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Scary Page 12

by J. M. Dabney

  He slapped Tank’s back, when his friend looked up he nodded towards the door. Instantly they placed themselves between Elijah and the room. Nothing was more important than the man behind them. Crave could spot a potential bloodbath so why the fuck he let this group in he’d find out later.

  Studying the rest of the group, another one caught his attention and he knew when Tank realized it because he stiffened beside him. He darted a look at Tank to find his fists clenching and relaxing, the coldness he hadn’t seen in months replaced the warmth of minutes before. Hell had just ridden into town—Ian Jones. What the fuck was that closeted fucker doing here?

  Scary reached back to tap Elijah’s thigh and motioned to Tank. He knew the minute Elijah touched Tank some of the rage faded, but not all of it. Elijah was talking to Tank in a low soothing tone, he couldn’t make it out, although he didn’t think the words mattered. It was the love he sensed in them. Their man loved them and that meant he had to keep himself and Tank out of jail.

  “Nice place you got here, Brawler.”

  He sneered at his old name. “Nicer before your fucking ass walked through the door. A reason you here,” Scary asked.

  Scary didn’t like the look the man was giving Tank. It was a mixture of lust and rage, tinged with a bit of insanity. Ian was always a crazy son of a bitch and believed laws were always flexible. Ian was just stupid enough to think he could pick back up where he and Tank left off before Ian tried to kill him.

  “We’re headed to the East Coast heard about your little bar.”

  The condescending tone couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than disgust. Apparently Ian was still hiding in that closet.

  “Thought I’d stop in and see some old friends. Tank, still breathing I see.”

  Tank started to lunge forward until Scary noticed the arms around his waist.

  “Twitch, get Scary and Tank a pint please and a shot.” Elijah’s voice rose above the conversation and music.

  “Refill on your coffee, Elijah?”

  “Thanks, Twitch.”

  Fingers hooked in his jean loop and he felt the tiny nudge, nothing obvious, he was sure Elijah did the same to Tank. As if in silent agreement they stepped aside, but Elijah didn’t step up to move between them. He stayed where if something went down they could easy shield him again. Elijah instinctively knew what they needed without ever asking or being told.

  Ian’s gaze fell on Elijah and the blatant lust in that look made him what to rip the fucker’s throat out.

  “Doesn’t seem your place would bring in the high-class ass, how much?”

  “Excuse me,” Elijah’s voice went from friendly to pissed.

  “Bend you over, never know the ass I’m plowing—”

  “You can stop right there. I’m sure you’ve as you so eloquently put it plowed plenty of ass knowing it was male. Now, if you want to have a drink with the rest of your friends you’re more than welcome, this is a public place, but don’t piss off my men.”

  Elijah resumed his seat on the stool and Scary almost chuckled at the bored look on his cute face. He watched as Bull, another of his bouncers, stepped up to his right.

  A few quick, discreet hand gestures and he knew Bull had Elijah if Ian and his crew decided to get froggy.

  “Bitch, do you know—”

  “Oh I can safely assume you’re Ian,” Ian’s name came out like a curse.

  He’d paddle Elijah’s ass later, but he was proud his man was standing his ground. He’d only heard Elijah’s voice go that cold and clipped the night of they went to the country club.

  “Telling your boyfriend about me, Tank?”

  He noticed Tank’s snarl and heard the low rumble of a growl. He knew the only reason his best friend hadn’t flattened the bastard yet was that Elijah was in the line of fire. He watched as Elijah tapped Tank’s arm and Tank turned to look down at Elijah.

  Hi, baby-Elijah signed.

  Hey-Tank’s entire focus turned on Elijah.

  Come here—Elijah’s lips pulled into a sexy grin and he gripped the front of Tank’s shirt and gave a tug. Missed you today—Elijah bit his bottom lip.

  A small smile tilted the harsh lines of Tank’s mouth. Elijah was a fucking genius with a death wish. Scary turned away from Tank and Elijah to let them have their moment. The rage in Ian’s eyes amused him.

  The other four men behind Ian sneered, but he could tell they were uncomfortable watching two men close to making out at the bar. His crew could take care of them, but the silent one who hadn’t said a word or made a move stared off into space but every line of his body screamed he was ready for battle at any minute.

  “Do you gotta fucking do—”

  “This is our bar, Elijah and Tank can do what the fuck they want.”

  A strange sense of satisfaction came over him at the widening of Ian’s eyes when Scary felt soft fingertips stroke along his tattooed forearm. He looked at Elijah and loved the fucking smile widening his bite-worthy lips.

  “Yea, baby, ours, don’t get too cocky about it, you’re a silent partner. No high tea or symphonies.” He snorted, actually fucking snorted when Elijah flipped him off. They’d completely corrupted their boy. “You’re asking for punishment.”

  Elijah rolled his eyes and focused his attention back on Tank.

  “Now, have a fucking seat, drink a bit as Elijah suggested, but you make one wrong fucking move and my crew will take y’all out. You’re on our turf and you’ll play by our damn rules.”

  Ian turned and headed for the door, his crew tight on his heels. He knew it was too easy and they hadn’t seen the last of Ian. He just wondered how much trouble that fucker would cause before they got him out of town. That’s when he noticed the huge man hadn’t left, he stood there staring at Tank and Elijah. Some war raged in the dead-eyed gaze.

  He growled loud enough to get the man’s attention. The stranger grunted and strode towards the door. The crowd separated in his wake. He didn’t turn back to Elijah and Tank until he saw them gone.

  “Something we have to keep an eye on, boss,” Bull asked.

  “Yea, let Crave and the rest know. We might have a battle on our hands.”

  “Got it.” The older man walked towards the front exit.

  He assumed Bull was going to talk to Crave to pass on the info. He reached out and slapped Tank’s back.

  “You okay, man?”

  Tank nodded, but he knew it was a fucking lie. The fucker tried to kill Tank to save his ass, nothing about that was okay.

  Someone needs to have Elijah six—Tank’s hands moved with fervor.

  “We’ll take care of it and don’t you argue,” He pointed at Elijah.

  “I do have a modicum of intelligence and that man doesn’t like me very much.”

  “You weren’t helping the cause getting all—”

  “I’m not hiding affection for Tank. I wouldn’t do that to either of you.”

  “We know, but Ian—”

  “He tried to kill Tank.” Elijah’s hands absently stroked Tank’s chest as if to reassure himself that Tank was still there.

  It still amazed him how much Elijah cared—loved them. Even if he hadn’t said the words they both knew how Elijah felt.

  “You won’t have to worry about me for a few days though. I’m staying in Atlanta. I’m spending time with Juvie, Kam and I have some paperwork to fill out to petition for adoption. I also need to have a meeting with her caseworker.”

  “You sure about this?”

  That earned him another eye roll.

  “You knew I was already thinking about it. You told me I was chicken shit because I wouldn’t admit it. Is this going to be—”

  “Shut up, Juvie wouldn’t survive with anyone but us.”

  She is not that bad—Tank was already the little shit’s champion.

  He could already see Tank and Elijah spoiling the future crime boss. It was going to be up to him to keep their prospective daughter out of prison.

  “She is. Let
’s go home and spend some fucking time together before our man abandons us again.”

  “Don’t pout, it’s not attractive on a terrifying man your size.”

  “You love my size.”

  “Never said I didn’t.”

  “I’ll grab our packs and helmets then I’ll be back.”

  Scary left Tank and Elijah wrapped around each other. His mind jumped from the clusterfuck that was Ian’s reappearance and spending time with Elijah. He didn't like the time apart. At least when Elijah was mayor they could see him every day, but now—he wouldn’t be a bastard, this was Elijah’s dream job. One more bonus was they could take care of Ian and figure out his plan before Elijah came home. Why couldn’t shit just be simple and finally go their way? Hadn’t they fucking paid enough penance for past sins? Apparently fucking not. He collected his and Tank’s things so he could hurry back to Elijah, then they could get their man home.


  The trip to Atlanta seemed to speed by, but the one home dragged out forever. Elijah was exhausted. It turned into endless meetings with his lawyer, Juvie’s caseworker who seemed shocked someone wanted to adopt her and everything else which needed done for his job. He’d signed up for the IMPACT training and scheduled an evaluation. Hopefully the process would shorten since he’d already picked Juvie. He was impatient to get her placed with him so he could have his lawyer petition for adoption.

  He and Kam talked at length about whether to tell Juvie or not. It was also her choice whether she wanted to join his family or not, to be honest it was an unconventional one. What if she didn’t want to be his daughter—their daughter?

  He peeked into the rear-view mirror and smiled at Juvie asleep, her head lolled to the side. Kam and Megan wanted to have a date night and Elijah jumped at the chance to have Juvie spend the weekend. They’d come pick her up on Sunday after everyone got back from their usual run.

  It was still early evening, he’d headed out as soon as Juvie got out of school. He could see her excitement about spending time in Powers, but she’d hid it well. He’d also asked about siblings, but they said she was an only child. This weekend they were going to sit down, all four of them and talk about adding her to the family.

  Elijah breathed a sigh of relief as he drove passed the Welcome to Powers sign. They were going to stay at Tank’s for the weekend. He drove straight through town and headed for Brawlers. Almost three days since he’d seen Scary and Tank, phone calls didn’t exactly help. Another half hour and he pulled up to the bar, bikes already lined up in the gravel parking lot. A small group stood nearby, he groaned as he recognized the blond hair. Just great, he stayed in the car and texted Tank he was outside.

  Seconds later the front door open and a wall of sexy walked out. Tank and Scary headed his way, already smiling. He loved to see them happy. It was rare before they started dating and it made him happy that he seemed the cause of it.

  “Why is our girl being lazy already,” Scary asked as he banged on the window.

  A grumpy Juvie growled in the backseat and she raised her hand.

  What was he getting himself into with these three?

  “Don’t even think about it,” Elijah warned as he got out.

  He got a quick kiss from both of them before Scary opened the back door to let Juvie out. Scary swung her up into his arms until they were eye level.

  “Don’t be rude,” Scary growled right back.

  “I didn’t say nothing.”

  “You didn’t have to, I could see the snark wheels turning in that little head of yours.”

  She rubbed her eyes and for a moment she looked cute all sleepy.

  “I see you have a few new regulars.”

  “Don’t get me started.” Scary set Juvie on the hood of the car. “Everyone but Ian and the silent one is grumbling about wanting to move on.”

  “Well, I just wanted to stop by before we headed to Tank’s. We’ll both be asleep by the time you two get home.”

  The kitchen is stocked—Tank leaned back against the car and wrapped his muscled arm around Juvie’s shoulders making the already tiny girl seem smaller.

  He waited for her to try to pull away, but she just put on a bored expression although he almost caught a smile.

  She was born premature and had nearly failed to thrive. Juvie would always be small for her age, but the girl had a Napoleon Complex. She was going to be hell on wheels when she hit her teens which were less than a year away. Oh no, he was going to have a teenage daughter, why couldn’t he have started with the cute years?

  “What, you just got this panicked look on your face?”

  “She’s going to be a teenager,” It was all he said and apparently all he needed to say.

  “Oh fuck—do you—”

  He hushed Scary as Tank chuckled.

  She will be okay—Tank tried to sooth his near mental breakdown.

  “You’re talking about me,” Juvie pouted.

  “Have you been practicing?”

  “Yes, I brought them with me, but can Tank show me this weekend?” Juvie darted a quick glance at Tank, then down at her hands.

  It looked like she was preparing herself for Tank to say no. Tank grunted to get Juvie’s attention and when she looked at him, he placed his hand over his heart.

  “He’s promising to work on your signs.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  He was about to reach out and lift her eyes to his, but caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Suddenly there was a wall of muscle between them and Ian. He stepped up to Juvie and hugged her to his side.

  “This is a private conversation,” Scary snarled.

  “It’s okay, we’re going home in a minute,” He whispered in Juvie’s ear. “Why don’t you get in and buckle up?”

  She only nodded in answer as she hopped off the hood, rushing to the back door. He hated to see her like that—scared.

  “I just wanted to say hi to your boy and the little lady.”

  “Not a fucking chance.”

  He took in the tense line of Tank’s back and shoulders, he stepped up to place his forehead between Tank’s shoulder blades. It was taking everything in Tank not to lose himself in years of rage. Scary didn’t have the horror of a lover trying to kill him tearing at his control, but Tank did. He wanted to make it all go away and maybe one day he would. Although Tank had a very real reminder every time he caught his reflection in a mirror or window.

  “We’re heading out,” He whispered.

  Tank was the first one to turn while Scary watched his back. The big silent man took his face in his calloused hands and leaned down to kiss him.

  “Missed sleeping with you two, y’all are both coming to bed when you get home right?”

  Tank nodded with his mouth still against his. He took in Tank’s features, he’d loved his face since the moment he’d seen him. Lifting his hands he stroked the tips of his fingers along the scar. A shuddered breath fanned his lips and he tilted his chin slightly to brush their mouths once more.

  He felt the reluctance in Tank to retreat, but he turned around to give Scary his turn.

  “Keep the bed warm for us,” Scary whispered seconds before he took his mouth in a rough kiss.

  “Just come home, I’m not getting Juvie up to bail you two out.”

  “Where the fuck is the love?”

  “We’ll add in sickness, and in health and midnight bail hearings to our vows.”

  Scary threw back his head and laughed.

  “We’ll hold you to it.”

  “I must be insane.”

  “Go home, curl up with our girl and relax, we’ll wake you when we get home.”

  “Okay, keep him safe for me,” Elijah ordered.

  “Definitely. You’re kinda scary standing on a bar with a bat.”

  “That was one time and it was to keep you two out of jail,” He rolled his eyes as he backed away.

  “We’ll stay right here until you pull off.”

  He got
into his car and looked back at Juvie.

  “Is something wrong,” She asked in a small voice.

  “No, nothing at all. Tank and Scary are just super protective. Want to go see Tank’s cabin?”

  “The one with the lake?”

  “Yes. Tank said he fixed up the guest room for you.”

  He kept up a steady stream of conversation for the next fifteen minutes it took to get to the turn off for Tank’s place. He took the winding road into the woods. Juvie’s small gasp from the back seat proved she was impressed with their weekend home.

  “What do you think?”

  “I’ve never been in a house that big before. I won’t break anything, I promise.”

  “Tank won’t care, accidents happen, but it better not be his TV, he loves his TV, maybe even more than me. You know how men are.”

  He caught the rolling of her eyes in the rear view and he pulled to a stop in front of the garage. In minutes he had her, their bags and headed towards the house. He opened the door with the key Tank gave him, it was right next to the key to Scary’s house and the one for Brawlers. He quickly stepped inside to deactivate the alarm.

  Juvie was turning in circles taking in the huge great room and the open kitchen. Floor to ceiling glass showed off the woods and lake behind the cabin. She seemed sufficiently impressed.

  “Come on, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping,” He pointed toward the hallway and she skipped ahead of him. “Third door,” He called out as she skidded to a halt and her mouth fell open.

  “The bed is huge, I’m gonna need a ladder.”

  “Scary sleeps here so the bed has to be that big.” He watched her chew on her bottom lip. “What? You can ask me anything, talk to me about whatever you want.”

  “Do you love them?”

  “Yes I do, but I haven’t told them, so shush, our secret for now.”


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