Bullet's Riley: Ruthless Renegades

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Bullet's Riley: Ruthless Renegades Page 1

by Kat Cameron

  Bullet’s Riley

  Ruthless Renegades MC Book Two

  Kat Cameron

  Copyright © 2021 by Kat Cameron

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15



  About the Author

  To my Dad.

  No matter how old I am, I will always need my father.

  “Reading forces you to be quiet in a world that no longer makes place for that.”

  -John Green


  Couldn’t he have just left me the fuck alone? Nope, not Bullet. One night of meaningless sex and he thought he knew all of my feelings. What the fuck were feelings anyway? Just a bunch of bullshit, if you asked me. When Stana came back from killing our father I knew I had to go. I couldn’t explain it, but I could feel Bullet’s attraction to me becoming stronger and I couldn’t allow that to happen. So there we were, wandering the streets of New Jersey at one in the morning, because what the fuck else could I have done but keep on the move with an hour of sleep?

  I could just kill the fucker. Then we could pretend his body is a cutting board.

  “Don’t you fucking start with me,” I huffed at the voice in my head. She had been more insistent on taking over these days. I couldn’t allow that to happen. Ever since I met Bullet she had been wanting to play with him. Knives were her thing, which scared the ever living shit out of me.

  You shouldn’t be afraid of me. I would never hurt you, babygirl.

  “That is precisely what I am afraid of. It wouldn’t be you going to jail, you fucking psycho,” I told her. She seriously needed to recheck her fucking brain. Well actually, wouldn’t it be considered the same brain? Jesus, I needed some fucking sleep.

  In between my argument with Reese (no, she was obviously not named after the candy considering she was anything but sweet), I felt a tingle on the back of my neck that was telling me to keep it moving. If I didn’t, Bullet would most likely find me and that would be the death of both of us. I didn’t trust Reese with Bullet. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to be with him but there was no way I could let him around her. She liked knives way too much and if she felt in any way that he was close to hurting me, she would kill him. It wouldn’t be the first time.

  There I was, running around like a fucking lunatic. I was running on empty and I didn’t think I would make it to wherever my next stop was going to be. I had my phone out, looking into my next hotel room. Being on the run was tiring as fuck. Finding my next destination, I looked up the buses and made sure that they were going the way I needed. I could have used a transit app, like Uber. Problem was, it would leave traces but I needed to get away fast and undetected. I was sure Stana would understand. She had just as many demons as I did, if not more. Our mother on the other hand was probably losing her shit since she just got us back.

  If she knew what was good for her, she would have fought her way to be near her daughters instead of being a weak, old bitch.

  This was an ongoing battle Reese and I would have. She thought I should ignore my mother because she didn’t agree with being walked all over. I didn’t think Reese understood that just because my mother didn’t fight back meant she was weak. To me, she survived, and that in itself was strength.

  When I was younger, after my mother disappeared, my father would hear me talking to myself—I used to tell him it was my imaginary friend. When I got older, my ‘husband’ must have heard me one too many times because he sent me to a therapist. Once I was there, my doctor told me I had multiple personality disorder. Some part of me already knew that but I think it made it more real to hear it from a doctor.

  Well duh, I am here to protect you, silly.

  Her eerie cackle followed that. Sometimes she really freaked me the fuck out. While waiting for the bus, I thought I heard something rustling behind me. The bus station was out in the middle of nowhere but at least there were streetlights. Of course Reese wouldn’t let me go anywhere without knives either.

  Hello? I can use them quite well, as you know. Just ask your husband. Or ex-husband, I should say. It was fun listening to him squeal like a pig.

  I wish I could give her her own body just so I could take her out and slap her around some.

  You’d lose and you know it.

  “Would you just let me think for a couple minutes without always snipping back, you bitch?” I snapped. This was another thing I was afraid of with Reese. I didn’t want Bullet to think I was crazy if he found me talking to myself. Nobody knew about her except for my doctor. That was how I wanted to keep it too.

  The bus pulled up, so I got in. It was dingy and the seats were an ugly brown. There wasn’t any garbage on the floor, so I guess that was a plus. It smelled a little of vomit though and that grossed me out. Waiting for the bus to get to my stop felt like forever. As the bus pulled up, I realized this place was not going to be the best I have slept in. I guess that's what I got for a last minute check in. The motel looked like something out of a horror movie. The sign was flashing as if the light bulbs were burning out. All the doors looked like they belonged in the seventies and the parking lot was pretty much non-existent. This should be fun.

  Uh, hello? I make everything fun!

  Rolling my eyes at her comment, I walked up to the front door that was barely hanging on by the hinges. Where the hell was the damn maintenance man? I checked in and the greasy guy at the desk leered at me in a way that made me feel super uneasy. He smelled of smoke and had grease stains all over his clothes, as if he were a mechanic. At least, I sure as fuck hoped it was grease. I was so close to allowing Reese to come out and play, but there was no way I would have been able to stay there if that were the case, and I desperately needed some sleep in order to stay on my toes.

  I grabbed the key and hurried to my room, locking the door behind me. Getting into the room didn’t feel any safer since the walls were as thin as wrapping paper. The carpets were an ugly orange and the wallpaper was peeling at the top. Which now that I was looking at it the wallpaper had fucking zoo animals on it. Really, what was this, a child’s room? Before going to the bathroom, I propped the lonely chair under the door handle. There was no way anyone was going to get in here without me knowing about it.

  There wasn’t much of a choice but to sleep in the bed. I got the skivvies if I thought about it, considering bed bugs. Without lifting the blanket—if you could call it that—I laid on my side and put my hands in a prayer position under my face. No longer than five minutes (or at least that was what I thought) I was sleeping.

  “Come on you fucking, lying whore! I know you are sleeping around with other men. Get on this bed and fuck me like you do them! Do you really want to go down this road again? What happened last time? You resisted and got your ass beat. Is that what you want? To get your ass beat again?” Jared, my husband, spat at me. I hated his voice, it grated on my skin like nails on a chalkboard. He was handsome but that was his only quality. This was the norm these days for him. If I didn’t do what he said, he would beat me within an inch of my life and
I would be left alone in the house until my skin was back to normal.

  I was knocked out of my inner thoughts when my hair was wrapped in his fist and I was pushed to my knees. “So you wanna play it like this then? I could use a blowjob. You haven’t given me one of those in a long time.” Yeah, like two years, because last time Reese came out and almost bit his dick off. Luckily I stopped that before it could go too far. I should have known better than to ignore him this time. I could see there was something different in his eyes tonight. He let out a roar and pulled me up to my feet. He dragged me to the wall and smashed my face into it. This wasn’t anything new, but his voice was different and so was the force. It was like I knew he was trying to kill me. Or rather, Reese knew, because she quite literally ripped out of her mental cage.

  The sound of laughter hit me first. That was when I realized I wasn’t in control anymore. “You stupid motherfucker,” Reese said to him. Shit, this was not good. I could already feel her rage coming through, hot and heavy like a heated brand in my brain. He smashed my face again and pulled my head back to his face.

  “You think that's funny, bitch? How about this?” He threw me to the floor and started kicking me in the stomach as hard as he could. At this point, Reese was literally cackling at him. Even as I thought about it, I knew she wouldn’t do anything to hurt me; she never did.

  With a burst of energy, she started attacking him with a flurry of kicks and punches. He was on the ground and that was when she brought out the knives. Damn it, this was going to get messy. While he was lying on the floor, she stripped his clothes off and started drawing on his chest. He really was squealing like a pig. As I watched her carve him up, she made her way down to his stomach and oh god!

  Shit! I woke up, a cold sweat dripping down my back. Thank the heavens too, because I couldn’t stomach when she sliced up his dick. That was when his crying started. I got the shivers thinking about that point in my life. Realizing it was morning, I needed to hurry and get moving. Bullet would catch up soon; he always did. He followed the trail that seemed to lead to me every time. Little did he know, it was Reese leaving the bodies for him to find like bread crumbs. Yes, she left a whole slew of bodies in our wake. I will admit, most of them deserved it. Some of them were committing disgusting crimes, such as rape and murdering innocent people. The streets at night were a horrible place to be, which was why she was doing these things. I tried not to watch, but we were in one body and sometimes the things she did fascinated me. Not that I, myself, would ever be able to do it.

  I got myself ready for the day, which didn’t consist of much. I didn’t carry anything with me except my bag of clothes and a few womanly things, just in case the red dot special decided to show up. I left the key at the front desk with a woman, but she barely looked awake. Making my way to the gas station, I went in and got a breakfast sandwich and a coffee to go, when I heard the motorcycle. I recognized the rumble of the engine before I could see him. He was coming down the road and stopped at the motel I just left. How the hell was he getting to me so damn quickly? I mean, I knew they were an MC and they had someone to track me all over if they could see my face, but fuck. I wanted a short break to at least have my coffee in peace.

  Shit. I needed to move. Down the road a little ways was a shopping mall, so I switched my jacket inside out while making my way into a store. As soon as I was inside the store I made my way to the bathroom. Throwing out my coffee and sandwich, I locked the door behind me and waited. No matter how hungry I was, there was no way I was going to eat my food in the bathroom. That was a hard no. I waited ten minutes before I came out. I took another ten minutes to wander around the store, pretending like I was going to buy new clothes.

  After leaving the store, I headed in a new direction. As I was trying to find a new destination to crash at on my phone, I ran into something hard. Realizing it wasn't something but someone, I looked up and… “You motherfucker!”


  The night that Riley ran out on me was an awful fucking night. Sleep and my sanity seemed to evade me. I was tracking her to wherever it was she was going. I had no idea what was going on with her, but she would have these episodes where she would suddenly be so cold. Her face would lose all it’s emotion, and then she would turn around and be normal within the next second. Stana talked to me right after she left and wanted me to bring her sister home to her. Especially considering Riley was about to be an aunt.

  When Riley first came here, she was like a wounded animal. I didn’t want to touch her and spook her. I also wanted to wrap her up in my arms and hold her until she was okay again. Riley was fucking beautiful, even as dirty as she was from being thrown onto the ground and god knew what else. Her hair was everywhere and she had dirt under her fingernails, but I could still see right through the mess. Her eyes were sea blue, like waves crashing and shimmering in the sunlight, but a couple times they seemed to turn gray. With not a blemish on her olive colored skin, it made her eyes beautifully bright. Riley’s hair though, was soft as velvet and I wanted to make it rough by threading it through my fingers and pulling. Add the glasses she wore and it was like every man's librarian fantasy came to life. Fuck, I really needed to find her.

  The next morning after she ran out, I went right to Snake. I told him what happened and he rolled his eyes at me and told me to go. At first, I thought he was joking and I was waiting for him to go tell me to wash the bikes or clean the toilets since I was still a probate. I was sitting in the chair, waiting for him to order me around some more when Knuckles barked, “Well, you gonna fucking go get your girl or are you gonna wait around for her to come back? Which, judging by the way these girls run away, might be never.” I was out of my seat faster than they could fucking say goodbye. I knew Knuckles would text me and let me know where to start. He was quick like that. Having Stana already here helped, considering we had to dig into her background so Knuckles could do a facial recognition search first.

  Making it to my room, I threw a couple things into a backpack for the road and by the time I reached my bike, Knuckles had texted me like I expected. That man was good as fuck at what he did. I followed her around for a few days, finding a trail of bodies in her wake—the fucking body count going higher and higher the longer she was gone. As I found them and had them cleaned up by some of our guys, I couldn’t figure it out. Riley would never kill. She was too clean for that. Even though she had been through some shit in her life, there was just no way. Pieces to this puzzle were missing and the more I followed, the more I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

  I had just found her most recent body; he looked homeless. His face was beaten all to hell and his body was carved to shit. The one thing that I noticed, on every single body, was the letter B carved into the heart. I had no idea what the fuck that was about. Reaching for my phone, I dialed Snake.

  “We got another body. Any idea what the letter B could mean? It has been carved in every single person’s heart I have found.”

  “You are fucking joking, right? She is leaving it for you, ya fucking idiot. B for Bullet,” he started laughing at me. Like full belly fucking laughing at me, the fucker. After he got himself together he said, “A bullet straight to the fucking heart with a knife. If that isn’t some shit. Girl’s got some fire in her.”

  He told me he would send someone to clean-up but I just stood there dumbfounded, wondering how I could have missed that. It was so obvious but it was as if my mind had been trying to ignore it. The thought she was actually thinking about me helped with my determination to find her. Getting back on my bike to find her next destination, I tried to understand how someone like Riley could actually kill someone. The signs weren’t there. She was so sweet and had a heart of gold. I could see the honesty and the warmth in her eyes— at least when they weren’t that gray color. Granted, I didn’t know her all that well but I had always been good at reading people.

  I had been riding around on my bike for a few days now and I was starting to think I wouldn’t fin
d her. Finally, catching a break from not getting any sleep last night, I was at the last motel she was at and it was seedy as all hell. The woman at the front desk didn’t look like she was all there either, almost as if she was nodding off from her high she just got in the back room. There was a gas station down the road I needed to hit up before I left. Stopping there, I gave my muscles a stretch. Between riding the bike and sleeping on these shit beds, it was doing absolutely nothing good for my body. As I was pulling out of the gas station, I had this eerie feeling I was being watched. Shaking it off, I went to get on my bike. I just threw my leg over when I got a text.

  “Looks like she is at the department store in the shopping mall across from the gas station you are at. If you hurry, you may be able to catch her this time.”

  Getting off my bike, I figured I would walk across the street. My legs could use the exercise. At this point, I felt like I was going insane with trying to find her. She was like a fucking ghost in the wind everytime I got close to her. I missed those pretty fucking eyes of hers. The one night we had together, there was something desperate in her eyes. It was almost as if I was her anchor, if only for that one moment, to save her from drowning in a sea of what, I didn’t know yet... and then she was different.

  Someone pulled me from my thoughts when they ran into me so hard they knocked the air out of me. “You mother fucker!” No, there was no way. She was running the opposite way before I could even try to grab at her. I chased her until I heard her yelling at me as if I was a crazy kidnapper trying to take her away.


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