Half Brains, Sacred Water book 1

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Half Brains, Sacred Water book 1 Page 13

by Charles Kaluza

  Chapter 10

  The next two days Daniel spent sleeping, checking on the other wounded, and most importantly, talking to Heather. He was able to sit up without getting dizzy but standing was still not possible. Heather’s strength was doing better but her headaches persisted especially if she tried to push herself. All in all things weren’t too bad. Daniel was content to let time work its healing magic, but Heather was getting anxious why hadn’t they heard from her Father? Maybe Ben had been waylaid or the war was going badly, she didn’t voice her real fear; her Father didn’t want to come.

  Word came on the third day that a small party on horseback was headed their way. Heather wanted to know if it was her Father but the scout could only report that eight men on horseback were headed their way and Ben was guiding them. They would arrive within two hours. Daniel tried to quiet Heather’s excitement by reminding her, “Your Father may have sent an envoy. If the war is not going well he would not have been willing to leave but he would have certainly sent us an envoy.”

  “It’s my Father, I’m sure of it.”

  There was no containing her enthusiasm. She started bustling around the camp trying to make sure everything was perfect. There really wasn’t anything that needed doing but Heather needed something to occupy herself until he arrived. She asked Elrod to formally greet the King when he arrived and to bring him to her tent. The planned formal greeting evaporated when Heather heard her Father’s voice. She ran out of the tent despite Daniel’s admonition to take it easy. Her Father had no sooner dismounted when Heather threw her arms around him saying, “Father, I knew you would come.”

  The King held his daughter tightly and then held her at arm’s-length saying, “My Princess, are you all right?”

  “I am recovering, thanks to Daniel. And you; how are you?”

  “Trying to keep up with your Ben has made me feel quite old but otherwise I’m doing well. The tide of the war has shifted since we broke through the valley. But enough of that, I need to set these old bones down on something besides a horse.”

  “Father, you’re not old, but come and sit by the campfire. The hunters have been successful and we can share stories while we eat.”

  The King had no sooner sat in one of the stick chairs by the fire when he asked where Daniel was. Heather said, “Daniel insisted that I make sure he would be welcomed in your presence because of the problem he had with the church leaders back home.”

  “We are not back home and of course he’s welcome. Have him join us. He’s a hero.”

  Heather nodded to Jeremy, who left the campfire and soon returned carrying Daniel who he sat in a chair next to Heather. The King looked at Daniel and asked, “What in the name of sacred water is wrong with you?”

  Daniel replied, “Sir, I am a bit weak yet but improving daily. I hope to be able to walk again in a few days. It’s good to see you enjoying your health.”

  “But what happened to you?”

  Heather interjected, “Daniel’s story is tied to my story and his weakness is because he gave me his strength so I could live. We had divided our troop into three sections. Jeremy and Daniel, I sent off with his powder to attack the remaining catapult. The main body was sent to create a diversionary attack and I led the remainder as a decoy party. We were being chased hard by the Southern army. I made the mistake of wandering too far from camp and walked into enemy soldiers. The fight was brief and the next thing I knew I awoke with a terrible headache and Daniel sewing my head together.”

  Elrod then interjected, “Sire, when we realized the Princess was missing we mounted a rescue mission. She was just barely alive when Daniel got here.”

  The story went on with many people contributing parts. The King would interrupt only occasionally to ask questions such as, “Who is ‘The guard whose wife’s name is Martha’?”

  Elrod again spoke up, “Sire, the Forest Folk refer to me by that name. Because you see my wife is named Martha and for some reason Daniel could remember her name and when he sent these hunters to us that’s who they asked for at the Palace. So now they all call me that.”

  “So how did you come to be with these people anyway? Never mind, I’ll hear about that later. I still don’t understand why Daniel’s weakness has anything to do with my daughter’s injury.”

  The priest spoke up, “Sire, Daniel asked me to search the scrolls in my memory for directions on transferring blood from one person to another. I could find only one reference because I do not have enough experience yet. Daniel used this information to transfer his blood to the Princess and now she lives but he is very weak.”

  “You gave your blood to my daughter?” The King’s question went unanswered because Daniel had fallen asleep.

  Heather replied, “Yes, Father. I live because Daniel gave me his strength and now he suffers great weakness.”

  “Will he recover?”

  “He is getting stronger everyday.”

  Jeremy spoke up, “Daniel is much tougher than he looks. He’ll be okay.”

  The feast of fresh venison stew was served. Daniel awoke and had some more marrow soup along with a small serving of the stew. The stories continued throughout the meal. Jeremy’s tale of the great bridge collapsing had everybody spellbound. As the day receded to night, people would come and go from the campfire. Ben drew everyone’s attention when he asked, “Sir, why has the Southern Kingdom done this?”

  “Nobody knows for certain. The old Southern King was a gentleman but he died under strange circumstances and his nephew, the present King, took over. The Southern Kingdom has always had a more centralized government but this new King has concentrated all of the power to himself. He has had no regard for our treaties and trade agreements much less for the welfare of his people. I assume that his goal is domination of the entire world, but why I cannot say.”

  Daniel asked the King, “Sir, How are your people faring?”

  The King replied, “Our kingdom is pretty self reliant with the exception of the sacred water. People are doing well at the present but the fear of the future is growing. The soil you had delivered has been distributed but our supply of sacred water is pretty much exhausted. I’m afraid that even your soil will be long gone by next summer. If what you have told us is true many babies will be born deformed and die. We pushed hard to break through the valley to insure a delivery of sacred water but as you know we failed until this time.”

  Daniel said, “Winter has begun in the forest. I’m afraid the trade route to the Northern Kingdom is closed. It may be possible for a few more weeks to bring sacred water down the Southern trading route. Would it be possible for your army to secure this side of the great Canyon?”

  The King replied, “I have been discussing with my military advisers the wisdom of splitting our attack into two prongs. The smaller division could attack from the East which would allow them to secure the great Canyon. But how would you get control of the sacred spring?”

  Daniel explained, “We of the forest have always abandoned the sacred spring during the winter. The ancient volcano it arises from supports no significant life and becomes brutally cold during the winter. If we were to deprive the guards of the alternate water supply they would be forced to leave within a few days. Our people could then collect enough sacred water for a small trade party. With luck they could pass down from the high country before the Southern route becomes impassable.”

  The King asked, “Why can’t the Southern army simply drink the sacred water?”

  Daniel explained, “The sacred water is much too salty and creates an unquenchable thirst. Long ago an artificial stream was created by diverting water from near the top of the volcano. The workers who collect the sacred water are dependent on this stream. It would be possible to temporarily block this freshwater which would force the guards to leave.”

  Heather had been listening and thinking. She said, “We could move up the canyon and secure the trade route as it cro
sses the canyon floor. The traders would be able to move much quicker knowing the route was secure.”

  The King responded, “My princess, you have done enough. It is time you returned to the safety of our palace.” As soon as he had said the words, the King knew they were not the right things to say.

  Heather replied, “Father, I will continue until our babies are safe.” With that she got up and returned to her tent.

  Silence permeated the campfire for several minutes before the King said, “A Father wants to protect his children, is that wrong? I know my daughter doesn’t want to be protected but I fear greatly for her.”

  Daniel spoke up, “Sir, your daughter is a warrior and it can’t be changed. Her plan seems practical. We of the forest would support her.”

  “I will need to think more on this.”

  Daniel waited for a few minutes before saying, “Sir, I would speak with you about another matter?”


  Quietly Daniel said, “I would request your daughter’s hand in marriage.”

  The King looked up and realized everyone else had left the campfire. He asked Daniel, “What does my daughter say to this?”

  “It was she who first put words to the idea. I said we would need your blessing to proceed.”

  “Daniel, I and my people owe you a great deal. The marriage of my daughter to someone from the outside would complicate life, and your problems with the church would mean I’d be essentially losing my daughter and only heir. If it is her choice, do I really have any say in the matter? I must think on this.”

  “I will leave you to your thoughts.” Daniel made the sound of an owl and Jeremy appeared shortly after to carry him back to the tent. As they approach the tent Jeremy tried to pry information from his friend but Daniel remained silent. Jeremy visited for a short while and then departed leaving Daniel and Heather alone.

  Heather asked, “What did my Father say?”

  “Not much.”

  “Daniel of Issip, he must have said something.”

  “Heather of the Northern Palace, I have spoken to your Father but he has requested time to consider my request. We discussed your plan for securing the trade route but again he would like time to think. Your Father is a reasonable man.”

  “You talked for a long time.”

  “We have presented your Father with difficult decisions. Now we must wait. And now I must sleep.”

  Heather lay awake considering her options and tried to imagine the conversation between her Father and Daniel. She woke early and quietly left the tent for her morning ritual. When she returned to the center of the camp, her Father was standing by the campfire. He greeted her, “Good morning, my Princess, and how are you on this beautiful morning?”

  “Good morning, Father, I am doing better each day. How was your sleep?”

  “I slept amazingly well. It was probably all that exercise trying to keep up with your Ben. Are you up for a walk before breakfast?”

  “I would enjoy a short walk.”

  They walked in silence enjoying the crispness of the late fall morning. The King spoke first saying, “Daniel spoke with me last evening. Is it your wish to join with Daniel in marriage?”

  “It is.”

  “You have considered that his problems with the church, means you are accepting banishment from your home?”

  “I wish not to leave you and my home but if I must, I will. The church will probably rescind their judgment anyway.”

  “Those church people tend to be a stubborn lot and I would not expect them to change. My oath requires me to support them and I cannot change my own belief in the sanctity of my oath. If you marry Daniel, you will be giving up your home and your future throne. Are you willing to pay the price?”

  “I am.”

  “Then I will give Daniel my blessing.”

  Heather could barely contain her joy and worked hard to stay focused on her Father’s words. He wanted to know when the wedding would be. Heather responded, “Now! I would have the ceremony here in the mountains while you can be with us.”

  “You’re stepmother and I had been talking in general terms about the party we would have when you wed. Those plans don’t seem to make much sense now. If you would marry now, so be it.”

  Heather turned to her Father and wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him for all she was worth. They finished their walk returning to the campfire. Heather excused herself and almost ran back to her tent. Betty was helping Daniel prepare for the day. Heather began explaining what had occurred and Betty began to squeal with delight. Daniel seem to have trouble following what was going on until Heather said, “We’re going to get married today!”

  “But what if I cannot stand yet?”

  “Then I will marry you sitting down!”

  “I had better speak to Jeremy and the priest about our plans. Who will you have stand up as your wedding maid?”

  “Betty, of course. You’ll have Jeremy stand up as your groomsman?”

  They continued planning their simple ceremony and the whole time Betty giggled and squealed with delight. By the time they had joined their comrades for breakfast everyone already knew their plans. It seemed as if everyone else had already been planning the wedding. Plans were made for an afternoon ceremony. The priest was giving orders as to how he wanted his outdoor chapel laid out. Daniel let the commotion swirl around him and just enjoyed the thought of spending his life with Heather. A little before noon a small caravan arrived carrying casks of wine and foods. Daniel recognized the men as the traders who had carried his powder on their journey. He looked at Jeremy who was gleaming with excitement.

  Jeremy explained, “I figured we were going to have a celebration, so I sent our traders out for supplies.”

  Daniel asked, “What did they trade and where did they trade?”

  One of the traders responded, “There are small villages scattered along the valley floor. They were happy to trade for some of our sacred water. Their lives have been rough because the Southern army keeps confiscating the supplies they need to survive. Being paid for supplies was a welcome change. Seems Sacred water is in short supply and they gave us top value for our supply.”

  The King spoke up, “The Southern army certainly knows you’re here so I suppose trading for supplies doesn’t really change the security situation. I only wish I could have brought more to the party.”

  Heather responded, “Father, your presence here is gift enough.”

  “Tomorrow I must return to my own camp but today we will celebrate. When we have won this war, we will have a real wedding celebration even if it has to be beyond our kingdom’s borders.”

  Daniel changed the course of the conversation by asking, “Why would the sacred water be in short supply? The Southern kingdom has confiscated the entire production from the spring all summer long. It must be doing something with the sacred water.”

  Heather interrupted his line of thought saying, “Daniel of Issip, today we marry, tomorrow we worry.”

  The King chimed in, “Daniel, my son to be, we need to speak more on this but it can wait. You have chosen to marry my daughter and now you must learn the art of marriage which will require you to merge your independence with hers and forge a strong union of the two. Unfortunately this means you need to learn which areas of life each of you will take primary responsibility for. I can assure you that for the wedding ceremony you are better off letting your future wife assume command.”

  Daniel smiled and responded, “I expect much of my life’s decisions will now be directed by your daughter.”

  The King laughed heartily saying, “It is your choice to marry, but from my experience raising her I expect you are right.”

  The priest finally had his outdoor chapel arranged to his liking. The late autumn day was clear but cool with the gentle wind from the north. The chapel was situated a little way from the camp overlooking the valley below them. It was defined by po
les stuck into the ground supporting small ribbons of cloth which fluttered in the breeze. A rock had been positioned with a hollow surface facing up to hold the sacred water for the blessing.

  Heather and Betty had retreated to the tent to prepare themselves for the ceremony. Excited conversation mixed with giggling emanated from the tent. Daniel sat by the campfire enjoying the companionship of his friends and tolerating their ongoing banter. Jeremy as always entertained everyone with his stories. The smells of the feast cooking included the smell of real bread being baked in an improvised stone oven. It had been a longtime since fresh bread was part of their diet. Jeremy said, “Daniel, you should get married more often just so we would have a reason to feast.”

  “I’m not sure Heather of the Northern Palace would agree with you. I think once will be often enough. Our next party should be your wedding feast.”

  Laughing Jeremy said, “I would hope we do not need to wait that long to celebrate again. Let us hope that we’ll soon have a victory celebration.”

  Jeremy helped Daniel wash and dress for the ceremony. Daniel insisted on practicing walking and standing for the ceremony. By leaning on Jeremy he was able to walk a few steps and stand by himself if he concentrated on tensing his abdominal muscles. By forcing as much of his dilute blood up towards his head he was able to control the dizziness. The effort made him perspire but he was able to do it.

  The drumroll signaled the start of the ceremony. Daniel had no idea where they had found hollow logs for the drums. He was concentrating on trying to make his tattered clothes look presentable. They could hear the drone of the priest as he began the ceremony. Jeremy carried him to the side of the makeshift chapel. He could see Betty and Heather on the other side. It seemed the priest was going on for a longtime before the wood flutes began their siren call. Daniel carefully stood up accepting Jeremy’s help automatically. They began walking towards the chapel where they would meet Heather who was entering from the opposite side. Daniel concentrated on each step making sure he kept his blood pressure up. When he finally looked up, Heather stood before him. She was more beautiful than he had ever seen her before. She was wearing a necklace of elaborate beadwork. Her now very short blond hair was crowned in golden leaves and red berries. They stood facing each other as the priest continued his litany. Daniel forced himself to concentrate on keeping his abdomen tense and his breathing under control. He heard in the distance the priest asking who gave the blessing for this marriage.

  The King stepped forward and answered, “As Heather’s father, I give my blessing for this marriage.”

  The priest then asked, “Daniel of Issip, do you accept this woman, Heather of the Northern Palace, to be your wife?”

  “I accept Heather of the Northern Palace, to be my wife and pledge to her my faithfulness and love.”

  The priest asked Heather, “Heather of the Northern Palace, do you accept this man, Daniel of Issip, to be your husband?”

  “I accept Daniel of Issip, to be my husband and pledge to him my faithfulness and love.”

  The priests now had them stand together facing their assembled friends. With Jeremy holding him on one side and Heather on the other side, Daniel relaxed. Unfortunately, he felt the dizziness and blackness began to take hold. He concentrated on squeezing as hard as he could. He was now sweating profusely but he did not blackout. The priest seemed to go on forever. Jeremy and Heather worked together to turn him back towards the priest for the final blessing. Daniel really didn’t hear any of it. He was on the verge of blacking out and it took all of his effort to fight the blackness. He was aware that everyone started cheering. He turned and kissed Heather. It must have been quite a kiss because that is the last thing he remembered as he blacked out.

  Daniel woke sitting in the sloped chair they had built for him next to the campfire. It took a few minutes to become fully aware of the party going on around him. Heather was sitting next to him holding his hand. He squeezed hers; just let her know he was awake again. Jeremy was standing and telling one of his many stories about their previous exploits. Daniel was content to hold Heather’s hand and let the party continue. When Heather leaned over to tell Daniel how happy she was everyone else realized he was now awake. The bantering now began in earnest. Short poems about the kiss that undid the healer from the forest were recited by several of the group.

  Daniel’s strength returned enough that he asked to be heard. He said, “I would toast my bride if I only had something to toast with.” He was quickly provided a cup of wine and everyone else prepared for the first toast. Daniel continued, “A toast, to Heather of the Northern Palace, my wife, a woman of unmatched beauty, and a true warrior.”

  Cheers went up and Heather stood to be recognized. She said, “A toast, to Daniel of Issip, my husband and a true healer.”

  It was now the King’s turn. He stood and said, “A toast, to my children, Daniel and Heather. May they live long, prosper, and provide me with many grandchildren.”

  When Jeremy stood Daniel knew he was in trouble. Jeremy began his toast by saying, “Sir, if you would hope for grandchildren then we must hope that Daniel learns to stay awake for more than a kiss.” After the laughter had settled down he continued, “A toast, to Daniel, the best of friends and his new wife; may they enjoy life together as a part of us.”

  The toasting continued but their limited supply of wine required careful husbandry of the few remaining drops. Finally Daniel said, “If you would wish me to regain my strength, it would be best if the toasting ended and eating began.”

  The first course was a venison soup served in newly carved wooden bowls. The soup had been flavored with small peppercorns the traders had purchased. It was a flavor not unknown to both those of the forest and those of the Northern Kingdom but it was the essence of the Southern Kingdom food spices. Whereas those of the forest would use the spice very sparingly to provide just a hint of flavor, most of the dishes from the Southern Kingdom were heavily laden with the spice. It was a delightful soup eagerly enjoyed by everyone. The serving of fresh bread with the soup filled their senses with a contrast of flavors and textures. It was the beginning of a humble but fitting wedding feast.

  As he was finishing his soup Daniel asked Heather about the necklace of beadwork she was wearing. At the mention of the necklace the King’s interest was also drawn to Heather. Heather fingered the smooth beads as she explained, “It is a gift from the Queen that Betty carried. I’m not sure why she sent it, but it surely is beautiful.”

  The King interjected, “I know that necklace, it was your great-grandmother’s. She would be happy to know you are able to wear it for your wedding. How was the gift sent?”

  Heather turned towards Betty for an explanation. Betty explained, “The Queen gave me a small box and asked me to take it with. I had Elrod carry it for me. My pack was too small. The Queen thought the princess would need it. Did I do wrong?”

  Heather smiled at Betty and said, “No, you didn’t do wrong. I’m glad you brought the present.” Heather asked her father, “Where did your grandmother get this necklace?”

  “When the revolt for separation was won and we of the North established our own kingdom again, an envoy from the forest brought the gift. I was told it had symbolic meaning and my grandmother wore it for celebrations. I’m glad it is yours now.”

  The priest spoke up saying, “The modern scrolls talk about the necklace. It is written that the beads are from before our peoples moved to these lands. It was a great gift.”

  Heather sat fingering the polished beads wondering what the priest meant. She asked, “What do you mean they are from before? Where else could they be from?”

  It was Daniel’s turn to refocus the conversation by saying, “Heather of the Northern Palace, today we wed, tomorrow we wonder!”

  Everyone’s attention was now given to the next course; slow roasted venison with root vegetables served with a type of orange squ
ash. Again it was flavored with the peppercorns and salt. The King commented, “The food is delicious but why so spicy?”

  Jeremy responded, “Sir, this is a celebration to be remembered. Every time anyone of us tastes the peppercorns of the Southern Kingdom we will remember this wedding feast. It may be a humble feast but we mean for everyone to remember it.”

  The King mopped his brow saying, “There is enough heat in your spices to last me for a full year. I’ll remember this celebration well enough.”

  Daniel surprised himself a bit with the amount of food he was able to eat. His strength was definitely improving. He whispered to Heather, “It would seem that marrying you has improved my appetite.”

  Heather whispered back, “Good, because you’re going to need your strength later.”

  Jeremy noticed their whispering and asked, “My friends, what are you talking about?”

  Daniels only response was to feel his face blush which he figured was a good sign. If he had enough blood to blush he was definitely getting better. Betty giggled and Heather changed the subject by asking, “What are we eating next?”

  The next dish was a salad made of small green leaves flavored with some vinegar and the oil of the olive. Daniel asked where the fresh greens were from. One of the traders explained that in the valley floor they were able to grow a fall crop of greens before the hard freezes took hold. The leaves were smaller than a fingernail with only a slight hint of bitterness. Daniel had thought he was pretty full but the light flavor of the salad was enough to allow him to eat his entire share. His grandfather had believed in the healing power of fresh green growth. Thinking of his grandfather caused him to reflect more on this fine old man who had given him so much. When Heather asked him where he was, Daniel responded, “I was thinking of my grandfather and missing him sorely. He would have enjoyed this celebration.”

  Heather squeezed his hand and said, “I would hear more of your grandfather. I too am missing my mother, she would have rejoiced in our marriage.”

  Their thoughts were brought back to the present by a gentle drumroll. The quiet slow beating of the logs became a summons which produced the final course. With elaborate fanfare the wedding cake was brought forth. The mood created by the simple music made the cake more impressive than the reality. Several small loaves had been baked and then stacked together. Honey gathered from a bee tree had then been drizzled over the cake. Many small beeswax candles had been placed in the traditional diamond shape. The glowing cake was presented to Daniel and Heather. Together they cut the first piece of cake and presented it to Heather’s Father as was customary as he had given the blessing for the wedding. After the King had tasted the cake he pronounced it good to eat and a cheer arose from those assembled. A second piece of cake was cut and shared by the new bride and groom. A second cheer arose. Small pieces of the cake were distributed to everyone. It tasted more like sweeten bread than a real cake but to Daniel it was the finest cake he had ever tasted.

  Daniel announced, “I would dance with my bride.” At this command the drums began to beat out the harmony of the traditional wedding dance. The hand carved wood flutes joined in creating a simple but powerful musical sound. Heather looked at Daniel as if to say that he didn’t need to do this but Daniel just smiled back. He looked at Jeremy who came and helped him stand. Heather arose and when Daniel bowed to her she returned his bow. With Jeremy helping to hold him up he took Heather in his arms and began to move slowly to the music. Their dance was slow and somewhat awkward with Jeremy holding Daniel up from behind, but it was their wedding dance. Daniel concentrated hard on fighting the dizziness and enjoyed the moment to its fullest. The effort was becoming overwhelming and he squeezed Heather to let her know that he needed to stop. They stepped apart and with Jeremy’s help he again bowed to his bride who returned the bow. A loud cheer went up as they returned to their seats.

  The call went out for a Father daughter dance. The beat of the music increased as the King arose and bowed towards Heather. She arose and returned his bow. Their dance floor was the soil and their lighting was a simple campfire but their dance was elegant. As they danced slowly around the campfire the King said, “These people of the forest think highly of you.”

  “And I of them.”

  “It is hard for a Father to give his daughter in marriage. I feel good about the man you have chosen. I will miss you terribly but I also wish you all of the happiness in the world.”

  “I too will miss you Father, but my destiny is with Daniel.”

  “I know. Things will work out, they always do. Now return to your husband and let the party continue.” The King escorted his daughter back to Daniel and bowed handing her to him. With tears in his eyes he returned to his own seat as the music continued.

  Jeremy arose and bowed to both Heather and Daniel and asked permission to dance with the bride. Daniel nodded his assent and Heather arose accepting Jeremy’s hand. The music responded with a stronger faster beat and Jeremy guided Heather around the campfire. Jeremy said, “I wish you and Daniel well. He needs a bit of taking care of, but he is definitely worth it. He has been like a brother to me, maybe even more than that a true friend. I’m entrusting you to continue caring for him.”

  Heather was slightly out of breath from the vigorous dance when she responded, “If Daniel was like your brother then I would be now be your sister-in-law and I would expect that you would continue to care for both of us. You will always be welcome in our home. I would not take Daniel from you but rather share our togetherness with you.”

  Jeremy returned Heather to Daniel and then turned to Betty asking, “May I share the wedding dance with you?”

  Giggling, Betty arose and returned his bow. The tall Jeremy made Betty seem even smaller and at times he lifted her way off the ground during his turns. Ben approached Heather, bowed and asked her to dance. He had made it only partway around the campfire before his dance was interrupted by another one of the forest. Daniel was content to sit and watch the festivities. His revelry was interrupted when Betty bowed before him and asked for a dance. He turned up his hands as to say that he wasn’t able but Jeremy stepped up and lifted him to his feet. With Jeremy supporting him from behind; he danced once around the fire with Betty. When they finished a round of applause greeted them. Heather was kept busy dancing with each of the men from the forest. People came and went to maintain their security but everyone was allowed to share in the festivities.

  When Heather was finally allowed to sit, her cheeks glowed in the firelight from the exertion of the dance. Now it was time for the stories. Jeremy asked Daniel to tell how he met Heather. Daniel started to explain in medical terms how he had been asked to evaluate someone ill at the Palace. The King interrupted him and gave his version of first meeting Daniel. He told the group about how sick his daughter was and how his wife had insisted they obtain the opinion of this stranger from the Forest. There was no use arguing so he consented despite the objections of his own physicians. This stranger then tells him that he would cut his daughter open but his own physicians tell him she would die if an operation was performed. How was a Father to decide? His daughter was getting progressively weaker and nearer death. This young man with his funny clothes and strange way of talking insisted that his daughter would die if he did not operate. The King continued, “There was something about Daniel that made me trust him. I consented to the surgery and my choice was obviously correct.”

  Heather continued the story, “I had been ill for some time and in great pain. When I awoke someone was holding my hand. When I asked why he was holding my hand he tried to explain that he was taking my pulse but I knew he was actually holding my hand.”

  Jeremy said, “That would be our Daniel, never missing the opportunity to hold a pretty girl’s hand.” He asked, “Can you tell us about how he destroyed the school building?”

  Daniel sat and quietly observed his friends while the stor
ies went on. When Betty told of his rescue his interest picked up. He never really heard how the rescue was organized. Betty really was a hero. About the time Jeremy got to his portion of the rescue and the famous bear scene he had had enough. He said, “I’m afraid if I have to listen to this story again, I will perish from boredom. I think it is time Heather and I depart.”

  Jeremy looked shocked and said, “There is something else you would rather be doing than listening to my stories?”

  After the laughter had settled down Daniel said, “Yes.”

  As the bantering continued Heather and Betty quietly withdrew to the new tent which had been erected on the edge of the camp. After their preparations were complete Betty returned to the campfire. After she sat down next to Daniel, he said, “Jeremy either you help me to my tent or I will crawl there just to get away from your stories.”

  Jeremy looked deeply wounded and said, “How is it that my dear friend can wound me so?” He did help Daniel to his feet and supported him as they walked to the tent. At the door of the tent he asked, “Are you going to need my help for anything else tonight?”

  Daniel assured him that he was perfectly capable of managing on his own. As Jeremy was leaving, Daniel opened the tent flap and crawled inside. He was greeted by his bride who was seated on the sleeping mat with her face aglow from the light of the candle. Daniel said, “I had imagined that on my wedding night I would have carried my bride over the threshold, instead I must crawl to meet her.”

  Heather responded, “Well, Daniel of Issip, I had envisioned myself sitting combing my long hair that I had just let down for you my husband. Now, I sit before you with almost no hair. But we are together, just as I had dreamed we would someday be.”

  Daniel sat on the mat facing Heather; he reached up and lightly touched her glowing cheeks. Her eyes were filled with happiness and a little anxiety. Daniel noticed a tear forming in the corner of her eyes and gently blotted it with his fingers. He knew the tears were not of sorrow. He leaned forward and gently kissed both eyes. Without saying anything else he turned and blew out the candle.


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