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Dread Page 15

by J G Jerome

  I tell Zandra, “Hold on tight, Beloved.” I slide a hand under her back and post with my left hand and twist. Zandra opens her legs as I lie down on the mattress and then squeezes herself to me. I caress her back gently and revel in the closeness of my newest lady.

  Zandra raises her head, “I heard it could be like that, Jack. I never believed it. I thought it was all romance novel fantasies. Oh my! I want you to love me every day, Jack.” I think she’s teasing because of the mischievous twinkle in her eye, but I suspect she’s more than half serious, too.

  “As often as I can, darling Zandra. You are mine. I am yours,” I assure her.

  “Lots of love making. Lots of babies. It sounds like the Hashashin version of heaven, but for women,” she says. I chuckle at that.

  There is a knock at the door. We both look to see Eileen standing there with a yawn as she unbuttons her blouse. She says, “Sorry to interrupt Zandra, but I think it’s my turn. Honestly, I’m too tired right now, but I’d love to cuddle up with the two of you as I fall asleep if you don’t mind.” She hangs the blouse next to Zandra’s clothing and removes her bra and loops it over the hanger.

  Zandra says, “I guess that’s okay.” She chuckles as she says, “There’s not much of a crack on this bed, so we can probably talk Jack into lying in the center.”

  Eileen kicks off her shoes and yawns again. “Sounds good to me.” She unbuckles her slacks and pushes them down with her panties in one motion. “By the way, some of the ladies love on each other, too. I’m not real comfortable with that. However, I’m fine with cuddles regardless of what we’re wearing.”

  Zandra nods, “I’m probably even more uptight than you are. It’s not something I’ve ever thought about, so I will be slow to adapt. However, it’s not unusual in Turkish culture for women to hold each other’s hands or loop an arm through that of their female companions. I’ve never had a friend like that, but I think I can do that without mental discomfort.”

  Eileen hangs her trousers and sits on the bed to pull off her socks. She looks over her shoulder. “Sounds good, Zandra. Which side do you want? I used to sleep to Jack’s left, but I think it doesn’t really matter.”

  Zandra shrugs as I watch her talk to Eileen. “I can take his right. I had the left side for a little while earlier,” she says with a grin. Eileen grins back at her.

  Eileen crawls over the footboard of the bed and I scoot towards the center as I maintain my spectator role in this conversation. Zadra’s right. It’s like squeezing two twins into a King frame. Not bad at all! Zandra stays mounted on me while I get settled. Eileen draws the comforter over the top of us and cuddles up to rest her head on my left shoulder. Zandra wraps an arm around Eileen and lays her head on my right shoulder. Eileen pulls the other comforter over herself and up onto Zandra. She kisses me, kisses Zandra’s shoulder, closes her eyes, and promptly drops off to sleep.

  I spy a naked Jessica sneaking quietly into the room. She crawls in on my right side. She kisses Zandra chastely, kisses me nearly as chastely, and also rapidly drops off to sleep.

  * * *

  I’m awakened by L’liana gently tugging on my ear. “Wake up husband. It’s time for you to go to battle.”


  “Jack! Wake up, my Love! If you’re going to deliver on your plan, you need to get up, Jack!”

  “Hmm...okay. Thanks, Lili. What happened to Trina, Jessi, and Leenie?” I ask.

  She chuckles, “Beloved, they were tired and well sexed from the plane ride. I suspect we were all tired because we spent so much time loving on each other on the plane rather than sleeping. Poor Miranda and the flight crew were feeling left out.”

  “Silly Elf. Kiss me, woman,” I tell her.

  As L’liana devours my mouth Jessica murmurs, “Okay. Lemme at him, Lili!”

  L’liana and I laugh as we break out kiss. Zandra sits up as L’liana backs up off of her.

  Zandra asks, “Wha...?”

  “It’s okay, Zandra. I need to get up to make my appointment with the Dread Lord,” I explain.

  Eileen kisses my cheek and looks up at Zandra. “Damn, you’re hot,” Eileen blurts at our newest family member.

  Zandra caresses Eileen’s cheek, “That’s very kind of you, Eileen. All of you are so pretty that it makes me wonder if I can keep our Lord’s attention. Especially with Sidhe and Elves in the mix.”

  Jessica kisses me while L’liana assures her, “Not at all, Zandra. Leenie’s right. You are absolutely beautiful. And you’re right, Leenie is too. We’re very lucky to have both of you in our family. I understand neither of you is into loving the ladies, but I am available if you just need a shoulder to lean on.”

  Jessica kisses tells me, “I am sorry, Boyfriend. I was very tired. I still want you, but I needed to sleep. My pussy needed a break after the pounding you gave me on the plane.” She kisses me again. “Now get up, Boyfriend!”

  “Yes, my Drow princess.” Jessica jumps off the bed and I watch her tight little dark ass strut away.

  I sit up and wrap Zandra in a hug and kiss her. I tell her, “That was lovely, darling. There’s a lot more of that in your future if you want it.”

  Zandra says, “Yes please, my Lord.”

  “As you wish,” I assure her.

  Trina groans from the living room while L’liana, Jessica, and Eileen all groan in the bedroom. Trina calls, “I heard a Princess Bride quote back there!” They all chuckle as Zandra tries to figure out what the joke is.

  L’liana helps Zandra off me, and I launch to the foot of the bed and onto the floor. I dress quickly. Eileen and Zandra pull on their clothes. I pull the small ‘coin purse’ out of my pocket to ensure that my portfolio is still there. I check the pistol inside and ensure that Eventide, Gisela, and Morningstar are in good order.

  L’liana hands me a plastic liter-bottle of water. “Emergency rations, Husband.” I put the bottle in the portfolio’s pocket dimension before I roll it tight. Then I slide it into the tiny pocket dimension of the coin purse.

  I pull on my shoulder rig, check my pistol, and ensure the Elven blade is secure but pulls easily. I nod and pull on my car coat. I look in the mirror and see my hair is a mess. I leave it because it fits the rather thin story I will tell if I’m captured and questioned.

  We all traipse into the living room. Jessica joins us in a pair of cargo pants and a sweater.

  I kiss each of my ladies and tell each of them that I love them. I run to the loo for a last-minute tinkle. Then I drain a bottle of water.

  I return to the living room and sprawl on the couch next to Abu. I recline as he holds out the pieces of the ‘bracelet,’ for lack of a better description. I take note of the half-inch spikes on the inside of the circle. I think to myself, ‘Those are going to hurt.’

  Trina says, “Remember to call the MILF-in-law if you need an escape, Master.”

  I nod to her. “I remember, Pet. You need to be walking in the door of the Kuwaiti Tower Hotel in Kuwait City in four hours. Is everything ready?”

  “Yes, Master. Myra has everything arranged. We’re ready. We’re leaving as soon as you do. Miranda’s crew are taking us to Kuwait City. We’ll be there two hours before your deadline. The current plan is Lili will open a portal to Springfield from the hotel elevator, and I smooth the way with ‘influence.’ Abu comes with us to guide the way.”

  I get one more round of kisses before I go. “Goodbye, my loves. I’ll see you soon.”

  I nod to Abu. “Let’s do this, Abu.” I lean back on the couch and hold out my arm. I grimace and say, “This is going to suck.”

  Abu agrees, “Yes. Best of luck, Hunter. I pray Allah looks over you and protects you.”

  “Thank you, Abu. I pray Allah looks over you and my family in this difficult time. Do it,” I tell him.

  Abu inspects the pieces and lines them up around my wrist. I take a big breath and nod to Abu as I blow it out. He pushes the pieces together and the needles painfully pierce my skin and there is a click
as the joints mesh. Then the room fades away.

  19 - Leaps of Faith

  Light fades in and I find myself reclining in the air with my wrist bent to fit my hand inside a second bracelet on top of the one Abu snapped on me. Then gravity kicks in and I drop to hang from my wrist - stretching my shoulder joint painfully.

  I look down to see I’m hanging in the air with my feet about three feet off the ground. I hear a beep and look up to see a light blink on the top bracelet. I think to myself, ‘Oh shit!’

  I draw the Elven blade from my shoulder rig when I hear a voice. “Of course he caught you. That sob story about his wife and daughter was too much for you. You probably offered him your wrist. Didn’t you, you stupid bugger!” Interestingly enough, he’s speaking British-flavored English.

  I look over my shoulder and see a slightly semitic looking male model chained to a tall stake on the ground. “What are you, my fucking conscience?”

  I look up, and there are now two flashing lights. If this works like the pilot’s watch bands, I don’t have long. I call over my shoulder as I prepare myself for what comes next. “You draw the short straw?”

  “Something like that. The Lord discovered that his favorite little Sidhe toy is carrying my baby. He gutted Dalia and left me here to either die of dehydration and exposure or by getting blown up when you arrive.”

  I dampen the nerves in my left arm and reach up as high as I can. Then I will the bones to thin and the connective tissue to part about four inches below where my wrist is hanging. I think, ‘This is going to suck!’ Then I hack through my forearm at the point I’ve been directing my body to change.

  I drop to the ground, absorbing the shock of the landing in my knees. I concentrate on stemming the blood flow. The arterial spray stops first, and the seeping out of the veins and capillaries follows shortly thereafter. Yoren dropped off my wrist and is lying at my feet as a large round shield.

  I walk over to the poor bastard on the stake as I will my arm to regrow - directing a gentle flow of healing energy from my mind to my severed limb. I see a case of water sitting at his feet. Saving my mental energy, I jamb the Elven blade into the hasp of the padlock and wrench it through the metal. I put the blade in my teeth and work the lock out of the chains with my right hand. My left has already grown down to the knob of my wrist. I manage to loosen the chain, and he starts to wiggle to loosen them.

  I observe, “Looks like you can handle it from there.” I step back and jam my blade in the ground to clean the blood off it. Then I wipe the blade on the cuff of my jeans before I sheath it. Then I pick up Yoren and slide him back onto my left arm.

  “Yeah, I got it.” The Sidhe adds conversationally, “You might want to run. Those are going to blow up spectacularly. The lights will get faster over time. He was chortling about how we would get more frantic and maybe die of a heart attack before the explosion.”

  *Sorry about that, Yoren. Please resume the ‘wristwatch’ form.*

  I sense a chuff similar to what Rottie does, but he does acquiesce.

  I send, *Perfect, Yoren.* I feel a sense of him grinning at me.

  I ask the Sidhe, “Is the water poisoned, too?”

  “No. He pulled it out of the back of the truck. He pulled one out and drank most of it, and then spit the last of it into my face.”

  “Lovely,” I reply. “Everything I hear about this jack-off convinces me I need to kill him. I’m Jack, by the way. Who are you?”

  “Ismael. Ismael bin Ibrahim al Qamar Alsahra,” he introduces himself as loosens the chains and pushes them off his legs. “You were supposed to show up unconscious. How are you still awake?” He steps out of the chains.

  I tell him, “I’m special.” He picks up the water and starts trotting.

  “Is that the direction Farouk went?”

  He stops. “He went that way.” He points to the horizon roughly 180 degrees from the direction he was going. “Run, you bloody moron!” Then he takes off again.

  I blink to him, grab his collar, and blink in the direction he pointed in three long consecutive jumps. Ismael collapses after the first one, is halfway to his knees after the second one, and falls to the ground after the final jump as the vertigo hits him.

  I pull the case of water out of his way before he pukes on the ground between his hands.

  “Goddess! What in the four hells was that?” Ismael exclaims as he catches his breath.

  I explain, “Shortly after my Green Lord abilities began to manifest, I gained an ability from my Elven heritage, too. I can blink.”

  Ismael slowly gets to his feet, “Jeez! No wonder the Lord wants to kill all the Elves after he deals with you.”

  “I won’t give him the chance. Let’s take a couple more jumps before we stop and talk. The exploding bracelets that destroyed my plane were worthy of respect. Are you ready?” I ask. I notice my hand is nearly full size and has the nubs of fingers growing out of it.

  “Go ahead, Jack. I’ll catch up with you in a minute,” he responds.

  “Nope. Let’s go, Ismael.” I figure he’ll run the other way as soon as I let him.

  “I can’t move that fast carrying the water, Jack. Go on. Save yourself,” he says shaking his head.

  “Ismael, look at me.” He looks up as my eyes flare in green light. “I’ve come to kill him. I could use your help to find him.”

  He hooks the water case and stands up. “You’re bloody daft! He’s...oh shit, you’re another one like him.”

  I shake my head slowly. “Nope. Similar genetics, but there’s a difference between him and me. That greyish miasma Hakim spewed is one of the differences. Attitude and life philosophies are different, too. Did Dalia die, or did he take her with him after a field abortion?”

  I see anger take over the fear on his face. “He took her.”

  “Wouldn’t you like to make him pay for hurting her?” I ask.

  He stares at me, and I can see the passion of his anger rising. “Alright. Let’s go.” I extend my left hand to him. He grimaces and grabs it above the wrist. Then I take in the horizon, fix my focus, and blink.

  Ismael stumbles upon landing, but manages to keep his feet and not drop the water. Then there is an explosion in the distance. I see a dust cloud and a wall of dust racing this way from the shockwave. I look at the ridge rising up in front of us. Ismael is looking back over his shoulder at the explosion when I tell him, “Hold on.” Then I blink to what looks like a small crest. As we land, I see that it’s actually the lip of a deep wadi, or wash, with water visible in the bottom. I grab Ismael’s arm and blink us to the bottom.

  “JEEZ!” he barks as he stumbles again. I prop him up as we scan our new location for threats. I’m not seeing anything obvious.

  I tell him, “One more, then we can take a break. I don’t think we want to be here under the edge when the shockwave arrives. That pile of boulders across the stream looks like it might provide good cover and concealment.” His chin barely moves into a nod when I blink to the pile of boulders. Ismael doesn’t stumble, and I release him to investigate the pile of boulders. They seem stable. I scan for living beings, but I don’t get anything.

  Ismael follows me behind the boulders, and we sit on a small boulders and rest against the pile of rock. The wadi inclines up toward the other side to a sharp uplifting ridge, similar to the Mogollon Rim back in Arizona. It’s got enough incline to climb, but I’m disinclined to do it. ‘I crack myself up.’

  Ismael breaks open a bottle of water and offers me another. My left hand is almost grown back entirely. I have enough strength in it to twist off the top. I take a sip as the shock wave flies over the wadi. Dirt and gravel impact the wall of the wadi, and I hear the pile of boulders at our back take some impacts, too. It’s not as bad as I feared. I hear some bigger impacts as stones roll down the far wall of the wadi.

  “I’m glad we didn’t stay over there,” I say as I take a sip.

  “Yeah. Me too. I escaped a death by stoning by getting left in the dese
rt,” Ismael adds. “It would have been a shame to get stoned to death after escaping.”

  I chuckle as I take another sip. “At least it wasn’t a nuclear blast.”

  “Yes, the Lord doesn’t want that kind of scrutiny right now. He is still trying to build his power base,” Ismael explains.

  I ask, “Do you still have a connection to him?” Ismael lifts his pants leg to show one of the multi-stranded communications bracelets around his ankle.

  “Those are easy to defeat unless it’s a new version,” I say.

  Ismael gives an evil chuckle. “The Lord doesn’t like new versions. He’s trying to take everyone back to the stone age, so he can lord over all humanity.”

  “Mind if I remove it?”

  He shakes his head. I grab it, slide the Elven blade under it, and cut through the strands. I hand him the pieces.

  Ismael stands and walks out from behind our shelter. He throws it on the ground, pulls out his little friend, and pisses on it. He zips up with a sigh and comes back to our shelter. He says, “I knew I kept from pissing myself for a good reason.”

  I ask, “Any idea of where we are?”

  Ismael nods as he finishes his water bottle. “We’re in Eastern Anatolia, Eruzum province. We’re about fifty kilometers northeast of Eruzum proper. We were only about ten kilometers outside of Olur when you arrived. We’re probably about twenty-five away now. The Lord is heading toward Güles to pick up the road towards the sea, then pick up the highway and follow the sea northeast into Georgia. His goal is to get to a border town called Camili. It’s a remote village high in the mountains. He has intel that there is a female dragon nesting nearby. He plans to capture her, breed her repeatedly, and then use the offspring to destroy the world.”

  “How does he plan to capture her?” I can’t imagine capturing a dragon. “Does he have a large party with him?”

  “Four other Sidhe males, and two females. He has a Djinn woman, but he has her in one of the glass tubes. He brought four tubes, but he only found one Djinn,” he responds.

  “Yeah, there are only seven known to be in existence. I know the Sidhe can be formidable, but are they enough to capture a dragon?” I ask.


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