Bullet's Riley: Ruthless Renegades

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Bullet's Riley: Ruthless Renegades Page 3

by Kat Cameron

  I went into the bathroom and freshened up before I went out and looked for Bullet. I couldn’t find him anywhere, so I figured maybe he ran out to get something. I knew I was right when I found a note on the table.

  Went out to get some breakfast. Be back soon. XOXO


  His chicken scratch handwriting made me smile. There wasn’t much to do besides get dressed and get my stuff together for the ride back. By the time I was done I heard Bullet come in.

  “I got breakfast, babe. Figured we could head home after we eat.”

  Bullet was setting up breakfast at the table when I came out of the room. He got me pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream on top. It was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me.

  Don’t make me throw up in my mouth. Ugh.

  “You know, I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me, and coming to find me. It means a lot to me because no one has ever cared enough.” I leaned over the table and pecked him on the cheek.

  When we were done eating, we threw our trash away and were on our way to the bike. I was excited to see my sister, I admit that I didn’t want to leave her in the first place but I felt that I had to. I didn’t want to brand my amount of crazy on all the guys and the women of the Ruthless Renegades MC, but here I was being dragged back. Well, I wasn’t exactly being dragged, I was voluntarily on the back of Bullet’s bike, gripping him tightly even though I trusted this man with my life. Although I probably shouldn’t, something is just telling me to let go and be me. If he was good enough for me he would accept all of me eventually. Including when Reese decides to introduce herself.

  This will be sooner rather than later if I have it my way.

  I internally rolled my eyes at her. I had a feeling that this was going to end very messily when she did decide to show.

  We got back to the clubhouse around three in the afternoon and as we walked into the bar area, Stana was the first one up and running to me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me so tightly I couldn’t breathe. It was nice though, because I missed her something awful. She pulled away and she had tears in her eyes.

  “Stupid hormones making me cry all the time. I don’t ever cry and now I cry over the smallest things. But hey, I am so happy you are home. Oh! I have to show you the ultrasound. It is a little bean as of right now, so there isn’t much to see considering I am only a month along. I can’t even believe I am pregnant.” Crow slapped a hand over her mouth before she could speak anymore.

  “Alright, that is enough. I thought we didn’t want anyone knowing yet, babe. And here you are, yelling it to the whole club. What am I gonna do with you?” He asked her. Her eyes instantly welled up and it looked like she was going to cry. Yikes. Stana was never a cryer. These hormones must be doing a number on her.

  “Oh no. Not the fucking tears again. Come on, baby. Riley, we will talk to you later. I have got to go take care of this.” He swooped her up into his arms and cradled her down the hall to their room. Speaking of a room, I wondered where I would be staying. Considering Bullet thought I was his, he might think I would be staying in his room with him, but I would think fucking not.

  But don’t you think it would be fun? I think so. I think he would like the knife play.

  Rolling my eyes, I stalked to the bar for a stiff drink. Kelly was there, as usual. “I still think you have a bed hidden back there somewhere. What is it that you accomplish by never leaving here?” I joked. I didn’t know where the question came from. Maybe from not having any friends, or simply from yearning for friends. It would be nice to have someone other than my sister. Don’t get me wrong, I love having a sister, but there was nothing like a friend that wasn’t related to me. Suddenly, there was a huge presence sitting on the bar stool next to me.

  I looked over, and there was the boy that turned into a man, one I didn’t think I would ever see again. He looked like life took a terrible toll on him, judging by the demons that were peeking from his eyes. I couldn’t tell you exactly what it was he went through, living with mom in dad’s dungeon, as I call it, but it couldn’t have been good.

  “You grew up to be a beautiful woman, Riley. I see you have gotten mixed up with these shitheads just as well as your sister has. What you see in them is beyond me. It is good to see you again though,” he said. Or should I say, rumbled. The only way I could describe his voice was the rumbling of a diesel engine.

  “What is your name?” Shit. Where the fuck did that come from? I mean I knew his club name but I didn’t actually know his real name. He didn’t look startled by my question though. If anything he looked like he actually expected it.

  He nodded his head and said, “It is a shame we were never introduced properly. Rage. Nice to finally meet my sister.” How he knew was beyond me. It was just nice to know he wasn’t going to be angry at me for keeping a secret I shouldn’t have known in the first place.

  “Yeah, that is gonna take some getting used to.” I replied. We sat there catching up and I didn’t realize how long I had been sitting there until the music started going and it started getting rowdy. That was my signal to get to bed or at least get out of the main room before clothes started coming off.

  Oh, knock it off, you prude. You know you would like Bullet to take you in front of everyone. Well, maybe not your sister and your brother. You know what? Nevermind. This situation is getting too sticky for me.

  I haven’t seen Bullet since we got home and I guessed he was debriefing Snake about his journey to find me. Stopping at his door, I found myself wanting to go in, but at the same time I didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. Rage told me I would be staying in the room with the door that was open, so a decision was made. I went to my own room and got ready for bed since there wasn’t much else to do. Getting in the shower, since each of these rooms had their own full bathroom, the water was scalding hot over my skin just the way I liked it. After I was finished, I got out and got dressed into my usual tank top and panties. Crawling into bed, I fell asleep thinking of a life that I really wanted with Bullet.


  I woke up and realized I was able to pull through while Riley was sleeping. So here I was, walking down the hall towards Bullet’s room. Not that I had terrible intentions, but I wanted to formally introduce myself to Bullet. He was sexy as fuck with that tuggable, blonde hair and those pretty, brown eyes. Many people didn’t like brown eyes, but we had a thing for them.

  It was always a struggle to break free from the death grip Riley held to keep me out, almost as if she thought that I would kill Bullet if I came out to say hello. I could never hurt someone she loved, even if she didn’t realize it yet. Yes, she was in love with him, although she was too stubborn to see it. Emotions were something I tried to stay away from. They caused too much pain, as Riley could show in the past. She tried to care for her father but he went and fucked up. Fucker is lucky I didn’t get a hold of him, or more like I didn’t get a hold of him.

  I probably don’t have long before Riley fought to shut me out again, so I turned my attention to Bullet. He was sleeping, chest moving up and down peacefully. He had to have realized that the B I was carving into the chest of my victims was for him. Yes, I knew there were those pesky emotions again, but even I could admit he cared deeply for Riley. I recognized it the day he took out the two guards of Debrov’s in front of the gate for her. That was my little way of letting him know I did care. Even if he didn’t realize there were two people living in this body yet.

  While looking him over, I wondered if he would freak out by waking up to me tracing his delicious body with a knife. Only one way to find out. Riley was still blissfully silent for the time being. I pulled the covers back on Bullet and using my trusty knife I brought with me, I traced lightly, leaving a red line from his collar bone to his chest which had a light dusting of hair to his belly button. I lifted the knife and started out at the left side of his boxer briefs which stopped right at his inviting left V line and got just to t
he middle when his hand whipped out and stopped me.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Riley?” he growled. I peered up at him and gave him a saucy grin. Straddling him I could feel Riley coming to in the background of our mind, but I wasn’t going to let her pull through just yet.

  “Hello, Bullet. Nice to finally be able to talk to you. I’m Reese. Riley didn’t want us to meet, but I finally was able to come out to play while she slept. It feels wonderful to finally be in your lap myself.” I giggled.

  “Riley, quit fucking around and knock it off! What the fuck has gotten into you?” Oh, he was pissed now. He was seething in his anger. I was trying to figure out why he was so mad when he flipped me on my back and ripped the knife from my hand. Throwing it across the room, he strapped my hands to the bed with a belt he got from who the fuck knew where and left me there while he paced the room.

  “Why in the fuck are you acting like this?” he grounded out. I guess he really didn’t approve of me. Well, fuck him.

  “If you would quit acting like a fucking fool and listen to me, I would explain what is going on. Then I will give you your precious fucking Riley back.” I snarled at him. He was still pacing.

  He stopped in the middle of the room and demanded, “Fucking explain.”

  “Riley is a sweetheart, and she is too… how do I say this nicely? She is too soft. When we were little, her dad didn’t show any love for her at all. He was cold as fuck and her mother disappeared. Then her dad was even worse and he only wanted to use her as a pawn, so she had the thought that maybe she could love whoever was going to marry her. Riley couldn’t have been more wrong. That was the mistake that had me the most present in her life. I mean, I was there, but she needed me the most the one night I was finally able to get rid of that fucker. He tried to force her to give him a blowjob. That was the last straw. Riley was disappearing more and more every time he pushed her.” I could still remember the way she felt that day and that vulnerability was how I was able to push her aside so easily.

  “I will kill him. I will use him as fucking target practice,” he growled.

  “Oh, I enjoyed the fuck out of killing him. He squealed like a pig when I used my knife on his dick. That was great. It was a perfect example of how soft Riley is. She was quiet the whole time, blocking out everything I was doing. She didn’t want any part of it.”

  He was still looking at me like he didn’t know what to think about me. Or maybe us.

  You asshole! You fucking ratted me out! God damn it, Reese!

  I guess I needed to hurry the fuck up, once she’s fully awake she would be strong enough to push me back down again. Damn it, I wanted more time to get to tell our story.

  “You don’t have to like me, but you sure as fuck better not hurt Riley. She is gold and you will find yourself cut up, much the same way Jared did. I will be back and this will be a much better experience. Toodles for now!” I blew him a kiss and Riley was back in charge.


  Shit! Shitastic, motherfucking, goddamn, Reese! I can’t believe she would do this to me. I was just beginning to think I could possibly have a normal life. Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened my eyes, expecting the worst. Bullet possibly even kicking me out and marching his way down to Snake’s office and letting him know what a freak I was. Stana not wanting me as a sister anymore once she found out.

  Fuck! I didn’t want anyone to find out this way. Needing to find out what was lying in the aftermath that was Reese, I opened my eyes fully. Taking in the naked sight of Bullet’s body took my breath away every time. His body really was a work of art with all the tattoo’s and his sinewy muscles straining against his skin. His hands were roughly dragging through his hair and he looked exhausted. I knew when I went to bed he wasn’t in his room.

  “Bullet,” I gulped watching the tension build in his body. It was like watching someone pull a rubber band wider and wider, stretching it with the stress of trying not to snap. He stopped dead in his pacing tracks to look at me. Here I was, still in my tank top and panties, tied to his bed, and he was looking at me with an unrestrained amount of lust and a shimmer of anger shining through his eyes. I didn’t know whether to cry or be pissed. I wanted to cry because I was so happy he still wanted me but I wanted to be pissed because that meant he was either attracted to me or Reese, and I couldn’t tell the difference. Maybe my indecision showed on my face because he stalked over to me and grabbed my chin to make me look at him.

  “Riley. Why did you hide this from me?” he demanded. How to explain this to someone who doesn’t know what it was like to have another whole being shoved inside your body. Someone else who can read your mind even when you don’t want them too. It was so unnerving to not have any secrets to myself.

  “You think this was an easy choice for me, to hide her from everyone? Let me be clear about something, I will never be ashamed to have Reese in my head. She is the only one that has ever been there for me when no one else was. She is my best friend and if I didn’t have her, I probably would have been in the psych ward by now. No fuck that. I probably wouldn’t even be alive at the moment if it wasn’t for her. But you know what? I wouldn’t trade her for anything. Not even you, so if you have a problem with her then you can just go right along and fuck some clubwhore for all I care and I will be on my merry way. Believe me, I have been through worse.”

  Awe. I love you too. God, you are going to make me cry and you know how much I hate sulking in the further recesses of your brain.

  Those words weren’t supposed to come out of my mouth to be thrown at Bullet like daggers straight to the heart, but they were out and there was nothing I could do about them now. Unfortunately, Bullet still wasn’t saying anything and it was causing my brain to go out of whack and imagine things he was thinking in his head. He had no idea how much it would hurt to lose him, but like I told him, I have been through worse.

  “If you aren’t going to say anything, could you at least untie me and give me some blankets or something? I am kind of freezing here.” I looked down and kept my eyes busy with counting the sheet stitches until I felt a light finger tracing down my thigh. It gave me the shivers. I wanted him to say something already damn it!

  “Why would I ask you to give her up. If she is what makes you who you are, then there is no reason she needs to go. It would be nice to have a heads up though, if she does want to talk. Her creeping up on me kind of freaked me the fuck out. And one more thing, before we go back to sleep, because I am tired as fuck. Axel. Axel is my name and I don’t want to hear you calling me Bullet anymore. You are not a clubwhore and you are not some side piece that doesn’t get to know my real name. I am not going anywhere, baby. I can promise you that.” He pulled me into such a rough kiss that I felt it all the way in my soul. His kiss was just lips, no tongue or teeth needed to show how much he needed to prove he was here with me.

  He pulled lightly on my wrists to take the belt off and we cuddled underneath the blankets. While laying on him, I noticed how much we fit together. It was like finally finding the needle in the metaphorical haystack. As I laid there and fell asleep, my mind drifted off to the same dream I had in the hotel room. It looked even more real than it did the first time.

  Waking up, I noticed that Bu—I mean Axel—wasn’t in bed. That was going to take some getting used to, but it kind of fit him. He was rough around the edges but he fit me like he was made for me. I knew it was too soon to say I loved him or that I was in love with him, but it felt like I knew I could love him forever, if that made any sense.

  I got up and brushed my teeth because morning breath was just not okay. I realized a little too late that I didn’t have any clothes with me, so I went to Axel’s dresser to find at least a long shirt to cover me until I got to my room. Not like it was a long way, but I didn’t want any of the men to see me in almost nothing. Walking out of his room left me slightly cold and I wondered if it was just a chill in the air or something more to it than that. By the time I got to my room, I noticed it w
as so quiet in the clubhouse that I was beginning to worry. Hurrying to get changed, I threw on a pair of leggings and the shirt I stole, since it was more comfortable at the moment. Why is it that men’s clothing is more comfortable than women’s? Was it just me?

  As I walked out of my room, I noticed there was a distinctive smell of pancakes in the air that I didn’t notice before. Pancakes were one of my favorite breakfast meals to eat. Add some whipped cream and they were just right. Making my way to the kitchen, I noticed that Stana and Crow were sitting at the table. Stana had a smirk plastered on her face and Crow looked annoyed but only slightly. Then I heard Axel’s voice.

  “I did not need to know all of that. I am practically your brother-in-law, so keep that shit out of my ear, would you?” he grumped.

  I could only laugh, making everyone aware of my presence. The way everyone smiled when they saw me made me feel a crap ton better about being here. On the outside, I was showing a facade of cool and collected, but inside, I was swimming with nerves because I wanted so badly to finally belong somewhere. I really wanted that place to be here. I know it was probably weird to be wanted in a motorcycle club, but it was really the only place that I ever felt right in. My sister was here with my niece or nephew on the way, and I only ever wanted to be surrounded by family.

  “Morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?” Axel asked me with an adorable smile on his face. Yes, I know, grown men shouldn’t be adorable, but I was older than him so I was allowed to say it.

  “You ready for breakfast? I made you pancakes and there is bacon over here. Crow, move your big ass over by your woman so I can sit next to mine.” Crow grumbled at that but we sat together to eat like a real family. We were all almost finished eating when Snake came in and asked to speak to Bullet.

  “Awe, daddy Snake, does he have to? He was just telling us the story of how he had to chase Riley everywhere.” Stana pouted, and it looked as if real tears were coming.


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