The Long Way Home

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The Long Way Home Page 4

by Cassandra Javier

  Iamblake: I won’t ask u to.

  Itsmeserena: blake, just…just go to bed. I’ll…miss u. you were a good friend.

  Iamblake: serena

  Itsmeserena: I’ll go now. Bless u, whatever you’ll do.


  Itsmeserena has logged off

  Serena had tears in her eyes after shutting off the laptop. Growing older, she realized, was nothing more than coming to the truth that you have to make the hardest decisions, because the world isn’t the bed of roses you wanted to believe it was.


  Hello Tuscany

  The airport in Italy was, Serena thought, grander than grand. There were pictures of Italian tourist spots, beautiful ornamental plans, and the people were quite friendly, too. She greeted them in her broken Italian, gave them smiles, and looked for Minerva in the crowd. They haven’t seen each other since she was 6 and Minerva was 12. Minerva only IM’d her hours before that she’d be wearing a quarter-sleeved black and white sundress. Serena scanned the crowd and there, she found not just one, but a couple of people wearing black and white sundresses.

  “Oh, Lord.” She muttered.

  “Over here, Serena, over here!” A woman called from somewhere near one of the large Oak trees just outside the airport. “It’s Minerva, Serena!” Minerva called out, “I broke my heel, I’m so sorry, sweetheart, just come over here…”

  Serena nodded her head and went up to Minerva, who was wearing a black and white sundress, and had a beret on top of her head. Serena thought she looked pretty much like an Italian now, with a Cebuano accent.

  Minerva hugged her, “Oh, I’m so glad you’ve finally arrived, Serena!” She exclaimed, “I’m so sorry, one of my heels broke and I’m wearing quite a…popular sundress. Vanity Fair says it’s in this season, I just didn’t think so many others would wear it, too.

  Serena laughed, “That’s okay.” She smiled, “Thanks for picking me up.”

  “Oh, no problemo,” She said, “You are beautiful, think you’d fit right in here.” She winked, “Let’s go.”


  “This is where you live?” Serena asked Minerva as they stood in front of her house. It was more than just a house, it was a mansion: Two big Greek-style posts held the sunroof, a grand door with Plaster of Paris glasses, large Frech-style windows, Grapevine trees all over…It was a dream, and yet it was real.

  “Yeah,” Minerva said, “The owners moved to Spain and sold it to me for a cheap price, it just needs some more furnishing but…”

  “Furnishing?” Serena said, “Are you kidding me? This is…beautiful.”

  “Wait till you see more mansions.” Minerva laughed and opened the door.

  The foyer was huge, a lot of draperies, antique furniture, photos of Minerva on a desk. It was grand. Everything was grand.

  “There’s a lanai back there if you want to go,” Minerva said and pointed to the back door, “I’ll just go make you some juice.”

  “Thank you.” Serena said.


  Serena was still gasping at the beauty of the grapevines surrounding the lanai when Minerva arrived, holding a tray with two glasses of juice and some cookies.

  “Thank you,” Serena said, “God, Minerva, your house is just…splendid. Aren’t you hiding a man upstairs?”

  Minerva laughed and became silent for a while.

  “Oh, God, I’m sorry,” Serena said, “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No,” Minerva answered, “Well…I guess I should tell you the truth.”


  Minerva just nodded her head, “Serena, this house…it…it wasn’t just sold to me by some couple who ran off to Spain. I’ve been living here for years. I used to live her with my…husband.”


  “We were a happy couple,” She said and smiled lightly, “But six years ago, something happened…He. He died.”

  “Minerva, I’m so sorry, I…”

  “Don’t be,” Minerva said, and squeezed her hand, “It was…an accident. He went to one of our vineyards one morning and…And they found him dead. He fell down from one of the hilltops there. It was…devastating. I couldn’t talk about it to anyone, I didn’t wanna remember anything. But oh well, that’s life, forget one thing, you forget everything, and I didn’t wanna forget him, I just wanted to start over after that.” She paused and then, “Time flies, huh? Can you believe I was just your age when that happened?”

  Serena didn’t know what to say. Instead, she reached forward and hugged her. “I’m really sorry.” She said.

  Minerva shook her head, “Oh well, that’s life. Things happen.”

  “So…uhm…after him, there was no one else?”

  “No,” Minerva answered, “I dated a few guys, nothing worked out. I don’t think I could ever love anyone again that way, you know?” She said and smiled, “It has always been Ricardo. Always.”

  Serena smiled a sad smile and squeezed Minerva’s hand.

  “I shall start cooking our dinner now, It’s your first night in Italy, I’ll go make some pasta.”

  “Oh, let me help you…”

  “No, no, sweetie, don’t,” Minerva said, “You’re my guest. Enjoy the house first, go unpack your things. I’ll take care of dinner.” She smiled.



  “When you said it was an accident…Were you sure?”

  Minerva paused and then, “If it wasn’t, the truth should’ve presented itself by now.”

  Serena merely nodded her head.

  40 kinds of sadness

  Later that night, Serena logged on yahoo messenger, and sure enough, Tryke was online.


  Tyketryke: serena! You’re in Tuscany now?

  Itsmeserena: sure am. I’m in minerva’s house. 

  Tyketryke: I’m so glad to hear that! Finally! Glad u got here’s…Minerva?

  Itsmeserena: she’s good. Told me some things…haven’t seen her since I was 6, mind you, but we hit it off quite well…

  Tyketryke: that’s…nice. So…how are u liking Tuscany, so far?

  Itsmeserena: I like it. No, I love it. This place is more than beautiful. It’s magical.

  Tyketryke: I quite agree. I have been here for ages but Tuscany still never ceases to amaze me.

  Itsmeserena: I think I won’t have a hard time staying here 

  Tyketryke: u sure won’t…so, shall we meet tomorrow afternoon?

  Itsmeserena: yeah, sure. I’d love to.

  Tyketryke: let’s see…from minerva’s, there’s this little coffee shop by the corner, it’s called Cicero de Luna.

  Itsmerserena: moonlight? That’s moonlight in Italian, right?

  Tyketryke: si. ;) u know your words, huh? Wonderful!

  Itsmeserena: oh, believe me, I still have got lots more to learn.

  Tyketryke: haha, you’ll learn fast. ;) ok, anyway, I’ll meet you in Cicero de Luna by 4, would that be cool? I’ll tag Marcela along, too, so u could meet her. Do.u…uhm, want me to pick u up?

  Itsmeserena: oh, no, no, it’s ok, I think I’ll fancy a walk.

  Tyketryke: ok, I’m really excited to see u.

  Itsmeserena: same here, tryke, same here.

  Iamblake has logged on.

  Iamblake: serena? Are u in Tuscany already?

  “Jesus Christ.” Serena muttered to herself.

  Itsmeserena: tryke? Uhm, I’m logging off, ok? I’m…uh..the flight has caught up with me, really sleepy. I’ll see u tomorrow, ok?

  Tyketryke: yeah, sure, no problemo. Have a good night’s rest! Dolce sogno.

  Itsmeserena: thanks, tryke. Goodnight.

  Iamblake: serena?

  Itsmeserena has logged off.

  Serena took a deep breath and hurriedly held the telephone and dialed Gina’s number.

  “Hello?” Gina said, stifling a yawn. She always slept early.


  “OMG, Serena?! Is that you?”

  “Who else would it be?”

  Gina laughed, “Chill…glad you’re there! How does Tuscany look?”

  “Beautiful, words can’t explain.”


  “Blake was online.”

  “Whoa.” She said, “What happened?”

  “Nothing, I logged off.”


  “I’m meeting Tryke tomorrow.” Serena said, “I need no distractions.”

  “Whatever you say…”

  “Oh, well, I shall go, I’m tired.”

  “K, talk to you soon, ok?” Gina said, “I miss you already.”

  “Shut it.”

  They both laughed, said goodbye and put their phones down.

  I made the right decision, Serena muttered to herself, But why do I still fee like something’s missing?


  The Difficult Kind

  “Serena!” Tryke greeted as he saw Serena walking up to his table outside the coffee shop. He thought she was beautiful—long brown hair flowing in the wind, a white sundress that looked casual yet chic, and some flat shoes. He hugged her as she came. “Finally! I’m…astounded.”

  She laughed. “Nah, you don’t mean that.” She said, “I’m glad to see you.” She smiled, and she was. He seemed like a nice person, and that he was a beautiful man didn’t hurt as, well. He had chestnut-brown hair that accentuated his chiseled face well, he was a little tall, around 5’10, she thought and he had an aura of distinct kindness. They shook hands and she noticed a scar near his right wrist, but Serena thought it would be rude to ask him where he got it, after all, it was their first meeting in person.

  Tryke helped her sit on a chair across his. “You are very beautiful.” He said.

  She smiled, “You flatter me too much.” She said, “What if I looked like a cockroach? Would you still think I’m beautiful?”

  He laughed, “It wouldn’t matter.” He smiled, “Hmm…Marcela’s not here yet, I’m really sorry, she has an awful habit of being late at times…”

  “It’s okay.” She said.

  “Shall we order then? You should try their mango crepes, it’s perfect. Belissima.”

  “Sure, I’d love to.” She smiled.


  Minutes later, they were eating. Serena thought the Fettuccine Alfredo was flawless and the mango crepe, like this whole place, was magic.

  “Like it, huh?” Tryke quipped, smiling.

  “It’s perfect.” She smiled, as well. “Tuscany is such a beauty. You know, Minerva has all these grapevines at home, they’re magnificent. It’s like, it makes the beauty of this place even more right.”

  Tryke looked as if he didn’t know what to say. He was staring into nothing.

  “Are…you…okay?” Serena asked.

  “Ugh, yes,” Tryke said, looking at her and putting that smile back on his face, “Yes, I was just…I just remembered something.”

  “Oh.” She said, and paused for a while.

  “I grew up here, you know?” He said, “There are so many memories, good and bad…And…”

  He was interrupted by a woman’s voice.

  “Timothy!” The woman said, walked up to them and hugged Tryke. “I’m so sorry, traffic was awful.” She continued speaking in her perfect Italian and Serena couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was—how that black hair shone in the sun, how she had a perfectly made-up face (which didn’t matter, because Serena thought she was beautiful even without it), and her clothes were so top-of-the moment, even having those Christian Loubotin heels. The beautiful girl removed her hat and noticed Serena, “Carina,” She said, meaning “pretty” in Italian, “You must be Serena,” She motioned for a handshake, “So glad to meet you. I’m sorry I’m late.”

  “It’s okay,” Serena smiled and shook her hand, “I’m glad to meet you, too.”

  “Oh, I’m really sorry I couldn’t actually stay long,” Marcela said, abruptly interrupted by Tryke.


  “I have a meeting,” She said, “Wedding prep,” She then looked at Serena and smiled, “And besides,” She went on, “I don’t wanna keep you two away from each other. It’s your first meeting, lots to talk to.” She winked.

  Serena laughed. Tryke looked embarrassed.

  “Oh, come on, Timothy, you have been telling me about your excitement with meeting her, don’t be such a fool, asking me to stay here when you know you want to spend more time with her,” She said then turned to Serena again, “My brother’s quite…shy. But he really wants to spend quality time with you.” She smiled, “Oh well, I’ll be running late. I have to go, I’ll see you both soon, and Serena, goodluck with school. You’d fit right in.” She winked and went away.

  “I’m really…sorry…about that.” Tryke told Serena.

  “No, don’t be, she’s…cool.” Serena smiled, “She calls you Timothy?”

  “Yeah,” Tryke said, “That’s my first name. Timothy Ryan.”

  “Oh, wow.”

  “I don’t like using it, though, it’s too formal, but Marcie…she’s…I dunno, she’s keen on calling me that.”

  Serena laughed, “That’s cute,” She said, “She’s older?”

  “Just by a year.” He said, “Doesn’t act like it, too.”

  “Must be fun having her as a sister, huh?”

  Tryke laughed, “You have no idea.” He said. “What about you? Any brothers or sisters?”

  “Oh, no, I have none.”

  “Whoa…your parents must love you so much, huh?”

  She laughed, a tinge of sadness very noticeable, “I…am…not exactly what they wanted.”


  “Not perfect.” She answered.

  “No one is.”

  “No, I mean, I gave them so much disappointments. Didn’t finish school with honors, couldn’t find a job easily, those stuff…”

  He nodded his head, “That doesn’t mean you’re a failure.” He said, “We all make mistakes, we all have those moments where in we feel like…nothing. We’re not lazy and all, just nothing.”

  “Yeah,” She nodded her head, “I had quite a while feeling that way…”

  “But now you’re here.”

  She smiled, “Yes,” She said, “A dream come true.” She went on, “What about you? I mean, I know Tuscany’s a dream, but have you ever thought of going somewhere else?”

  He smiled sadly, “I’ve always loved Tuscany, can’t think of anything more, but…one time I had to live in Wales.”

  “Wales? Wow.”

  He smiled, “Yeah, wow, but nothing beats home…I just…stayed there for a year, then went back here.”

  “Why’d you have to go there, by the way?”

  “Oh, it’s uhm, complicated, something just happened.”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” He smiled.

  “I bet there were lots of beautiful women out there…”

  “There were plenty,” He answered, “But I had someone then. Someone I really loved.”

  “Your then fiancée?”

  He nodded her head, “Leah,” He said, “Yes.”

  She nodded her head, as well, “What…actually happened between you two? Why did you break up?”

  He paused for a while and then, “Well….before I went to Wales, we uhm…I made…a…mistake. We both did. We tried to make it work between us but that mistake…that mistake crept up on us and…And it wasn’t easy. I came back, but…nothing was the same anymore. She fell in love with someone else, and…I had to let her go.”

  “Just like that?”

  He shook his head, “It just wasn’t working anymore. And…And she and I…we both had to start fresh.”

  She nodded her head. He may have left some loops in the story and not told her everything, but she understood. After-all, that was what she was doing, right? Starting anew. Starting fresh.

  “Do you still talk to her?”

  “At ti
mes,” He said, “Tuscany’s not that big, we still see each other accidentally, some days.” He went on, “But nothing more than hi’s and hellos…She and that guy she fell in love with are still together.”

  “Do you still love her?”

  “She’ll always be a part of me,” He said, “But no, I’m not in love with her anymore.” He continued, “What about you? Left someone new in the Philippines, perhaps?”

  For a while, she thought about telling him about Blake, but she refused to. She was, nevertheless, starting over. This was a new life, she need no reminders of her old one. And, besides, she and Blake weren’t anything, were they? “No,” She finally answered him, “As I’ve told you before, it’s been a while since I’ve been in a relationship…”

  He nodded his head, “You wanna go to my art gallery?”

  She smiled, “I’d love to.” She said.

  In Wonderland

  Serena was wonderstruck. She was looking at the pots and jars that were on display at the gallery when she spoke, “You made these?” She asked Tryke.

  “Not all of them, no,” He answered, “Only those three large jars out there,” He pointed to the three large jars by the corner, “And these ducks, and little pots out here…”

  “They’re amazing.”

  He smiled, “Some others are way talented than me.”

  “But you,” She said, “are exceptional.”

  “Oh, you have no idea what you’re talking about.” He laughed.

  “Are you always that modest?” She asked and they both laughed.

  They started walking again. “I like it here.” She said, “It makes me feel…safe.”


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