The World For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 3)

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The World For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 3) Page 7

by McCoy, LeeSha

  And right now, we’re far from there.

  Gia and Myers are together now. Vanze, who thinks he’s some kind of antichrist, announced their engagement to the world six months ago, and although the brothers were shocked, I wasn’t surprised. Gia always was a sucker for an older man, and I suppose it was easier for her to be with him than try to explain what she was to a human guy.

  They don’t live in England anymore, though. Myers moved ZoNaR to the USA once his zombie ‘cure’ was approved three months ago. I think everyone has pinned their hopes on him saving the world, and every time we see him on the news, he soaks up the attention with his smarmy fucking grin, loving it.

  And it makes me furious.

  If they knew this shit was mostly his fault, he’d be mobbed. I’d even out myself to see it in person. And that double-crossing bitch he’s marrying? She needs to get hers, too.

  Their time is running out, though. We’re pretty sure they’ve moved across the Atlantic for another reason. We think they're drawn to us, just the same as all the other zombies are, the only difference is, they can fight the urge to come.

  They might’ve wanted us out in the open at first, but since zombies started gravitating our way, I’ve had the feeling they’re scared of us. It’s also funny how quickly after that happened, his cure was developed, too.

  Yeah, they’re shitting themselves now.

  And they fucking should. ‘Cause if they ever come into the range where me or the brothers can reach, they're dead, and we won’t even do it mentally, it will be with hands.

  “At least it’s done now,” Dagger says. “I guess now, we wait.”

  “Yeah,” Pin replies, his eyes meeting mine. He pushes his Mac to the side, and then orders me over to sit sideways on his lap.

  I stroke his chest and feel his dick rising beneath me. “I bet that’s the easiest video you’ve edited for a while.” Since the zombies started coming our way, Pin’s had to use a mixture of special effects and old footage to keep it entertaining, because now, the zombies make it too easy.

  He leans forward to pull my right nipple between his teeth. “It was.”

  “I still think we should’ve shown a few of us on camera,” Axe says. “Some of these dumbasses aren’t going to get it.”

  Thorn stabs a piece of his plantain with his fork. “They’ll see what they need to. Zombies dropping dead. That’s enough.”

  “I guess.”

  Pin releases my left breast to look over at his brother. “It will get attention, which is what we want. Some expert will have it analysed for CGI, find it’s untampered, and then we’ll see if anyone else messages this time.”

  He’s already had the Mayor of Liverpool messaging him, asking if he’d go there to 'pest control'. We’re still debating it.

  “What do you think their reaction will be when news breaks that it’s real?” Blade asks, reaching over the island to pull the tie from my hair. ‘Stop tying this shit up.’

  I smirk as I shake out my curls, but then I shriek as Pin lifts me onto the island and Thorn swipes it clear, sending the plates and glasses scattering to the floor.

  Pin’s eyes glow as he spreads my legs. “They’ll lose their shit, for sure, just like how our Queen’s about to.”

  I bite my lip to hide my excitement. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Fuck yeah.” He drags me towards him, and I rest my hand on his head when he disappears between my thighs.

  I hear Axe rub his hands together. “Damn. Now that’s the kinda breakfast I need.”

  I laugh but soon gasp when the brothers hold me in place with their minds and their hands find my hair to pull it. Then I’m caressed everywhere. Their minds are so powerful now, I can’t even tell what’s real and what’s not.

  I moan at the ceiling as I grab Thorn’s and Axe’s head to bring them closer, already losing it.

  “Oh, God, yessss…



  My body jerks again on my way back down to the brothers in the living room. This shit is pissing me off now. It’s been almost half an hour. I swear, this happens every time he goes too deep.

  Axe smirks at me from the couch. “They not gone yet?”

  “No.” I glare at Thorn, and at his mammoth dick that’s hidden in his sweats. ‘I told you not to hold back, not destroy my throat and diaphragm.’

  His lip twitches, and I glare harder.

  ‘Let’s see if you’re smirking when I stop giving you head for a few weeks.’

  His eyes widen. ‘You wouldn’t.’

  ‘Fucking watc—’

  Blade suddenly grabs me to pull me down onto his lap. “Raaa!” he shouts, and I jump.

  My heart races as I look up at him, waiting for the next hiccup to come.

  It doesn’t.

  “Thank you.”

  He kisses me softly. ‘You know I’ve got you, sweetness.’

  I admire his soft lips and dimple when he pulls back. ‘I know.’

  He rests a kiss on my forehead before sitting me beside him. “I’ve been thinking…”


  “Maybe Axe is right. Maybe we should put a few of us on camera…”

  Pin rolls his eyes on the couch beside ours. “You wanna say this shit now when I’ve already got the footage ready?”

  “Nah, that video is still good, I’m just saying, if we do have to upload another one, maybe it would be a good idea to show us.”

  “See,” Axe says, rolling his own eyes, “he thinks it, too.”

  “But what about our faces?” Dagger asks, coming to sit down with the rest of us. He’s been getting lunch ready for us and the kids. “We’ll have to hide them.”


  “We could get masks,” Axe suggests. “The viewers would love that shit, bro.”

  “Where, though?” I ask. “Barely anyone delivers around here anymore, and I don’t think any shops in town would sell them. Masks aren’t exactly an essential item.”

  “They could be traced back to us, too,” Thorn adds. “Wouldn’t take a scientist to figure that out.”

  I laugh dramatically when he smiles at me. I’m still pissed with him.

  “Can you sew, baby?” Dagger asks.

  I grimace. “Not really.”

  “We can,” Raeni says, entering the kitchen with her seven brothers and seven sisters in tow. “We’ve all had a go on Paris’ sewing machine.”

  The kids hug us all with their minds as they arrive in the living room, and we hug them. There’s a lot of love between us, and we’re all close. As much as they’re adults now, there are some things they haven’t grown out of, like hugs for one. And although they may look similar in appearances, they’re very different.

  I frown at Paris. She’s the spitting image of me; long curly hair, big brown eyes, but she’s a little taller and has beauty marks like Pin. “Since when have you had a sewing machine?”

  She falls down onto one of the empty couches with the rest of her siblings. “I've had it a few months, Mum.” She looks at Pin. “Remember when I said I wanted to make my own clothes, and you ordered it for me?”

  The look on Pin’s face tells me he can’t remember, which most likely means she manipulated him into buying it.

  Axe snorts. ‘Am I the only one who doesn’t get taken advantage of around here?’

  His brothers give him a look, but he’s right.

  ‘You need to stop being so tight with those skills,’ Blade says.

  Axe eyes him. ‘I’ve fucking told you what to do a million times.’

  I smirk as they continue to bicker. ‘Do you still feel them trying to?’ I ask him.

  He shakes his head. ‘They don’t bother anymore. They know I’m the master of manipulation and won’t fall victim to that shit.’

  Pin rolls his eyes and returns his attention to Paris. “I can’t remember, but I’m glad I did. You got fabric?”

  “Yeah. Lots.” She looks at me. “Do you want a plain design or a theme?” Her dark ey
es light up. “‘Cause it embroiders, too.”

  Of course it does. No doubt Pin bought her the most technical one.

  “Something scary. A bloody mouth, or fangs or something,” Axe suggests.

  “Yeah,” Blade agrees. “Just because we’re gonna save everyone’s asses, doesn’t mean they should see us as angels. They still need to fear us so they leave us the fuck alone when this shit is over.”

  I agree with him. “Definitely something scary. Leave our eyes visible, though.”

  Dagger nods. “Definitely.”

  “Alright,” Paris says before looking at Thorn. “You wanna help me draw something up, Dad?”

  “Course I will, Angel.” Thorn’s artwork is incredible. Any work that needs doing in the house, he draws up the plans. He drew all the murals in the kids’ nurseries, too. “We’ll get on it after lunch. How’s life living on your own?”

  The boys all start telling us how nice it is to not have to listen to their sisters talking about the hot guys on TikTok, while the girls express their happiness at not living in the boys’ mess.

  “Don’t you miss us?” Axe asks.

  “A little,” they all say in unison.

  I laugh. “That’s nice to know.”

  “We’re not far,” Hope says. She’s the quietest of the group, another Thorn and Axe doppelganger. In all ways. “And you can come see us whenever you want.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I’m glad you’re all happy. And for the record, you’re still classed as being under our roof, so we will visit any time we feel like it.” I give them all a look, so they understand what I’m really saying.

  That I’m keeping a close eye on all of them.

  They all nod.

  Dagger stands. “Right, let’s eat. Boys, come help me plate up.”




  ‘Yeah, baby?’ I answer Raeni, but I know why she's woken me. I immediately wake the brothers, and they sense it, too.

  Hope, Violet, and Paris have drawn more zombies to the house since Axe, Dagger, and Blade returned from killing hundreds a few hours ago. They don’t know they have, though. They’re technically still asleep.

  I look at the brothers as we feel a sense of sadness. All our babies are full grown now, and we know everything is about to change. Of course we want it to—for them more than us—but we also feel crazily protective over our family and can’t help but worry about what’s to come.

  Pin gets up out of bed after the youngest three release the zombies they’ve gathered.

  I frown. “You're gonna do it now?”

  He turns. “No time like the present, baby. We've waited two years for this shit. The kids are ready, so now it’s time to turn this shit around.”

  “I know...”

  “This gives our kids a life, Princess,” Dagger adds, sensing my fears. “You know that.”

  I do know. That's just as important to them as it is to me. We want our children to be able to live in a normal world. To not only be able to watch those silly videos on TikTok, but to be able to post theirs, too.

  “You're right. The sooner we get the video up, the better.” I get up with the rest of the brothers to follow Pin to his office.

  He opens his Mac at his desk and pulls up his YouTube channel. I'm sure the entire world is subscribed to the channel now. It has four-point-seven billion subscribers, and more follow every day. It literally makes millions.

  He types in the caption after he selects the video.

  Must watch. Want the world to return to normal? Share this video. You're welcome.

  Typical Pin...

  Then he turns to look up at us. “Ready?”

  We all nod, and I feel Raeni's eagerness for it to be uploaded, too.

  “Alright.” He turns back to his Mac to click upload, and we watch it appear live on his account. “No going back now.”

  “We can't,” Thorn says. “This world is fucked. We just need the right people to see what we can do and give us the chance to deal with it.”

  “Tomorrow’s news is going to be a lot more interesting than it’s been in a while.” Blade says. “We should’ve said that we’re the originals and not associated with those budget zombies, though.”

  “We can put it in the next one,” Dagger says. “You’re right. We need to distance ourselves from them, otherwise, they’ll start thinking we caused this shit to get glory for cleaning it up.”

  I never thought of that…

  “Let’s just see how this goes down first.” Thorn looks down at Pin’s Mac screen and I follow his gaze to see the views coming in already. It’s three in the morning and it’s already gotten hundreds of them.

  I nod. As nervous as I am, this had to be done.

  Raeni agrees.

  As soon as I wake, I snatch my phone off the bedside table to check the views on the video.

  Six hundred million…


  I wake Pin to show him, and he’s equally stunned. “That's even more than I expected to see so soon. What do the comments say?”

  I scroll through them.

  Is this shit real? – Abidah99

  Can someone tell me if this actually happened? – klueless4real

  Dude, why the switch up? I follow you because your shit is real. This is lame af. Unfollowed! – Savagelikeyourmamassnatch

  I snort at the last commenters username. “Um, the reviews are mixed. Maybe we should’ve let the authorities find them this time.” We always lure the zombies to somewhere secluded so we don’t draw attention to ourselves.

  “Yeah, maybe,” he muses. “Let them talk shit. What the news says is more important.” He slaps each of his brothers on their heads. “Get your asses up so we can check the news.”

  We don’t have a TV up here, the only thing that gets watched in this bedroom is me, getting fucked.

  The rest of the brothers groan as they wake, but after Pin tells them about the views, we quickly get up to go downstairs.

  We’re all disappointed when the news barely mentions the video. They say it’s being looked at by experts, but the consensus is that the video is a hoax.

  I feel the kids coming over to the house, so we all run up to pull on some clothes before meeting them back downstairs. They’re all watching the TV, feeling as equally disappointed. Hope, Violet, and Paris turn to look at us, but Dagger reassures them all that everything’s okay and that we know what happened.

  “They need more proof,” Raeni says, turning to face us. “The video isn’t enough. They need to see the bodies.”

  When Raeni speaks, we all listen. There have been so many times over the past two years that she’s said something that’s ended up happening. And, we’ll never forget when she hit adulthood and told us that the reason for her and her siblings being here, was to save the world.

  “Then we’ll shoot another one tonight,” Thorn says, but then he turns to look at me. ‘And we take the kids.’

  My stomach cramps, but when I turn and see all their eyes on me, I feel their desperation to come, and I know it’s time.

  I nod. “Okay. We all go, but if we’re doing this, we drop the bodies where we find them. No hiding them this time.”

  Everyone agrees.

  “We’ll go finish the masks,” Paris says. “They’re almost done.”

  “No,” Dagger tells her. “They can wait. We’ll eat first. You can all help.”

  Royal, Angel, and Jaden complain, but a quick look from the six of us silences them.

  “Nuh start get bright,” Axe tells them in patios. “Yuh never too old fi get lick. Kitchen. Now.”

  The kids pile out of the living room with Dagger and Axe, but Thorn keeps our youngest three back.

  “Is this about last night?” Hope asks nervously.

  “Yeah,” Thorn answers, but then he gives them all a hug. “Congratulations on becoming fully fledged adults.”

  The three of them have been waiting to hear those words, and I
can feel how much it means to them. More because I also know how much they want to see zombies gone so they can lead normal lives, too.

  It cements that what we’ve decided to do is right. I'm not naive to think my babies won’t want to go out into the world and meet people. Not only to make friends, but to find partners. If our sex drives are still this high even without the urge to have babies, I know theirs are, too.

  I think I’m even starting to feel our eldest crave intimacy.

  And I want them to have it.

  My phone rings as we’re finishing lunch, so I get up to answer it and see Mum on the screen. Whenever my phone rings, I know it’s only ever her or my brother. Pin sent them both an encrypted phone, so we can video call.

  “Hey, Mum,” I answer.

  “Darling, the video. Is it real?”

  “Completely.” We told her about the channel a few months ago. I also told her I was engaged to five brothers, which completely and utterly stunned her into silence. I think she’s come to terms with it now, though, because she asks how we all are whenever she calls.

  But she still doesn’t know about the kids.

  ‘Maybe you should tell her, Angel, before she sees the next video.’

  I sit down on the couch and see them all looking at me from the island. ‘Uh, yeah…’

  “But...” I can almost hear mum’s mind going into overdrive. “They just dropped dead. How?”

  “It's a long story, Mum. We’re posting another one tonight that might explain it a little more…” I brace myself. “So, I should probably tell you...”

  “Tell me what?”

  I try to ignore the worry in her voice. “Well, um, you're a grandmother.”

  “What! You're pregnant?”

  “Uhh, no, not anymore. I was. A few times actually. Two years ago.”

  “What!” She screams, and I hear Vincent asking what’s wrong in the background. “How could you not tell m—wait, a few times?”

  The brothers smile as they wait to hear her reaction to what I’m about to tell her next.


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