Anger charred my throat, popping and fizzing like fireworks. A smug grin twitched on his mouth.
“Get the fuck off me.” I shoved at his chest, not moving him a hair. “I didn’t ask you to save me.” I tried to push him again, but he didn’t budge an inch. “Nor did I need your help.”
“Really?” His free hand grappled for my flailing arms, pinning one back against the wood. “Then what was your little visit here for?”
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” I seethed, trying to buck against him. “Now let go of me.”
“If I actually thought you meant it, I would.” He thrust me harder into the wall, his thumb sliding down my throat, his lips skimming my ear. Wetness throbbed between my legs, my nipples hardening at his intensity. A dark chuckle hummed from his throat. My body completely gave me up. “That’s what I thought. Whether you like it or not, I know what you enjoy, Kovacs. How dark and dirty you want it. Even if you won’t admit it yet.”
“Fuck you.” I wiggled underneath his grip, and he leaned more heavily on me.
“What do I keep telling you about that?” He grabbed both my arms, trapping them beside my head, his bulk consuming mine. Taking over. Demanding more of my space. Physically I was no match; I understood that. But mentally…
In my head, my fingertips skated slowly down his arms. Small bumps rose on his skin in the wake of my ghostly touch. His brow wrinkled, his jaw setting. I swept over his chest, not stopping as I reached the V-line slightly exposed between his shirt and jeans.
He sucked in, and I knew he felt me trace the deep indention as if my hands were actually there.
“Kovacs,” he said between gritted teeth.
“What?” I challenged him, staring right into his eyes as he felt my hand slip inside his jeans, grazing the tip of him.
“Fuck.” He choked, his body naturally curling into me, seeking more, desiring my touch.
My fingers tingled as if I really were stroking his hot skin, feeling him pulse and grow against my palm. Desire speared through me, my hips opening, wanting.
Gripping him firmer in my mind, my hand could feel every vein, every scalding inch of his skin. But even my imaginary hands were struggling to grasp his width and length.
Fucking hell. This man was indeed a legend.
Air puffed out of my lungs, matching his as I moved up and down his shaft.
He growled and pushed his hips into me, his grip on my arms tightening. His eyes blazed, meeting mine, breathing heavily out of his nose.
In this moment, he was not some myth or cruel beast. We were equal. And I could drop him to his knees as easily as he could me.
Without actually touching him.
“Stop.” A guttural growl vibrated up his throat.
I pumped him harder in my mind. He inhaled sharply, his eyes glazing for a moment.
“You want to play? Fine,” he mumbled. One hand stayed on my wrists while the other clutched the back of my head roughly.
Without warning or ease, two phantom fingers stroked over my lace underwear, pushing the fabric aside, sliding through me while his actual hands stayed exactly where they were. A gasp opened my mouth, a deep groan wanting to escape. I slammed my teeth together to keep it locked inside.
“Someone’s wet.” Warwick smirked, clearly loving the switch of power.
My body instantly moved to seek out his touch, craving it so badly a jolt of fear almost blinded me. With a feral cry, I thrashed against him, pushing him out of the way. Warwick didn’t fight, dropping his hands, letting me bolt to the other side of the room. Not that I could escape him.
“How-how is this possible?” My hand went to my stomach, feeling anxious. “Why is this happening?”
Warwick rubbed his head, moving the farthest he could from me. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Emotion overpowered me. “How do we stop it? I don’t understand… Why? How?”
“I. Don’t. Fucking. Know!” he roared, anger bursting from him. “Believe me, I wish I did.”
I whirled around, glowering at him.
He glared back. “You think I fucking want this?” He motioned between us. “Whatever it is. I hate it. I want it gone. Unlike you, it seems,” he seethed, looking at me as if it were my fault.
“You think I want this?” I stabbed at my chest. “I don’t want it either.”
“Appears to be working out for you. Twice I’ve saved you from danger.”
“You mean after turning me over to the fae lord? Trading me like cargo?”
“You didn’t seem to suffer all that much there. How long did it take to fall into his bed?”
My jaw crunched down painfully, fury blasting into him. Instinctually, I knew he could feel my wrath and hate. “You betrayed me.”
“That’s how it is out here. I told you to only trust yourself. To each his own. That’s how it is in the real world, princess.”
“Bullshit,” I yelled. “Look around you, Warwick. You think you’re all alone out here? You have a house full of people willing to protect you. Az istenit! That woman down there will do anything for you. Hide you at any cost. Are you so blind, or are you okay with using the fact she is in love with you?”
His shoulders rose, a nerve under his eye twitching. A blast of rage hit me in the stomach as he moved to me. “You don’t know anything about her, me, or our history. Don’t speak about things you know nothing about.”
“But you see it, right?”
“It’s not what you think. We’ve been through things your human brain could never fathom. You are nothing but a child.”
“Excuse me?” I shouted, closing the last few feet between us, every fiber of my being sizzling. “This fucking child lived through Halálház. I have murdered and survived the same as you. Maybe I haven’t gone through as much, lived as long, but don’t you dare lessen what I have done… what I have lived through and experienced.” I pushed his chest. “My hands are stained with blood too.”
He exhaled out of his nose, peering down at me through his lashes.
“I think that’s what really scares you…”
“Scares me?” He scoffed, leaning over me. “Nothing scares me, sweetheart.”
“Except me.” The words came out of my mouth without thought.
“You?” He dropped his head back with a dark laugh. “An insignificant human who will not even be a glimmer in my lifetime?”
“Yes, because I see you too, Farkas.” I smirked. This time instead of focusing my energy on his skin, I dove underneath, grazing his mind, his soul, reaching for his truth.
I barely slipped under his skin when I felt energy slammed back into me, engulfing me.
Mind-blowing pain.
Blinding pleasure.
A howl echoed through the room at the same time as a cry tore from my lips, the power so penetrating, my knees dipped. Gasping at the intensity, I quickly retreated, not ready for the extreme emotions that overwhelmed every sense.
What the fuck was that?
There was a pause as we stared at each other, not able to speak.
He grabbed me roughly, slamming our bodies into the wall. Untamed madness crackled off him as he flattened into me, the dress not able to withstand the force. The air even seemed to slip out of his way, terrified of the angry wolf. Death flickered in his eyes, his body vibrating. His eyes burrowed into mine.
I felt it all, like a little taste of a drug, and now I wanted more. Needed it.
His fingers dug into my skin, his eyes wild and vicious, ready to tear through the room, my dress, and into my skin, dismantling me until I was nothing. Razing us to the ground until we destroyed each other, leaving nothing but destruction in our wake.
His gaze dropped to my mouth, and he leaned in, the heat of his breath grazing my lips.
“Hello?” A knock sounded on the door, and a woman’s accented voice sliced through the ro
om like an ax, cutting through the thick haze between us, jolting us as if someone dumped ice water on us.
The door started to swing open. Warwick moved away from me like I disgusted him, his anger still heavy on my tongue, his sudden absence feeling like a tear in my skin.
Taking a deep breath, I tried to get my legs steady under me.
A squeal came from the door. I twisted my head to the familiar form standing in the doorway.
“Rosie!” A smile burst over my face, my body already moving toward my friend. Wearing exactly what she had when I met her the first time, my faux English rose, with her bright red hair and blue eyes, was even prettier than I recalled. “Oh, my gods!”
“Luv!” She wrapped me up in her arms, her huge bosoms feeling like fluffy pillows. “It’s really you.” She pulled back, cupping my face, peering at me with utter joy. “When Madam said she needed women’s clothes brought up to Warwick’s room… I hoped.” She pulled me back in for a quick hug again. “I can’t believe how happy I am to see you. Ever since you left that evening, my stomach has been all in knots. I had this awful feeling. But then I saw…” Her eyes flicked over to Warwick’s, then back to me. “Did I interrupt something?”
“No!” We both shook our heads ardently.
She snorted, winking at me. “You guys keep saying that, and I have yet to believe you.”
“It’s so good to see you.” I took the clothes in Rosie’s hands. “Thank you so much.”
Her gaze finally took in my gown, her eyes widening. “Bloody hell.” Her exaggerated English accent thickened. “Is this real silk?” She touched one of the roses. “Are those authentic jewels?”
“Yes, and they are all yours.”
Both she and Warwick jerked toward me, his shock turning into irritation.
“Sell what you can, make costumes from the rest, do whatever you want. I don’t want to look at it again.” I squeezed her hand. “The gems are all real, so don’t let anyone con you.”
Warwick huffed, shaking his head as he grabbed the Pálinka bottle off the table and pounded it back.
“Are you sure? I can tell this thing cost a fortune. You might need the money.”
Warwick made a noise in his throat like he agreed with her.
“I’m sure. Pay off your debts, Rosie. Don’t be anyone’s property. Even Kitty’s.”
She eyed me suspiciously.
“No strings attached. It’s yours.”
Tears filled up Rosie’s eyes. She batted her thick eyelashes, her head shaking. “I don’t know what to say. Kindness without ties… It’s not something that happens here.”
I didn’t understand what it was really like to live in a world so cutthroat that no one did anything without it benefiting them.
Not waiting, I stripped out of the dress, setting the folded documents I stole on the nightstand. I pulled on the loose cami, which did nothing to cover my braless chest, and tugged on the tiny rayon shorts and a shawl. Everything was thin, cheap, and threadbare.
“Here.” I handed her the heavy gown, my bones feeling liberated from the weight.
“I will try to find you pants and a more suitable top.” She took the gown from me, not quite looking me in the eyes. “If I’d known it was really you, I would have tried harder to find better clothes.”
“This is fine.”
She nodded, stepping back. “Food is coming. Madam wants me to remind you both not to leave the bedroom. Some of our clientele would be especially keen to find the both of you.”
“Got it.” I nodded.
“It’s not as if you guys couldn’t find something to do.” She winked at me.
“Night, Rosie.” I opened the door for her.
“Night, luv.” She grinned mischievously, looking between Warwick and me.
“Brexley,” I said, feeling this need to trust her.
“I know.” She tilted her head.
“You know?”
“Luv, look at you… Even before I knew your name, I knew you were not one of us. But Anita confirmed it when she smuggled a Leopold paper from one of the soldiers she fucked—you were on the front cover. So stunning and regal. The princess of Leopold.”
Warwick chuckled darkly, taking another drink.
“I am not a princess!” I exclaimed, glaring at both.
“You are compared to us, luv. Glad you’re back, though.” She dipped away, the red harbinger trailing behind her like a stream of blood.
The instant I shut the door, the room collapsed on itself, filling with taut energy. Stuffed and tight against my skin. The energy between us before Rosie interrupted left me feeling like I had a spike in the gut. I couldn’t decipher my feelings.
“You gave away a fortune,” Warwick grunted. “You realize how stupid that was, right?”
Probably not. Besides my time in Halálház, where money didn’t come into play, I had never been without. Never had to worry or think about money. Even our meals in restaurants were taken care of. Markos’s assistant handled tabs. I never carried cash.
I was broke now, but I could never regret giving the dress to Rosie. She needed it far more than I did.
Swallowing, I turned around, brushing off his question, my attention on other things. I sat on the bed, the silence stifling the air.
“Both times you rescued me… you knew where to be.” I cleared my throat. “How to get me out.”
He didn’t respond, the chair across the room creaking with his weight as he sat down.
“You know how to make bombs?”
“I have connections.” He tipped back in the rickety chair, propping his boot on the bed.
I nodded, twisting my fingers into the duvet. “How do we stop this?”
He sighed, his head tipping back into the cushion, his eyes on the ceiling. “I wish I knew. I’ll start asking around, but we need to be careful.” His grave expression met mine. “We don’t know what this is. And even in the fae world, something unnatural is typically treated with mistrust. Any enemy that finds out you are connected to me… will use it against me and vice-versa.”
“Fuck.” I pulled my legs up to my chest, laying my forehead on my knees. I hadn’t even thought of that. Warwick’s list of enemies was probably extensive, and mine was growing every moment.
So much had changed since the last time we were in this room together, but my head kept returning to the moments we sat in these very spots, talking.
I peered up at him. “Why did you give me to Killian?”
He turned his head out the window. “Don’t tell me you were suffering.”
“Screw you,” I said evenly. “You have no clue what really went on behind those walls. Don’t sit here acting like you did me a favor. You betrayed me, Warwick. Sold me.”
He downed a hefty gulp of alcohol.
“Was it your plan the whole time?”
I watched him shift slightly in his chair. I tried to reach out and sense any emotions, but as if my hand got slapped, I felt him knock me back. Blocking me.
“Ah.” I pursed my lips. “Pretend to save me from Halálház only so you could sell me to him yourself.” One leg slipped to the floor, the other curled in front of me. “Well done.”
He drank more.
“Why keep me for three days then? Why not trade me right away?”
“Kovacs,” he rumbled my name.
“No, I’m curious. Since you find me so physically repulsive, I know you didn’t keep me to get a bit of fun.”
His head snapped to me.
“It’s not like you couldn’t get that here any time you wanted anyway.”
“You have no clue about anything.”
“Then tell me. Since I am worth so little to you.”
“Shut up, Kovacs.” He pushed up from the chair.
“No.” I stood with him. “Why bother coming after me tonight? Or saving me from Killian? You made an enemy of Killian now, so what was the point? You hate this connection?” I
motioned between us. “At any time, you could have ended it.”
He huffed.
“Remember, I’m an insignificant human.” I rounded the bed, everything in me calm and controlled. “I’m nothing to you, right?”
His chest vibrated with a growl.
“How much money did you get for me? I hope I was substantial—”
“Shut. Up.”
“A prize like me, General Markos’s ward, a Leopold elite. I’ll bet you got off on how gullible I was, how easy I was to trick—”
“Kovacs,” he growled, stepping toward me.
“A stupid, pathetic, feeble human.”
“You are anything but stupid, pathetic, and feeble,” he snarled. In a blink, he weeded his fingers through my hair, yanking my head painfully. “Or human.”
I sucked in, a noise clawing at my throat.
His eyes searched mine like he was trying to peel back every layer to see inside. He pushed off from me, facing the window. “I traded you because I didn’t have a choice.”
I blinked, motionless on his last words. “What?”
“Killian had something…” He glared back at me. “Something I would trade you for again. I would trade anything for. Even my life. So, no, I won’t apologize for your hurt feelings. Because I would do it again.” He snapped his fingers in my face. “In a heartbeat. Grow the fuck up. This is not the happy, naïve world you are accustomed to, princess. It’s cutthroat and cruel.”
Anger bristled up my spine, but I stared at my bare feet; the red polish had matched my dress perfectly. Not the color of love, but of death.
“What did you mean I’m not human?” I struggled over the word, the twist in my gut clawing up my chest.
“Nothing. I didn’t mean it.” He ran his hand over the back of his neck. “You’re human.”
“How do you know?”
His head lifted at my inquiry, his brows furrowing.
“I mean, do you smell it on me or see it?”
His eyes tracked me, but he didn’t respond.
“What if…” I gulped over the knot in my throat. “What if I’m not?”
“Then what would you be?” His voice was low and tight.
My lashes fluttered. “I don’t know, but there is something different about me.” I folded my arms, needing a barrier, my fears making me vulnerable. “Anomaly. Abnormal. There were other words they called me—but the doctor found things out about me.”
Wild Lands (Savage Lands Book 2) Page 16