Misleading Lake (Kings Reapers MC Book 6)

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Misleading Lake (Kings Reapers MC Book 6) Page 8

by Nicola Jane

  “Is it that easy for you?” he asks, looking hurt.

  I sigh. “No, of course not, but it’ll get easier. For both of us. You think it’s easy for me to lie here listening to you and Maisy?”

  “Are you fucking him?”

  I roll my eyes. “Not yet.”

  “He’ll never be able to give you what you really want,” he says, and I snigger. His eyes widen. “Unless he can?” He frowns. “Don’t you think that’s a bit of a coincidence, your boss being into the same shit as you?”

  “I’m not discussing this with you, Lake. You’ve moved on, and maybe I can too.”

  “Who’s the kid’s dad?” he asks. “Cos you said there’d been no others after me.”

  I hesitate, and he clenches his fists. “Stop getting mad at me,” I snap. “It was before you, maybe a week before. I don’t know him. It was just a hook-up.” He turns his nose up, which instantly angers me. “I seem to remember you being all down for hooking up when we first met!”

  “I’m just glad that you ain’t the mother of my kid. I don’t want my son being raised by a whore.”

  Tears threaten to fall again. “You sound just like my mum,” I mutter. “Judging me without ever really getting to know me. I’ll be better off without any of you in my life. Now, please, get out.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I’ve been in my new apartment for three days. I love it. It’s a one-bed place overlooking the Thames and it’s the perfect size for me. I subconsciously rub my stomach and that familiar pain hits my chest again. Later today, I have an appointment to see a woman about how I begin the adoption procedure.

  “Sara,” snaps Alaric. “Stop fucking daydreaming and get me those fucking drawings,” he yells. I jump, gripping my desk. That part hasn’t changed—Alaric’s been an arse all week.

  “Sorry,” I mutter.

  “Aren’t you happy with my daughter?” asks my dad, making both me and Alaric turn in his direction. I haven’t seen him since I walked out a few days ago.

  “Dad,” I mutter.

  “Can I borrow Sara for a few minutes?” he asks Alaric.

  “Of course. She needs a break, she’s spent most of the day staring into space,” grumbles Alaric, stomping back to his office.

  Dad perches on the edge of my desk. “I know you and your mother left things . . .” he pauses, “strained, but I’m happy for you to continue working here. I’ve sent a large sum of money to the account you gave me, and I’ll be sure to push the licence application through as soon as I receive it.”

  “Thank you,” I mutter.

  “I’ll need the keys to the Knightsbridge house,” he says, and I reach into my desk drawer and pull them out.

  “You have a tenant already?” I ask, feeling slightly sad that I’ll never be in the house again. It holds some great memories for me and Tillie.

  “Sort of,” he says, looking sheepish.

  I narrow my eyes. “Your secretary?” I ask. He takes the keys from me and tucks them into his jacket pocket.

  “She’s between properties and needs a temporary place. Living with your mother isn’t easy, Sara, as I’m sure you remember. You might not approve of my relationship with Aliyah, but she makes me happy.”

  “Then leave Mum,” I snap.

  “And how will she handle that? You’ve seen what she’s like lately. Anything that could mess up her perfect life and she overreacts.”

  “Perfect life,” I repeat, scoffing. “It’s all smoke and mirrors.”

  He stands, smiling sadly. “It works, leave it alone, Sara. For all our sakes.”

  “But it’s okay for you to meddle in my life?” I ask. He walks away without answering.

  I take the property development drawings to Alaric. He’s on a call but signals for me to stay. He pats the desk, and I glance over my shoulder to make sure no one is watching before I lean against it. He places his hand on my knee and continues to talk into the phone. By the time he’s finished the call, his hand has worked its way up my thigh and is pushing into my panties. I grip the desk on either side of my ass. “Don’t fidget,” he says, “or they’ll know what we’re doing.”

  I grip the desk harder as electric pulses inside me spark to life. Alaric pushes a finger into me, and I gasp. “Your pussy is all I think about,” he mutters. “You’re driving me insane.”

  “I need to come,” I pant, squirming against his rough fingers.

  He smirks, removing his hand and slowly sucking each digit into his mouth. “Go, do some work, we’ll finish that later,” he says.

  “Alaric,” I pant, staring in disbelief.

  “Now, Sara,” he orders, more firmly this time. I go back to my desk, feeling horny and frustrated.

  Tillie follows me around the small apartment. It’s the first time she’s seen it, and she’s just as in love with the place as I am. “One small problem,” she says when we go back to the kitchen to make coffee. “There’s not much room for a child.”

  “Tillie,” I say, sighing. “You know I'm seeing a woman this evening about adoption.”

  “I know, but I was hoping you’d change your mind.”

  I shake my head. “I just want this problem to go away,” I say.

  “And you think it will if you sign some papers to give your baby up? You’ll forever wonder what could have been or how he is or what he’s doing. And what about Lake?”

  “What about him? He wants this problem to go away just as much as I do.” I take a deep breath before adding, “I told him the baby wasn’t his anyway.”

  Tillie stares at me wide-eyed for a long minute. “You did what?”

  “It was for the best. It was tearing him up inside. He was trying to commit to me when deep down, it’s not what he really wanted. My dad offered to pay him off, and I thought it’d be best if he took the money and ran. It’s not often my dad gives money away like that.”

  She stares at me some more. “Have you lost your fucking mind?” she snaps.

  “My dad would just make his life hell if he refused the payoff,” I add.

  “You’ve lied to cover your own selfish backside,” she yells, and I’m silenced by shock. Tillie never yells at me. “It’s easier for you to make this decision if he isn’t around pulling on your heartstrings.”

  “That’s not true,” I argue.

  “He was offering to stick around. You’ve pushed him away on purpose.” Tillie gathers her things. “You need to tell him the truth, Sara. Lying about this is awful, and if he finds out,” she raises her eyebrows, “I dread to think how he’ll react.”

  I let her leave and then burst into tears . . . again. It’s all I do lately.

  The doorbell chimes, and I rush to it, hoping it’s Tillie so we can sort this out. Alaric leans against the door frame, smiling. “How’d you get up here?” I ask. There’s security downstairs so no one can get up here without them ringing the apartment to get permission.

  “Connections,” he says, shrugging.

  “I have an appointment in . . .” I check my watch, “half an hour.”

  He grins, wrapping a hand in my hair and walking me backwards. “Just enough time,” he whispers against my lips.


  Riggs grins at Cree and then they both grin at me. “It’ll work,” says Riggs. Showing them around Six is a big deal for me. None of the guys come here, and they don’t ask about me coming here cos I like to keep this part of my life separate. The fact they both like it is a relief. It means we can go ahead with the purchase.

  “And we have the funds?” I ask.

  Riggs nods, glancing at Cree. “Yeah, about that.” I groan. I’m already putting down all my savings. I need the Kings to come in on this if I want to buy it outright. “It’s nothing like that,” says Riggs. “I just don’t think you’ll be happy to know how we got the funds.”

  “Go on,” I say cautiously.

  “We had a donation from Sara’s dad.”

  My eyes bug out of my head. “A fuc
king donation?” I growl. “You mean that cocksucker paid for me to stay away from his daughter!”

  “If she said the kid ain’t yours, then you have no reason to go sniffing around her. It’s a win-win situation,” reasons Cree.

  “I told her and him that I didn’t need their money. I’m happy to stay the fuck away from that lying little bitch.”

  “You really think she’s lying?” asks Riggs sceptically. “Seems a bit of a coincidence. She wants to get rid of the kid, and you were talking of stepping up . . .” He leaves the sentence open.

  “The whole thing is fucking with my head,” I snap. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

  “Bullshit.” Cree smirks. “You wanted to talk to me all about it the other night,” he points out.

  “And you were too busy with Eva, so . . .” I mutter, shrugging.

  Cree laughs and pats me on the back. “Soz, bro, but I can’t ignore the ol’ lady when she needs me.”

  “For what it’s worth, I think you and Maisy go good together,” says Riggs. I nod, even though inside my heart aches. I hate to say it, but I like Sara way more than I wanna admit. “Sara asked me for your bank details. I gave her the club’s cos I knew you’d return the money. Look, brother, this ain’t what you had planned, but don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. This money is what we need.”

  “I’m sorry, Riggs, but I can’t let them pay me off like that. It doesn’t feel right. I’m giving the money back. I’ll raise the rest on my own if I have to.”

  “Mr. Falcon will see you now,” says the secretary from her desk.

  I enter Sara’s dad’s office. He’s staring out of his floor-to-ceiling window that overlooks London. “I told you no!” I snap, and he slowly turns to face me.

  “As I understand it, Sara doesn’t want anything to do with you. I knew that when she told me to transfer the money, but I wanted to make sure you were clear on that message.”

  “I got the message loud and clear. I don’t want anything to do with her, but I don’t need your money,” I respond, throwing a cheque onto the desk.

  He eyes it and asks, “You’re not buying Six?”

  “I’d rather miss out than use your money.”

  He laughs. “Admirable but stupid.” He rips the cheque up and throws it in the trash. “I’ve already put the donation through the accountant. It would be messy to reverse it. If it makes you feel better, give Sara a lifetime membership to Six. I know how she loves the place.”

  I scowl. Even thinking about Sara coming to Six pisses me off. “Of course, you’ll need to add her new partner. Do you offer joint membership?”

  “Partner?” I repeat.

  “Yes. He’s just what she needs to settle down her chaotic life. He’ll raise your son into a decent young man. He’ll have the best education and upbringing, and you’ll own Six. Everyone’s a winner.”

  “My son?” I repeat.

  He gives me an irritated look. “Yes.”

  I head for the door. It’s clear Sara hasn’t told her parents that I’m not the father or that she plans on giving the kid up for adoption. “I’ll pay you back, every last penny,” I add as I leave.

  I head straight to Enzo’s. Vinn Romero owns the nightclub in the sophisticated part of London where all the young people go to spend a fortune. Occasionally, the Kings come here for a celebration but not often. Vinn is sitting at the bar, tapping away on a laptop, while Chains and Leia are at a table chatting with Gia and Blu. I shake hands with my brothers and then take a seat with Vinn.

  “The place is closed, and yet I have three members of the Kings here. What’s wrong with you all? Don’t you have a life?” he asks.

  “I need a favour.”

  “Of course, you do.”

  “I need some money,” I say.

  “And I look like a bank manager?” he asks dryly.

  I explain my situation, and he listens intently. “So, you want me to lend you money, so you can pay Falcon?” he repeats, and I nod. Vinn smirks. “No.”

  “Come on, man.” I groan.

  “I’ll give you the money you need, but not as a loan. I want in.”

  I roll my eyes. “Not happening.”

  “Pity. We could have made Six great,” he says, turning his attention back to his laptop.

  I sigh. “It’d be a three-way split,” I say. “Would it be worth it?”


  “I’d have to run it by Riggs,” I mutter.

  Vinn grins, knowing Riggs will agree. It’s too good an opportunity for him not to. With Vinn’s club experience, he could give us a lot of knowledge. “I look forward to your decision. Any chance I can go and look around the place? Get a feel for it?” he asks, winking over at Leia.

  “Why’d yah wink at my ol’ lady?” snaps Chains, and Vinn laughs. “You’re out of order.”

  “Chains,” whispers Leia. “Calm down, he’s just playing.”

  “Oh, I’d like to.” Vinn smirks.

  “Stop. Now,” orders Gia, narrowing her eyes at her older brother. “Show some respect.”

  I put the call in to Riggs, already knowing his answer.

  Chapter Twelve


  It’s been two weeks since I saw the adoption lady, and she’s calling me this evening for my final answer. I feel sick thinking about it. My stomach is churned up and I hate that Tillie isn’t speaking to me. Add her to the list with Lake and Mum, and I feel pretty alone right now. I stir my coffee sulkily when I feel Alaric’s presence behind me.

  “Did you wear that skirt on purpose?” he whispers.

  I smirk to myself. “No.” Yes. The only fun thing in my life right now is Alaric. He turns up at my place pretty much every night. We haven’t been back to Six, but we’ve had some amazing kinky sex. It’s not serious, just a bit of fun. Another thing I want to share with Tillie. My heart squeezes again.

  “Is this because I didn’t let you come last night?” he asks.

  “No.” Yes.

  “Hmm, just for that, I’m adding another night.”

  I glare at him. We’re in the tiny office kitchen, and he kicks the door shut. “Open,” he demands. I shake my head, and he quirks an eyebrow. “Sara,” he says, his tone warning. He gently kicks my feet apart. He pulls out a small pink device and pops it in his mouth. Next, he pushes his hand into my panties and gently rubs his finger along my opening. I bite my lip to stop from moaning, and he grins, knowing full well how badly I need to come right now. He’s been withholding my orgasm for two nights now. He takes the pink device from his mouth and pushes it into my pussy, giving my clit a little tap as he pulls his hand away, leaving the device inside of me.

  “We’re at work,” I say, pleading with my eyes.

  He holds up a small pink remote control and presses a button. The device buzzes to life, full throttle, and my legs almost buckle from beneath me. “If you take it out, there will be consequences,” he warns, flicking the switch off. He pulls me in for a kiss before marching from the kitchen, leaving me stunned. “I’ll have a coffee, please, Sara,” he throws over his shoulder as I roll my eyes. This is going to be a long afternoon.

  I walk towards Alaric’s office with his coffee. He grins wide, and I glare at him, willing him not to press the remote control, but he does it anyway, and I stumble, spilling some of the coffee onto the floor. He laughs, and as I place it on his desk, he buzzes the stupid contraption again. This time, it’s less violent and more pleasing. I close my eyes, letting the feeling wash over me before he turns it off again.

  I’ve spent the afternoon in serious distress. Alaric’s been buzzing this thing on and off all day, and just when I’m about to reach the delicious orgasm, he turns it off. I’m getting my jacket on when Lake appears at my desk. I haven’t seen him in weeks, and I frown, wondering if he’s real. I’ve spent so long hoping to bump into him just to see how he is, so now I don’t trust myself, especially when I’m deliriously on the edge of an orgasm. “We need to talk,” he snaps.

nbsp; I glance over to Alaric’s office and find him watching us closely. “Now,” adds Lake.

  I point to the meeting room next to Alaric’s office, and Lake heads inside. “Everything okay?” asks Alaric as I pass.

  I nod. “I’ll be a minute,” I say. He’s taking me to dinner.

  I close the door. “I gave your dad his money back,” Lake snaps.

  “Right,” I mutter. “I thought you needed it to buy a place.”

  “I bought the place. I don’t need no money from him.”

  Alaric decides now is a great time to push the button. I grip the edge of the large table and bow my head. “I’m glad you have somewhere,” I manage to squeak out.

  “Why didn’t you tell him the truth?” Lake demands.

  It buzzes again, and I cross my legs. He’s pulsing it on and off, and I can’t cope. “Huh?”

  “About the kid not being mine.”

  On, off. On, off. On, off. “I’m not speaking to my parents,” I answer, closing my eyes tightly.

  “Your dad seemed to think you’re keeping the kid.”

  “Why are you here, Lake?” I ask impatiently.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he asks, glaring at me. “Are you sick?”

  I shrug. Alaric leaves the pulsing on longer with each buzz. I feel the build-up of an orgasm and will it away. Not now, not now, not now. “I wanted you to know that I don’t—” he begins, but the pulsing turns to a full-on vibration, and my knees give way. I fall into the nearest chair and lean forward, covering my face with my hands as the orgasm rips through my body. I cry out and try desperately to cover it with a cough. When I look up, Lake’s eyes are stormy. “Did you just—”

  “I have to go,” I whisper, trying to stand. My legs feel like jelly and I grip the desk for support.

  “What the fuck kinda sick game are you playing?” he snaps.


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