Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC (Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC Book 4)

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Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC (Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC Book 4) Page 1

by Amy Cecil

  What bloggers are saying about

  Raw Honey

  Knights of Silence MC – Book IV


  Amy Cecil

  Wow just wow....Amy Cecil has blown me away this time. I went from a quiet unassuming Mom to a MC knights of silence biker bitch in minutes or at least that's how I felt.

  - Alison’s Blog

  Raw Honey is a never boring insight of the Knights of Silence club life. Looking into Honeys life will open your eyes to so many emotions. Beautiful Crazy is the only words to describe this book.

  - Leave Me Be I'm Reading

  Unrequited love at it’s finest! My heart broke for Honey. Amy Cecil has a beautiful writing style that creates beloved characters that pull at the Heart strings.

  - This Girls Books

  Told in Honey's point of view, we get an alternative look at previous events. She's sassy, she speaks her mind, and she knows what she wants. Cecil has done an amazing job not only in telling Honey's story but in The Knights of Silence Series. Very well done!

  - Rae’s Reading Lounge

  Amy Cecil has taken Knights of Silence MC to a higher level with Raw Honey and the introduction of the Vitali family. They are about to rock your world. Be prepared to fall in love with Amy Cecil's MC family. I can't wait for more!

  - Alicia Reads

  I warn you now, Raw Honey will leave you craving for more! Raw Honey is solely Honey's point of view. Being able to experience Honey's perspective from the first 3 books and onward really gives the reader an insight as to just about every event that was covered in the books, and it was done beautifully! She toys with your emotions all the while concocting a new relationship you can't help but be compulsively obsessed with!

  - BAMM PR & Blog Services

  Another delicious, golden gem by Amy Cecil!! Once this story has been picked up it will be glued to the reader’s hand far past the ending. It is a book which will linger, forever loved and begging to be reread always.

  - Wyrds About Word


  Suggested Reading Order:


  ICE on Fire

  Celtic Dragon

  Forgetting the Enemy

  Raw Honey

  Loving the Enemy


  Raw Honey - Knights of Silence MC Book IV –Amy Cecil

  Copyright © 2019 Amy Cecil

  All Rights Reserved in accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976. The scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use materials from this book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the author.

  FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison along with a fine of $250,000.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental or used in a fictitious manner. The author acknowledges all song titles, film titles, film characters and novels mentioned in this book are the property of and belong to their respective owners.

  Any views expressed in this book are fictitious and not necessarily the views of the author.

  Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Book cover design and layout by Ellie Bockert Augsburger of Creative Digital Studios. www.CreativeDigitalStudios.com

  Cover design features:

  Beautiful and sexy blonde woman with helmet: By Belphnaque / Adobe Stock

  Portrait of strong healthy handsome Athletic Man Fitness Model posing near dark gray wall By halayalex / Adobe Stock

  Editing Services provided by Carl Augsburger of Creative Digital Studios. www.CreativeDigitalStudios.com

  ISBN- 9781798019160


  This book is dedicated to my dad. I miss you every day.

  You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten.

  I love you, Dad.

  Author’s Note

  Please be advised that this book contains subjects that may be considered dark and taboo. If you are a reader who is sensitive to certain triggers, then perhaps this may not be the book for you. You’ve been warned.

  Chapter 1

  Edinboro, PA

  Three Years Ago

  There was a time, not long ago, when I was not a nice person. I was selfish to the core. I did what I wanted when I wanted and everyone else be damned. But I recently realized that you can only get away with that sort of behavior for so long. Eventually, your past deeds will catch up with you and the old saying rings true. You will reap what you sow.

  Six years ago, I left this town and swore I would never come back. I was engaged to be married to my childhood sweetheart and I ditched him at the altar. I could blame it on the drugs…and for the longest time, I did. But looking back, I realize that I was fully aware of my actions and what I had done. All I cared about was my next fix and the night before my wedding, I pawned my engagement ring to get it. Then I left. Then, to make matters worse, a month later I discovered that I was pregnant. I couldn't even take care of myself, let alone a child, so I did the only thing my cowardly ass could do: I had it aborted. It is the number one regret of my life.

  I really never thought I would be back. But there is something about a small town, and this small town in particular, that brings me here. I find myself sitting in my car on the side of the road, debating whether I should just plunge in and face my past or turn around and leave.

  My name is Amanda Benson, and I am a recovering drug addict.

  It took me the longest time to be able to admit that. But now, after many months of rehab, I am proud to say that I am 1095 days clean. That’s three fucking years and I am damn proud of my progress.

  As I look at my surroundings, I can see the small town of Edinboro before me, just down that hill. To my left is the town cemetery and to my right is the home of the Knights of Silence MC. The property is completely encased in a tall chain link fence and is guarded at the gate. I remember the MC when I was here before, and I wonder if all the members are the same.

  When I was here before, I would see the bikers around town and it was apparent that there was a true brotherhood with them. Briggs used to talk about their loyalties to each other and how far they would go to protect their own. That's where I need to be. Safe and protected behind that fence. But how do I get in without sleeping my way in?

  I'm lost in thought when I hear the low rumble of Harley pipes behind me. Looking in my rearview mirror, I spot him. I say that as if I know him, but I don't. I spot a man that even on his motorcycle makes my heart beat loudly in my chest. He parks his bike behind me and cuts off the engine. When he gets off his bike, I can see that he is tall and broad-shouldered, with a thin waistline. He takes off his helmet and his jet-black wavy hair falls loosely around his neck. He begins to walk up to my car—no, actually he saunters toward me—and I roll down my window. Looking in the window, he takes off his sunglasses and my eyes focus on the bluest, most piercing eyes I have ever seen.

  "You alright there, darl’n?" he asks.

  At first, I am speechless. He's fucking beautiful. He's wearing a black leather
cut and his name is clearly patched on the right: Ice. That must be a nickname. Underneath his name, it reads President. Holy fuck.

  "Uh sweetheart, you ok?" he asks again.

  "Oh yes, I am. Sorry," I reply. "I was just hanging out here thinking."

  "Thinking? I can come up with several places to think that are better than this," he says.

  And before I know it, I find myself telling him just about everything. I explain to him that I just got back to town and that I left under pretty bad circumstances. I told him that I am terrified to go any further. I have no idea why, but for some reason, I feel that this man will protect me and that all my secrets are safe with him.

  "Well, if you haven't figured it out yet, that's my clubhouse over there," he says as he points to it. I nod. "Why don't you come on over and have yourself a drink? Then you can think some more on what you're going to do next."

  "Really, just like that?"

  "What do you mean?" he asks.

  "Well, I thought you had to be a member or the girl of a member to go in there?" I ask.

  He laughs. "No, darl’n, we can invite anyone we want."

  "Well, I'm not gonna sleep around with your members or you, if that's what you are hoping for."

  He laughs even louder. "Sweetheart, I'm only offering you a place to get your thoughts together. But yes, I do have an ulterior motive. I'm hoping to get you off the road. That curve over there is dangerous where you're parked; if a car comes around too fast, they won't have enough time to see you. It could end up real bad for you and I would hate that I didn't do anything to stop it."

  Ok, so now I'm totally embarrassed. "Oh, ok … well, if you don't mind, yes I'd like that," I say.

  "Good. Follow me, then." I nod. He puts his sunglasses back on and walks back to his bike. I watch him in the rearview mirror, paying particular attention to his incredibly delicious ass. When he straddles his bike and places his helmet on his head I literally swoon. It's the sexiest thing I have ever seen.

  He revs the engine and drives up in front of me. I pull out behind him and follow him to the clubhouse. When he gets to the entrance the men guarding the gate immediately open it. He stops briefly and speaks to one of the guys standing guard and then pulls on through. They subsequently wave me in. I follow Ice and park next to a row of Harley Davidson motorcycles. Is this a prerequisite? Do they have to ride a Harley to be a member of the club? I think to myself.

  Not sure what to do next, I wait in my car and watch him. He's so fucking sexy. He cuts off the engine and undoes his helmet. Taking it off, he hangs it on the handlebars of his bike. I watch as he dismounts his bike. I love watching him move. Everything is so precise and sexy.

  He saunters over to my car and says, "Ready to meet the boys?

  "I guess," I reply. I roll up my window, cut off my engine, and get out of the car.

  "Come on, darl’n," he says as he walks toward the door. I quickly follow behind. "We won't bite," he adds and then chuckles.

  Holy shit. He's got the sexist laugh I have ever heard. I quickly remind myself, Get a hold of yourself, Amanda. You are not gonna sleep with him.

  Once we're inside, I'm quite impressed. Well, not with the smell—the whole place smells like stale beer and cigarettes. But the main common area is nice. There is a beautiful oak bar shaped like a "U" with barstools all around it. The room contains three pool tables, video games, and a large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. In that portion of the great room, there is a myriad of old furniture. Behind the bar is a kitchen, with a large oak table in the center. To the left of the kitchen is a stairway.

  There are several members of the club sitting around; some are watching TV and some are at the bar. When we get further inside, Ice walks me over to the bar. One of the men looks up and I immediately know I could like him. He has kind eyes. Ice says, "This is Hawk. He's our VP and go-to guy. Hawk this is, uh …" He pauses. "Honey, I'm sorry, I don't know your name."

  "It's Amanda," I reply.

  "Well, that just won't do. Everyone here has a road name, so what’ll we call you?" He thinks for a minute and then says, "I like Honey." He looks at his VP for his thoughts on the matter and Hawk nods. Normally, a name like that would have pissed me off, but coming from him, I like it. No, that's not right. I don't like it—I fucking love it. It's his special name for me.

  "Well Honey, it's damn nice to meet ya," Hawk says. I nod and smile. I could really like it here.

  "I found Honey on the side of the road just outside the gate. She looked as if she needed a friend." He looks at me and winks. "Darl'n, just make yourself at home. If you need anything, Hawk here is your man."

  "Thank you," I reply. Ice starts to walk away and Hawk immediately gets up and follows him. He stops Ice not far from me and they keep looking over to me as they talk. It's obvious that they are talking about me. I am beginning to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. I don't belong here. Maybe I should just go.

  Hawk walks back and sits down at the bar. "Take a seat, Honey. Ice tells me that you may be sticking around for a while." He pauses and says, "Can I get you a beer or something?"

  I shake my head. "Water would be good, thank you."

  Hawk gets up and walks into the kitchen. He comes back shortly with a bottle of water in his hand. "Here ya go."

  I take the water from him. "Thank you."

  We sit there for several minutes in silence and then Hawk says, "So Honey, what's your story?"

  "No story. Just got back into town. That's all."

  "So you used to live here?" he asks.

  "Yep. Been gone for six years. Just got back today."

  "You got family in town?"

  "Not anymore. My parents passed away over a year ago. It's just me."

  "So if you don't have any family here, why did you come back?"

  I can't help but laugh. "I've been asking myself that same question since I got here."

  "Sounds to me like you're troubled about something," Hawk states.

  I look at him and smile. "Just a lot on my mind."

  "Look, Honey, I'm gonna give you some advice. I know, I know, you didn't ask, but here it is. What you choose to do with it is your business." He takes a drink of his beer and continues, "It seems to me that you’re not sure if you want to be back or not. I get that. But whatever is holding you back from returning to our wonderful little town of Edinboro isn't worth you putting your life on hold for. Nothing is. Live your life, darling. It's the only life you have."

  His words strike a chord with me and I ponder them thoughtfully. He's right. I shouldn't be afraid to face my demons; I should deal with them head-on. But there has always been something that’s held me back. But I think that if I hide inside the MC, ‘cause hiding is what I do best, it will give me time to face what I need to. But how do I get myself an in with these guys? I watch as one of the guys walks behind the bar and gets himself a beer when the idea hits me.

  "Hawk, do you all have a bartender?"

  "Naw, we just help ourselves."

  "A cook?"

  "Hell no. Sometimes the old ladies will cook something, but it's a rare occasion. It's a shame, too, because we have an awesome kitchen that is never used."

  "Would you like one?"

  "One what, darling?"

  "A cook?"

  "Who? You?"

  "Yeah, me," I reply.

  "Well hell, I don't know. It's never been something that we've considered, but we're always open to new ideas. Let me run it by Ice and see what he says."


  "Yeah, we probably couldn't pay you much, but I bet the guys will tip well. And maybe we could offer you a place to live. We've got a few vacant rooms upstairs."

  "Here at the clubhouse?"

  "Well, yeah. I know it's not the Ritz, but it's clean and rent free."

  "I like free," I reply. Suddenly, I am hopeful. I drove into town dreading it, but now I'm actually looking forward to being back. I can stay hidden away with the MC and I won't have
to face my past, for now. It's the coward's way out, but that's exactly what I am.

  Hawk gets up from the bar and steps away. I hope that he's going to talk to Ice now.

  I sit and watch the other men who are milling about in the common area. I really could call this place home.

  After about thirty minutes Hawk comes back. "I talked with Ice. He's open to the idea, but wants to talk to you first. Follow me."

  I get up and follow him to a door that is off to the left of the common area. There are two other doors and a staircase. He knocks on the door and opens it without waiting for a response. "Here she is," he says as he gestures for me to walk in.

  "Hey, Honey. Have a seat," Ice says. I sit down and he continues, "Hawk here tells me that you are looking for some work."

  "Yes, I need a job."

  "And you are willing to cook for us poor slobs?" he asks.

  "I love to cook, yes."

  "Well, this is what I propose. We'll take you on, in sort of a den mother role. You will live here at the clubhouse rent free, but you will not be treated as a sweetbutt. Keep up the bar, cook one meal a day, and ensure the clubhouse is cleaned on a regular basis. I'll pay you $200 a week plus room and board. It's not much, but it's all I can do for now."

  I don't hesitate one bit and jump at his offer. "I'll take it." Not having to pay for food or rent would allow me the opportunity to save some money. And being here would keep me away from the shadows of my past. For some reason, this place makes me feel at home. And frankly, having this guy as my boss is a definite plus. "I've got one question, though." I know it's silly, but I just have to ask, "What is a sweetbutt?"


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