At My General’s Command

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At My General’s Command Page 11

by Romeo Alexander

  David watched a wistfulness pass over Christian’s face as he talked about his parents. There was a definite note of sadness to his tone, but his eyes glimmered with remembered happiness. David’s own parents had lived full lives, and as far as he knew, neither of them had gone with regrets. If anything, they had looked upon their lives, and their children, happy that they had succeeded in life, and were loved and were loving in return.

  David smiled. “I’m sure they’d be proud as hell to see what sort of person you’ve become.”

  Christian looked over at him, eyes watery. “You think? I wonder sometimes.”


  “Truth be told, I’m not even sure I’m doing something I want to be doing. It’s not that I don’t enjoy working for you like I do, because I’ve grown to love it. But to continue serving in the military, to renew my contract next year? I’m not so sure.”

  “Makes sense, considering you yourself said you joined to make sure you had a roof over your head and food on the table.”

  “Not the most honorable reason.”

  “Maybe your reasons weren’t noteworthy, but that doesn’t mean you’re not...honorable. You’ve got a spotless record, with plenty of commendations, and if I could, I’d give you even more than that for what you did for me recently. I’d say it’s more honorable to come into the service without noble intentions and to still follow through on your duty, and then to go above and beyond what was expected of you. I think that’s someone worth being proud of, especially if it was your own child.”

  That earned him a smile, and Christian turned his face away. “It’s a nice thought.”

  David turned his attention away from Christian, allowing the man to collect himself in his own way, at his own pace. The moon had risen finally, creating a wide beam of light reflecting off the calm water. It wasn’t quite calm enough to reflect the dim light of the stars, but David contented himself, as he had so many times before, in watching the gentle scene. It was the first thing that had sold him on staying in the house when he’d first been assigned to the base, and he’d never stopped loving it even after a decade.

  Christian cleared his throat. “This has been really nice. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect when I showed up. I know we talked about how casual the whole thing has been, but I never realized how much I needed it. I’ve never been very good at the whole going out and having a good time at bars or clubs thing. But this? This whole, sitting with someone special, having good food, good drinks, and a great conversation? That’s the sort of thing I live for.”

  “Someone special, eh?” David asked.

  Christian didn’t flush or look away this time. Instead, he held David’s gaze. “Yeah.”

  David hadn’t been so blind as to miss the attraction shared between the two of them. In fact, he suspected the two of them had been eyeing each other for longer than they would have been willing to admit. David’s offer for Christian to stay the night had been innocently phrased, but David had known deep down it wasn’t all he was asking. Sex was on the table and probably had been from the moment he’d invited Christian to his home. It was something he was sure he could integrate into what he and Christian were, sex was just sex.

  But that one little phrase regarding Christian, was different, and equally terrifying and wonderful in its insinuation. Yet, the fact that nothing happened meant there was still a chance one or both of them could back away without any worry about what would happen. All it would take was for them to go their separate ways, stepping back from the situation and never acknowledging it again.

  Christian’s eyes darted over David’s face. “So…”

  David raised a brow. “Yes?”

  “I have a question.”

  “I figured as much.”

  “And if it’s too invasive, just tell me.”

  David snorted softly, looking down at his hands. Anticipation sent his heart racing as he wondered if Christian was finally treading the ground they’d been dancing around.

  David looked up. “The video?”


  “What about it?”

  “Are, do you usually prefer guys that are younger?”

  “I’ve never dated a younger man before, or at least not one of that age. I find most of them are attractive, physically. But truth be told, they rarely have the sort of emotional maturity, that I’d need in a romantic partner.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  David looked him over. “Why do you ask?”

  “Would I get away with saying that I was just curious?”

  David laughed. “Probably not, no.”

  “Would I get away with saying that I’ve found myself thinking about what I saw in that video a lot since then, and still be able to blame it on the alcohol?”

  “I suppose that depends.”

  Christian cocked his head. “On?”

  “On whether or not you wanted me to take it seriously.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it a lot. And that’s not just the alcohol talking either. Well, it is a little bit, but not like...all of it.”

  “Just enough to give you courage?” David asked.

  “And maybe just the right level of stupidity.”

  David turned toward him, now even more aware of how close they were. Christian had slowly angled himself so his upper body noticeably faced David. Reading body language was a skill David firmly believed came with the territory of being a general or being in command. It was important to know when a subordinate was going to be trouble, when they were going to be willing, and when they were calm or irritated. It didn’t require all his extensive experience to understand that Christian’s gradually opening arms, his spread legs, and turned torso were an invitation.

  “I kind of like the theory that it’s more courage than stupidity,” David told him.

  “I guess we’ll see,” Christian said, turning his bright blue eyes on him.

  Where he might have been debating with himself only moments before about whether or not to follow through, David found his answer as he gazed at Christian. Without a moment’s hesitation, he reached out, taking hold of Christian’s jaw and cupping it gently. As he pulled the man closer, a small smile curled at the corner of his lips, and he heard Christian’s breath catch just moments before their lips met.

  The hesitation didn’t last long, though, and David felt Christian suddenly come alive as the kiss extended for more than a few seconds. Warm hands pushed themselves into David’s hair as Christian pulled him even closer. Chuckling, David parted their lips, letting his tongue dance over Christian’s and drawing a low, needy moan from the younger man.

  David stroked a hand down Christian’s arm, gripping to feel the muscles under his toned skin and to feel the warmth against his cool fingers. Before he could do much more, he felt Christian rise up from his seat, taking to his feet for a second. A moment later, and Christian was easing forward, sliding onto David’s lap eagerly. Warmth and pressure came down on David’s crotch as Christian made himself comfortable, hunching forward to continue their kiss.

  David wasn’t going to argue with the position, as it gave him ample opportunity to run his hands over Christian’s shoulders, down his back, and finally to cup his ass. Growling appreciatively, David gave it a squeeze, relishing in the slight groan it brought from Christian.

  Feeling more than a little greedy, David gripped the bottom of Christian’s shirt and yanked it up and over his head. Christian broke the kiss, shimmying out of the shirt before darting forward to press their lips together once more. David ran his hands up and down Christian’s sides, gripping at his hips and stroking the warm skin. Muscles rippled and danced beneath taut skin, following behind each of David’s light touches.

  “No offense, but if this is going to continue, I’d prefer it somewhere where there’s more room to get comfortable,” Christian told him.

  “I think my bed will serve just fine for that,” David told him.

was quick to scramble off his lap to let him up, drawing a low chuckle from David. Despite being an older man himself, he appreciated the exuberance and energy that younger men approached sex with. For all his maturity and emotional stability, Christian was no different than his peers in that regard. He marched into the house in front of David, shirtless, and utterly unaware of the gorgeous sight he made.

  David stepped ahead of Christian, wrapping an arm around his waist and pushing him against the wall with a hearty shove. Christian gasped, but his back arched, and he greedily held onto David as the distance closed between them again. David’s hands once more roamed over Christian’s body, soaking up every piece of skin he could find. He even took a moment to undo the button and zipper to the man’s jeans, giving them a shove as he continued to hold Christian against the wall.

  “You’re going to have me naked before we hit the bedroom,” Christian whispered with a chuckle.

  “That’s the idea.”

  Christian shimmied out of his jeans, kicking them to the side. David’s eyes roamed further south on the man’s body, raising a brow as he realized there was no underwear to remove. Instead, Christian’s hard, straining cock jutted up between them, inviting David’s hands to wrap around the head, and to stroke a thumb teasingly over the already leaking head.

  “I see,” David said in approval as he teased Christian’s cock.

  Christian whimpered, back arching further into his touch. “David…”

  That soft sound of desperate need shot straight to David’s groin, making his pants even tighter than they had been moments before. He’d been with enthusiastic partners before, and some who were downright demanding. David didn’t think he’d ever heard someone who knew him like Christian did speak with such utter desire for him, to the point that Christian’s voice was weak and breathless. It was intoxicating, and David found himself stroking Christian with even more fervor, drawing ever more plaintive sounds from him.

  Christian was not one to stand by idly and be teased, however, and with a bit of wriggling on his part, he managed to get his hands between them. David sucked in a breath as he felt the pressure against his cock ease while Christian worked the buttons. A moment later, a deep noise rumbled up from his throat as Christian’s hand shoved into his underwear, wrapping his warm fingers around the girth of David’s cock.

  “Oh fuck,” Christian moaned, pulling it free.

  “Didn’t see that in the video,” David pointed out.

  “Glad I didn’t, would have ruined the surprise.”

  There was an eagerness to Christian that stoked the already roaring flames inside David. Whether because of his building lust, the wine, or some combination of both, he could feel his head spinning as he took Christian’s lips against his once more. He could taste the mixture of wine and Christian on the man’s tongue, jutting his hips forward to stroke his cock alongside the man’s grip.

  “I need fuck me,” Christian said against his lips.

  “Eager,” David noted.

  “Foreplay another time, your cock in me now,” Christian shot back.

  David grinned. “Then maybe you should get to my bed, face down, with that ass pointed up toward me.”

  He stepped away from Christian as he said it, and to both his amusement and arousal, Christian was quick to comply. The man’s eyes lingered a moment longer on David’s thick cock before heading toward the double doors that led to David’s bedroom. David pulled at his own shirt, hearing the double doors open, and once he could see again, he began to follow.

  By the time he was stripped of the rest of his clothing, he’d made it into the bedroom. Against the back wall lay his unnecessarily large, but incredibly comfortable bed. It was normally a sight for sore eyes at the end of a long, hard day. But it looked even better with Christian lying on it, on his stomach, looking back over his shoulder in expectation.

  David strode forward, running a hand from Christian’s ankle, over his calf, and to his thighs. He ran his fingers through the thicker hair on Christian’s thighs, smiling when the younger man jumped as David’s touch slid along the sensitive skin on the man’s inner thighs. His eyes darted from the delicious curve of his plump ass, along the pale skin of his back, the faint freckles on the man’s shoulders, and the blue eyes that never left David’s face.

  “I’d apologize for being impatient,” David said as he moved over to the bedside table. “But, I suspect you’re not feeling much different.”

  Christian pushed himself up. “How are you so calm right now?”

  David pointed at him, then at the bed. “Remain lying down.”

  Christian’s eyes widened, first with surprise, but David didn’t miss the sudden light of arousal in the man’s expression as he laid back down. His words hadn’t been harsh, but General David Winter knew how to command without having to bark or raise his voice. Satisfied that Christian was behaving himself, David retrieved a condom and bottle of lube from the drawer.

  David walked around the bed and knelt at the end, so he was positioned behind Christian. As he opened the wrapper to the condom, he took the time to admire the sight before him. If he watched closely enough, he could see a slight tremble in Christian’s shoulders as he waited.

  “How long have you been wanting this?” David asked as he rolled the condom on.

  Christian let out a shaky laugh. “Longer than I thought, apparently.”

  “Never thought you’d be here, lying on my bed, presenting yourself so your general would fuck you, eh?”

  Christian let out another soft noise. “No.”


  “Shit. No, sir.”

  David smirked, watching as Christian went taut again as he spat out the correction. It was a little game David tried out here and there, and he was pleased to find Christian was playing along, and happily at that. Grinning, he scooted forward, laying a hand on Christian’s lower back.

  “Hips up,” he told him.

  Christian pushed himself back, raising his ass in the air but keeping himself face down on the bed. It was both amusing and incredibly erotic to see the playful, teasing side of Christian disappear in the face of being commanded by David. Still taking in the sight laid out before him, David smeared a heavy layer of lube over his cock. With that done, he placed the blunt head of his cock at the entrance to Christian’s ass.

  That was enough to draw another low noise from Christian. David was quickly finding he loved the sounds that came out of Christian, and he wondered just what other sorts of noises he could draw from the man before the night was over.


  Fuck, he didn’t think his heart had ever beat so hard and so fast. As he lay there, feeling the thick tip of David’s cock teasingly pressing into him, Christian felt as though time had stalled. His whole body was taut as a wire, brimming with need.

  One minute they’d been talking, dancing carefully around the accidental touches, the alcohol making them comfortable, and the thoughts that were obviously running wild in the back of their minds. Then the next, Christian had found the courage to finally leap into the fray, needing to know if his thoughts and desires were his alone.

  The touch had been wonderful, and the kiss had seen his hopes realized. Everything that followed, however, had been beyond anything Christian might have dreamt would happen. David had become something else entirely, someone else entirely. He was still so remarkably calm, though Christian had felt the tremble in the man’s fingertips, heard the deep roughness of desire in his voice when he spoke. But even with that, he spoke calmly, even as he pushed Christian against a wall, pinning him there. Or even, when he commanded him, keeping Christian on a leash with only his words.

  And now he was pushing inside him.

  Christian’s breath caught in his throat as he felt the blunt head began to nudge its way into him. He forced himself to let his breath out slowly as David inched his way forward, spreading Christian even further apart. To the older man’s credit, he did pause, lettin
g Christian adjust to the sudden intrusion before moving in another couple of inches, only to pause once again.

  Christian’s head spun as David filled him up completely, his hips against Christian’s ass. Pressing his forehead against the softness of the bed, Christian took another deep breath. His ass burned, but he welcomed the not so dull ache as he felt the throb of David’s cock inside him. Behind him, David’s hand lay comfortably against his lower back, stroking in slow, leisurely lines as he waited patiently.

  “You okay?” David asked, hips still.

  Christian nodded, feeling his body release its tension. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good.”

  David bent forward, laying a gentle kiss between Christian’s shoulder blades. His warm breath gusted across Christian’s skin.

  “You feel amazing.”

  Christian couldn’t think of what to say to that but was spared having to think too hard about it when David decided to start moving his hips. It was slow at first, easing himself back before moving just as carefully forward. Christian felt a low moan draw deep from the depths of his throat as David’s cock filled him once again. The burn of David’s cock entering him began to give way to a growing thrum of pleasure deep inside him, curling his fingers against the bedspread beneath him.

  David’s hips gave a jerk, driving him in the last half with a sharp snap of his hips. The thick head of the man’s cock brushed against something inside him, drawing a cry from Christian as his nerves came to life.

  That was all David needed apparently, and moving his hands to grip onto Christian’s hips, he began to thrust in earnest. Skin met skin, the sound mingling with the cries rolling out of Christian’s throat. David’s fingers gripped his waist, pulling him back into his thrusts with strong, calloused hands.

  Sweat began to form and run down his back as David’s cock battered him from the inside. The thrusts started pushing him down into the bed, pinning him in place. Held as he was, Christian could do nothing but stay still, crying out as David repeatedly struck the bundle of nerves inside him, dragging wave after wave of pleasure through him with expert movements.


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