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Silence Page 10

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  “Yes, me,” I grit out, my mind once again fixating on that human. Acrid jealousy beats through my blood.

  Calamity digs her claws into my chest, body gliding sinuously along mine as she fights to escape me. “I can’t stand you!”

  I blink down at her. “For months you haunt me, driving me to this point, and now you’re done with me?”

  Wrong question. Her face twists with fury, incisors becoming sharper, and she throws all her wait into pushing me back. “Go have one of your little whores in the harem feed off you.” She’s gone in a blur, running by me instead of dematerializing.

  I’m after her in the few seconds it takes me to realize her meaning: word of my sleep-walking visit to the harem must’ve reached her. She believes I’ve yet again slept with another instead of being with her.

  I haven’t so much as fed off another female since having her pussy in my mouth.

  We race past a street market filled with humans. The humans don’t see us at the speed we’re going, but when Calamity runs by a stand filled with scarves, the entire structure shakes as if buffeted by a strong wind.

  The humans jump back, staring over their shoulders for the source of that wind.

  Cursing under my breath, I push my legs harder. She’s going fast enough to become a blur, even to my senses, and I can barely make out her outline.

  Hair flowing wildly behind her, she stares over her shoulder and sees me coming. Her body phases as she tries to flash away, but the amount of concentration needed for the task is more than she can manage.

  More than either one of us can manage.

  She needs to understand that we either find a place to give into each other privately, or these people will become our victims.

  Two vampires tearing through the streets of Bucharest, feeding off everyone in plain sight.

  The heir to our kingdom and its highest-ranking commander.

  “Calamity!” I yell, the repercussions of us losing control hounding me.

  “Stay away from me!” she shouts back, speeding faster.

  We’re approaching the edges of the city, blocks away from where the Băneasa Forest begins. My relief at the fact that she’s heading home is short-lived; neither one of us can step foot in the kingdom like this.

  Her scents all over me and mine is all over her.

  Our features have transformed with blood lust.

  Anyone sees us within yards of the other and they’ll know we caused it in each other.

  And as we leave behind the busy center of the city, the sky above our heads begins to lighten to a gray shade.

  Sunrise is approaching.

  I suck in a harsh breath, my heart racing in panic for her. The red side of the forest, our hidden domain, is the only safe place to catch her.

  With that in mind, I veer left, running in an arch around her, putting every single millenia I have on her to use. As strong as she is due to her combined DNA, as fast as it makes her, I’m still the stronger of the two. Within seconds she’s broken through the line of trees where the plant life becomes red and dark grey, her powerful legs pumping, heels barely touching the ground as she runs.

  Her back’s a graceful arch, the curve of her ass fucking perfect in that leather dress.

  I stop right in her path, watching as the rising sun pierces the protected canopy, bringing to focus the magnitude of her vampiric nature.

  The pale skin. Those fully black eyes. Veins highlighted in a sequence of black and dark red lines. An insane, sick need twisting the beautiful angles of her face.

  Flexing my fingers, I drag my nails along my neck, hissing as hot blood wells to the surface.

  It’s a calculated ploy. If her blood has the power to drive me to my knees with its scent alone, I can only assume mine does the same for her.

  And she hasn’t fed off me yet.

  But she’s fucking about to.

  Calamity screeches to a halt maybe ten yards from me, frantic eyes already locked on my neck.

  I don’t give her time to doubt or try bolting again. In a last burst of speed, I lift her up into my arms.

  She fights me instantly, propelling us towards one of the trees. I take the impact, uncaring that the tree snaps off its roots, collapsing onto another near it. Yanking her by the hair, I shove her mouth onto the bleeding wounds on my neck.

  “Oh gods. I can’t—” Her small fangs slice into me and a shout is ripped from deep in my chest.

  In a second, the world dissolves into waves of pounding pleasure. Calamity curls around me, legs and arms tightening. Her next pull makes my knees weak. I can do nothing but grab onto her, stumbling to regain my equilibrium, my dick pounding with the need to come.

  Growling, sucking, she claws at my t-shirt, my leather jacket. The material is shredded off my body. She eases her bite long enough to readjust herself then strikes again even deeper.

  Falling to my knees, I claw at her own clothing, barely able to see from the sensation of her bite. The colors of the forest coalesce, blurring, as Calamity pushes me back onto the forest floor, her sweet tongue lapping at my blood.

  Within seconds, she’s shredding right through my jeans.

  I have a moment of clarity, her intention blasting through, and then she’s straddling me, still sucking, pulling her dress over her hips.

  No panties underneath. Just that wet, glistening flesh parting for me, seeking my cock.

  I groan her name, lightheaded, the tip of my dick glistening with pre-cum. My numb fingers dig into her thighs. Snarling, she gulps me down some more and reaches between her legs to grab me.

  A blink of an eye; that’s all she gives me before guiding me to her opening. She rears back, bottomless black eyes on mine, her veins bleeding deep red and black along her ivory skin, and eases down on me.

  One wet, tight inch at a time.

  Back bowing, hips rearing off the ground, I shout up towards the sun, head falling back on the ground.

  A rotation of her hips, my length sucked by the most delicious, silky cunt I’ve ever been in, and I’m left a twitching mess, coming against my will. “Holy shit, Calamity!” Crying out, she strikes again, this time impaling the other side of my neck. “Fuck!”

  My female taking nourishment from me.

  My cock filling her with seed.

  Our hearts beating in time, the pulsation nearly breaking my chest wide open.

  Claws dig into my pecs. Her thighs flex on either side of me. Then she’s riding me with every bit of her preternatural speed, ass bouncing in my hands, blending one orgasm into another impending, stronger one.

  It still hasn’t fully registered that I’m inside her, her silky walls milking me, and already she has me on the verge of exploding again. The pleasure builds in my groin, my own thighs flexing with the force. My shaking hands move back her hair, tear off that choker. Like a bullet, it goes flying through the trunks of several trees, the large black diamond acting as a projectile.

  Don’t give a fuck. I’ll either find it for her later or buy her another.

  Moaning, I tug her hair out of the way, baring that luscious artery. It throbs for me to the same beat of her pussy, begging me to bite her.

  To take her in me once more and strengthen her unholy hold on me.

  Lips parting, I deal her my own strike, impaling her thin, fragile-looking neck with my monstrous teeth. Everything spins at my first taste, the world once again blurring into perfect chaos. Feeding off each other. Meeting every drop of her hips with my thrusts. Feeling her dripping both her juices and my cum onto me.

  Hands clawing at her, digging into the plump cheeks of her ass. Frantic undulations, searching, cupping one breast in my palm, playing with her distended nipple.

  “Oh fuck,” she gasps feebly, releasing her bite, every inch of her trembling.

  Sucking another thick, delicious wave of her blood into me, I rear off the floor. The sound of her back impacting the ground causes everything to shake, a slight crater in the shape of her body forming.
r />   My tattooed fingers tear the last of that dress off, lift one leg over my shoulder. I’m still inside her, only the pierced tip, and I spare a second to take the sight of that in.

  Mine. My female. Dangerous thoughts.

  Unstoppable thoughts.

  Her blood dripping down the sides of my beard, I yank her hips off the ground. “Hold onto me, little one. Now.”

  Her claws secure me, her all-black eyes bleeding just a tiny bit of red. Enough to let me see past the darkness of them, to see her pupil dilated within. The black and red veins showing through her skin make her appear as if carved from marble.

  At my first thrust, her breasts jiggle obscenely, proving she’s anything but.

  My head snaps back, a harsh laugh breaking through. How many times have I come already? Twice? Three times? Doesn’t matter. This new angle, how deep she takes me, the way she looks as I feed her my cock, already has me on the brink again.

  I lift her other leg over my shoulder, bending her in half, my fists on the ground on either side of her. “You wanted me? You’re about to fucking get me.”

  “Oh gods.” There’s a hint of trepidation in her gaze, even as her pussy continues to flutter.

  The half-succubus, half-vampire female, afraid of what I’m about to give her.

  No turning back now.

  I split her pussy open with this new angle, stretching it to the limit. Rotating my hips, I groan up towards the sky again, giving her a moment to brace herself.

  She does, clawing me deeper, biting into her lip until her pussy and her blood is all I can smell. I can feel the memory burning itself into my mind, even as I jerk back, muscles tightening.

  That sweet cunt wrapped tight around my cock, I thrust back in with every bit of strength afforded to me by nearly three-thousand-years of battle.

  “Gods, baby, right there!” she screams, arching in my grip, demanding more. “Y-you’re cock. Never felt anything . . . like this . . .”

  “You never will,” I snarl, thrusting faster. “You won’t feel anything other than this for the rest of your immortal life, little girl.” The most perilous statement yet, a promise I shouldn’t be making, yet stopping myself isn’t possible.

  “Deeper. More,” my succubus demands, even though I’ve already given her multiple loads.

  “You’re going to drain me dry, aren’t you?” Blood sweat beading my brow, I lean closer to her, hips thrusting in a blur. “Fuck me and bleed me ‘till there’s nothing left of me.”

  “You have no fucking idea,” she croons, leaning up to lick the blood-tinged sweat off my cheek.

  “Ah, fuck. You’re driving me crazy.” I slam my lips onto hers, sucking up her blood, my own, the taste of our combined arousal and sweat. I’m as deep as I can get into her, pounding her so hard that the ground beneath us is pulverized into sheer dust, and it’s still not enough.

  She’s in me. Around me. On my skin. Sliding around my soul, like a dark, symbiotic infection that I can feel mutating me, killing me.

  Making me want this death despite every bit of my common sense.

  Calamity quivers, gasping, legs tensing over my shoulders.

  About to come.

  I go berserk at that, needing to feel it, needing to see her, hear her, give her everything her succubus-side desires.

  “Holy fuck, Obsidian, I can’t—”

  “Yes you fucking can. You were made for this—for me. Take what you asked for. All of it.”

  Her eyes glimmer with that delirious awe, with pain, seconds before her neck snaps back, her mouth parting on a scream.

  I can’t breathe, trembling all over. Her orgasm yanks me under against my will. I fuck her like the beast she’s turned me into, drowning in this beautiful female. This raw, heady bliss nearly consumes me, morphing into a whole new bout of bloodlust that I’ve never experienced before.

  Lost in the pleasure, flung somewhere beyond the ability of speech, I reclaim my bite on her neck. Her blood rushes into me as if it had been waiting to do so, thick, pulsing waves of dark, powerful wine that finishes shattering whatever was left of me.

  Hips pistoning relentlessly, I fuck her, feed from her, her hoarse, sexy screams fueling the mindfuck. At one point, I realize I’m trying to practically crawl into her, her legs wrapped around me, her hips in my hands. I thrust through the aftershocks, lapping at her neck like a lost, mindless animal.

  Fingers in my hair, she tears me back, lips finding my own. She cups the back of my head, exchanging breaths with me.

  The sun’s high in the sky by the time I can bring myself to move. Clutching her to me, I fall onto my back, the weight of her draped over me. Our breaths saw in and out of our racing chests, loud in the otherwise quiet between us.

  Tightening my arm around her, I bring her closer, loving the way her wet pussy glides along my thigh. She cuddles into me, nearly purring, and something caves in my chest.

  “So . . . are we going back to pretending this isn’t happening?” she finally asks, breaking the silence, and it’s the first time I hear that tone in her voice.

  Uncertain. Almost child-like.


  I did this, I think, hugging her closer. I injured her feelings by denying us. The repercussions of us being together are a loud gong in my mind, a warning that I just don’t feel like heeding right now.

  Later. We’ll deal with everything later.

  “I’m not going to let anyone else have you ever again, Calamity,” I swear solemnly, aware of what the comment entails. The promise behind it. What I’ll have to do and risk to make it happen.

  Calamity raises her head, staring up at me, her eyes normal, her hair a mess over us both, her neck ravaged by my bites. “And you? Do you expect me to share you? Because I’ll tell you right now, Obsidian”—her eyes flash with a menace too old, too deep, to belong in a twenty-one-year-old body—“I’ll kill you and every one of those females. Especially Almira. I won’t care about the consequences you’re so obsessed with.”

  I laugh at her threat, at the fact that I can tell she really, really means it. A testament to how fucked this female has me. “I believe you, succubus.”

  She tenses in my arms. “Wait, you know . . .”

  “Yes. I do. And instead of subjecting me to weeks of withdrawal and the mad dreams that come with it, you should’ve told me right away,” I admonish softly. “You’re the heir to this throne. I swore, at eighteen, to be its staunchest protector. I know your nature is a struggle, and it makes things difficult for you, but we need to work together to manage the fallout.”

  Huffing, she glares down at me, and all I want to do is yank her back to me and kiss her senseless. “You haven’t answered my question.”

  “I’ll kill any male—or female—that comes near you going forward. So trust me when I tell you I understand exactly what you’re saying.” It’s all I can tell her at this moment, with my chest bursting with both fear and this too-powerful, consuming emotion that’s demanding I own this female like no female’s ever been owned before.

  Her expression softens, melting into something that makes the riot in my chest worse. “So you’re saying you’re mine, and I’m yours?”

  Cupping her jaw, I stare into her eyes. “You made it happen, female. I’m done fighting you. You wanted me enslaved? You’ve got it. I just hope we can both deal with what comes with that.”

  Her lips part in a brilliant, pleased smile that steals the last of my breath.

  “Just get over here and kiss me, female. Remind me why I’m about to risk my brother’s wrath to have you.”

  Giggling, she leans down, lips sweetly meeting mine, and she does exactly what I asked her to.

  She reminds me why fighting this is ridiculous.

  This female was meant to be mine.

  Yes, she fucking was. And I’ll annihilate anyone that thinks to take this from me, even if it means becoming an outcast within the very civilization I swore to protect.

  Nothing will get between us no

  The end.

  Through the windows, it seems like the lights in every single room are on, and when a woman appears to answer the door, the far off sounds of a party reach us from inside.

  “Evening.” Her disapproving, judgemental gaze moves over Ruby, taking in her professional business suit. “Can I please have your names to check the guest list?”

  “We’re not here for the event.” I slip out my shield at the same time Ruby brings out hers. “Boston P.D. We need to speak to Mr. or Mrs. DuBois about another event that took place here two nights ago.”

  The housekeeper—or at least I assume she is—seems hesitant to allow us inside.

  “It’s urgent. A guest at that event became the victim of a crime,” I tell her.

  The woman pales and steps aside to grant us entry. “Come in. I’ll see if I can pull Mr. or Mrs. DuBois away from the event. Right this way, please.”

  We’re ushered straight inside a long foyer. The floor beneath our feet has to be some of the shiniest marble I’ve ever seen. Everything about the place screams obscene wealth—the waxed wood details, the stone staircase to my left with its carved, intricate design, the glass divider up ahead that I’m sure leads to the rest of the house.

  A glance at Ruby and I catch her just as lost in the details as I am, but probably for a different reason.

  Loves money, that one. If she doesn’t end up with a cop one day, I’m pretty sure she’ll snag herself a rich husband.

  We follow the housekeeper deeper into the house. Up ahead, beyond a large set of open doors, the sounds of a party leak out into the hall. She heads past it with us not that far behind.

  I cut my eyes in that direction, shocked by the size of the ballroom on the other side of those doors. Pale walls reflect the lighting, casting their glow everywhere. It looks like something out of a French palace with the pale blue, domed ceiling. There has to be at least a hundred and fifty people in there, if not more.

  Too many to try and analyze through right now.

  I begin to turn away, but a flash of glittering light across pale silver catches at the corner of my eye.


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