Bride of the Frontier (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 3)

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Bride of the Frontier (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 3) Page 23

by Hayley Faiman

  Not that I think I know better, but I am not going to kill someone because I don’t think they’re controlling people enough and forcing them to bend to my will. I wouldn’t even kill these people, if they hadn’t already proven they are a liability.

  Without a word, I slice the woman’s neck, her blood spraying out all over my entire face and body. The men scream behind her and I turn my head toward Jeremiah. I would have him get the rest of the information and leave the room to get cleaned up, but I can trust no one, not a single person right now.

  “Go to my desk, make notes,” I grunt.

  He dips his chin, then does as I’ve asked. The two men sing like birds. They give me the names of all the Assembly members, the ones who voted for and against this attack. Then they give me the name of the man that they decided would take over in my place, a man they thought was much easier to control and manipulate.

  I thank them before I end their lives. Turning toward Jeremiah, I watch him for a moment. I glance down at the paper, ensuring that he’s made the correct notes, and I inwardly applaud him for not being a traitor himself.

  “You’re attracted to my wife?” I ask.

  Slowly, he lifts his head, his eyes finding mine and widening. I have no doubt that I look terrifying right now. It matters not. I want to finish all of this business today and move on.

  I still have to find the group of rebels and the Assembly members, deal with them, all while ensuring my wife’s safety, what I can’t have is her guard lusting after her.

  “She’s beautiful,” he announces. Nodding my head, I must admit that I agree with him. “I would take her as my own wife if she needed protecting.”

  “Do you feel she does?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “It is clear that you are her match, sir. I would never intentionally attempt to do anything with another man’s wife.”

  “You’ll protect her with your life, always?” I demand.

  “For love of country, for respect of my leader, and for my respect of her as a friend. I would die for her.”

  My lips curve up into a grin. “Let’s hope that it never comes down to that.”

  He nods his head. Then we devise a plan to find these people. Just as we’re discussing this, Logan walks through the door, breathless and wild-eyed. When he sees me, he lets out a sigh of relief.

  “You’re okay.”

  “I am,” I agree.


  “She’s been taken to safety.”

  Though I have not checked on her, Arion is trustworthy and he will guard her with his life. He can also take her places where no human can go, which I know that he will until I am ready for them to return.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I turn toward the door, ready to yell for Ernest to ready my bags, when Logan stomps through the entry. His eyes widen at the sight of me, then they slowly curve up into a grin. He shakes his head once, then a second time.

  “You’ve discovered the plan, I see.” He chuckles. “I knew you would beat them, that you would prevail, you tend to do that quite often.”

  Grinning, I take a step toward him and extend a bloody arm and hand to shake his. He doesn’t even flinch at the sight of the blood that covers my entire body, extending his hand he gives me a shake.

  “You’ll have to fill me in. I only know rumors,” he murmurs.

  “Where have you been?” I ask.

  He jerks his head, then turns around and starts to walk outside. I follow behind him and can’t believe what my eyes see. Hundreds. There are hundreds of men sitting astride their horses, facing me, their eyes all focused forward.

  “Gathering men,” he murmurs as he turns his head to look back at me.

  My lips curve up into a smile at the same time his does as well. “Seems as though these men who have attempted to rebel and fight will never win.”

  Logan laughs. “They will not. All of these men, soldiers like we once were, they have all sworn their fealty to you, Colt.”

  Nodding my head, I bite back the shock and surprise that hundreds if not thousands of men have just sworn their allegiance to me. I don’t feel worthy of it, not in the slightest. There are other men more qualified, but will any other man appreciate it or treat them the way that I will?


  Walking up to Logan, I lift my blood-soaked hand and wrap my fingers around his shoulder as I give him a tug. “Why have you done this?” I ask.

  All I advised was to prepare the troops, I didn’t expect them to be here, surrounding me and ready to fight for me. He turns his head, before looking directly into my eyes. His lips twitch, and he shrugs a shoulder.

  “A statement needed to be made and since these particular members are no longer an issue, all of them will come with us as we head toward the city and their headquarters.”

  “How do you know where I’m headed?” I ask.

  He snorts. “Where else would you be going? You have the blood of your enemies coating your body. They came to your home on the day of your wedding, they disrespected you in more ways than I can count. I know Colton James and he would not accept this, I presume you’re still that man.”

  “No matter my title, I will always be that man.”

  Logan grins. “Gods be damned,” he murmurs.


  With a nod, I take a step backward. Turning to Ernest, who is exactly where I knew he would be, standing almost directly behind me. I grin at him. “Go and tell the general store that we need more supplies, a lot more supplies.”

  Ernest dips his chin in a short nod. “Sir, your wife?” he asks.

  “After I’ve talked to the men and the lions, after I’ve developed a plan for our attack in the city.”

  Ernest opens his mouth, then snaps it closed before he walks past me and heads toward the barn to fetch a horse for his trip into town. I watch him retreat before I turn toward the troops, walk down the stairs, and head toward them.

  The men that fought the battle are weary and worn as they lean, sit, and watch me pass by them. Making my way to the center of the men, I look up at the ones who are leading the new troops and I clear my throat.

  I thank them for their courage, for their tenacity, and for their devoted commitment to this country. I remind them that their duty is not just to protect me, but it is more to protect this country from enemies, no matter where they hail.

  “I’m not a man who minces words. I’m not a man who will pretend that all is well, when clearly it is not. Our enemies were domestic today and they are not all gone, yet. We have a duty against those who plot against us for personal gain. This duty is going to lead us to the members of the Assembly.”

  A hush falls over the crowd at my words. I expect some people to protest or argue with me, but they don’t. Instead, they all lift their arms and cry out their battle cries. Then they chant my name.




  “As long as I am the ruler of Devilrise, I will fight for our land, our people, and the country itself.”

  Another cry erupts all around me. I lift my hand and wave to them as I turn and head out into the desert alone. I don’t tell anyone where I’m going, they needn’t know. I have another group to thank and I cannot do that with all of the men around.

  Are you available and near?

  I don’t know where they are hiding out, but I know that they must be close. There is a moment of silence, then I see them making their way toward me. They are so majestic, their movement’s slow and steady, seemingly harmless as they move toward me.

  We are here. The alpha states.

  I want to thank you for this day. You aided in the victory more than you could ever know. He hums, sitting back and tilting his head to look up at me.

  We did and you are welcome.

  Clearing my throat, I nod my head a couple of times. It could not have happened without you and I thank you for protecting my home, my position, and my wife

  Where is she?

  My lips twitch into a grin. She is safe.

  He stands, turning around and begins to lead the pride of lions away from me. He stops suddenly, turning his head to look back at me.

  She is good. Take care of her and we will remain close if and when we are needed.

  Without another word, they walk away from me, and I watch them. I continue to watch when they disappear in the distance and I stay where I am for much longer than I should. The sun begins to set and when a cool breeze of air washes over me, only then do I turn and make my way back into the house.

  I should reach out to Arion tonight, this is, after all, my wedding night. I don’t. I need this time away from her, not just so that I can ensure her safety, but also so that I can put distance between us.

  The moment I think about distancing myself from her, I get a sharp pain in my middle, it’s so intense that it almost brings me to my knees. Inhaling deeply through my nose, I close my eyes and let the breath out slowly.

  Something is wrong.

  I can feel it.


  Sitting up, I close my eyes and take a full cleansing breath before I slide my legs over the edge of the bed and attempt to stand. The stone flooring is cold, even though there is a fire burning in the room, and I have to tiptoe to the bathroom as quickly as possible.

  Once I’ve taken care of business, washed my hands and face in the small basin, I practically sprint back to bed and crawl between the warm sheets. Just as I’m getting settled again, the bedroom door opens.

  Turning my head, I look over to see Sybilla coming my way with baby Elias. She’s all smiles in her fancy dress and perfectly styled hair.

  “I let you sleep all day yesterday, Birdie.”


  Her nose scrunches and she shakes her head once. “Not today,” she snaps. “We’re having a lunch picnic and we’ll talk while Elias crawls around and eats grass.”

  My eyes widen as I stare at her. “Is that safe?” I whisper-shout. “That grass is purple.”

  She almost giggles from my observation. “It is, both safe and purple. This place is crazy, right? You’ll have to tell me what’s weird where you live.”

  Live. That’s funny. I was a guest, at best. An annoyance, and a burden more like it. I give her a shaky smile and nod my head.

  “I’m sending in some girls with a couple of dresses and shoes, since it didn’t look like you brought luggage?”

  “I didn’t,” I agree.

  “My girls will help, they’re great. I’ll see you in a few?”

  I think about closing my eyes and catching up on much needed sleep. I want to sleep forever, my body still aches and I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I have a feeling nothing good is going to come from this pain.

  Nothing good at all.

  It doesn’t take long for Sybilla’s girls to swoop in, practically toss me from the bed and dress me in a gown that is similar to hers, but not quite as decadent and fancy. It makes sense, Sybilla is the queen.

  The girls guide me down to the main area of the castle and I feel exhausted by the time I reach the foyer. Closing my eyes, I inhale a deep breath, then let it out on a sigh. I’m not even trying, but the sound of Elias’ voice fills my head.

  Spinning around, I look, but he’s nowhere near, I force all other thoughts from my head and concentrate on what he’s saying.

  I’m unsure what to do. My man is still in Devilrise and I need to bring him home, however, do I send Birdie back with Arion to do that?

  Arion can sense the babe. It would not go well to keep her here.

  He is sure. The babe is new, but still very much inside of her body and thriving.

  The prophecy concerns me, I am unsure of what happens when a couple forces themselves apart. I know how I felt away from Sybilla and I can see that same pain and anguish in Birdie’s eyes.

  “Birdie?” a voice calls out.

  I spin around to see Sybilla and one of the women who helped me dress, Jasmine, standing directly across from me.

  “Yes?” I say, clearing my throat.

  “We called your name, you didn’t even twitch. Are you okay?”

  I open my mouth to tell her what I’ve just heard, but I snap my lips closed. A baby. Could it be? I can’t imagine that it’s true. I mean, we’ve had a lot of sex, but I guess I really thought that somehow it couldn’t happen here in this world. At least not between us.

  “I’m okay,” I lie.

  She narrows her gaze on me, dipping her chin in a nod. “Let’s go and have a nice afternoon. You can tell me what’s really bothering you.” Pressing my lips together, she laughs softly. “Or you can try to lie to me again, but I won’t stop until you spill.”

  Rolling my eyes to the ceiling, I wonder why I missed her. I forgot how insistent she can be, then when my gaze meets hers again, I see the worry etched there and I remember why I missed her. I love her, and she cares.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “What do you mean, they’re gone?” I demand.

  “I haven’t been able to locate where the horse or the woman are,” the scout announces.

  Anger and fear bubble up through my chest and throat. Where could she possibly be? And where is that gods damned horse? Grinding my teeth together, I pinch my eyes closed and inhale a deep breath.

  “Thank you,” I grunt.

  Turning my back to the man, I place my fists against the desk and let my head drop. I try to concentrate, to think about Arion and call out to him. Nothing but silence meets my ears. I growl again to myself, then shake my head.

  “Sir?” Earnest calls out.

  Lifting my head, I turn to look at him. “Ernest,” I sigh as I stand up straight and face him.

  He’s watching me, but I’m not sure what is wrong. He doesn’t quite seem himself, then I realize what it is when the women step out from behind him. It’s none other than Bessie Silks and one of her girls.

  I’m sure that I’ve been with this girl, though her face is a blur among many and Bessie is not a welcome sight. She smirks at me, her gaze flicking from side to side, searching for Birdie, no doubt.

  “May I ask as to why you’re standing in my office as if you’ve been invited?” I ask, arching a brow.

  Bessie grins, taking another step inside, then another before she sinks down on the chair in front of me. “I have a proposition for you, Mr. James,” she purrs.

  I have no doubt that she does and I also have no doubt that it comes with some kind of string attached, that string being a tall blonde that is standing as quiet as a mouse in the corner of the room.

  “I’m all ears, Ms. Silks.” I grin as I cross my arms over my chest.

  She adjusts herself in her seat, then clears her throat. “You have at least a thousand men here, correct?”

  I shrug a shoulder, as I don’t quite know exactly how many men are staying on my land. I believe their numbers are in the thousands, but it is honestly not Ms. Silks’ or anyone else’s business.

  “I have a whole bordello full of women, and the men in town, while they’re regulars, I think they’d not only do better out here, but they’d have a lot more fun.”

  “How much would this service cost me?” I ask.

  “They’re soldiers, they have their own coins, do they not?”

  I hum, nodding my head a couple of times. “They do.”

  “All I ask is for a place. I’ll have a couple of tents set up with privacy fabric. The men can come if they wish, the women will be ready and able to provide the best service that a Silks girl can and does provide.”

  Honestly, it’s not a bad idea. Boosting troop morale is huge, and although these men haven’t been here long enough to require a boost, it’s always welcome, as are women of all shapes and sizes.

  “And this woman in the corner? How does she play into all of this?” I recognize her as the one that Bessie tried to set me up with just days ago.

is is where Bessie acts like her normal, usual self. She stands slowly, her lips curving up into a devious grin.

  “This woman has come to me, again, untouched by my men. I’ve made sure no man has touched her. A new dove, and I would like to offer her to you. She would be free of charge, only room and board needed. Yours to keep.”

  “Keep?” I ask.

  Bessie nods her head once, slowly, her gaze never leaving my own. “Keep. I hear you’ve recently been wed and the only other woman I see around this house aside from that old witch woman is your housekeeper and cook, Martha. Doesn’t your wife need a lady’s maid in her position?”

  “You want me to keep a whore, presumably my whore, as my wife’s lady’s maid?”

  Bessie shrugs a shoulder. “You know they do that in other countries, I don’t know why you’re acting as though I’m offering you some illicit service.”

  I inhale a deep breath, then let it out as a sigh. She’s not wrong. They do that in other countries. I’ve heard of the many dalliances that men have, especially world leaders. It wasn’t anything I ever considered nor cared about, considering I was never meant to be a leader and when I was, I had never planned on being married.

  “I’m going to be heading out in a couple of days for possibly months. I can’t take on a woman right now. You can have your traveling bordello here, but I don’t want the girl.”

  Bessie leans forward, her lips curled in almost disgust and I can see that she is not going to relent on this, for whatever reason. I don’t ask her, because I honestly just do not care that much.

  “You’ll take her,” she snaps.

  Flicking my gaze to Ernest, I silently ask his opinion. He raises his brows, giving me one small shake of his head. He doesn’t agree and frankly neither do I, but I also don’t have the inclination to argue with Bessie Silks right now.

  “Fine,” I grind out. “Ernest, have Martha set her up in a room.”


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