Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1

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Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1 Page 14

by L. L. Ash

  “You got it,” Katie said and turned around, bounding quickly away from the table.

  “You’re good at this,” Tyler said with a laugh, playing with my fingers he had clasped in his hand.

  “Oh, I know how to flirt,” I told him.

  “Does this go in the category of hidden talents along with BJs?”

  I laughed uproariously and Tyler grinned while he chuckled at his own joke.

  The other diners gave us dirty looks and I got ahold of myself enough to turn my gaze to Tyler with all the love I felt for him in that moment.

  “You’ve yet to prove that, you know,” he said, getting up from his chair to sit in the one to my left, his back to the other diners.

  “You said you’re so good at it,” he leaned toward me, pressing his mouth to my ear in a whisper. “But I’ve yet to have those big pretty lips suck me off.”

  “Ty!” I admonished, looking around, hoping nobody else heard him.

  He chuckled and pulled his beer over to his new spot before he put an arm around the back of my chair, tugging it til it slid across the tiles to the end of the table near him, then settled the arm around me taking a long sip.

  “Well, maybe you’ll get the proof you’re looking for later,” I told him, looking around hoping nobody understood my code.

  “You going to give the proof to me after lunch?” He asked with a contented smirk on his face.

  “In your dreams, Buddy,” I told him. “I get off work late, so maybe tomorrow if you’re free.”

  “You think there’s anything that’s so important I’d turn down… proof?”

  I giggled and Ty winked at me again as he continued to drain his beer.

  It was half gone by the time our food arrived. I picked at my fish as Tyler dug into his bloody burger.

  “You ok?” he asked as he wiped the juices off his face with a napkin.

  “Oh, I’m just worried about something...” I told him cryptically.

  “What are you worried about?” he asked, putting his food down and looking at me with a serious and worried expression.

  “I mean, about this morning...” I said and glanced around again.

  He stared at me for a minute before saying, “Oh right. Yeah I was thinking about that this morning during the meeting. I got something for you on the way over. Worry gone.”

  I gave him a little smile and felt good that he’d thought of me.

  The worry of unwanted pregnancy had strained at the back of my brain ever since the shower that morning. At least I wasn’t the only one looking after me.

  We finished our lunch in comfortable companionship before Tyler got the check and asked me what kind of tip I thought he should leave for a flirting waitress.

  “I don’t blame her for trying,” I told her with a laugh. “You’re pretty damn hot and that new hairdo is like viagra for a girl.”

  Tyler laughed and slipped 3 $20s in the black leather book.

  We headed to the car and when we got in Tyler reached into the back seat and pulled a plastic bag from a drugstore into the front seat.

  “So, I don’t exactly know how this works. But this is what Dad said to use if I ever had to,” he said and pulled out the box for the morning after pill.

  “You saying you’ve never had to give a girl a morning after pill before?” I asked with a laugh.

  Tyler’s face sobered when he said, “I’ve never had sex without a condom before, so no.”

  My smile melted and I realized just what a big deal this morning had been. It had been a first for both of us.

  “You saying I took your condomless-sex virginity?” I asked him with a smile.

  He sort of nodded and shrugged at the same time before handing me the box. I looked at the instructions and read outloud.

  “So it has an 85% chance of preventing pregnancy,” I said and flipped the box to see the side effects. “Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness…. Holy hell can this thing kill me?” I asked and turned the box again.

  Tyler looked over my shoulder at the box then he looked me in the eye and said, “Sam, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was such a big deal.”

  “It’s not all your fault,” I told him with a sigh. “I wanted it as much as you did….”

  “I wish I could take it for you,” he said as I popped the pill out of the foil and plastic card.

  After gathering some spit in my mouth I threw it back and swallowed.

  “Well, it’s done,” I said and reached for a water bottle I saw tucked in the door by my foot.

  I drank the entire thing down and waited to feel like death.

  When nothing changed I smiled and said, “Not too bad.”

  “Hopefully it stays that way,” he said, his brows creased in worry. “If you get sick at all, call me and I’ll come pick you up from work any time. Ok?”

  I nodded and looked at the time.

  “Speaking of work, I should get headed there.”

  Tyler nodded and we made our way to the Smiths I worked at. He dropped me off with a kiss promising to pick me up after my shift ended at midnight.

  I went in and got my apron out of my locker and went about my work.

  It was about halfway into my shift when I started feeling sick. My stomach hurt and I wondered briefly if I had gotten food poisoning. Half an hour later I was in the store bathroom throwing up with a splitting headache and terrible cramps in my belly.

  “Can I call someone for you?” The manager asked as she hovered outside the stall door.

  “Tyler,” I said. “My boyfriend Tyler.”

  I handed her the phone before another round of nausea hit me. I heard her speaking on the phone in somewhat of a panicked tone before hanging up telling me, “Hang in there. He’s on his way.”

  I was sitting against the stall wall when Tyler came bursting into the women’s bathroom.

  “Sam?” he called.

  My manager pointed to my stall since I was too weak to even speak. He caught sight of me and I couldn’t even describe the horror and regret that was masking his face.

  “My God…. Sam are you ok?”

  I gave a weak nod and he put one arm around my back and the other beneath my knees before hefting me up and bringing me out of the store.

  I waved in and out of exhaustion, but I remembered briefly being put into a car and buckled in before blacking out completely.

  When I came to, I was in a comfortable bed. My nausea was lessened and my headache was only a dull throb instead of a piercing pain,

  “You WHAT?” I heard from outside the open door. “Tyler Zachary Harrison you know BETTER than that! What the fuck were you thinking?”

  “I wasn’t… That’s the problem. I didn’t think it was a big deal. I mean, lots of girls take the morning after pill and are just fine….”

  “So you just thought you’d put her through this, with an 85% chance of effectiveness, by the way. That leaves 15% chance of becoming a dad, Ty. Are you ready to be a dad?”

  “You were,” Tyler responded.

  “Are you fucking TRYING to get her pregnant?!” Scott practically shrieked.

  “Of course not. That’s not on the agenda for either of us right now, but if it happened, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.”

  “Oh and I’m sure her father would just LOVE that he gets a grandbaby from his 20 year old baby girl.”

  I heard Tyler sigh deeply before saying, “It was stupid. It won’t ever happen again. I feel like shit enough Dad, you don’t need to make it worse.”

  “Well something’s got to get through that Goddamned thick skull of yours, Ty. Maybe almost sending the love of your life to the hospital will do it.”

  “Ty?” I called.

  I’d had enough of listening to Scott berate Tyler alone.

  In less then a second Tyler was by my side, kneeling by the bed while pressing a hand to my forehead asking how I was faring.

  “Scott?” I called instead of answerin

  He stepped into the room but stayed near the door wearing only flannel pajama bottoms.

  “How are you doing, Sweetheart?” he asked me, genuine concern in his eyes as he crossed his arms over a firm, wide chest.

  “I’m better than before, but I’m a little upset.”

  “I’m so so sorry, Sam,” Tyler started but I held a finger out to him, focusing on Scott.

  “I could hear your conversation out there,” I told them both. “And it’s not fair to blame Ty for the entire thing. I knew what we were doing and I know the risks of it. If you’re going to lecture him, then you had better lecture me, too.”

  “I think she’s feeling better,” Ty said with a chuckle toward his dad.

  Scott’s eyes narrowed as he watched me intently for a minute, before a smile tipped the side of his lips the way Tyler’s did.

  “You’re right, of course,” he said with a nod. “Next time you want to skip the condom Sam, make sure you’re on birth control, huh? I’d rather not be woken up with my son ranting about his dying girlfriend.”

  “I’m not dying,” I said with a laugh toward Tyler.

  He looked sheepish for a minute, then grabbed my hand tightly.

  “Alright. It looks like the worst is over now so let’s all get some sleep,” Scott said. “And Sam….”

  I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “I like you,” he said before giving me a full smile and heading out of the bedroom.

  His back reminded me of Connor with its breadth and definition, only a couple of shades darker.

  Tyler climbed on top of the blanket beside me while fully dressed asking, “How are you doing? Can I get you anything?”

  “Just some water,” I told him.

  He hurried to get me water and I took the time to shift uncomfortably. My thighs felt a little wet and I wondered briefly if I peed my pants when I suddenly realized what that sticky feeling was. I jumped out of bed, seeing the big red stain on the comforter and silk sheets. A trail of blood slid down my thigh toward the perfect carpet and I quickly swiped it up before running into the bathroom with tears falling generously from my eyes.

  “Sam!” I heard Tyler shout when I was gone from the bed, replaced by what must have been a horrifying blood stain.

  “Leave me alone!” I shrieked and pulled my stained shorts and panties off, taking a miserable seat on the toilet.

  Tyler banged on the door and turned the handle, letting himself in but I refused to let him see me like this.

  “Get out!” I yelled again and slammed the door in his face.

  “Are you ok?” He asked through the door.

  “Just go away,” I cried.

  He called to me a couple more times then there was silence. I heard Scott and Tyler speaking again outside the door and Tyler was freaking out.

  “Well how the hell do you think the pill works?” Scott asked with irritation creeping into his voice.

  “So she’s ok?” Ty asked.

  My mortification was now complete.

  “Well if there’s a fertilized egg in there it’s got to get out somehow. It’s her body’s natural function.”

  “Sam,” I heard Scott call through the door. “Can I please come in?”

  “Please just leave me alone,” I cried softly, my tears coming in a constant stream.

  “I’m coming in,” he said despite my answer and the door opened a little.

  I threw a towel over my lap as he came into the bathroom.

  “Keep Tyler out,” I whispered.

  He closed the door behind him and said, “Don’t worry about the sheets or anything Sweetheart. If anything, I can afford to buy new bedding.”

  He attempted a smile for me and I appreciated it.

  “I’m so embarrassed,” I told him. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “It’s not really a surprising reaction to the pill. Pretty normal, actually,” he said. “Just relax, take a deep breath. I can’t imagine this is easy for you in the least. But don’t be ashamed at what your body does naturally.”

  “You sound like my Dad when he gave me the menstrual talk when I was eleven.”

  He chuckled and sat on the floor opposite me, back against the wall.

  “Your dad sounds like a smart guy,” he told me then added, “I called my assistant and she’s going to the store to pick up a few things for you. She’ll be here soon so just hold on and we’ll get you relaxing again in no time.”

  “Thanks,” I told him, almost forgetting I was sitting half naked on the toilet in front of my boyfriend’s dad.

  “Well, I’ve been married twice. The functions of the female body are nothing new to me.”

  He got me to laugh at the sarcastic remark.

  “Well at least one of us knows what’s going on,” I said with a smile.

  He smiled back and asked, “You want me to leave you alone now? Or do you want me to stay til Georgiana gets here?”

  “You can stay,” I whispered.

  He nodded and pulled his knees to his chest like Tyler always did.

  “Sounds like you made quite the action-packed night at work tonight,” he said moving the conversation away from the awkward situation.

  “Ugh… Yeah. It’s been a horrifying night all around.”

  Scott chuckled.

  “You think they’ll fire you?”

  “I don’t know, I don’t really care to be honest,” I told him.

  “Why don’t you come work with us?” Scott asked and stretched his legs out, giving an open view of his solid chest and six pack.

  “I never thought about it,” I replied, trying not to stare at the golden perfection.

  “I’ve been thinking about getting Tyler his own assistant anyway. Why not just kill 2 birds with 1 stone?”

  “God, now I’m a bird needing killing...” I smiled wanly and Scott laughed.

  He rolled his eyes then settled his smile-crinkled eyes on me.

  “Dad? Sam? Georgiana’s here,” Tyler called through the door.

  Scott got up in no hurry and opened the door a crack, taking the bag of goodies from Tyler before closing it again. He pulled out a pack of black cotton underwear and a pack of super absorbent pads before putting them on the counter.

  “Take a shower if you’re up to it,” he said. “Take your time and enjoy it. I’ll settle Ty down out there. And really, don’t be embarrassed, ok?”

  I nodded and he gave me one last smile before leaving the room.

  Scott was truly a handsome man, inside and out. He had a way with words and a friendly face with genuine happiness in his eyes. His body was cut in a way only a more mature man could be, his muscles seasoned, instead of new. The golden tanned skin glowed and his green eyes reminded me of Connor’s.

  “She’s embarrassed and afraid and she’s horrified that you saw what happened. Just leave her alone for now. She’ll come to you when she’s ready.”

  “So she’s ok? I feel like such an asshole,” Tyler moaned.

  “This isn’t about you,” Scott reminded him, then their talking stopped.

  I took Scott’s advice and got into the shower, washing the stickiness and the shame and horrification off of me. When I got out I felt like a new woman. I was still queasy but the worst seemed to have passed. I got into the underwear that was just a size too big but still fit well enough, then pressed the panty liner on and felt like I could face Tyler again. When I got out of the bathroom the bed was cleared and a new white sheet covered it with a pile of black fleece blankets at the foot.

  Tyler was looking out the window, his arms folded and one hand pressing fingers nervously to his lips. When I shut the door he turned quickly.

  “Hey,” he said and smiled at me.

  “I’m going to get this over with now, then I never want to speak about it again,” I told him and he nodded readily. “I didn’t know it’d cause bleeding or else I’d have prepared… I’m sorry about your sheets, but I’m mostly sorry you had to see that.”<
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  His face grew serious at my breathless rant, then a smile twerked the side of his lip up.

  “You say that like you could protect me from it forever.”

  “Well a girl could hope. But at least for a while. Maybe til we hit the 10 year mark.”

  Tyler laughed now and approached before pulling me into an embrace.

  “When you catch me jacking off at some point I’m sure I’ll feel the same way.”

  “You say that like you do it a lot.”

  “I did when we weren’t talking. I kept that picture you sent me and looked at it every night when I went to bed alone.”

  “You’re such a weirdo,” I told him with an adoring smile.

  “What can I say? No other girl could do after having you.”

  I sighed and rested my head against his chest, feeling my tiredness kick in again.

  “Come lay down,” he told me and led me to the bed.

  I laid down gratefully and sipped the water on the nightstand before cuddling up to Tyler and falling into a fast sleep.

  Chapter 11

  “She’s doing better,” I heard through the cracked door.

  The voices woke me up.

  “Good. I’ve got to head to work, but you stay here with her and take care of her. Get her whatever she wants, even if it’s the moon.”

  “I plan on it,” Tyler said and there was a pause.

  “Ty, she’s really special. You hold onto her with all you’re worth, you hear me?”

  “I know. Why do you think I love her?”

  “Call me if you need me, otherwise have a good day. And no sex, ok? Let her rest for a week at least.”

  “I wasn’t planning on ravishing her anytime soon. Not after what I did to her last time.”

  “Well it was stupid, but it was a mistake and you’re human. You’re allowed to make mistakes. The secret is to learn from them, yeah?”

  There was no response so I imagined he nodded in response.

  “Ok, meanwhile, bring her breakfast in bed. It’ll make her feel special.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’m glad you know things about women. I’d be lost without you.”

  “Well, Sam’s a fiery one, so I suspect she’ll break you in quite well and tell you what she wants.”


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