An Unexpected Father

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by Marie Ferrarella

  The Fortunes of Texas

  Follow the lives and loves of a wealthy family with a rich history and deep ties in the Lone Star State


  Check in to the Hotel Fortune, the Fortune brothers’ latest venture in cozy Rambling Rose, Texas. They’re scheduled to open on Valentine’s Day, when a suspicious accident damages a balcony—and injures one of the workers! Now the future of the hotel could be in jeopardy. Was the crash an accident—or is something more nefarious going on?

  Charismatic Brady Fortune is perfectly suited to his job as concierge at the Hotel Fortune. And he knows he has caught the attention of his new nanny, Harper Radcliffe. She seems to see the vulnerability beneath his confident swagger. And she’s the only one who can contain the rambunctious twins who are suddenly his. Falling for Harper seems like a really bad idea. Or it could be the best worst thing he ever does...

  THE FORTUNES OF TEXAS: The Hotel Fortune

  Dearest Reader,

  This page is normally devoted to the world that a particular book revolves around, be it one that encompasses a specific limited series or one of the worlds I have been fortunate enough to be allowed to create and write about. However, as I work on attempting to make yet another chapter within the vast Fortune family come to life, right now the actual world around me—not just the country I was lucky enough to emigrate to with my mother and father all those years ago, but the entire world—is struggling to survive as everyone attempts to weather this never-experienced-before storm, praying that the sun will come out, if not tomorrow then in the foreseeable, near future. I truly believe it will and that we will all be the stronger and, possibly, the wiser for it.

  In the meantime, I am doing my part by remaining positive and trying my very best to entertain you by diverting your attention for the short while that it takes to read this book. And in diverting you, I am also succeeding in diverting myself. I see it as a win-win situation.

  As always, I thank you for reading one of my books, and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you someone to love who loves you back.

  One final word in closing. Remember, we’re all in this together and we shall make it into the light—together.

  All my love,

  Marie Ferrarella

  An Unexpected Father

  Marie Ferrarella

  USA TODAY bestselling and RITA® Award–winning author Marie Ferrarella has written more than two hundred and fifty books for Harlequin, some under the name Marie Nicole. Her romances are beloved by fans worldwide. Visit her website,

  Books by Marie Ferrarella

  Harlequin Special Edition

  Forever, Texas

  The Cowboy’s Lesson in Love

  The Lawman’s Romance Lesson

  Her Right-Hand Cowboy

  Matchmaking Mamas

  Engagement for Two

  Adding Up to Family

  Bridesmaid for Hire

  Coming to a Crossroads

  The Fortunes of Texas: The Secret Fortunes

  Fortune’s Second-Chance Cowboy

  The Fortunes of Texas: Rambling Rose

  Fortune’s Greatest Risk

  The Montana Mavericks: The Great Family Roundup

  The Maverick’s Return

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.


  All the Target and Grocery Store Clerks

  Who Came In During the Coronavirus Pandemic

  So We Could Shop and Buy Food

  You Kept Me Sane

  Thank You!



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Excerpt from His Forever Texas Rose by Stella Bagwell


  This had to be a dream, Brady Fortune told himself. A really bad dream.

  No, not a dream, he amended.

  A nightmare.

  And any second now, he was going to wake up and everything would be just the way it was supposed to be. Life would be back to normal.

  But it wasn’t back to normal. It would never be back to normal again.

  Brady felt completely numb, from his stunned, frozen heart, right down to his very toes.

  It took him a moment to realize that he was clutching his outdated cell phone so hard, it was perilously close to being snapped in half.

  Breathe, damn it, Brady. Breathe!

  The simple directive throbbed over and over again in his head. He drew in a deep breath, then let it out. His heart continued racing at an uncontrollable pace. He drew in another deep breath, but that didn’t help either.

  His heart was still pounding like a bass drum.

  “Mr. Fortune? Mr. Fortune, are you still there?” Brady heard a faraway voice on his cell phone asking him. The deep voice corkscrewed its way deep into his consciousness.

  It was the voice of Allen Mayfair, Gord and Gina’s lawyer. The man who had just sent his entire world reeling before it burst into flames.

  “Yes, I’m still here.” Brady heard a voice that sounded a lot like his own answering the lawyer’s question. It took him another couple of moments to realize that the hollow, stunned voice he heard actually belonged to him. Brady tried again. “Yes, I’m still here,” he repeated more firmly.

  “I realize that this must be such a shock to you. I am really sorry to be the bearer of such terrible news, Mr. Fortune,” the lawyer was saying.

  Five minutes ago everything had been fine. And then his phone rang. Mayfair was calling to break the worst possible news to him: that his best friend, Gordon, and Gord’s wife, Gina, had been killed in a horrific motorcycle accident.

  He refused to believe it.

  He had to believe it.

  Brady was realistic enough to know that life was about terrible things happening, terrible things that were hiding in the shadows, ready to just jump out at you at the worst possible time.

  As if there was ever a good time for something like this to happen.

  “No,” the voice on the other end of the call assured him. “They didn’t suffer. It was instantaneous.”

  He knew he should have been comforted by that, but he wasn’t. Wasn’t because he knew he wouldn’t ever hear Gord’s deep voice calling him up to get off your duff because we’ve got things to do and places to see. Never hear his best friend’s oddly high-pitched laugh again when something struck him as being weirdly funny.

  Never see Gord again or do any of the things they had made plans to do ever since they were kids.

  “Mr. Fortune? Did you hear my question?”

  No, he hadn’t. His mind had gone elsewhere. “Wh-what?”

  Brady realized that he had gotten lost in his thoughts again, silently railing at Gord for being such a thoughtless fool as to go riding on a motorcycle like that when he had little kids to think of.

  Little kids who were all alone now.

  “No, I’m sorry. I di
dn’t,” Brady apologized. “Could you repeat what you just said?” He hadn’t a clue as to what the lawyer had just said and he wasn’t up to trying to pretend that he knew.

  Mayfair patiently repeated his question. “I asked how soon you think that you could come by to pick up the twins?”

  “The twins?” Brady repeated numbly, his brain incapable of processing the question or making any sense of it.

  Nothing was making any sense to him anymore.

  “Yes, the twins,” the lawyer repeated, then added in the boys’ names as if that would clear everything up. “Toby and Tyler. Gordon and Gina’s children.”

  “Why would I be picking them up?” Brady wanted to know, confused.

  He wasn’t all that good with kids. Had Gord thought he could somehow comfort the twins if something awful were to happen to him and his wife—which it had, Brady thought angrily. Brady’s eyes stung as he blinked back tears. Gord knew him better than that.

  “Wouldn’t they be better off with one of Gina’s relatives? Or Gord’s parents?” Anyone but him, Brady thought. He was in need of comforting himself. He wasn’t in any position to offer it.

  “Apparently they didn’t think so. As I told you, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson named you as their twins’ legal guardian in their will.”

  “Legal guardian,” Brady repeated. Obviously, he’d missed that part of the conversation.

  “Yes. That means that you are now completely responsible for Toby and Tyler,” the lawyer patiently explained.

  “You mean for now?” Brady asked, trying to get his bearings. This had to be some kind of temporary arrangement until the actual guardian or guardians for the twins could come for them.

  This was all so surreal. His head was still swirling as fragments of thoughts continued to chase one another through his brain.

  “No, permanently,” Mayfair told him. His voice indicated that he was rather confused as to why the man he was speaking to would have thought the arrangement for the twins’ guardianship was only temporary.

  And just like that, with those words, Brady’s whole life was completely and indelibly changed forever.

  Chapter One

  Six months later...

  Looking back, it seemed rather incredible how much time had somehow managed to go by since his friends’ deaths. Six months since he had become an instant father. Six long, grueling, painful months and if anything, Brady felt more lost than ever in this new role he had assumed.

  He hadn’t even had time to properly grieve over the loss of his best friend. The moment he walked in the door from work during the week, not to mention the whole of the entire weekend, Brady was too busy chasing after two overly-energized four-year-olds. Four-year-olds whose batteries never seemed to run down or need even a minimum of recharging.

  From the moment Toby and Tyler opened their eyes—and they opened them really early—until they finally shut them at what seemed like way too late at night, the twins were engaged in nonstop movement.

  Six months ago, at the beginning of this whole exhausting adventure, Brady had thought that someone from either Gord’s family or Gina’s would challenge him for custody of the twins. But it turned out that long before her demise, Gina had become estranged from her family. And while Gord’s parents did care about their twin grandsons, they were an older couple, which was why they ultimately had to pass when it came to assuming custody of the boys. Gord’s mother and father just didn’t have the stamina or the energy to keep up with preschoolers who, Brady had no doubt, were first cousins to that cartoon Road Runner that dashed from one place to another, sometimes in midair.

  Brady couldn’t really blame Gord’s parents. If he could have somehow, in good conscience, found a way to get out of this unexpected guardianship that had been thrust upon him, he definitely would have.

  But with no one left to take in the twins—they would have had to go into foster care, which Brady couldn’t allow—he felt that he owed it to his friend to honor his wishes and keep the boys. Owed it to Gord even though the selfless act might very well ultimately wind up being the death of him.

  He could swear that his hair was turning gray even though he was only twenty-nine.

  If he had to make some sort of a comparison between what he was going through and life in general, he’d have to say that it was like walking into the middle of a war without a weapon or a handbook. Quite honestly, Brady felt that he didn’t have a single clue as to what the rules were when it came to child rearing.

  He didn’t even know which side he was actually supposed to be on.

  Did he side with the kids or did he take a stand? Or was it a little bit of both and if so, how would he know how little and how much?

  He felt totally lost, not to mention outnumbered.

  Until he had begun to spend more time with Toby and Tyler on a regular, far more personal level, Brady had actually believed that most children under the age of seven or eight were innocent and pretty much just mischievous.

  As it turned out, he was the clueless one.

  It took Brady a while, but he finally realized that he was dealing with two adorable, devious little con artists who were out to get away with as much as they possibly could at any given time.

  He was ashamed to acknowledge it now, but because Toby and Tyler had such innocent-looking little faces, they actually had him believing that their parents allowed them to stay up late every single night. Not only that, but they claimed—“innocently” again—that they were allowed to eat whatever they wanted to whenever they wanted.

  What they didn’t want to eat were vegetables or anything that could be viewed as even remotely healthy. Because he had grown up with Gord, who had been just as carefree, wild and unpredictable as his twin sons were now, Brady believed all these wild allegation that the twins were solemnly telling him—at first.

  But then it slowly began to dawn on him that even Gord would have put his foot down at some point. And even if his friend hadn’t, Brady became convinced that his friend’s wife, Gina, would have.

  It was around that time of his awakening that Brady realized that he couldn’t allow things to slide like this any longer. He needed to do something about the situation—and fast—because it was all coming apart at the seams right before his very eyes.

  The beginning of the end happened when his exceedingly patient mother, Catherine, cornered him when he came home from work one night, admittedly late, from the sporting goods store that he managed.

  He knew something was up by the expression on his mother’s face before he even had a chance to close the door behind him.

  “Come here, Brady,” his mother called to him, patting the seat next to her on the sofa.

  Tired from his long day, he crossed to Catherine on leaden feet as an urgent voice in his system cried May-day!

  “You know I love you, don’t you, Brady?” Catherine Fortune asked her son.

  Brady’s heart continued sinking. Opening statements like that didn’t bode well. They only went downhill from there. Still, he tried to console himself, this was his mother he was dealing with.

  He hoped for the best.

  “Y-e-s?” Brady responded, drawing out the word as if doing that could somehow squash any negative message prefaced by that kind of opening statement.

  Brady mentally crossed his fingers.

  “And I wouldn’t hurt you for the world,” the tall, still-quite-handsome woman continued.

  He could feel his heart sinking down even further in his chest.

  “Go on,” Brady said, bracing himself for the worst while desperately praying for the best—or at least not so “worst” if that was at all possible.

  “But I quit,” Catherine declared, informing her son with finality.

  At first, the word—one he had never associated with his mother before now—wouldn’t process.

t?” he asked.

  “Yes, quit,” Catherine repeated, emphatically. “I can’t babysit these little—heaven forgive me—hellions any longer.”

  His mother had never resorted to name calling or damning labels before. This had to be really bad.

  “What happened, Mom?” Brady asked with a soul-weary sigh.

  “They just won’t listen to me,” his mother complained. The whole situation was obviously a source of great pain for her. She didn’t like leaving her son in a lurch like this, but the twins were just too much for her to handle. “And frankly, I’m getting too old for this.”

  “You’re not old, Mom,” Brady protested.

  Catherine immediately cut him short before he could get any further. “Flattery isn’t going to get you anywhere, darling.”

  Brady’s mouth felt dry as he cast about for some sort of a solution that would convince his mother to continue helping out with the twins.

  “How about if I try to get them to promise that they’ll behave?” he asked.

  It was a desperate question asked by a desperate man because he hadn’t a clue how to begin to get either of the twins to behave. If he had, he wouldn’t have needed the help he was asking for.

  Catherine pinned him with a look and summed up the situation neatly. “The only way you could get them to even remotely do that is by nailing the door to their room permanently shut. No, Brady, I’m sorry. It pains me greatly to say this, but my mind is made up.” Rising, Catherine cupped her son’s cheek with sorrowful affection. “I really hate to do this, darling, but I have no choice. Those boys have worn out my soul and you and I know that it’s not going to get any better.”

  Brady felt as if his back was up against the proverbial wall and he had nowhere to turn. “What am I supposed to do, Mom?”

  “Have you thought of sending them to military school?” Catherine Fortune suggested to her son in all seriousness.

  “They’re four, Mom,” Brady pointed out. Because they were such whirlwinds of activity, it was a fact that had a habit of getting lost. “I don’t think a military school would accept them. Besides, I don’t really want their spirits broken—just contained. A lot,” he added with feeling.


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