’t happen.”

  “Oh you wish!”

  “I’m damn serious. Pictures,” he said in a low voice. “It’ll give me something to get through my nights with.”

  “EW!” I shrieked.

  “Not like that!” he laughed, then sobered quickly. “Ok maybe like that sometimes.”

  “I’m hanging up.”

  “Pictures!” I heard him say as I hung up the phone.

  I moved the towel through my hair again and looked at myself in the mirror.

  I wasn’t sure if it was the last couple weeks with Tyler, or the amazing night we’d had the night before, but something gave me courage to take a picture for him like he begged.

  So with my mind made up, I ran into my room with a towel wrapped around me and undid it while I stood in front of a long mirror.

  I put the phone in front of my face, blocking it in the image, then tried a few poses before deciding on one, glad I’d shaved everything the day before so I was still smooth. I tousled my hair a bit to make it look as sexy as I could, then snapped the picture. When I looked at it I got immediately embarrassed, but then I looked at it from a different perspective. I considered myself attractive. I was fit and had muscle but also curves, and my breasts weren’t huge, but they were big enough for a DD bra so I guess they were larger than average. But not too big to be perky. At least they were still perky. I briefly wondered how long that’d last while the picture sent.


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